Valentines Babies, 2013!

Typically Teagen stays in whatever clean outfit she was in for the day for bedtime unless we do a bath; then I put her in clean jammies. When she is sleepy tummy time is out, she actually prefers her side, but we always sleep her on her back if she is in her own bed. If I co-sleep with her for naps I will turn her on her side.

The past two days she had been super fussy in the evenings. Today we went to the chiropractor and her axis (the bone the skull sits on) was off kilter. So the doctor adjusted her and I am hoping she will be less fussy tonight. I also think she is going through a bit of a growth spurt. I feel bad for DH because she screams for me whenever he tries to comfort her.
Kiara went down to bed at 8.30. I am amazed. I managed to cook dinner, am astounded! Hoping this wont mean the day will start at 5am....

Wow, hope the chiropractor has made a difference Kellen, let us know how it goes.

Oh I am worried about Kiara and her blankets now, she likes it wrapped around her so it is almost like a swaddle but looser...and high at the back of her head. very cosy but not entirely safe. May swap to a sleeping bag as of tomorrow!..
I still swaddle Camden. He won't sleep long without a swaddle. I'll probably switch to a sleep sack in the next month. . .

I'm still struggling with naps. The lactose-free is helping him a bit (we can at least get one nap a day now), but other than that, he won't nap unless in my arms! Anyone else have to hold their baby to nap? Any tips on how to get him to nap on his own? He can be dead asleep and as soon as I put him down, he's screaming like crazy. Sometimes I can soothe him with a pacifier, and he *might* drift off to sleep. . but usually I'm running back and forth to his swing/pack in play (wherever he is napping) to put the pacifier in or pick him up because he's inconsolable. :(
The only thing that works for us is putting them on their tummies. It happens a LOT with Lily especially that she is so tired, but she's just fighting sleep. Bouncy seat, swing, on her back in the crib...nothing works. Most of the time even holding her and rocking her doesn't work when she's overtired. So I flip her over on her belly, give her a pacifier, help her move her hand up to hold the pacifier in, and within minutes she's out like a light.

Gunnar usually naps beautifully and goes to sleep without protest. He only cries when he's in pain or hungry. He's such a good baby.
So much to catch up on.Glad to hear babies are doing well.Kiara is gorgeous and Max is soooo handsome!!!
We have reduced poo as well but when it comes its an explosion!!! and its all over her clothes and the car seat ha ha.
Brianna is also showing some personality traits.She gave the ladies in church angry eyebrows!!She now does what DH calls 'punctuated crying' with loads of ooohs and aaahs when she is just looking for attention

We dont do Pjs on a daily basis. just the days when she has been in dresses and some dressing which has buttons and would not allow for easy access on diaper change when i am half asleep in the night then I need to change her at bedtime

I admire you all with bed time schedules ...we dont have any!! her time table is very random one day she can sleep at 11pm and the next one she will be awake till 2 am!!

about tummy sleeping i do it.she can turn her head if she is in an uncomfortable position.Its the only position that i can get her to sleep without waking up every 10 min.I am trying to make her sleep on her sides .see how it goes

anyone else have had the first jab.Brianna had hers and the poor soul screamed .....I couldnt help shed a tear seeing her in so much pain.She was fussy after abt 3 hrs gave her paracetamol and she was fine.
we did miss our 'Brianna best moment' which is when I 'stand' her on my lap and she stand upright with her head stable for a few seconds or so before she wiggles...

she still cant stand but is back to her normal self dishing out the smiles!!!
Kim, so glad Brianna is doing well! She sounds like a character, with the "angry brows" :rofl: I can picture it!

Has anyone else encountered cradle cap? Max had what looked like dandruff, so I peeked at his scalp. It's scaly in spots, and has white stuff that comes off in flakes if you scratch at it (softly, obviously :haha:) Is there a magic cure? I tried baby oil and rubbing softly with a wash cloth, but it's still there! I'm so self-conscious about it. With Max's dark hair it's really obvious, and I'm afraid people will think I don't wash him properly!

Tomorrow morning is our 2-month checkup. I am totally ashamed to admit I completely FORGOT our appointment last week and had to call and reschedule. I felt like such a bad mom, lol. Ah well, our 2-month checkup became a 9-week appointment... no biggie.

My oldest DD turned 5 on Friday! We've been celebrating and I've been quietly a bit sad! I remember her birth and baby days like it was yesterday. She's so beautiful, smart, funny and outgoing. I'm so very proud of her. I'm just afraid of her growing up too fast! It makes me want to soak up every moment of little Max's sleepless nights, because before I know it he'll be throwing a bowling ball down the alley with his group of friends on his 5th birthday, and I'll be sitting...watching... wondering where the years went. Sigh... Sorry! Sappy moment over. :blush:
Wamommy, no magic cure but you can get cream from the docs or the best thing is olive oil (not extra virgin, just bog standard olive oil) it has helped with Olivia's dry skin and cradle cap. It's very good. Just dab it on with cotton wool, or your finger.

I've been told not to use the baby products on her yet as they are a bit harsh. She had a bit of dry skin on her forehead and eyebrows and DH wiped it with a baby wipe. It went awful and sore and dry and I tried baby oil and it made it worse. So I asked a few people on here and they advised olive oil. It cleared her face up after a week and she's now got cradle cap which I am using it on.
Camden has had a few flakes but nothing really bad- I.can usually just pick it out of his hair, then we're good. I see where it's scaly in spots, but I just try not to touch it. My doctor said only bathe him once a week (but wash his face and hands a bit more often and obviously clean his bum well at every change. ) my younger sister swears by olive oil- massage it into their scalp, then shampoo it out really well. Apparently it's supposed to take care of it completely. I haven't tried it yet but it's worth a try!
I was also told to put a drop of olive oil in the water when we bath her because bathing can dry their skin out. Prob why you were told to only bath once a week Sierra. We don't bath O too much. Babies don't really get dirty. But I do wash her hair more than I bath her because it does get greasy where there is so much of it and everyone strokes her head a lot!
I wash Camden's hair more often for the same reason- it gets greasy because everyone strokes it-- me included! Olive oil in the bath sounds like a good idea.I have been putting lotion on him after his baths but for some reason he hates lotion and cries and cries.. maybe the olive oil would be a better moisturizer him.
Teagen had terrible cradle cap. We use coconut oil and it has helped immensely. We started using it when we came home from the NICU because the tape from the IV had chapped her poor little hands. Now we use it for baby massages. I like it because it smells good and if she sticks her hands in her mouth it will a) taste good and b) be non-harmful.

We have discovered the secret to sleeping at bedtime... nursing while laying down. Basically we lay facing each other, she nurses, falls asleep, naturally unlatches and stays asleep. Last night she fell asleep at 10:30 (30 earlier than normal) and didn't stir until 4:30. We moved her from the bed to her bed at midnight after we had grown up time and packed a few boxes. At 4:30 I has DH grab her before she fully awoke. She ate for 15 minutes and never woke up and slept until 7:30. We nursed laying down and DH wanted to snuggle her until she woke up at 9:30.

What is everyone's favorite piece of baby equipment? Ours by far is the swing.
Gunnar has some cradle cap, plus some scaly patches on his forehead...I guess baby eczema? We exfoliate with a soft washcloth in the bath once a week, then use Aquaphor healing ointment on it every day. It seems to help a lot on his forehead, but not much on his scalp. I think we will try coconut oil!

I'm jealous of your LOs beautiful hair, Jo! I have two little baldy beans. They have such fine light hair that you can hardly see it. It runs in my little sister (whom Lilja is the spitting image of) was essentially bald until she was two.

Gunnar laughed for the first time this weekend! It was amazing.
Thank you all for the advice! I will try olive oil (since I have it handy already) and if it doesn't do the trick I'll pick up some coconut oil. They both sound like better options, since the baby oil isn't working. I also don't like how much fragrance they add to it! I don't really want Max smelling like baby powder anyhow. I prefer his natural smell... (you know, spit up mixed with baby sweat with just a hint of old sock) :haha: Joking. I really love the way he smells and breathe in his lovely hair all of the time. I don't really want to mask that!

Dragonfly, YAY for laughing!! Max hasn't laughed yet, and I'm so looking forward to it. I bet you just melted!

Kellen, we sold our baby swing after DD#2, thinking it was our last baby. We also sold the exersaucer and crib, lol. We don't really have any baby equipment left :( It's not really equipment, but I would say that my favorite thing for Max is his Sleep Sac. He wears is every night instead of a blanket, and won't let me swaddle him anymore, so it keeps him warm with his arms free. He even wears it during the day a lot of times when it's chilly in the house. Oh, I also love his bathtub! It has a thermometer thing built in so I never have to guess if the water is too hot. I LOVE hot water and shower at about 110 degrees, so I'm not a good judge for safe temperatures :haha:

We're off to the 2-month check-up!
I did melt! I also laughed because he was laughing at DH's face :haha:

Our favorite baby gadget is the bouncy seat...they really like it, and the vibration is soothing to them. Gunnar is learning how to bounce himself, too, and it's really funny to watch him flail around trying to get it moving. :)
We're back! Max is 13 pounds and 23 inches! That's 60th percentile for height, and 75th for weight. He's getting a bit chunky, and I love it!
I nurse Kiara laying down sometimes if I am really tired but its often a bad move for us. Se always falls asleep which is great but she always swallows lts of air and if we both doze off she doesn't get winded so if grouchy later on :(

Favourite equipment...urm...don't think we have one!? Tough she does love her car seat or pushchair (we got the Phil and Teds Sport to fit two kiddos in), can they count? She sleeps great in both. It turns out she sleeps so much better outside, I often park her up outside while I play with our eldest two, or yesterday when I dug over some of our vege patch :) we also have a balcony on the upstairs level of our house and I sometimes pop her out there in her carrycot to sleep.

Kiara a bit sad today as we all seem to have a bit of a gassy upset stomach issue going on :(

Going back to the complaining about MiLs we had going the other day, and them calling so often... My inlaws rang tonight as we were getting the kids to bed (hello?! Who would call a family with three kids under five at 8pm?) and when it becomes obvious we aren't answering they don't hang up thinking "oh, probably busy with the children", but let it ring on for ages, adding to the general noise and raised blood pressure going on here....two boys being little terrors and resisting going to end, one baby screaming with sore tummy, one grumpy husband, one stressed mum, phone blaring on and on and on....
Then they call back ten minuets later...let us call you if we are done!!?, arrrrrrrrrgh.

Had to let that out.

We have some mild cradle cap here, including in her eye brows. I will use olive oil, I tried it with my first too and think it helped, though he still has some at 4.5! Doesn't matter when they have lots of floppy hair though!

Yay for laughing Gunnar! Oh I can't wait for that! How lovely!!

Well done on chunking up Max. K has also grown some nice rolls at the top of her legs finally xx
Yesterday I left Kiara for the first time since she was a week or two old (so then she didnt notice I was gone!). I had to take my middle baby to the doctors, so left K with daddy. When I got back, about an hour and a half later I got the most wont full smile and a little noise I think was excitement! I LOVED it! Have to take son back to the doc this afternoon so will be looking forward to my return! May even have a camera ready. It was so wonderful :)
I did that too Helena! I took the dog out and left hubby with O. When I came back in I got the most amazing smile. I think hubby was a little jealous to be honest :smug:
Awww guys--that is so cute! Makes me want to leave just to come back and see if I get a smile! lol DH is the one that gets the smiles when he comes home from work. :) It's adorable.

I don't have a favorite equipment right now. . .Camden cries whenever I put him down---no matter what I put him in. :( Maybe once a week when I try, he'll sit in the bouncer for 5 minutes without crying. :( I'm still trying to figure out what's going on with him. Cutting dairy didn't help. I have a call in to the doctor again. Hopefully they'll call back soon. He cries 98% of the time that he isnt' nursing! And it's not just a baby cry--it's a full-out scream. . red faced, arching his back, going stiff, voice cutting out--because he's crying so hard. I'm convinced it's reflux, but have to wait on the doctor to diagnose. He just acts like he is in pain all of the time :( I feel so bad! He still isn't napping AT ALL, which I thinks makes it worse. The nurse thinks he isn't napping because he's uncomfortable because of whatever is going on with him. :(

How often do your babies nurse? It's the only way to calm Camden down, so he's literally nursing every hour for an hour at a time. He's only off to change a diaper or for me to try to put him down in the swing or something. :(

I'm really hoping for a fix here soon. . . it's so tiring. But I love him to death, and maybe 5% of the day, he'll be calm and I'll catch a couple smiles. Those times are worth it all. :) I just want him to feel better!
Aww, poor Camden! I hope they figure out what's wrong soon.

I mostly pump, but G and L eat about every 4 hours during the day and about half the time they do an 8-10 hour stretch at night. When we nurse, they usually go for about 20 minutes.

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