US vs UK

i'm not sure what you mean..
but i'm guessing that's

British English?
American English?


WOW that was so clever that you worked that out.. I was just completely confused as to what she was talking about :haha:

ahhhh i've just thought of one...

i'm afraid it's not US vs UK - but it's AUS vs UK...

but i had a teacher at school who kept calling sellotape, durex...

they're both brand names for adhesive tape/sticky tape..
however, in the UK, durex is a brand name fr condoms!! :rofl:
it had the class in stiches every time she said it, until we had to point it out, after that we had to as a class call it adhesive tape!!!!!!

And that. is. HILARIOUS! :rofl: x
They are the official terms :haha:
The Native American Reservations. It's land given to different Native American tribes all over the country a long time ago. Basically the land is not owned by the U.S, no law enforcement can go on the land except U.S Marshalls and it has to be for something REALLY big. The tribe is allowed to make their own laws and such. Like they don't tax the cigarettes on the res so a lot of people go there to buy them.

Are there many reservations? Do you see many native american people around? My ancestors were american indians!! Little interesting fact about meee heehee I love it. Made me so mad when I studied the history of the american west.. I was like STOP KILLING MY ANCESTORS AND STEALING THEIR LAND!!! :rofl:

I'm quite proud that I started such a successful thread :happydance: This has never happened to me before!! :haha: x

There are quite a few reservations around here, there's about 7 just in my area. Most native americans stay on the reservations as they have every thing they need there so I only really see any the State Fair where they have a really big section selling things and doing dances, it's really cool. Yeah, that's not the proudest time in American history, they were definitely here first and didn't deserve what was done to them.

To be fair though.. it was sort of our fault for moving people over there in the first place lol. Wow just think your people came from our people :D
That is right isn't it? England founded America right?

I feel bad that Australian people started from our criminals :dohh:

Funny how both those places are now well bigger than us! x
depends what you mean by bigger :p

Australia only has about Inhabitans.
Since we were talking about it here I thought I'd share...

WOW! That'll either be really good.. or really REALLY sh** :haha:

u guys say arse we say ass

And you say butt. We say bottom and bum :D

The Native American Reservations. It's land given to different Native American tribes all over the country a long time ago. Basically the land is not owned by the U.S, no law enforcement can go on the land except U.S Marshalls and it has to be for something REALLY big. The tribe is allowed to make their own laws and such. Like they don't tax the cigarettes on the res so a lot of people go there to buy them.

Are there many reservations? Do you see many native american people around? My ancestors were american indians!! Little interesting fact about meee heehee I love it. Made me so mad when I studied the history of the american west.. I was like STOP KILLING MY ANCESTORS AND STEALING THEIR LAND!!! :rofl:

I'm quite proud that I started such a successful thread :happydance: This has never happened to me before!! :haha: x

There are quite a few reservations around here, there's about 7 just in my area. Most native americans stay on the reservations as they have every thing they need there so I only really see any the State Fair where they have a really big section selling things and doing dances, it's really cool. Yeah, that's not the proudest time in American history, they were definitely here first and didn't deserve what was done to them.

To be fair though.. it was sort of our fault for moving people over there in the first place lol. Wow just think your people came from our people :D
That is right isn't it? England founded America right?

I feel bad that Australian people started from our criminals :dohh:

Funny how both those places are now well bigger than us! x
depends what you mean by bigger :p

Australia only has about Inhabitans.

Hmmm I don't think I mean bigger.. but.. like neither country needs us anymore :cry: It's like having children and then they grow up and they wanna be all independant and then you don't have anything left.. we need a new country to nurture :rofl: x
Nurture or invade??? lol

US say bum, we say tramp or homeless guy :thumbup:
It took me a few weeks after joining the forum to figure out what the heck a "pram" was lol :haha:
Well at least you still have a general govenour in NZ and Aus :haha:
Nurture or invade??? lol

US say bum, we say tramp or homeless guy :thumbup:

I mean like a new country.. hmm no one lives at the south pole right? x

Polar bears probably lol I hear it's a bit chilly though :haha:
Oh and if I've already said this blame it on baby brain :haha: But I LOVE the name you have picked out for your LO :)

Heehee I don't mind I like polar bears.. I might launch an expidition! :haha:
Thankyooou :cloud9:

Well at least you still have a general govenour in NZ and Aus :haha:

Yeeeah.. I don't even get it though.. what does it meeean? I know it's all like the commonwealth or something.. and like our queen is their queen but they have a proper prime minister (a woman now I believe?) and.. it's just so confusing!! xxx
i disappeared for 5 minutes and there was like a million pages to catch up on!!

We don't really use the word "proper" here unless speaking of proper grammar or something along those lines. I use it all the time though because of you girls. :haha:

My mom makes fun of me all the time because I'll say things and she'll just shake her head and go, "Talking to your English friends again?" Like the one time I made a comment about her friend's grandson being a "right looker" and then once I called my dad's boss a "proper dickhead" because he didn't pay us when he said he would and screwed us over. :growlmad:

We also don't have Fab ice lollies :( Ellie (trashit) has made me determined to try them!

Oh, and we don't have Eastenders!! :sad2: I have to watch it all online and it's hard to find because I can't watch it on any UK websites because I have an American IP address.

OMG!! how can you not have FAB ice lolly's.. ohh i love love love them and twisters.. !!! i'd send some over, but they're not so good once they've melted.. do they make fridge envelopes?
ohh we say envelopes like N-V-LOW-P-S... and you say it with a different accent and i can't spell it out ahaa!! :)

and that's soo funny, i say right as well like.. "i look like a right pratt" or "i look like a proper idiot" :) but i don't even think twice about things like that normally...

ohh and jade - poor polar bears.. can i invade with youu?! although we better start learning how to build igloo's
and apparently it's like sometimes colder in england than in arctic or antartica...
oh and polar bears live in the arctic and penguins live in the antartic and i know the antartic has people who live there (my grandperants went on holiday there.. lool) - not sure what kinda health service they have though :haha:
I love fabs and twisters!!

Ooo yes please do come. In fact we could get everyone off Bnb to come and it would be like a nice little BnB island.. bit cold for the bubbas but they would have polar bears to cuddle and keep them warm :cloud9: I'd love to try and build an igloo.. I wonder how hard it is :haha: x
i love this thread :lol:! making me giggle <3 I say corrr blimey at the time :haha:
and we have sucha strange way or speaking in england if u think about it!! The accent changes so much from place to place
i'm like a cockney/midlander great :dohh:
This entire thread is hilarious! very entertaining! :rofl:

I learned some new things :haha: and laughed hardest at the "loonies" and "twoonies" in Canada!!!

oh and the "Durex" made me LOL so i had to explain to my husband what's so funny :haha:
21 is the drinking age.
You have to be 19 to buy cigarettes, except on the reservation.
You can drive at 16.
There really isn't an age it's legal for you to have sex. There is an age of consent, which is the age in which you're legally allowed to have sex with someone over the age of 18 but it's different in each state, here it's 17.
You can't legally move out until you're 18 unless your parents give you permission.

hi every1 as some of you know i am not a teen im almost 22 but have been on to a few of the teen threads.... i just noticed this post as i was reading up on some new words for california you can get a permit to drive at 16 with no 1 under 25 in your car...the legal age for sex is 18 not to many people know it but yes there is an age for it and to buy ciggeretts is 18. to get a job here you have to be at least 16 and on a work permit
General gouvernors are the representatives of the queen. Remember Britain also has a prime minister and everything :haha: After all the queen can't always get down the NZ or AUS to see if everything is running smoothly..
this thread soo can't disappearr!! :) hahaha..

i thought of another different thing..
the US pregnancy stuff is completely different, like they see a doctor? and we see a midwife.. not really sure...
but i haven't seen an obgyn thingyyy person the whole way through!! :shrug:
this thread soo can't disappearr!! :) hahaha..

i thought of another different thing..
the US pregnancy stuff is completely different, like they see a doctor? and we see a midwife.. not really sure...
but i haven't seen an obgyn thingyyy person the whole way through!! :shrug:

I've only seen midwifes. Not as common though in the US. :thumbup::thumbup::flower:
yes the US has very strict rules on the pregnancy thing and check up for the most part. alot of the time you can only get U/S on certain weeks unless something could b wrong and you usually have the dr. only come in while you push then there gone.

another thing is i noticed in some other countries they say hire to use something and pay for it daily, we say rent it..... like i need to rent a car for today.
in alot of the newer houses here we have a seperate wash room its not in the kitchen.

hmmm theres a few other things i cant think of now

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