Valentines Babies, 2013!

Feeling a bit pnd ish. Keep crying. And things keep making me jump.
I thought it was just the news bout my mum, and mostly it is, but today everything seems bleak. My other two are being naughty and I hate it. They won't listen. DH wants to go out this eve, which is fine, but for some reason it made me want to cry.
I feel all pmt ish, like I could cry and get touchy about almost anything.
Keep feeling mildly nervous and sick, my stomach churns like it is super stressed.

This better just be a blue day, I don't have time to be depressed. Just feels like it has been non stop tough stuff to deal with in the last 6 weeks. Most of the time I am ok..but just finding it hard right now. Maybe I will snap out of it soon and things won't be so grim.
Already feeling a bit better for writing this down,,.

Dragon, how is your mood these days? Your fears of pnd passed? Xx
Siera Thank god for negative results..what a relief

womommy -sibling issues, it must have been scary but I can relate DS 7 has been nowhere near babies till now caught him twice sitting ~Brianna and another time holding her upside down..because he was trying to smell he diaper!he just cant handle her and everytime i have to be watching him around her.
and he kisses her every second on the mouth oh that drives me crazy.I know it wont hurt but cant help thinking of all the germs and bugs on him when he is from sch...maybe i am being hormonal!

U are not alone in having a blue day helena...i have had some like that where i just feel overwhelmed and i cant figure out whats wrong with me .I try to console myself by saying that i need to be strong for my babies.Hope its just a phase that come to pass and u will feel better

thanks for the link, i have been thinking of either a rocker or a swing.Looks like i will follow u and buy that one

Dragon maybe yo husband is just tired. I have had DH with Lo on the couch on his chest and she was crying while he was fast asleep.when i asked he said 'crying wont kill her'...yes it doesnt i know !!!

my best part of being a mum so far is the cooing sound when baby is relaxed and 'playing' on her own.she just looks so peaceful and my heart melts.And the smiles while she is fast asleep....(we havent had the real smile yet) cant wait for her smiles when she is awake
Thanks Kim! I understand about germs- I'm soooo paranoid about baby getting germs.

Helena- I'm sure it's just a blue day and everything you've been through lately- I'm sorry things have been so rough! I hope your evening out goes well and it helps you feel a bit better. :hugs:
Kim, forgive my question, but DS 7 is your son who is seven years old, or is it your seventh son? Sorry to be nosy, lol... just totally curious! Either way, he sounds adorable! Kids can be so well-meaning, but it's still scary having them around a newborn.

Helena, you have every right to have a blue day! I hope it passes and that you feel better. :hugs: With all that's going on, be kind to yourself and allow yourself a bad day now and then.

I've been trying SOOOO hard to raise my milk supply that I'm exhausted. I let LO nurse when he wants to, but have to follow it with formula since he's still hungry. I pump about 4 times a day in addition to his feeds, and I'm FINALLY starting to see some improvement. Who knew breastfeeding could be so wonderful, and yet SO hard and full of emotions. One minute I feel like a failure and want to quit, and the next I'm ready to go a few more months... sigh... I hope it gets easier!
Thanks girls, you are probably right.
Sierra, no it was just DH going out, I can't take the boobs away from ?k for more than two hours...yes, we were back to feeding every two hours yesterday!!..
I will buy a pump so I can go out sometimes, but for now I am happy not to, or just have hour long escapes!

Thinking of taking up running if my doc gives me the go ahead next week. I feel all that pounding along outdoors may help me.

Wamommy, you are doing an amazing job keeping up with your breastfeeding! Well done! Xx

Happy British Mothering Sunday!
Happy Mother's Day to you all (from the UK where it's actually Mother's Day today!) :flow:
Wamommy so glad to hear you are getting some improvement! That's wonderful!!!!! Soooo excited for you! I'm also glad to hear it's possible because Camden has been needing formula after his early evening feed lately because he's still hungry. The other feeds he seems to be fine, but in the evening he'll just cry and cry because he wants more. So we've been giving him formula after that one. So I'm trying to pump in the evening more so I build my supply up. Its been frustrating for me- I can't imagine how frustrated you get-- but keep it up!! Its brilliant you're seeing so much progress!

Helena, we're feeding almost every 2 hours during the day too. Nights are more stretched out but the days it seems he eats every 2 hours or even more!
Kiara has it the wrong way around,generally every 3 or 4 hours in the day, every 2 in the night....doh!

Am also wondering about a bottle in ther evening as she just wants to feed all evening long. Am not sure if it is hunger or comfort, probably comfort as I am sure I have plenty of milk, her night time feeds make sure of that.

She is a lot more alert today it seems, and I can feel she may start to grin soon - a couple of times I have been almost sure she almost smiled (while awake) Can't wait :) that could be just what I need!

Gorgeous weather here, 13 or 14 degrees though feels warmer in the sun. Bright sunshine, blue sky. I even took Kiara's hat off briefly yesterday so she could feel the world properly. It is so nice getting her out more, she slept happily in the garden yesterday afternoon while I had a play outdoors with my boys. Felt so great after a long hard winter.
helena--the bottle is magic for us--- puts him right to sleep! It's getting warmer here too--- you playing in the garden with the boys sounds lovely--- I can't wait for proper Spring weather without all of the snow! :)

I can't wait for that smile, either!

Hope today is going better for you! <3
Oh, Helena, playing outside sounds wonderful!!! It's still too cold here, but I think by next month we should be able to take the girls to the park or walk along our favorite route. There's a golf course near our house that's right on the water and has a 3-mile walking loop that I miss terribly. I think it will help with the baby weight too!

Someone please slap me. I've gotten into the horrible habit of calling LO "Buddy" and I hate it! Why do I do it?? LOL Poor guy. DH calls him "Dude" which is equally bad! Do you guys have any nicknames for your babies?
Wamommy, I've caught myself calling him buddy on occasion too! And I don't like it at all! I've been getting a bit better at it though-- and have switched to calling him "Lovey ", which I'm sure he'll hate when he's older :lol: but I like it. :).
Do your little ones have a regular bedtime yet? I would love K to go to bed at 7 ish with her brothers but she seems to have developed at 9.15 ish sleepy time all by herself. Whatever I do she is awake until then, and then conks out. Would like her in bed earlier to have a bit of a child free evening though it must be said....
Kim, forgive my question, but DS 7 is your son who is seven years old, or is it your seventh son? Sorry to be nosy, lol... just totally curious! Either way, he sounds adorable! Kids can be so well-meaning, but it's still scary having them around a newborn.

Wamommy ...LOL couldnt stop my imagnation running away with me as to how I would manage with 7sons:haha:... DS is my son who is seven years.

About names for LO I think you are much better atleast you have nicknames. My son still refers to his sister as 'the baby' and it irritates me
Please add Nicholas -- February 11th :)

Congrats. Dani!! Haven't seen you in a while. I'm so glad to hear that Nicholas came safely into the world :D I've added you!

Helena, My girls don't even have a set bed time, much less the baby!! It's actually been a big fight around here. We've been trying to get the girls on a schedule, but they refuse to go to bed. They just keep coming downstairs over and over, and eventually it's less work just to let them watch Tinkerbell on the tv before going up with us.

As for the baby, he's totally backward. He sleep off and on all day, but mostly from 4-10pm. By the time I go to bed he's ready to party all night! I actually got one 2-hour stretch last night, but generally he only sleeps 30-45 minutes, up for an hour, repeat. It's torture. DH has started taking the baby in the mornings for an hour or 2 so I can get SOME sleep, otherwise I think I might die :dohh:

Kim, ohhhh a son who is 7 makes so much more sense! 7 sons is difficult to imagine... lol
My girls call the baby "brother" or "the boy" lol. I'm not sure why, but I'm trying to break them of it too.
helena, Camden doesn't have a "set" bedtime, yet, but we usually start our bedtime routine (change him, give him a bottle of breast milk, nurse him, put him in his crib) around 8:30 or 9p.m. every evening. He is usually sleeping by 9:30p.m. most nights, but it's not really a science yet. I, too, would like him to have an earlier bedtime so DH and I can have some more time together (we usually go to bed when Camden does because we're so exhausted), but I don't know how to implement an earlier bedtime quite yet. . .because he's usually super fussy before that time. :( I'm going to ask the doctor tomorrow for tips---or at least ask if it's too early to start trying to put him down at a set early bedtime yet.

Do you ladies let your lo wake up by themselves in the night to feed or do you wake them up to feed them? We've been letting Camden sleep as long as he wants---which sometimes is 6 or 7 hours. . but I've read that might not be good for them? He is gaining weight well though!

wamommy, I feel so bad for you with being up so late in the night! :( I feel very fortunate!
Thanks, Sierra! I feel sorry for myself sometimes too, and have to remind myself that this stage is a short one, and sleeplessness won't last forever.

As for feeding, I think it's fine to let him sleep. Your milk supply should be fine by now, so I wouldn't worry. My LO only eats an ounce or so (even bottle) at a time, which is one reason I think he wakes up so much. He's always hungry!

Oh, I meant to tell you, I like "Lovey" a lot!! My LO's middle name (well, one if them... he has 2) is Love. Maybe I should retrain myself to say Lovey instead of Buddy, too! :) Buddy sounds like the family dog, lol.
Thanks wamommy! :) I think it's cute! I didn't know your lo had two middle names! What is the other one? How cool! My DH wouldn't let me have two middle names for Camden--otherwise I would have done two names, too! :)
Thanks wamommy! :) I think it's cute! I didn't know your lo had two middle names! What is the other one? How cool! My DH wouldn't let me have two middle names for Camden--otherwise I would have done two names, too! :)

LO is named after his daddy, who is (his mom's maiden name is Takasawa, she's Japanese) and Dewayne is his Dad's middle name. I didn't want a true "Junior" so we changed it to be :D Since ALL 3 other names are from DH's heritage, I kind of feel especially attached to Love. My daughters' middle names are Hope and Faith, so it all kind of goes together :D

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