Valentines Babies, 2013!

LOL my two try to shove their whole fists in their mouths too! :haha: It's so funny to watch...Gunnar tries and tries and never gets frustrated, but Lily growls and grunts the whole time and gets super pissed because it won't fit.

I really want to drop my 2:30am pumping session. I hate having to wake up in the middle of the night when the babies are sleeping through. I'm just afraid it will drop my supply, because I can't add another session during the day. Any suggestions?
Sorry no suggestions...formula?;)

Bronchiolitis and still a touch of thrush here :(

4 month check up and two vaccines today too. My poor baby. She is a bit sad.

6.1 kilos and 60cm. Quite short, 25 percentile.

Writing quickly as am mid baking session for a nursery school party lunch tomorrow.

Ohhh this time last year, symptom spotting!..
:rofl: Dragonfly.... I think Max and Lily are the same! He looks at me like it's MY fault his fist won't fit :haha:

As for the pumping, I am totally not the one to ask. I'm frantically trying to get my supply back up after AF seems to have destroyed it. I'm pretty darn close to saying enough is enough and going to exclusively formula. I'll give it 3-4 days to see how the Fenugreek works, but if I'm still only pumping 1 oz MAX per session, it's not really worth all of the stress it's causing.

Helena, I hope Kiara feels better! Poor thing :( As for symptom spotting... I don't want another baby (3 is more than I can handle!) so why does it make me a bit nostalgic thinking of TTC and almost sad that I won't get to do it again? I seriously need a swift boot to the head.
Dragon - Since I don't pump I don't know what to say. I feed Teagen at 7:30pm and she will sleep until 5:30, have a quick snack and sleep until 8 or 8:30. I don't have any supply problems, but am rather engorged in the morning. I pump a couple of ounces for comfort between 5:30 and eight because she'll only take one side before falling off the nipple.

Helena - Thrush does not sound pleasant. Then again neither does the bronchitis or vaccines. I am looking forward to Teagen's 4 month check up next month, but not the jabs that come with it. I think we are going to try a spaced out routine so as not to overload her system.

Wamommy - You are one tenacious momma! I hope that the fenugeek works to boost your supply a bit.

Teagen loves her fist too, but she has recently discovered individual fingers and her toes. She also has a teething ring and spoon she likes to hold and chew on. A while ago I read an article about "momsicles". Basically frozen breast milk on a stick. Well, I found s great little plastic thing at the store to make Popsicles with. It's handle is ring like so I thought Teagen would be able to hold onto it nicely. So this morning when I pumped I put some in the mold and stuck it in the deep freeze. I think I didn't let it freeze long enough because the stick pulled out. So I grabbed her spoon and we practiced eating. She had so much fun. I had to make her slow down after I think she got brainfreeze a couple of times.
Bronchiolitis is the worst of her current ailments...fever of 39 and screaming last night :(
Poor dear, that sounds horrible. I hope that she gets better quickly and that you're able to get some rest too. :(
Today she is mostly sleeping it off. I read it usually passes in 12 (!) days, so she should be ok for our next visit to see my mum in two weeks. I do worry about taking mum bugs following her chemo.

On another subject, our doctor said its important K has some gluten in her diet from this age. The rice and veg mix I got says gluten free....any ideas where to find gluten in a baby diet? Maybe I need a more mixed cereal porridge rather than rice?...
Pretty sure I have mastitis. :(

I woke up with a sore area on my right breast yesterday, which got progressively worse throughout the day until even my shirt touching me was painful. Then, I started getting terrible body aches and joint pain, and spiked a fever. Big red area on the breast, too. I felt like absolute crap and could barely get out of bed by the evening.

Strangely, I feel a lot better this morning. No fever, and the body aches are gone. I still have a sore red area on my breast, though, so I'm going to call the doctor to see what she recommends.
Oh dragon-mastitis is horrible!! I had it a month after baby was born- same symptoms- chills, fever- it was awful! Antibiotics and applying pressure while he nursed or while I pumped cleared it right up! Hope you continue to feel better!
Helena - I hope it clears up quickly, and I certainly understand needing to be careful with your mom. I'm glad that you are able to go see her again. As for gluten I am a gluten free person due to allergies. Anything with wheat in it will have gluten, so will a lot of different types of oatmeal. I know here in the states you can buy packets of wheat gluten to cook with.

Dragon - that doesn't sound good. I hope your doctor is able to give you something to help.
Helena, I hope Kiara feels better! :hugs: I'm glad she's sleeping it off today. Her body must know what it needs!

Ouch, Dragon...that sounds so painful. I hope you can see the Dr and get it cleared up!
Kellen, I googled gluten and babies and it seems they think introducing gluten between 4 and 6 months can be the best way to avoid wheat allergy...thought it may interest you:
many doctors now think that between the ages of four and six months is the best time to carefully start introducing gluten, in small amounts, to the baby’s diet, while the mother continues to breastfeed. In 2008, the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition published a “position paper” that said, in part, “It is prudent to avoid both early (before 4 months) and late (7 months) introduction of gluten, and to introduce gluten gradually while the infant is still breast-fed, inasmuch as this may reduce the risk of celiac disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, and wheat allergy.”

I am no longer breastfeeding but doc still seemed to stress gluten was important, though I have no allergies.

Kiara feeling sorry for herself with a horrid sounding cough. but she is a star and went off to bed ok. Lets keep everything crossed for a less feverish night.

Oooh, mastitis doesn't sound fun, good luck getting sorted xxxx
That is wonderful information to have, thank you. It is one of the questions we'll be querying our pediatrician with next Thursday.

Teagen's awake time seems to be stretching further in the mornings. She was up from 9:30 to 12:15 without a break. Now we are cuddling as she puts herself to sleep and I watch Time Team.
Thanks ladies, I went to the doctor and got antibiotics. Feeling much better now!
Dragon - I am glad that the doctor was able to give you some antibiotics. I hope it quickly clears up the mastitis for you.

Yesterday was a horrible day. As Anne Shirley would say, It was a Jonah day. I woke up and went over to visit with my parents, only to be told that my grandma feels like we aren't appreciative enough of her letting us live with her. Then to find out that my DH was only partially paid due to some issues with his transfer. I had a major meltdown and left a teary message on DH's phone. He called back, I cried and he freaked out that I was immediately going to start having major symptoms of PPD.

On the upside he did clean our entire bedroom and empty three boxes. He also now seems to have a better understanding that I don't ever get a break from Teagen and even though I love her with all my heart I too need a little time to myself every once in a while. He has been awesome and helpful.

Then Teagen and I were out in my parents RV taking a nap (because we nap where we fall asleep) when I heard a terrible "CLANG! CRUNCH!" The breaks on my dad's truck had went out. He had the option of ramming either the trailer that Teagen and I were in or the barn. He said there was obviously no choice and hit the barn. Thankfully he was unharmed, but there is rather obvious damage to the barn and a scrape on the truck.

Last night Teagen went to sleep super easily at 7:30. I was able to get up and do laundry, when all of the sudden she woke up screaming at 10pm. I brought her to the bed, fed her and put her back in the crib. She woke up. So I took her back to the bed with me until DH came to bed at 1am. Back to the crib she went. She slept until 2:30 when she woke up screaming again and trying to stuff both fists in her mouth. We made the decision to keep her in the bed with us... which we had just rearranged to make it safe to co-sleep if need be.

Now DH is imitating a washing machine to keep her from screaming... it is 10pm-ish. We tried to sleep at 7:30, nope, 8:30, why are you staring at me as we nurse? 9:30, nope not sleepy. It is now 10 and she is very unhappy. We have her half a dose of Tylenol at 8. She can have more at midnight, but I am hoping she falls asleep and stays asleep before that. I wish those darn teeth would just break through and leave her alone for a week or so. Poor baby...
Oh my goodness Kellen! That sounds horrible! I hope today goes way better for you!! :hugs:
Yesterday was waaaaay better than Saturday. I also forgot to mention that I accidentally pinched the skin on Teagen's wrist and left a mark... which made her scream bloody murder.

Teagen's teeth are bugging the heck out of her. The last three nights she has come into our bed around 2:30 and stayed until we got up. I tried to have DH put her back in the crib last night at around 4, but she fussed for 15 minutes before I finally had him get up and bring her back. We can feel the upper teeth trying to cut through.
Oh it's awful accidentally hurting them isn't it. I trapped Kiara's ear (!) in the poppers on er sleeping bag yesterday. Bd mummy! She screamed and I felt so bad. Wondered why it wouldn't do up easily...oops, ear in the way. Bad bad mummy....

She says also been ending up in or bed from 4 or 5 am for the last two nights. Not sure if its the bronchiolitis or what. But I am happy to do whatever we need to sleep. A long as she goes to sleep alone in her bed to start with I am happy. She is getting good at that at least. Tough last night she had 6 wakings...yawn! Mostly its just enough for me to pop her pacifier back in, but I could do without it I will give her some leeway while she is ill but after that she must get a grip! :)

Did yo speak to your grandma Kellen? Is it her or your parents who feel you aren't grateful? I Can understand being upset. I don't know you in the "real" world but am sure you are grateful! Xx
We had a little victory last night! Both babies have not been sleeping well, and waking a lot in the night crying for their pacifiers or a cuddle. Yesterday they were cranky alllll day long. We couldn't get them to settle, and they were still awake at 10pm (Gunnar usually goes to bed around 7, Lily somewhat later).

Finally, we just put them down in their pack 'n play awake, turned on their sound machine, and rocked the bassinet a little. Within 5 minutes they were both asleep, and slept straight through the night with no wakings! DH said that Gunnar slept until 11:30am! Lily woke up at about 8:30, but she's had two good hour-long naps (she never naps more than 15 minutes at a time) already today! Yay!

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