Valentines Babies, 2013!

Sierra- I'm sorry about your tests! I hope everything comes back clear on the biopsy. *hugs*

I've started taking fenugreek supplements to increase my milk supply...I've dropped down into the 30oz range now :( That might seem like plenty to most, but it's about half what I need for twins. Right now it's not too terrible, because they're eating between 18 and 22 oz each, and since we have to supplement 25% with formula, I'm making just barely enough...but they're growing fast and will be eating more and more. Since I'm mostly exclusively pumping, and I can't increase the number of pumps per day, my body won't naturally increase the supply as they grow, so I need some help! I'm hoping the fenugreek makes a difference.

What's your favorite thing about being a mom? So far, my favorite thing is the smiles. Whenever I've been gone for a while, either sleeping or at work, and Gunnar hears my voice or sees my face, he smiles. Even if he's asleep, he'll open his eyes when he hears me and give me a big grin. It absolutely melts my heart every time. Lily doesn't smile much yet, at least not on purpose. Mostly just when she has gas! :haha:
Just popping to say hello.Still here baby girl not sleeping much and is colicky!!
Think we may be colicky here too. That or two or three growth spurts in a row. Seems she changed around te time of her due date, so when she was 3 weeks old. Today little Kiara wasnt happy unless asleep or clamped on my boob....if she continues feeding like this - about 4 hours this eve! - I will be most definitely in that bikini by summer!
I have a snoozing baby on my chest. She is growing like a weed. Today at our 1 month check up she weighed 10lb 4.5oz. The jaundice is officially all gone. The doctor did recommend that we start giving her a daily vitamin D supplement since breast milk doesn't contain any.

We have gone out a few times with her. My husband trains at the local dojo on M, W, F so when he wants to show off he bundles us up and takes us with him. The people there understand that I have a "You can touch her feet, but nothing else rule" that our pediatrician recommended. We have also gone to the grocery store and chiropractor with her.

My favorite part so far is watching her sleep with DH. She has also started to make adorable humming noises as she falls to sleep. And I am back in size 4 pants even though I'm 20lb from pre-pregnancy weight. However I did gain nearly 60lbs so I feel good about it.
Dragonfly, I supplement due to low supply too, and have finally come to terms with it! I tried everything, and am still producing only 10-12 ounces a day! :( The way I figure it, something is better than nothing... and the twins are getting a ton!

As for my favorite part of being a Mom, I'd have to say it's watching a little personality reveal itself. Every baby/child is so different that it's SO cool to see them start to become an individual.

Hi, Kim! I'm sorry to hear Brianna is having a rough time :( Hang in there!

Helena, don't dare say the "B" word (bikini)!! I'm not at all ready for that. I can put my own jeans on, but they won't button, lol. I'm still wearing my fave maternity jeans or cute sweat pants or yoga pants. I have to be honest, though, I haven't been trying to lose weight at ALL! DH and I started minding calories just yesterday, so we'll see how long it takes to lose these last 15 pounds.

Kellen, I'm so glad Teagen is doing so well! I've heard that a lot of breastfed babies, especially born in winter or in climates with little sun, need to supplement vitamin D. I'm so glad to hear her jaundice is gone!

My LO id doing well! He still doesn't sleep much during the night, but he's a very mellow baby. He only cries when he's hungry or cold, neither of which is very ofter, since he's constantly eating! We had a SUPER SCARY incident last night though. I was doing the dishes after dinner and DH was wiping down the dinner table. LO was in his pack and play in the kitchen near me, but my back was turned, and so was DH's. I turned around to see my 3-year-old "hugging" LO's legs and trying to pull him out of the pack and play!! I screamed and ran over. DD let go of the baby, who did a somersault and landed on his back inside the pack and play. I HATE to even imagine what would have happened if she'd pulled the baby out onto the hard wood floor. I still feel like I'm going to throw up thinking about it! :( Needless to say, I had a huge talk with DD about never picking up the baby, and tried really hard to not make her feel TOO bad while making sure she understood. She was so sorry... cried and cried... while I snuggled baby and made sure he was ok, all the while telling DD I loved her too, and wasn't "mad at her". UGH... DH's answer to the whole thing was to say, "see why you can't leave them all alone with me? Imagine what would have happened if you weren't here." Sadly, that's a valid point... It was a wake-up call to pay more attention at all times.

Other than that, we're doing great! LOL
Babies are so bendy and resilient wamommy, don't give yourself too much of a hard time. How often do you hear of a baby actually injured by its siblings over loving them? I had a similar incident with my last baby - 2.5 yr brother picked him up. The worst thing I could have done was to shout NO! As then he dropped him. It was only from knee height, but I panicked. H was fine tho.
It is hard wanting the siblings involved but not too physical..

I may have used the B word, but no way am I in my own jeans yet!! Wow, well done!
Hello ladies- my biopsy got bumped up and I actually had it done at the last minute on Tuesday. I've been recovering since then, and am feeling pretty good today. Since it got moved earlier, I should have results today or tomorrow... I'm hoping today I'll hear something.

So glad to hear everyone is doing okay. Dragon- let me know if that works! I'm wondering if my supply is okay.. lo.nurses all of the time, and I try to pump when he isn't nursing, but only get about 3 oz total each time I pump. Is that normal for only pumping once or twice a day in between feedings?

I'm also wondering if Camden is lactose intolerant because he spits up tons after each feed- like the size of his head amounts :( but sometimes there are some feeds that he doesn't spit up at all.. so I'm not sure. Any advice anyone?

Wamommy- id be so scared! So glad he's okay!!
Keeping everything crossed for you, Sierra :hugs: :hugs: Praying for clear results!
Hope u ok Sierra x x

My baby sleeps a lot, but when not asleep she is feeding or crying....
I don't think the fact Camden feeds a lot is a worry unless he isn't gaining weight?'s probably just tasty and comforting.
As for the spit up..some baby's just do. Could be some reflux? You can try Gaviscon for baby's. K also spits up a bit. It comes from way down and sort of squirts out and is really watery..I wonder if this is reflux..I bought Gaviscon after friends saying it did great things, but am having trouble getting her to swallow it. If it was very serious she wouldn't be gaining weight tho. Some babies are jus stick tho..
How do you get your babies to sleep in the evening? k will only doze off if I am next to her, preferably nursing her. I really want to break this habit but not sure how...if I lay her down awake and alone she just screams at the moment :(
Hello ladies- my biopsy got bumped up and I actually had it done at the last minute on Tuesday. I've been recovering since then, and am feeling pretty good today. Since it got moved earlier, I should have results today or tomorrow... I'm hoping today I'll hear something.

So glad to hear everyone is doing okay. Dragon- let me know if that works! I'm wondering if my supply is okay.. lo.nurses all of the time, and I try to pump when he isn't nursing, but only get about 3 oz total each time I pump. Is that normal for only pumping once or twice a day in between feedings?

I'm also wondering if Camden is lactose intolerant because he spits up tons after each feed- like the size of his head amounts :( but sometimes there are some feeds that he doesn't spit up at all.. so I'm not sure. Any advice anyone?

Wamommy- id be so scared! So glad he's okay!!

Hope you get your results and they are good! :hugs:

So far I've been on the fenugreek for 4 full days, and I although I reek of maple syrup :haha:, I haven't seen a noticeable increase in supply...however, I did also get my period on Monday, and that can cause a temporary dip in supply, so maybe that's why. Just my luck that I'm breastfeeding twins, and I get my period back after two months :growlmad:. I think if you can pump 3 oz between feedings, Sierra, your supply is fine.

Both my babies spit up quite a bit after they eat, Gunnar more than Lilja. Their doctor recommended I cut dairy from my diet for a week to see if it helped, but there was no change, and no change when I added it back. Now she has us adding a little rice cereal to Gunnar's formula (he spits up more with the formula than with the breast milk) to help him keep it down. That seems to be helping, in that he doesn't puke up his whole bottle anymore, but he still spits up pretty regularly.

Having a bad day today :(. I woke up with a sore throat, so I decided to take the day off from work to rest and try to ward off whatever it is. So far I've only been able to sleep for about an hour (and it's 5:30pm so I would have been done with work already) because the babies have been screaming and DH has a migraine. He keeps telling me to just go to bed and let him take care of it, but I just can NOT relax when I hear one of my babies screaming their heads off in the other room. He is much more willing to let them cry than I am...when he's feeding one, and the other starts screaming, he'll just let them scream until the other is done eating. I just can't do that, it ties knots in my stomach and makes me feel like a terrible parent.

A little while ago, I was jarred awake by Gunnar screaming (it woke me up even though I was in another room with the door closed and my white noise app running), and came out to find DH asleep 1 foot away from the babies, and Gunnar was crying so hard he was barely taking breaths and tears were streaming down his face. Somehow DH (and Lily, oddly enough) slept peacefully through the frantic shrieking. I worry that things like that happen when I'm at work and one or both of the babies cry themselves to sleep.

Lilja has been crying a lot lately, and we can't figure out what's wrong. She's fed, she's burped, she's changed, but she's unhappy no matter what we do. It doesn't seem like colic, because it doesn't last for hours on end and sometimes she can be soothed, but there are big chunks of time where we're just like "I don't know what else to try!"

Overall I just kind of feel like a bad mother today, I can't keep my kids happy.
Dragon- I understand completely those kind of datys! Camden has some days where he's never happy and it makes me feel so bad! But trust me- you're a good mommy and doing great no matter how it feels! :flower:

Helena, Camden won't fall asleep at night unless he's eating. I usually give him a bottle of breast milk, burp him, then breast feed him until he drifts off. Sometimes he'll open up his eyes when I lay him down in his crib, but he's usually so full he can't stay awake. :lol: I wish I knew how to put him down awake, but he just screams if I do that! Anyone know what the trick is?

Thanks for the reflux advice! Glad my baby isn't the only one!
Oh dragon you aren't a bad mum. These first fr month are hard for us, and baby. As I said, my little girl int happy unless asleep or feeding. Like your two, she doesn't cry for hours, and can done times be soothed ( mostly with milk.,) so it doesn't fit with the colic theory, but still...I think she has a touch of colic. Not fully blown screaming th house down colic but some. Life is hard for a baby. Pooping laying down is hard, the desire to be cuddled all day, trying to control those wiggly hand and arms, the need for milk RIGHT NOW! Etc etc.
My first was like this, my second chilled and content. But neither were actively happy until a bit older. Once chubbier and more developed.
Crying wont hurt them. You are meeting their needs, that's all we can do now. It's a pretty thankless job until they are a bit older and grinning and giggling at kicking with joy.
And your husband is like mine. I am feeding K in bed right now, she was just screaming and he sleeps on!...
Your husband is just tired, maybe he needs a break, migraines can be caused by tiredness, that's when I get mine. any chance anyone can help for a couple of hours?..
Gt well soon both of u x
Sierra, u say Camden wants to feed all the time? Did you try a pacifier?may be he just needs to suck? My baby is a big sucker!
Hoping u got your results and they were good xxx
It's not cancer!!!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!!! They think it might be mastitis although I don't have any symptoms. They're going to call later and let me know what they find, but they did let me know that it's NOT. cancer! I'm so relieved! Thanks for your thoughts and prayers ladies!

Helena, yes he eats all of the time! We use a pacifier (he loves to suck!) But After a while he gets made at that and wants food! It's unbelievable! And soooo hard to feed all day!
Yay!! I'm so happy you got negative results, Sierra! I'm so relieved, so I can't even imagine how relieved you must feel!
Congratulations Sierra! You must be so happy, enjoy the weekend!! xxxxx
woohooo!!!!! So glad, Sierra!!! Phew! I'll bet you're over the moon!

:yipee: :yipee:

Ws just given a second (or third?) hand one of these. Brilliant, just brilliant. After about 6 swings K dozed off. Happy and not in my arms, brilliant!!
Thanks ladies! Im thrilled! Such good news! :).

That's awesome Helena!! We have one but Camden has to be asleep before he's put in it- otherwise he cries :( you're so lucky she'll fall asleep in it! Hooray for free arms! :)

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