Valentines Babies, 2013!

Jo - How exciting that you finally get to bring Miss Olivia home. Congrats! I remember how excited I was the day before Teagen was released from the NICU.

Dragon - That sounds scary. I would stay away from Google at all costs. I hope it turns out to be an easily fixed problem.

We finally have the latching part of breastfeeding down pat. Teagen is now able to pull my introverted nipple out without the breast shield. It makes it sooo much easier. I've been slathering lanolin on my nipples and that seems to help. Today she is eating so much better. Given, I have a migraine so I've mostly had her in the bed with me. DH came home early from work and is now amusing the baby while I eat a late lunch. My normal monthly migraines went away after the first trimester and I was hoping that they would stay gone... I guess not.

Last night she slept for 6 hours straight. I was up every hour checking on her, but she was snoozing away. I feel super blessed that I have a champion sleeper at night. After 1pm though she is up and awake until 10 or 11pm. I'm rather okay with having an active afternoon baby and a sleeping nighttime baby.
What a great pic, Helena! What beautiful kids :)

My LO has had a super stuffy nose, too. I've found the morning is especially bad. I spray saline up one nostril at a time, massage his nose a bit, then suck it out with the bulb syringe. I usually get a rather large booger or a long stingy snot :( sorry, tmi... lol Once it's out he is SO happy, though!

Sierra, I feel so fumbly nursing in public. The two older kids also know that once baby is latched I'm stuck and they stop obeying completely! I usually pump at home or fix a formula bottle for trips out. It's so much easier, since DH can feed him if need be. I have seen some breastfeeding covers that are gorgeous, though! I'd give one of those a try, or what Helena suggested sounds good.

I hope you're all having a great weekend!
I'm feeling down. Apparently my dad isn't doing too good. Seems the strain of the cancers treatment on my mum is taking its toll on him. He is down. It is so hard for me to not go and see them, but I really don't feel comfortable leaving Kiara for longer than an hour or to. The idea of flying to mother country for a couple of days doesn't sit well ith me, even if I put her on formula.
Eerone understands the baby needs me, but I really wish I could come and try and ease the burden and cheer people up a bit.
It's so unfair this all happened at the same time.
More positively Kiara had a much better night. She fed maybe 3 or 4 times instead of 2 but each time was short and she went to sleep right after instead of being awake for an hour or more post feed. I feel better. I decided to try and not change her diaper at all, and to much reduce winding her - both of these seem to wake her up too much. And i decided that if she co sleeps sometimes so we all get sleep its ok for now. And it all worked. She was a bit selly by morning, but no leaks or sore bottom (pampers are great!). And I only winded her a bit, but that worked it ok too. She had a lot more wind from the other end I noticed, so I guess the air passed through her, but she didnt wake in pain or anything. She slept in our bed between two feeds, so maybe for 2 hours, when we both fell asleep mid feed laying down, but then she happily let me put her back in her cot where she fell asleep relatively easily. She seemed extra relaxed after her extra closeness to me. It's clear she sleeps best right next to me.
I was feeling drained before, breastfeeding, lack f sleep, two other children, the stress of my family issues back in the was all too much. So now I am relaxed my rules on co sleeping and burping etc for a while just to survive and to be happy.
I was keen to never co sleep after my first co slept for six months and was a difficult sleeper for two years...I didn't sleep with my second and he has always slept great. But I realize that every baby is different and my tactics need to be adaptable :)
We're co-sleeping Helena, I'm just doing what I need to do to get through at the moment. It's still such early days xx
We split our sleeping 50/50 with co-sleeping and the bassinet. It is right next to our bed so I can literally touch her while I'm sleeping if need be. In the mornings (around 5am after our second feed) I normally let her stay in bed with us. DH is fond of snuggling her and puts her in the crook of his arm and then they both pass out. Any daytime naps are mandatory co-sleeping as she will scream unless close to another person.

Since she is sleeping now I think I will go take a nap...
Oh, Helena, I'm sorry things are rough
:( I'm glad you're giving yourself permission to do whatever works right now!

I WISH I could cosleep with the new baby. I didn't cosleep at all with DD#1m but then found DD#2 would only sleep if she was in bed with me... Despite my very best efforts DD#2 STILL sleeps in my bed :dohh: It wouldn't be safe to bring the baby in right now, with a thrashing toddler. If that weren't the case I would SO cosleep again. I think I would get a lot more sleep!! I was so desperate the other night that I almost moved with LO to the floor so we could both rest, lol.
Cn you not squeeze other bed in anywhere wamommy? Let DH sleep with toddler and you take they baby in with you?!
It is tricky - both my boys have been asking to get in with us at various times since baby was born and I can't let them in case baby joins us..I would so love a spare bed in the baby's room!
DH actually moved to the spare room so that baby won't wake HIM up in the night.... :ninja: :ninja: I put a toddler bed in my room thinking my 3-year-old would be ok sleeping in it as long as it was in the same room, but she refuses :(

For now, baby is in a pack and play next to my bed so that I can just grab him for feedings or cuddles during the night. I have a new goal!! This week I will try everything to get DD in her own bed. I will bribe! lol... anything to get some sleep. I don't think I've slept more than an hour straight in a month!
Oh I feel for you!!...bribery is definitely the way! It works.

Good luck x

Or get DH back in and you and baby take the spare room! Least that way he still avoids baby...but gets a 3 year old!...sounds very unfair to get both..
Right now my husband has the job of seeing to both boys if they call in the night while I see to baby a night.
It doesn't bother me not to take the twins out...we don't really go anywhere, anyway. I go to work during the week, and I go grocery shopping on Sundays, and that's about it. I would like for DH's family too meet them, but it will have to wait a bit longer. I think we'll take them it for the first time on Easter to see the family.

As for sleep, its almost impossible to co-sleep safely with twins in a queen size bed. We have the babies in a pack and play in the living room. DH gets up with them in the night so I can be rested for work (I still end up getting up at least once because I hear them crying), except on Friday nights when I help with night feeds. When they start sleeping in longer stretches, we'll move them into their crib in our bedroom. Once in a while DH will bring one of them in to sleep with me for an hour if he's afraid they'll wake up while he's feeding the other. They will often sleep longer with me than in their bassinet.
Easter sounds like a good time to take the twins to see dh's family.

I will only bring lo in our bed on weekends in the morning or an occasional weekday morning if I didn't get much sleep the night before.

Yesterday was our first venture out as a family that wasn't a doctor appt. We went to the mall for two hours and Camden slept the whole time in his stroller. It was heaven to get out and feel like a real person again!!

Today once the office opens- it's 1am here right now- I have a meeting for work so have to bring Camden with me. Work is awesome and has arranged for someone to watch him in the office while I'm in the meeting but I'm so paranoid! It'll be super short but it's hard nonetheless to trust my baby to someone else- even a well experienced babysitter! I'm also worried how I'm going to get him out of the house that early- we're usually nursing on the couch at that time! My plan is to get myself ready around 5:30 after he finishes a feed- or around there- then when I'm ready, dress and feed him tons to hopefully keep him pretty content the whole time. I'm so nervous about him screaming in the office and upsetting the boss! I don't want anything to ruin the system of working from home and bringing him in for meetings! Oh I do hope everything goes well!
Sierra - try to relax about it as then Camden will also relax. If you are up right and worried, he'll sense that so stay chilled :thumbup: and good luck!
People must expect him to cry Sierra, he is a baby. No one would expect him to be quiet all the time.

Enjoy xx
Thanks ladies! Besides some crying and a massive diaper blowout- he did okay lol. The office loved him so that made me feel good!

My ultrasound results came back suspicious, so I have to have a biopsy on Thursday. :( they aren't sure if it's cancerous or not until the biopsy results come back next Monday. I'm scared and worried. It doesn't look good :( I'm trying to hold my head up and stay positive since I don't know for sure... but its so hard ! :(
Sierra, I'm so glad your meeting went well, but so sorry about your tests :( I can't imagine how scary it is! I know it's impossible to do, but try to carry on like everything will be fine! My Mom tells me something that always helps... she says not to worry... to save that energy in CASE you need it later. That always helps me a bit. Easier said than done, i know! A million :hugs:
Oh Sierrra.
Be extra grateful for your little one today - I have been so super grateful for my children since finding out about my mums illness as they keep me so busy it really kes stop me from thinking about it sometimes and that is a great thing. Keep busy with him, show him off, deal with those diaper blow outs. I find thinking positive to be very hard. But thinking later or not thinking is my coping mechanism when things get tough. A little bit of head in the sand maybe, more more just keeping busy. That and allowing myself a good cry when I feel life is too tough. Cancer is horrible, even the threat of it. So allow yourself a Cry then get busy with that gorgeous boy of yours. Children are great in times of crisis - they make us move on a d be normal.

Thanks ladies- I'm so thankful that Camden keeps me so busy- it really has left me little time to worry about it. I snuggled him most all day yesterday.. didn't want to put him down. I love him so very much!

Not sure what's going on lately with all of the bad news, but I got a call from my mum last night saying my 18 month neice was almost abducted last night! It was so scary! Apparently my sister and a.friend were having lunch, and while my sister was paying, her friend was watching my.niece then my niece started running from her and in that instant an older man picked her up and started putting her in his car in an instant! My sister was able to get my niece back but is.obviously still shaken up about it! The police are working on it and believe the man has some mental problems... it shook up our family and made me hug my baby closer. :(
Oh god how horrific!!!
Am not liking the start to 2013... Birth of beautiful babies aside. Lots of scary times.

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