Valentines Babies, 2013!

Just for laughs, here's a picture of Max from this afternoon. We were in Old Navy and his big sister put a girl hat on him. He LOVED it and cried when I took it away. DH was not happy when I suggested letting him have it to wear! :haha:


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Sierra - I put the washable insert next to her skin. I guess I am supposed to put it in the pocket, but because I only have three covers I just stick it in kind of like a panty liner. She doesn't seem to mind and it wicks the moisture away really nicely. This way I save the covers. :) I suppose I could put it in the pocket and try out the flushable liners against the skin and see how that works out.

Wamommy - That is so cute! Max sounds like a little charmer.

Teagen certainly has DH's outgoing personality. She loves to smile and flirt with anyone and everyone while we are out and about. However, if someone not family is on our property she will glare at them. It is pretty funny. Last week the cable guy came to switch over some equipment. She had her shoes on so she made me walk her around so she could follow him. My Itty Bitty Inspector. She frequently says "Mum-mum" to me. Tonight in the bath she had two fish in her hands and turned around to me and said: "fssh." Me, I didn't start talking til I was 13 months. I still don't speak much unless I am super comfortable with that person. Typing... I'm a typing fool. Writing is my preferred medium for communication.
Wamommy - That is an adorable picture! Silly big sisters.

Here is an 8 month update picture of Teagen. Please keep in mind she isn't tiny at 21lb. This is just a huge zucchini from our garden.


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Aww lovely pictures ladies! wamommy--that hat is so cute--he looks like he is so thrilled with it! Kellen--looks like Teagen should be on a poster for fresh produce--adorable!

Kellen--I was wondering if that would work putting the insert right next to their skin! YAY! I only bought 3 covers as well, so I was hoping there was a way to "reuse" them a couple of times! BTW, if I end up liking them, I think I'm going to get more from SunBaby diapers. They are a bit cheaper per diaper and you can get them with two inserts per diaper. . . I have a friend of a friend that uses them and says they work great! I think they are the same concept as Naughty Baby diapers. I've been watching YouTube videos on cleaning cloth diapers, and I think the flushable liners will come in handy because it looks like if you use one of those, you just flip the poop into the toilet and then you don't have to soak or spray off the diaper (which I KNOW DH wouldn't do :haha: )

Dragon---are you getting close to testing soon? I can't remember. . . I've been getting the baby itch lately, so need to live vicariously through someone! :haha:
Oooh, good info on the SunBaby diapers. I will have to look into them. Ah, her royal highness is calling for me to stop being on the computer.
Sierra- pretty sure I'm either ovulating today, or I did within the past couple days. I'm waiting for my crosshairs in FF :) So, testing in a little less than 2 weeks.
Let the TWW begin! I'm excited, Dragon!

Kellen, what a big, bright smile Teagen has! I love that picture.

My older sister and I used to dress up my brother in all sorts of costumes. We have pics of him as a toddler/little boy wearing tutus, leotards, all kinds of hats, princess dresses, etc. It's made for some REALLY fun dinner conversation with his new fiance. :haha: I'll probably let the girls "abuse" Max in this way, because it was so very fun and didn't seem to hurt my brother any!

I'm not that much of a talker in real life either, until I get to know someone. Once I'm comfortable, I'm a chatterbox. I still don't really care for the phone, though. I always feel like silences are awkward and misunderstandings are inevitable. I usually dodge phone calls and email people instead when possible. :blush:

It's freezing here today! Our heat pump has been whirring away all morning. I guess I should get used to it. Any ideas for fun things to do when it's too cold to play outside?
wamommy--Camden's two cousins are both girls, so I'm assuming he'll get dressed up too! :haha:

I, too, am not that much of a talker until people get to know me in real life. and I HATE the phone as well. . .it's always so awkward! lol My best friend and I don't even talk on the phone because we both think it's so awkward. .. .

As far as fun things to do when it's too cold outside. .. I've been wondering that, too! I think we'll go to the mall a lot more that's for sure! Maybe take up a class or something for Camden? Or bundle him up and take him on an infant sled on some nature trails or something? I'm not really sure. Anyone else have any ideas?

I'm in a pretty bad mood today because I'm dreading tomorrow. DH had told me originally that we would go antiquing while we're visit his mum---he was trying to tell me that he's been wanting to get more antiques, so we'll do that and visit his mum just to get it over with. Well, then, today, his mum tells us that "we don't have to go antiquing while we're down there", so I ask DH "Well wasn't that one of the main reasons for going down there?!" And he says "more or less, but we don't have to do the antiquing". So, basically, he was just telling me antiquing so that I would be happier about it. . .so we're basically making this huge long trip to appease his mother. ... seriously, when will men ever be able to stand up to their Moms?! (And yes, I realize I have a son and will be that mom, but I'm hoping he'll at least tell me when he doesn't want to do something and if I'm upsetting his wife!) Argh. .. .let's just hope tomorrow gets over with quickly. . ..
As long as my temp doesn't drop below 97 (it was 97.6 this morning) tomorrow, FF is going to give me crosshairs for CD 16, which was on Tuesday. So I think I'm 3dpo!

We dtd on O, O-2, O-3, and O-4. We only missed O-1.

Once again, never got a positive OPK! :wacko: That's three months that I've used them and never gotten a positive (the first month I conceived the twins!).

On an unrelated topic, I hate pants! Don't laugh at me, but I've actually been wearing my maternity jeans and dress pants alllll this time since the twins were born. They're so comfy! I finally bit the bullet and started wearing my normal jeans a few days ago, and OMG I HATE THEM. I feel like I'm being squeezed to death, even though they're not even that snug. I just loathe having something pressing on my stomach now. I feel almost claustrophobic in them! I've been squirming around in my chair all day trying to get comfortable, but I just can't! How weird am I?
Sierra, I hope my son can stand up to me someday too! I don't know if "stand up" is the right phrase... Maybe I just hope he can be HONEST with me, instead of beating around the bush? I'm not a huge fan of passive aggressive behavior. I really like when people say what they mean, so I guess that gives me something to focus on teaching the kids! Anyhow, I hope tomorrow goes well, and that the drive is easy on Camden (and you!). Hopefully there will be time for some antiquing. :D

Dragon, sending you positive vibes! (pun totally intended :haha:) Oh, and I totally get the pants thing! I am wearing regular jeans, but they create a super unattractive "roll" right now. Thank you, 1st tri bloat. :( I might splurge on some new jeans tonight. After 3 pregnancies my favorite maternity jeans have literally been sewn (to fix rips and splits around the band and where the zipper would be) probably 10 times!! Honestly, I would still be wearing them (since Max) if they didn't have new rips!
Hi ladies! Love the pics. What happy little people we have :)
I think when it comes to trousers I now need high waisted trousers, to tuck the tummy's not that it is huge, it just has no strength so flops more than it ever did before..gone are my hipster days..

I went into a shop after my second baby and discussed bikinis with a sales assistant. It was her that told me about high waisted trousers etc and I hadn't thought about it before. But it makes for a much comfier fit and a better silhouette. On that day I bought a great bikini that has an extra wider waist band that can be rolled up to cover the tummy or folded down for sunbathing etc. it was the melt expensive bikini I ever bought but well worth it. All the others just made me feel wrong. I am still about 4 kilos heavier than pre Kiara. Wll get round to that one day... (Not today, just had croissants for breakfast, it seems wrong not to at the weekends in France...yum!).
Wamommy my, so glad your scan went well! And so sweet telling the kids there. Clever 5 year old! Xxx
Helena, I've heard that high waist pants are fantastic. Most of my current jeans cause muffin top, and I've heard high waist pants combat that. Do you know what brands make good ones? I went and tried some maternity jeans on yesterday and got super discouraged. Even maternity jeans look odd on me?? :dohh:
Wamommy- Kohls has great maternity jeans... that's all I wore. I'm too having the muffin top problem... please do let us know brands to combat that!
I will trade your muffin tops for acne. My cycle has finally regulated itself back to 25 off 7 on (I'd like my previous 4 days of AF back instead of 7 please). But the worst is the acne. I'm over it. I enjoyed having non-broken out skin during pregnancy and the 8 months after... I want it back!

I too hate the telephone. I find email and texting to be way more friendly. That way if someone is in the middle of doing something they can respond when they have a free moment. If Teagen is napping there is a 100% chance I won't answer the phone.

Teagen was a good girl on our weekend trip to California. Of course not even 5 minutes after we checked into the motel there was a 4.9 earthquake. I had a rather traumatic experience as a child in a big earthquake and they still freak me out. I successfully convinced myself for 5 minutes that it was the room above that made the TV shake and the walls shudder... Until my dad called to ask if we felt it. Then I called DH and melted down.
The morning after Teagen was nursing when all of a sudden I hear my mom query: Is it raining in here? They were working on the toilet above our room and it started pouring down through the ceiling. So we were moved to another room and given 50% off our stay. It helped that the manager on duty is a family friend. She was so glad it was us instead of strangers.
The next night there was some gun fire, underage drinking and a pool party. Teagen slept through the whole thing. My husband asked me if I wanted to move back to Humboldt County... I said no.

Sierra - I hope you were able to do some antiquing. We actually - oddly enough - went to an antique show this afternoon. It is an annual thing and I used to have to work the chamber of commerce booth each year growing up so we knew most of the dealers. Everyone loved Teagen. I put her shoes on so she "walked" the entire building and charmed everyone. Apparently she is overly enthusiastic and scares other kids. She chased down an 18 month old who started clinging to her mom. Yep, I have that kid.
Hi Herbert :) Did you also have a baby this past February?

Ugh DH is being such a BUTT!! For some reason he's just constantly looking for a reason to be mad at me, and then he acts all disgusted with me and gives me the silent treatment. On Sunday, he told me if I didn't clean the litter boxes before I left to run errands, the cat would be gone when I got home. WTF? That is not how a marriage works...threats and ultimatums? Who are you and what did you do with my husband? I stood there in shock for about 3 full minutes before saying quietly "What's wrong?" He just stopped, made a disgusted noise, and walked away.

Last night, he asked me to help him get the twins ready to leave this morning. I agreed, but also told him that I have back to back meetings from 9am-11am, so it would have to be before that. I got up at 8 and got the diaper bag ready, but he and the babies were still asleep, so I couldn't do much else. I went back to the bedroom to pump, and when I came back out, they were awake and he had the kids in their carseats already. I asked if he wanted me to put a bib on Gunnar, since he had his bottle, and DH says "Well, I guess, if that's the extent of your helping." I told him everyone had been sleeping when I got up, but that the diaper bag was ready to go so all he had to do was give Lily her bottle and they were set. He gave this big sigh and said "I asked you to help me get them ready." All the while he won't look at me and he's all in a temper, and then he stormed out with the kids.

I wanted to scream at him. What the heck did I do wrong? I have no idea what I could have done differently. I hate feeling like he's constantly disappointed in me, but he won't talk to me or tell me what the heck is wrong.
Oh dragon, that sounds like hard work. Hope he opened up and talks soon..

You don't think it's the fear of another baby arriving in the future and more work? Just a thought.

Hope you guys get it sorted soon, I hate falling out :(
I don't know, but I wish he'd just learn to talk to me like a human being. We never used to fight like this.

I think part of it is that he's so sleep deprived, but he never sleeps when he has the opportunity...I don't know how to force him to get enough sleep if he won't go to bed! Every night I try to get him to come to bed with me, but he always says he has just one more thing to finish. Then I wake up at 4-5 am and he's still sitting on the computer. Then the babies are up at 7-8 and DH says he's had no sleep. Well whose fault is that? *sigh*

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