US vs UK

ooooooo where abouts in Kent?? How exciting lol. I'm moving back there too asap! I was born in Maidstone, grew up in Wrotham which is sort of like near Sevenoaks/Brans Hatch :) x

Sorry to go O/T girlys.. just carry on going around this little convo :haha: x

Sorry im not pregnant or anything but im from Maidstone too :)

what school did you go to? x
ohh cool!! :) haha, i wasn't there very long though, i left and movedd lool xx
ooooooo where abouts in Kent?? How exciting lol. I'm moving back there too asap! I was born in Maidstone, grew up in Wrotham which is sort of like near Sevenoaks/Brans Hatch :) x

Sorry to go O/T girlys.. just carry on going around this little convo :haha: x

Sorry im not pregnant or anything but im from Maidstone too :)

Oooo yay :D When I move back there we can go for coffee :haha:
And Alex I'm SO excited for seeing you with our little girls, will be in Bromley a fair bit I'd imagine cos Evie's godparents/mum's best mates live there :happydance:

but round here everyone still has.. i got a few, i'm good with the old cockney..

north and south - mouth
hamstead heath - teeth
jack tar - bar
ruby murry - curry
barnet (barnet fair) - hair
old china (old china plate) - old mate
teapot (teapot lids) - kids

Loool, just a few!! :winkwink:

I call hair barnet sometimes but I didn't even realise it was rhyming slang! That's how cockney I am, I don't even know it :rofl: nah but my dad was well cockney and used the slang all the time so I'm pretty nifty with it too :D
boat race = face
pony & trap = crap
dog & bone = phone
apples & pears = stairs

other cockney things i got from my dad are
'a bit of hows your father?' = sex :haha:
'give us a bell' = telephone me please :haha:
'her indoors' = the mrs
'geezer' = erm.. a man who is cockney lol

i love it lol.

i love this convo and how much its come on since last reading it last night!

I know I went to bed at about midnight and sooo much went on after that! Had to read about 5 pages this morning it was well good :D

i love this convo and how much its come on since last reading it last night!
cockney is associcated with the east end of london thats why in eastenders theyve all got an accent but dont tend to use the ryhming slang otherwise we wouldnt understand a thing going on!

:thumbup: i love cockney - and for some reason i REALLY understand it - maybe it's just because i'm crazy.. not all there ;) hehe..

i always assosicate it with black cab drivers - but they never ever talk like it :dohh:

My dad was a taxi driver in london (private hire though not black cabs) and he was super cockney lol x
In England its a full stop, and in America they say Period,
which for us in England is (the time of the month) or (AF)
LOOOOL! Embo!!! deary me - i couldn't sit through an american english lesson then..

oh yeah me neither jade - so exciting haha!!
i use loads of cockney phrases all the time, without realising..
the one i use the most is probably
but i kinda know they're cockney, i just like saying them..

but i really don't have a cockney accent - i just talk like someone of the BBC news channel :haha:

ahh i had to read the whole thing today...

thought i'd add my two cents (or 12 pages)

anddd ohhhh :) so it's true what they say then ayeee?! :winkwink:

Common slang around here include:

Sup?--What's up?
aight (spelling changes per person, I've noticed.)--All right/ok

I really don't use any of these myself but a few of my friends from New York City talk like that. I also hear that we NYers talk really, really fast. We kinda laugh at people from the South when they talk. It's very sloooooooow. lol America is such a huge country, we have all kinds of differences even state-to-state.
I love saying cor blimey :haha: and I used to like calling people guv'na just for the sake of it lol. But yeah I'm not really cockney anymore, I just sound posh cos it's a mix of south, midlands and grammar school lol. I used to sound SO cockney though!! I have a tape of me when I was 3 singing twinkle twinkle little star and it's like OHMYGOD how can a child be so common?!!
It's like 'twin'all twin'all li'uw staaah, 'ow i wunda wot yoo aahh' :rofl: HAHAHA in life a really high pitched little girls voice :haha: love it.

When I go down to Kent and am around my family lots it comes back really quickly and quite strong so I reckon living down there again it'll be right back to that within a year lol. I don't mind though, I hate people thinking I'm really posh cos like.. I'm really not!

Common slang around here include:

Sup?--What's up?
aight (spelling changes per person, I've noticed.)--All right/ok

I really don't use any of these myself but a few of my friends from New York City talk like that. I also hear that we NYers talk really, really fast. We kinda laugh at people from the South when they talk. It's very sloooooooow. lol America is such a huge country, we have all kinds of differences even state-to-state.

That's funny cuz (because) us people from the south think y'all up north talk slower!! :rofl: I'm from Texas though and we don't call ourselves the "south" like Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi... We areconsidered South/West! Lol

We say:
Ayt- All right
Ain't gonna go- Not going to go.
Sup-What's Up
Peace-Goodbye (More "gangster wannabe" people say that. Lol)
Later- goodbye
C ya- goodbye
Crawdad's are crawfish
Pecan is pronounced Peh-cahn not Pee-can!!! :growlmad:
Fixin' ta go to the store- About to go to the store! Lol

I'll post more when they cme to mind! Lol

And y'all from England.... What in the heck are all those words you are saying!!!??? :rofl: Please translate them to American! I ould see myself using some of them! :rofl:
majm1241--Yeah, same thing here with "peace"...usually accompanied with stupid hand gestures. lol

Also, do you guys have a difference between "gangsta" (informal gangs/type of style) and "gangster" (Usually used to describe The Mob)? It's kind of an unspoken thing that everyone follows.
I love saying cor blimey :haha: and I used to like calling people guv'na just for the sake of it lol. But yeah I'm not really cockney anymore, I just sound posh cos it's a mix of south, midlands and grammar school lol. I used to sound SO cockney though!! I have a tape of me when I was 3 singing twinkle twinkle little star and it's like OHMYGOD how can a child be so common?!!
It's like 'twin'all twin'all li'uw staaah, 'ow i wunda wot yoo aahh' :rofl: HAHAHA in life a really high pitched little girls voice :haha: love it.

When I go down to Kent and am around my family lots it comes back really quickly and quite strong so I reckon living down there again it'll be right back to that within a year lol. I don't mind though, I hate people thinking I'm really posh cos like.. I'm really not!


hahahah, i used to call everyone guv'na :) and lool!! i have quite a posh accent, especially for us rownd ereeeee!! :winkwink:
i used to be like, the queen though hahahahaha!! :)
but i'm not really posh, just normall..


Common slang around here include:

Sup?--What's up?
aight (spelling changes per person, I've noticed.)--All right/ok

I really don't use any of these myself but a few of my friends from New York City talk like that. I also hear that we NYers talk really, really fast. We kinda laugh at people from the South when they talk. It's very sloooooooow. lol America is such a huge country, we have all kinds of differences even state-to-state.

That's funny cuz (because) us people from the south think y'all up north talk slower!! :rofl: I'm from Texas though and we don't call ourselves the "south" like Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi... We areconsidered South/West! Lol

We say:
Ayt- All right
Ain't gonna go- Not going to go.
Sup-What's Up
Peace-Goodbye (More "gangster wannabe" people say that. Lol)
Later- goodbye
C ya- goodbye
Crawdad's are crawfish
Pecan is pronounced Peh-cahn not Pee-can!!! :growlmad:
Fixin' ta go to the store- About to go to the store! Lol

I'll post more when they cme to mind! Lol

And y'all from England.... What in the heck are all those words you are saying!!!??? :rofl: Please translate them to American! I ould see myself using some of them! :rofl:

hahahahaha!! i love amercian kinda language.. especially when i watch films and i'm like oh that's soo cool, i'm gunna start saying thattt!! haha..

what one's you want to knowwww? ohh i quite fancy myself as a slang translator!! :) ahhh this thread is soo funny :rofl:
hahahahhahaha!!! me and my OH werre talking on the phone like 10 seconds ago, and basically the whole conversation was in cockney - i wouldn't have noticed if i didn't have this thread open..

it was like..

"fancy a ruby tonight? dunno, corrrr blimey, do you ever, what you wanna do then? aint got a scooby"

i can't really remember most of it :haha:

ohh and that traslates as
"fancy a curry tonight? don't know, (just a word kind of like a sigh), do you ever know, what do you want to do then? haven't got a clue"

thought that might make someone laugh - although i talk cockney with a posh accent :thumbup:
Haha that was good. Also corr blimey can also sorta be like omg. like 'cor blimey look at that!' (something shocking!)

fugly is an american word i use lol. well i think it's american, i got it off mean girls lol x

oh and southerners call people matey which you just don't get up here x
majm1241--Yeah, same thing here with "peace"...usually accompanied with stupid hand gestures. lol

Also, do you guys have a difference between "gangsta" (informal gangs/type of style) and "gangster" (Usually used to describe The Mob)? It's kind of an unspoken thing that everyone follows.

Yes! They say stuff that is like "That's gangsta!" Meaning your bad attitude is cool! LOL Is that what you mean?

Then we know about Gangsta like the street gangs and gangster is the mob, but rather the wannabes around here use them in that way, I havee no clue! LOL

I love saying cor blimey :haha: and I used to like calling people guv'na just for the sake of it lol. But yeah I'm not really cockney anymore, I just sound posh cos it's a mix of south, midlands and grammar school lol. I used to sound SO cockney though!! I have a tape of me when I was 3 singing twinkle twinkle little star and it's like OHMYGOD how can a child be so common?!!
It's like 'twin'all twin'all li'uw staaah, 'ow i wunda wot yoo aahh' :rofl: HAHAHA in life a really high pitched little girls voice :haha: love it.

When I go down to Kent and am around my family lots it comes back really quickly and quite strong so I reckon living down there again it'll be right back to that within a year lol. I don't mind though, I hate people thinking I'm really posh cos like.. I'm really not!


hahahah, i used to call everyone guv'na :) and lool!! i have quite a posh accent, especially for us rownd ereeeee!! :winkwink:
i used to be like, the queen though hahahahaha!! :)
but i'm not really posh, just normall..


Common slang around here include:

Sup?--What's up?
aight (spelling changes per person, I've noticed.)--All right/ok

I really don't use any of these myself but a few of my friends from New York City talk like that. I also hear that we NYers talk really, really fast. We kinda laugh at people from the South when they talk. It's very sloooooooow. lol America is such a huge country, we have all kinds of differences even state-to-state.

That's funny cuz (because) us people from the south think y'all up north talk slower!! :rofl: I'm from Texas though and we don't call ourselves the "south" like Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi... We areconsidered South/West! Lol

We say:
Ayt- All right
Ain't gonna go- Not going to go.
Sup-What's Up
Peace-Goodbye (More "gangster wannabe" people say that. Lol)
Later- goodbye
C ya- goodbye
Crawdad's are crawfish
Pecan is pronounced Peh-cahn not Pee-can!!! :growlmad:
Fixin' ta go to the store- About to go to the store! Lol

I'll post more when they cme to mind! Lol

And y'all from England.... What in the heck are all those words you are saying!!!??? :rofl: Please translate them to American! I ould see myself using some of them! :rofl:

hahahahaha!! i love amercian kinda language.. especially when i watch films and i'm like oh that's soo cool, i'm gunna start saying thattt!! haha..

what one's you want to knowwww? ohh i quite fancy myself as a slang translator!! :) ahhh this thread is soo funny :rofl:

All of them! :rofl: I'll have to go back and copy and post them! haha:

I Love this thread too! LOL

hahahahhahaha!!! me and my OH werre talking on the phone like 10 seconds ago, and basically the whole conversation was in cockney - i wouldn't have noticed if i didn't have this thread open..

it was like..

"fancy a ruby tonight? dunno, corrrr blimey, do you ever, what you wanna do then? aint got a scooby"

i can't really remember most of it :haha:

ohh and that traslates as
"fancy a curry tonight? don't know, (just a word kind of like a sigh), do you ever know, what do you want to do then? haven't got a clue"

thought that might make someone laugh - although i talk cockney with a posh accent :thumbup:

That is hilarious! When you say stuff like that, I imagine the British films i have seen myself like "My Fair Lady" & "RocknRolla"! Other films to where I look at Mark and he looks at me and we :shrug: cuz we don't know what was just said! :rofl: Like when y'all say "little" you don't even pronounce the "tt" in the word like you say "li-ole"! I think it is neat and wish I had a British accent! :haha:
Haha that was good. Also corr blimey can also sorta be like omg. like 'cor blimey look at that!' (something shocking!)

fugly is an american word i use lol. well i think it's american, i got it off mean girls lol x

oh and southerners call people matey which you just don't get up here x

If I said cor blimey, I would probably get loads of looks of curiosity! LOL

Do you know what Fugly means? :rofl:

Y'all say Mate and we say Friend
I just had to reply. We have meat pies in the south! Now, they are different than English meat pies, which I've also had b/c I'm half Canadian. But, we definitely have meat pies!

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