Valentines Babies, 2013!

For all of you who have LO who are up all night I salute you. We had a huge and very loud thunderstorm last night. I am personally a huge fan and love the noise, but Teagen is not. Each time a big boom was heard she would scream from her bed. It finally got to be tto much up and down so I put her with her daddy. She calmed down and then they both started snoring. I slept in the recliner... There will be mommy naps today. But on the other hand the Ergo baby carrier I ordered showed up last night and I am excited to try it out.
Kellen, I love your new Avatar! Teagen is such a strong girl. I LOVE how she's holding her head up so well :D

I love thunderstorms, too. What's funny is, I think Max would sleep BETTER if there was a ton of noise. He's used to his loud sisters running around screaming all day, and sleeps right through it. At night, when it's quiet, he freaks out. I bought a white noise machine, but it doesn't work very well. If I turn the TV on he likes it, but I can't sleep with it on! Sigh...

I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself today! My skin is breaking out terribly and I'm down about my body. I'm sure it will pass, and I'm hoping it's just AF hormones (even though it hasn't officially started yet!). I've told myself that when I lose these last 12 pounds I'll treat myself to a day at the salon. I haven't highlighted my hair in over a year, and I think it would really help!
Wamommy-a salon day sounds wonderful! Might treat myself to that some day soon too! I know my feet are in dire need of a pedicure because I haven't lotioned them or anything since baby has been born! :(
I booked up for a hair appointment today. Booked in for next Wednesday! I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet but I think I might have it all cut off into a bob (it's below my shoulders at the moment) I just fancy reinventing myself!

Love the new avatar Kellen x
Kellen- your new avatar is awesome! What a cutie :)

wamommy- I would kill for a spa day. So jealous :). Sorry you're feeing down today, I sympathize. I've been having to try really hard to think positive thoughts lately. My mind tries to drag me down into negativity if I'm not careful.

I'm trying to convince DH to go out to dinner with me tonight. His aunt is staying with us until Sunday to help out with the babies while he works on our taxes, and she offered to watch them while we go out tonight. He's reluctant because he doesn't think we should spend the money, and he wants to use the time to work on taxes...but I'm trying to tell him WE MAY NEVER GET THIS OPPORTUNITY AGAIN :haha:. Plus I worked from home 4 days this week, which means I saved money on gas and lunches. Take me out, damnit!
Yay Jo! So exciting! I haven't had a haircut in over 9 months! Crazy! I need to get myself booked soon!

Dragon- you should definitely go out! That'd be so lovely! I hope he says yes! Dh and Camden and I are going out to dinner tonight.. nothing fancy but I very much look forward to getting out of the house! I'm in this house every day all week long and don't get out! I feel I'm going to turn into a crazy lady soon! Ha!
Thanks for all the comments on the picture. It was actually take about three weeks ago. She holds her head up way higher now, and props herself up on her elbows.

The spa sound lovely. I too am in need of a haircut and was going to get one today, but DH took the car since it was raining and I'm not going to put Teagen on the motorcycle with me. :lol: DH managed to get a haircut on Monday, now it is my turn.

We tried out the baby carrier today. It was awesome! We went for a 30 minute walk outside. Within five minutes of the walk Teagen was fast asleep. She stayed asleep in the carrier while I fixed myself lunch and did some laundry. I think it probably felt like she was back in the womb. I think it will work fantastically for our plane ride in three weeks. I also managed to call to schedule to have the electric turned off, the gas turned off, and the internet turned off. I can't believe we're actually moving... So excited!
We got the Ergo Baby Carrier with the newborn insert just to make sure her head is super secure. We tried the Moby, but she hated it and would scream if we tried putting her in it. With this one she can have her arms free and it is easy for me to get on and off by myself. This way I won't need to take the stroller with us to the airport and can have DH take it in the moving truck.
We have the Ergo too! I love it. W don't have the inset, but I wrap her Ina. Blanket first to make her a bit bulkier (otherwise it is fr 5kg plus I think?). Her head is secured well by the sun shade bit in fact if he is high enough.
I look forward to having her on my back when bigger.i .must watch the DVD for that!..

K was In ours today while I tidied the kitchen, played with my youngest boy and made the children's dinner. She was vey happily asleep the whole time :)

We had the Close baby carrier before and loved it, but. I got the Ergo from a Friend a few weeks ago and it is much more comfy.
I will be using it when I travel to the uk on planes and trains on my own next month. Baby on my belly, backpack on my back, car seat in one hand And one hand free :)

Must be something in the sir - I complained I had grey hair and felt fat yesterday :( haven't had time to style my hair in months!...
Kellen, personally I wouldn't be concerned about SIDS if the exposure to smoke is short term, I assume the risk is for babies who live in a smoky house every day.
Good luck with getting people smoking outside. Surely most people would be happy to do so when a baby is involved?..
I hope that they will smoke outside. I know for a while last year they stopped smoking in the house because my MIL was hospitalized for pneumonia. The doctor told her if she didn't stop smoking or inhaling second hand smoke she only had 5 years to live with the current condition of her lungs. She stopped for as long as it took her to be discharged from the hospital and is back to a pack and a half a day (I have no idea how many cigarettes that actually is, but it seems like a lot).

It is a sad day around here. We rehomed our kitty last night. She had started to become more actively interested in the wiggling baby and I caught her trying to jump in the crib with Teagen. I was also worried about the stress of moving her across the US. Now she is living with a very nice family and a dog. She loves dogs, hates other cats. I am very sad (DH is even more upset even though in the beginning be practically threatened to divorce me over the cat). Yet it is a relief not to have to clean the litter box, or worry about tripping over her while carrying thr baby. Now I can leave the bedroom door open when Teagen is napping and not rely on the monitor as much.

In other news Teagen just woke up after a 10 hour snooze (with a couple of dream feeds in between) and now has huge smiles. I changed her diaper and brought her into the living room where she proceeded to refill her diaper. She refuses to poop in a wet diaper. It must be clean and dry before she will poop. Now she says feed me... I guess I'll be a good mommy and obey. :)
The babies slept through the night for the second night in a row! DH and I actually got to sleep in the same bed all night for the first time since the babies were born! :happydance:

Sorry about your kitty, Kellen. :(
Dragon, that is fantastic news! I bet that your DH was glad to have some non-baby time with you. I am so glad that the twins are settling in. :) And thank you for the condolences about our kitty.

Only 5 more pieces of furniture to sell before the 28th. My project for this afternoon is to go through all the baby clothes and throw out (ie give to pregnant person at DH's work) that no longer fit or I don't like.
I'm so sorry about your cat, Kellen :( It sounds like it was for the best, though. I've considered rehoming one of ours (we have 3) after he scratched the girls a few times. After more careful conversation with my 4-year-old, though... we found out that each time they were scratched it followed a long session of tail-pulling and ear-blowing :dohh: Now we supervise the kids with the cats so that neither of them get hurt. They seem to have NO interest in the baby, though. That would concern me a bit if they tried to get in and sleep with him.

Congrats to all of you who got a full night's sleep last night!! Good babies :D Not that non-sleepers are bad, lol... Max's pattern is still sleep 1 hour, up half hour, sleep one hour, up for a half hour, all night. Last night he woke up at 4am and refused to go back to bed. Luckily DH woke up at 8am and took the baby for a couple of hours so I could sleep. We can't keep up with this schedule, though. It ruins the whole day. By the time I get up after my "nap," It's 11am!!

What IS your secret, ladies??
We aren't sleeping through, we are sleeping worse than before...maybe two or three wakings now. Ok, it's not horrendous, but waking after 3 hours seems normal formK now. I can't seem to change that.
No idea how you can cope wamommy. What happens if you don't go to him? He screams and wakes everyone? What about if he could sleep in your bed, do you think that would help? Could your daughter be bribed?....
After the first week, DH and I found what worked for us- feeding Camden extra before bed. We give him. 2 ounces of breast milk in a bottle after he's been swaddled, then once he's finished with that, I breastfeed him until he falls asleep. He's slept through ever since! If he doesn't sleep 8 hrs straight (or 9 or 10) then he sleeps 6 hrs, I nurse him again, then he's down for 2 more hours. It works like a charm! He has never slept less than that since he was 2 weeks old! Now naps... those are a completely different story! Ha!
Oh yes, Helena. If Max could sleep in our bed it would be SO much better. All he really once is cuddles (well, and food) so I think if he knew I was next to him he would self-soothe a lot better. As it is, if I don't go to him he cries and cries, which wakes the girls, and then I have THREE grouchy munchkins to try to resettle. I try to grab Max before he gets to an all-out scream to prevent it. That in and of itself is exhausting. Even when I am asleep it's like a part of my brain doesn't shut off because it's waiting to jump up at the inevitable first cry.

I tried bribing my 3-year-old to sleep in her own bed. She was so excited to get a "big girl surprise" if she made it ONE whole night in her own bed. Through our bath and story and teeth brushing she was ready to go! After about 5 minutes in bed with the lights off she freaked out and came downstairs. We put her back to bed, and she came right down. It was so exhausting! The up and down lasted for a few hours before we finally gave up. I suppose it's our fault for not sticking to it, but I'm just so tired that I don't feel up for the fight :( We went as far as to buy a new bed and sheet set, which she loves to play in! but won't sleep in... grr...

Sierra, that sounds like a great system! I usually offer a bottle at bedtime, but he won't usually eat more than an ounce or 2. I give him that, and then offer the breast as well. Usually he falls asleep right away doing that, but still wakes up an hour later. Maybe he gets a tummy ache? I never really thought of it before, since he doesn't usually cry (even when uncomfortable, poor guy) so maybe he only eats a bit at a time because he's in pain? I have no idea.
Oh, also... Max is the nap king! He can sleep 3 hours straight in the day. There can be world war 3 going on with the girls, the dishwasher running, unloading groceries, and he snoozes away. Maybe he's part owl??

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