Valentines Babies, 2013!

I started K on fruit. I imagine it easy to's only mush and water right? She didn't seem overly excited but it was so cute watching her little tongue wiggle about, taking in the new flavor. W will try a little each lunchtime now, just a bit. It's not like she was eating it as such, more like licking. Today it was peach, apple and mango. I bought a few pots but will probably make my own apple mush purely for the fact that she only licked a super small amount of the shop bought mush, and it says it only keeps for 12 hours in the fridge. Seems a waste of the rest of the pot.

I also have some apple and strawberry mush and some rice cereal with vegetable stock or something like that. But I am not keen on that. I remember reading once tht someone didn't feed their baby anything that they wouldn't eat. And to me that makes sense. Their taste buds are fresh and new, I want to give her nice things, not awful bland mush. With my second son I tended to just mush up whatever we had, less any processed bits or hot spices. It worked well. He is still a very fussy toddler, as was my first who i was much more traditional with (started on carrot, went to apple, then more bland yuck) but second son loves fruit. I swear he would live on plums if he could.
I think I will do the same this time - give K whatever we are having as long as there is no salt or processed food or cows milk until she is bigger. Although I have seen baby yogurts for 4 months plus...I may try them.
It's a lot of fun (and washing!) xx
Yum, Helena! Making your own mush is a great idea (and WAY cheaper!).

I'm excited about a silly thing today. AF has returned! :dance: I never thought I would be happy to see her, but the constant PMS-like limbo has been so annoying! I just want my normal body back, hormones and all :haha:

Sierra, any news about Camden?
Yay for the witch!x
I feel mine could be soon.
Day 2..banana is now her official favourite lunch ;)
Helena - Congrats on starting K on real food. I'm glad that she is enjoying all the new tastes and textures the world has to offer.

Wamommy - Hooray for AF! I am still enjoying the benefits of not having AF around for a while.

Today Teagen created a word for either hungry, food or breast (possibly a combo). We were laying in bed and she was talking. She looked up at my face, then down at my breast and said : "Mmmm-rang!" I thought she was just babbling, but she did it two more times, same sound. Then later in the afternoon she said it again in context to laying down to feed.

We are thinking of trying the BLW approach when she gets closer to six months. Her tongue reflex is mostly gone, now all she needs to do is sit all on her own. We started practicing three days ago and her confidence is growing.

We still have lots of drool and three teeth that are trying to come in. The bottom one was poking up a bit yesterday, but seems to have gone down today. She manages the pain okay during the day, but has a bit of trouble at night trying to settle down. Her new favorite teething toy is a spoon. I was eating ice cream today and she was interested in my spoon so I let her have it. As soon as she grabbed it she tried to poke her eye out. :dohh: I remembered that someone had given us a bundle of baby spoons. Thankfully I actually knew where they were. She had a ball! She chomped on it and mimicked the adults as we ate. It was fun.
Thanks girls.

To be honest, I've written updates when things happen but I do chatter in my journal a lot about inane and pointless stuff too. It can't be all doom and gloom right!? And I have a very cute baby who is still doing very cute baby things and so she helps me to forget what could be.
Cuteness and inane babble are two very important things in my life too Jo xxxx

Kellen I do a bit of BLW with spoonfuls of mush on the side. I found it worked good with my boys. While they try and tackle real food and spend time trying to pick up bits and suck on big pieces I slip in spoons of food. Fr me it takes away the worry that they haven't consumed much. And at the same time they get used to the textures nd other skills involved in pieces of food.

K only woke once last night to feed. She went to bed at 7.30, I dream fed her at 11 and she woke briefly at 4 to feed then up at 7. Very pleased, as I got 5 hours in a row of's been a while.
All of a sudden she started going to bed a normal time, its so nice especially as I was starting to wonder how on earth I was to break her 10 or 11pm bedtime routine. I think it was the regular waking up time that did it - she has no choice but to wake at 7 or 8 when we take my sons to school. She just started to get tired earlier. It has been about a week of 8pm ish bedtimes, it so works for me! DH and I even had friends for dinnre on thursday evening, and dinner with wine sitting at the table last night. It Is usually just pizza or something easy on the sofa.

Finally I think breastfeeding is at an end for us. I am kind of sad about it since I had full supply for a while there and was very pro breastfeeding. It just didnt quite work out....I suspect my stresses affected supply a bit and once I saw ow effective the bottle was at creating cute chubby rolls I became a bit lazy. Ah well, 4 months is good right?
I don't have hardly any milk now so am pretty sure it's the end of the road.
Bt maybe it is contributing to the fact K only fed one last night?!

Happy French Mother's Day all xxx
As we didn't have a choice with breast or bottle because if Olivias muscle issues, we went 100% formula when she came off the feeding tube. She's pretty much been amazing at sleeping at night and I'm sure it's because of that. Silver linings and all that :thumbup:

We were going to try BLW. But again, due to the doctors concerns over her muscles, they want us to start on puréed mush because of the choking hazard. I think she'd be fine but I guess I have to trust their advice for now. We might start this in a month or so but she's already showing interest in our food and I bet she will love it when she starts tasting more interesting tastes.
Helena - Any BF is better than none at all. If you and K are doing well on formula then that is what needs to happen. After all you understand her needs and your needs. As long as she is a happy, healthy baby that is all that matters.

Jo - I am sorry to hear that the doctors are giving you more stress. I hope and pray that O just continues to get stronger and disprove all of their negative comments. At least you are doing a good job advocating for her.

I am thankful that we have been able to exclusively BF from day one. When Teagen's blood sugar dropped right after birth the NICU doctor gave us the option of two feeds with expressed colostrum or we would have to try formula. We were okay with that as long as it was what was best for Teagen. Thankfully the BM did the trick and we didn't have to resort to formula.

Today I was taking a plate of leftovers out to DH and my dad in the RV. As I stepped off the porch I took two steps and then suddenly I was falling as my ankle decided to stop supporting me. I did manage to keep the plate of food from tipping over and spilling on the ground. I called for help, but my mom and Grandma were too enthralled with Teagen to hear me. Thankfully I had my phone so I called my dad and DH immediately came running and carried me inside. It is a fairly bad sprain, but I am super thankful that it was only a plate of food and not the baby I had in my arms.
Jo, I could use a little inane in my life! I tend to be a bit of a stress-case lately, so feel free to share any and all cuteness :D

Helena, I thought I was okay with my dwindling milk supply, since each week Max gets more formula and less breast milk. He's completely ok with that! When I started AF, however, my supply dropped dramatically :( I went from pumping 5 oz each morning (with 3-4 other feeds throughout the day) to only pumping 2 oz! It was shocking and made me sort of sad. It's weird, because I really thought I was ok with it. I found myself buying fenugreek and adding pumpings today. I may have only been able to offer 10oz a day since Max was born, but I was proud of those 10 oz, damn it! I know at some point he'll be exclusively formula, but I don't think I'm ready yet. In your case, Helena, I would be so proud of how much you've done! It's awesome that you gave Kiara 4 months, and if formula is what's working (LOVE little wrist and leg rolls) then do it! :)

Kellen, thank goodness you weren't carrying Teagen! Although, since your instincts to save the plates of food were strong, I'm sure you would have held onto Teagen in a fall. Still, how scary! I hope your ankle heals quickly. Sprains are no fun.

Sierra, how' s Camden doing? You have both been in my thoughts.
Kellen- so sorry about your ankle! I'm sure you would have protected Teagan in a fall, but I'm also really glad you didn't have to! I've known moms who have hurt themselves a lot worse in a fall because they were trying to protect their child.

wamommy- glad AF has arrived for you so you can start feeling more normal again. I'm finding that PMS is so much worse for me now than pre-pregnancy. I'm still bitter that I'm exclusively expressing for twins and I got my period back so fast lol.

helena, so glad K is enjoying her solids! I love bananas, so I don't blame her for picking them as her favorite :)

Yesterday, we tried L and G on rice cereal again, and they really liked it! Most of it ended up on their faces and bibs rather than in their tummies, but they had fun :). Our doctor recommended we try rice cereal mixed with breastmilk first, then when they've mastered using the spoon, we can move on to pureed veggies like sweet potato and carrots. From there we can go to fruits, and once they're about 7-8 months, we can try other foods like pureed meats and such. She told us we should wait three days after we introduce each food before trying another new one...that way if there is an allergy or sensitivity, we will know right away which food was the culprit. Also, she said we should introduce single ingredient foods before mixed foods for the same reason.

Ok, you all are going to think I'm crazy, but Lily said her first legitimate word yesterday! We've been trying to get both babies to tell us when they're hungry so they don't feel like they have to cry to communicate. I was planning on teaching them some baby sign language, but since they're so vocal, we decided to see if they could use a word to tell us. I figured they would make up a sound like Gunnar did for his pacifier (ning), but no! Yesterday, Lily was fussing so I asked her "Are you hungry? Hungry? Say hungry if you want to eat" and she whined "Ung-gee! Ung-gee!" I was like =O and I thought maybe she's just mimicking me, and she loves the "ung" sound, so maybe she was just making noises. But I praised her and fed her right away just in case.

Later in the day, she was starting to melt down and I said "Tell me what you want, Lily" and she said clear as day "Ung-gee!" I got her bottle and she really was hungry. I was like 'holy crap my 5 month old is talking!' :haha:
It's funny how guidelines change from place to place. And from time to time. When I had my first son the advice on introducing solids was just like yours Dragon. Now apparently the Swiss has changed their minds and say anything in any order! S she could have beef casserole tomorrow, as long as there is no salt...crazy! And no cows milk products until later. But I have seen yogurts that say from 4 months so I don't know what they are made of !?

Glad they enjoyed the rice. Kiara is so happy. In fact she wont sit in her little chair when we have dinner and be happy unless I spoon feed her too! It's lovely she is joining in family activities like this. She obviously doesn't like being left out.

Had a funny incident at a friends this afternoon. kiara was asleep in Her car seat when the doorbell rang. Gentle ding-donggggg. She instantly woke and had the sadest face and cry. Bless her for being scared of a door bell! Sweet little girl. Is it bad of me to find her sad face so very very cute though!? Full bottom lip out :)

Tis time last year our little bundles were just fertilized eggs passing down our tubes I think? Amazing, what a year. Glad to have known you all so long :)
Yes! Today is the 1 year anniversary of conception for us :) At least, as close as I can pinpoint it!
We told Teagen "Happy Conception Day!" on the 21st last week. It is amazing to think that at this time last year we were all in the TWW. I remember going to a BBQ and refusing any alcohol... just in case.

Dragon - How fantastic that Lily is communicating with you using real words! Teagen has made up words, but does say "Mamma" on a frequent basis. It melts my heart. However, we have been doing baby sign language with her and she signs (or at least I take it to be a sign) "eat" which is moving your hand to your mouth. She loves to chew on her fist, but if ask her if she is hungry she will frantically move her hand to her mouth repeatedly.

Helena - Recommendations seem to on almost a daily basis. We are personally not introducing wheat, dairy, eggs or soy until after 1 year based on my allergies. That is fantastic that K is so involved with family life.
I can't believe it's been a year since conception!! I was just thinking about this the other day (ours was the 24th or 25th) and couldn't believe how time had flown.

I'm also so thankful to have known all of you ladies. I don't go into it often, but my home-life with DH has been... challenging... and it's been so helpful to have the normalcy and cheerfulness that you guys bring. Thank you for that! :D

It's so amazing that your LOs are communicating!! Well done, babies! Max says the occasional (and accidental :haha:) "Mama" but I think real words are a ways off for us. He's also a huge fan of shoving his fist frantically in his mouth. He tries to fit the whole hand in there and then cries when it won't go :dohh: It's both sad to watch and completely comical.

Helena, I know exactly what face you mean when Kiara was startled by the doorbell! Max makes it too when he's startled, and we've taken to calling it a Frownie. It's so heartbreaking, but so incredibly cute too! I have a picture of DD#1 making the most intense Frowny when she was about 3-4 months old. I should find it and show you. SO cute!
Hello ladies! So sorry I've been absent! It's been a trip with Camden! The tests were awful he hated the ultrasound ones, but at least I got to hold him during those. The other test he had to lie on a table screaming and crying for 20 minutes while he had a catheter in they shot die into his bladder. It was horrible! I had to view all of this from a window because they didn't want me exposed to the Xray since we plan t ttc in the future. Heartbreaking!

However, the tests came back NORMAL! That's just wonderful news! His uti is now gone thanks to antibiotics. The doctors are calling it a fluke unless it comes back- so we are just keeping an eye on it for now. His temperament is still about the same, though he's a bit more consolable now... so I think clearing upthe uti helped him tremendously! He still HATES his carseat, car rides, tummy time, and stroller rides though! (All of which I find bizarre for a baby!).

He rolled over for the first time yesterday- I couldn't be more proud!!! :).
Yaaaay for Camden! Great news :)

My first son hated tummy time and strollers / pushchairs...he was a child who knew what he wanted and didn't want....and at nearly 5 is still a loveale pain in the backside ;) spirited..that's a good word :)

Last night Kiara went 6 hours without feeding. It is a record for her. She actually woke to feed after 4.5 hours but I put her dummy in to stop her crying while I or her a bottle and she went back off for 1.5 hours. I just need her to stretch that time out by anther two hours and I can have a full night of sleep...imagine!! (Sorry wamommy,.. ;))
I will be stopping night feeds around 6 months though I may still "dream feed" before I go to bed.

Oh listen to me, three nights of just one feed each could all change tonight, I am getting ahead of myself! Lol, just so excited about sleep :)
Thanks Helena! I'm so relieved.

Is 6 months when we're supposed to stop feeding in the middle of the night? Whenever Camden wakes up I always feed him then put him back down... it'd be lovely when I can start weaning him off of that feeding!
Sierra - I am pleased to hear that Camden's UTI is gone and that everything looks normal. I hope that you two can come to an understanding about what makes him happy. Teagen hates her super safe infant carseat in our car, but loves the convertible carseat in my parent's SUV. I also think that facing backwards in a moving vehicle makes her a little motion sick. Good job rolling!

Wamommy - I am sorry to hear that thing a rocky on the home front. At least we can try to provide a bit of normalcy and a place to let down. I hope that Max decides that nighttime sleeping is a good thing.

Helena - Congrats on Miss K sleeping so long. It is good that you are excited and looking ahead.

Last night Teagen was a terror. She had missed her afternoon nap because I had a dentist appointment. So she took a late nap from 4:30-6. We then laid down and she fell asleep at 7:30 until DH came in and was loud. She cracked an eye and glared. He then left to take out the trash, but left the door open. Teagen was mostly still asleep until my poor deaf (without her hearing aids) came in and asked if the baby was asleep.. in a loud voice that would wake the dead. From 8-10 Teagen whined and cried until she finally passed out.
Sierra, I'm so glad Camden's tests came back normal!! Phew, right? I'm sure you're so relieved :D I hope things start to get easier :hugs: In the mean time, hurray for rolling over!

Max LOVES his car seat. The best sleep he gets is the 2-3 hours we spend running errands each afternoon. Once the car starts rolling he zonks out completely. I try to remind myself how lucky I am that Max likes his seat. It makes up for the tough nights. Although (HUGE knock on wood) he seems to be getting better at night! Last night he slept from 1:30-5am, which is insanely long for him. Here's to hoping it's a trend!

Helena, I'm so glad Kiara is a great sleeper! Can you even imagine/remember 8 hours straight? Maybe the solid foods are helping her sleep longer?

Kellen, Teagen sounds like a little character. Isn't it fun to get to see the babies' personalities start to come out?

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