Valentines Babies, 2013!

Well, I'm pregnant. :haha: I only got to see the nurse, and they scheduled me to come back on the 12th for an "intake" appointment where I do a ton of paperwork and schedule the rest of my appointments, including a dating scan :D They used a cardboard "wheel" thing to determine my due date as April 30th (based on last menstrual period) which is what good old google told me. Who knows how accurate it is though, since my lmp was 4 days late and everything was apparently screwy from the pill? I guess I'll find out at my scan. They didn't even draw blood, which I thought was odd. I don't really know anything I didn't know before! Ah well... they have their protocol for how each appointment should go.

Max was up all night last night. I feel terrible, because I actually raised my voice at him :( After the millionth wake-up and NO sleep, at 3am I cracked and screamed "seriously?? go to sleep!!" loudly enough to startle him. I feel like such a bad Mom today!
Wamommy - Congrats on being "officially" pregnant. Sorry to hear that your little one isn't feeling too well. Hopefully no one else in your house with come down with the bug.

Dragon - I can certainly see a line on the test, especially in the negative. I think you should go get checked out. This is just kind of weird, especially since you are still having pregnancy symptoms.

Two days ago Teagen decided that sitting unassisted was for babies and she needed to take things a step further... or many, many steps further. She walks, well, cruises really... but still. She was going back and forth from her swing to the cabinets to the floor heater. If we hold her hands she will take off running. :dohh: So apparently no crawling here. She wants to walk everywhere we go. I guess I will be getting her some shoes. Oh, and we have a third bottom tooth that is trying to break through.
Holy, Walker!! I can't believe it! Yay, Teagen :yipee: :yipee: The world will never be the same for you, Kellen :haha: What a strong girl. Max JUST started sitting unassisted the other day. :dohh:

DD#1 is sick now too, bleh :( We may be calling into school tomorrow and keeping her home of she wakes up still this sick. I really don't want her to miss a day her second week! I just try to think how irritated I'd be if my kids got sick by someone else letting their child go to school sneezing and blowing snot everywhere :dohh: I think I better just get used to this, since starting school = exposure to a ton of germs.

Sierra, I noticed your thread in Baby Club went viral! :haha: A lot of people who answered don't know your whole back-story, so I wouldn't sweat the negative responses. As long as you're doing what you think is best for Camden, what more can anyone ask for??
Congrats on Teagen walking!! That's amazing! Wamommy--Camden just started sitting unassisted too---and you have to be RIGHT THERE because he'll topple over at any time. :) Maybe it's a boy thing to do things more slowly! :haha:

wamommy--thanks for your comment on my thread in Baby Club. I was a little taken aback at a lot of the responses, so your vote of confidence is much appreciated (and Kellen's in the thread)! At this point, my Mum is only coming to our concert on Friday and MIL is coming for both the Friday and Saturday shows (and happened to book a room at the same hotel we're in :dohh: ). . .so, I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and learn to accept the help from MIL even if it's not the help I would have preferred. . . I also think I need to be a bit open minded as I realize I'm being really harsh on mil due to the things she's done in the past. I also need to be more assertive (not one of my stronger traits, admittedly), and tell her flat out NO on things and let her know that she needs to respect my decisions as the mother. I think once she realizes that it's not okay to usurp my mother role for my own child, then things might go smooter. All in all, I need her help this weekend, as I certainly can't be on stage AND hold Camden. . . so I'm going to try to put some ground rules down about where she sits in the audience with Camden (front row so I can see him--if he fusses, she can move off to the side where I can still see him --as it's outdoors and it should be fine---and absolutely NO food---I'll feed him before I go onstage and he should be good throughout the concert. . .my luck, if I don't set that rule, she'd be giving him hot dogs and fries while I'm on stage! :dohh: ) Hopefully it goes well. . . and hey, maybe it will just be a delightful time and I am worrying for nothing. . . (Or at least I hope!?) But, yes, that thread has gotten a bit out of control. . .lol. . .
Way to go Teagan on the walking! That's so awesome! :)

I think we have a few months yet before the twins start trying to walk on their own. They do pretty well in the walker, though. Lily can steer around corners and I can't even count the number of times she's run over my foot because I couldn't get out of her way fast enough! :haha: I'm thanking the heavens that we babyproofed a little bit, because yesterday I caught Lily playing with an electrical outlet! I didn't even realize she could reach them from the walker, but thank goodness they have the childproof inserts.

I'm going to the doctor at noon today. When I called and explained my symptoms, they said they need me to come in right away to get an ultrasound. They want to make sure I don't have an ectopic or a cyst or something.
Good luck Dragon! Please keep us posted! That's scary!!!

I haven't even started to baby proof the house. . .but Camden's legs can't reach the floor in the walker, yet, so he's pretty much non-mobile at the moment! :haha:
Baby proofing is our next step. Thankfully she is pretty confined as to where she can walk. Although I did catch here pulling herself up on the couch yesterday. I was not prepared to have such an early walker. I thought she'd be like me and wait until 13 months to even try.

Dragon - I am glad that you are getting checked out. It is good that you will gain some peace of mind.

Sierra - That thread has exploded. I guess everyone has an opinion. Hopefully your MIL will surprise you in a good way.
Checking in to see how your appt went, Dragon. Hoping all is well! :hugs:

Our house is still child proof from Nica (DD#2) :haha: We never took the bumpers off of the tv stand or the outlet plugs out. We even left the gate at the top of the stairs! I guess once I found out I was pregnant with Max it didn't make much sense to take it all down.

We found a new stroller (well, new to us) that DH really wants, and we're off to pick it up!! I'm thrilled, because I want to transfer Max to a bigger car seat, and my stroller just isn't that functional out of car seat mode. I didn't think we could ever afford it, but a surgeon's wife listed it SUPER cheap on Craigslist and I guess we were the first to answer. :dance:
Had an ultrasound... no pregnancy, ectopic or otherwise! Nothing noteworthy at all, really, except some fluid in my uterus that looks like old blood, but might be nothing. Also, there are several visible follicles on each ovary, which probably just means I'm close to ovulation.

They did some bloodwork to see if I have any hcg, and I'll get those results later today. The doctor said it's likely I had a chemical pregnancy, but there's nothing really to be done about that.
Wow Dragon. That's so weird. Let us know what the hcg comes back as. If it was just a chemical, it's crazy that you've had so many symptoms. . .
Wow, Dragon! I'm very curious to see what the HCG results are. At least you had someone take a look and tell you what's going on! Did you get the go-ahead to TTC this month?
Dragon - I am glad that you were able to get checked out. It is still strange that you had so many symptoms. I'll be eagerly awaiting the results of the hCG.

Wamommy - Congrats on the new-to-you stroller. I'm glad that you are getting a nice one that you like.

Teagen has been pulling on her ears all day long. Poor baby is not having a good time with this tooth. I can feel it under her gum next to her right front tooth. I'm thinking of getting an amber teething necklace for her. Has anyone tried these? Do they actually work? She is miserable and it makes me feel awful for her. :(
Enjoy the new stroller wamommy!!

and i meant to say yesterday - dont feel bad for shouting at max, tiredness is so tough. You are doing a fab job, 3 kids and one on the way! I bet your house can be noisy at times. Max will hardly have noticed for long Xx
Yeah wamommy... don't feel bad... I've had a couple moments like that too. It gets frustrating.... I know how hard it is after you say something like that, but thankfully babies are soooooo forgiving and will smile at you the very next moment. :flower: I think that situation happens to everyone...

Kellen- sorry Teagen is having such a hard time with this tooth..poor baby! Hopefully it pops through soon!
Thanks, ladies! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has "snapped" at LO. You'd think I'd be better at not sleeping by now... :haha:

Kellen, I haven't heard of the amber necklace. What is it? I'd say if she's miserable it's worth giving it a try! Is this tooth #3?

The stroller is a dream. It can be used as a single for Max right now, and then convert to a double when baby arrives :D The cats already tried to claim it as their own by sleeping in it, so I had to put it in the pantry overnight :dohh:
Kellen, I've never used a teething necklace, but I know another twin mom that swears by them for her girls...she said they helped tremendously. Honestly, I'm not sure how wearing an amber necklace could help with teething (unless they chew on it! :haha:), but I say anything is worth a try as long as it's safe :)

DH sure is having fun with this ntnp thing (perhaps more like ttc on my end, hehe). I'm working from home today, and we had a nooner on my lunch break. :) The babies napped at the same time for once!
:rofl: I think men always enjoy the ttc process!

DH was talking about wanting another one this morning. . .on good days, we want to ttc, on bad days, we definitely want only one child! lol. It'll be interesting to see what ends up happening.. . .

wamommy--that stroller sounds AMAZING!!!

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