Valentines Babies, 2013!

Kellen, I'm so glad things are getting better! It sounds like Saturday was a really rough day :( I hope Teagen's teeth come through soon so you all get a break!

I 3rd how badly it stinks to accidentally hurt your LO. I scratched the back of DD#2's arm terribly when she was tiny, and I think I cried as hard as she did!

It's so interesting to read how everyone's LO's sleep cycles are changing! Won't it be amazing when they all sleep like we do? :) In the meantime, hurray for small victories!!
Yay for sleeping babies dragon!!
The waking to put in pacifiers is annoying can I convince her to suck her thumb?!
I do love the power if the paci though, I swear its why she can put herself to sleep happily. But I do wish she could find it in the night...
Last night we weren't so lucky. Lily woke up at 4am and screamed the house down for 3 hours. She never went back to sleep and now she's super cranky. Poor Gunnar couldn't sleep with all the screaming, so he's crabby too. DH had to go to a meeting, and I'm working from sister in law was supposed to be here at 9, but she didn't get here until 9:30, so I was a half hour late logging in for work. Fun!
DH was in a super pissy mood last night. Reason: I had asked him to take out the trash yesterday morning, and then had the nerve to remind him at 7pm. He then started a stupid passive agressive, "Well, make me a list so I'll know what I have to do during MY time off work. I don't want YOU to become overwhelmed AGAIN." Grrr... All because I said I needed a list of things to help get the company up and running, but haven't started in on yet. Does he have any idea how time consuming it is to take care of an infant, keep a house clean, cook three meals a day and starting next month getting back to work on my Phd? Apologies for the rant, but sometimes men are really stupid.

In baby news I finally found the mobile for the crib and Teagen loves it. She spent 30 minutes in her crib contentedly playing and watching it.

Dragon - Sorry to hear that Miss Lily kept everyone awake. Won't it be nice when the babies all finally make up their minds what their sleep habits are going to be?
Dragon, I'm so sorry to hear the twins had a rough night. :( I hope a good nap is on the way and it improves their mood. I often wonder if a poor night's sleep has the same affect on us as adults, but we aren't allowed to fuss and cry all day if we're tired.

Kellen, did your DH call my DH and ask him how men should behave, because he seems to be copying him! My DH says "I need a list of things to do because I don't know how to clean." Seriously... So I give him a list and show him how to do things and he says "you don't have to talk down to me! I'm an adult and would have cleaned if you didn't feel the need to nit-pick how I do everything." He then refuses to clean. Yup... Men.
She did it again last night!! :(

I was up at 4am to pump, and as I was going back to bed, Lily started whining and thrashing around in the basinnet. She had woken Gunnar by grabbing his hand and smacking his head lol. I rocked the pack n' play a little, and she quieted down, although they both still had their eyes open. I got back in bed, but within 20 minutes Lily started screaming again. DH got up with her, and he said she screamed on and off for about an hour before she went back to sleep for an hour or so.

It's actually funny...they've really started noticing each other and like to hold hands in the crib. If Lily can't reach Gunnar's hand, she'll stretch her arm out as far as she can and scratch the mattress to get his attention. DH said she was chewing on Gunnar's hand this morning when he went to check on them :haha:. We've been so careful to keep their bottles and pacifiers separate so they don't swap germs, but they have other ideas. The other day, Gunnar took his fingers out of his own mouth and shoved them right into Lily' much for not sharing germs! :rofl:
Dragon - Apparently Lily is not a fan of the pump? I know if I try to pump at night in our room when Teagen is sleeping she will wake up. But that is an adorable story about your two little ones starting to realize that they have each other and want to be connected. How precious.

Teagen had her 4 month check up today, and did really well even though she got jabbed. She was 95% for weight (chucky baby at 16lb 8oz) and off the charts for height at 26 1/2 inches. She didn't say a word during her shots until she saw that the assistant was finished and was packing up the tray... then she screamed bloody murder.
Loving that they hold hands Dragon! How adorable!!!

To marks go to Kiara this week for consistently going to bed awake between 7 amd 8 and happily dozing off. What a star!
In fact all my kids went to sleep so great tonight that by 8pm I was sitting in the garden enjoying a gin n tonic! :) how grown up!

Haha I am with you girls on the men front. My DH is usually great but today he s mr grump and announced he was going to start to do his own washing....because he couldn't find clean socks and obviously it was my fault. Our washing machine packed up about 10 days ago and I have been hand washing until yesterday when the new machine arrived. I had concentrated on the boys clothes for school, they never went out grubby..and my bg by gets through several tops a day (comes home for lunch and makes a big mess eating), plus with Kiara eating solids she has made a fair amount of washing herself...
But apparently I failed on the sock front..

Luckily he came home and apologized tonight. :)

Wll done Taeagan for not crying during the shots. What a brave girl :)
Kellen- That's wonderful that Teagen is growing so well! And what a little trooper, not even crying from her shots :). I don't think Lily is reacting to the pump, because I pump in a different room, so it shouldn't disturb her with noise or light. In fact, I'm wondering what I'm going to do once we move them into their crib in our bedroom...I think I'm going to have to pump elsewhere, because it's noisy and I can't do it in the dark! As it is, I have to tell DH to shield his eyes when I turn on the light every night. I'm sure he loves that! :haha:

helena- That's so great that the kids went to sleep nicely for you! The night before last, the babies went to sleep at about 8:30, and I sat in our sun room and had a cocktail as well. :) It sure is nice to sit back and relax once in a while, isn't it?
Helena, adult time in the garden sounds like Heaven!! I'm so glad you get that time to yourself. I must figure out a way to do the same.

Dragonfly, picturing your twins holding hands is SO cute. They are so lucky to have each other. I'm sure it's really hard having 2 babies (I honestly can't imagine) but for the rest of their lives they will have such a close friend. Lucky babies!!

Kellen, WOW, Teagen is a tall girl! I'm glad she tolerated the shots well and that she's healthy :) Max's 4-month appointment is on Monday and I can't wait to see how he's grown. I don't think he's 26 inches though!

I think it's time for a 4 month picture update!! I just love seeing how the babies are growing. Max's weird and patchy hair loss has made 2 funny bald spots on the top of his head (like an old man!) so we've given in to the the naturally-occurring mohawk :haha:


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Oh what a gorgeous cheeky boy Max is! Loving the hair. He is so rock star :)

And adorable chubby arms!
Awe! That is an adorable photo. He is a very good looking little man.

I thought I'd follow your lead and show an updated of Miss Teagen. She is weirdly cross-eyed in this photo, which is not normal. I blame it on my mom's new iphone that I was playing with while taking pictures. Her hair is finally growing in so she doesn't have the Alfalfa sticky up in back anymore. We have officially moved into 9 month clothing for length.


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What a cutie, Kellen! She is so tall! Look at those long arms :) What color are her eyes? I know it's hard to tell for sure at this age. My girls both were born with blue. Now one has hazel, the other bright blue. Max was born with dark, dark brown eyes, so no question there!
Right now her eyes are steel grey. Apparently my great-grandmother on my dad's mom's side had grey eyes. In the picture all you can see is a slightly bald baby, but her hair is copper colored. My dad's mom is 95 and still has very red hair as does her brother and so did one of my nephews. So I am keeping my fingers crossed for grey eyes and red hair. DH and I both have hazel eyes and super dark hair. It is a good thing that my best friend was out at sea all last year 'cause he has flaming red hair. :haha: DH is not amused when our friend's mention this...
Aww Taegen is lovely. Looks a very happy little girl :) 9 months clothes! Great. W are still wearing 3 month pjs here. I realized last night that one pair she had been wearing for aaages! W are 25th percentile for height...

I think we have a red head too. Very hard to tell since we have v little hair, but what there is has a definite red hue in the sunlight. My brother has red hair. I have one boy with blonde hair, one with dark brown and a red haired girl would be lovely :) Kiara's eyes are a grey blue at the moment.
My what a happy, cutie you have, Helena. I love her little outfit! We have a nice range of heights for all the babies. Isn't amazing how they all develop completely differently once they are born? At this time last year all our babies were practically the same.
What a cheerful smile on a beautiful little lady, Helena! We have the same car seat (in blue) :D

It will be so fun to see what color hair comes in for you ladies! My girls had strawberry blonde fuzz for a year and then it came in golden blonde. Max had lovely dark silky hair that has since mostly fallen out. It seems to be coming in a tad lighter, but we'll see.

We have a 4-month check-up tomorrow, so I can't wait to update height and weight! He's in 6-month clothes, so middle of the road, it seems :)
I just had a thought - we should change our thread title to Valentines babies 2013! The 2014 class could be in soon :)

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