Valentines Babies, 2013!

Dragon, I'm so sorry about your financial stresses. :hugs: We're going through some very similar stuff, and it makes for a very tense household sometimes! I agree with Sierra that I wish we didn't need money... it seems like everything we do and everywhere we go someone has an "angle" to make a buck off of each other. It's exhausting. I really hope you get some relief soon!

Sierra, yay for figuring out your periods! Hopefully you'll start to feel better.

Kellen, if I could breast feed I WOULD, as long as baby and I wanted. I think it's amazing that you guys have stuck with it.

No baby news here, unfortunately! I am SO dang uncomfortable, and I feel like labor could literally be any minute. Sunday will mark the most pregnant I have ever been. I'll be shocked if I go to 39 or 40 weeks!! I suppose I've been spoiled and perhaps my luck has run out. In the mean time I am grumpy and feel like an invalid. Last night I broke down and started to cry to DH telling him how lonely I feel because whenever I talk about what I'm going through he changes the subject or ignores me. :( He had the nerve to get ANGRY with me, and say that my complaining this pregnancy has driven him crazy and that he's been building resentment this whole pregnancy that has made him withdraw. Do you know what his terrible resentment is from? I don't dtd with him enough... seriously. I'm 9 months pregnant, can barely walk, yet stay up all night with YOUR children and mop YOUR floors and clean YOUR toilets and you somehow have the right to resent ME for not dtd?? I didn't want to fight, since the kids had just gone to bed and I hate when they hear us fight anyway, so I just went quiet and filed it all away under reasons 498 and 499 why I can't stand being married to him... lol. Sorry... You guys are probably SO sick of hearing about my DH! I just honestly have no one else to complain to. Sigh... He's apologize today, but that's the same pattern we've had for years. Corner me, yell at me, make me feel trapped and horrible until I wiggle my way out of the argument, then apologize the next day.

Enough of that. Besides the BAD stuff, there is good too. My brother gets married next month and my sister is flying up, who I haven't seen in 2 years. She's never met Max! I'm excited to have my whole family together again.

Helena, how are things? Haven't heard from you in a while?
Oh wamommy, I'm so sorry to hear about your fight with dh. I can't imagine. :( sometimes I'll mention things that your dh does to my dh and even he thinks it's awful! You do so much and wear yourself so thin... and your dh just adds to that stress. I wish there was a way you could just get out of the relationship, but I know it's hard with the kids... and you have to follow your own heart on the situation. For now, I'm sending huge hugs :hugs: through the virtual world and telling you to PLEASE vent to us. We are definitely here to listen. That's what is great about our group of ladies. :). :hugs:

BTW, is Max walking yet? I'm getting a bit concerned with Camden because he isn't walking, but then I think of Max and feel better I'm not alone! ;). I worry sometimes because Camden doesn't walk, say anything but babble, and doesn't seem to understand any easy commands we give him. And only has 4 teeth! I know each child develops at theirown rate, but is it common to be nbehind on EVERYTHING?! love him so much but a bit concerned...

Do you have any names picked out wamommy? I haven't heard you mention anything about names.
Wamommy - Please feel free to vent to us at any time. Some of the things your DH has done has made my DH reconsider how he talks to me at times and how stressful it is to be a mom with constant demands.

Sierra - I am glad you got the AF thing figured out. That would be terrible!

Dragon - I hear you on the monetary stress issue. It is horrible. Our hospital sent us to collections just like you even though we had been paying monthy (via direct deposit). Thankfully I received the collection notice before 30 days had passed and now we pay the agency rather than the hospital, but it is not reflected on our credit.

No solid news on the job front here, but we have a couple of really hopeful leads for DH up in Portland. Not thinking we went on Good Friday and a lot of people were already out of the office. He has a lot of phone calls to make on Monday. Happy Easter everyone!

Helena - I hope your mom is doing okay.

We only have 8 teeth here, but we can see 8 more wanting to pop through. They will come up one day and sink back down the next. Teagen is frustrated and in pain which makes for grumpy everyone. But her signing increases everyday. This morning we were reading a book together and she correctly signed all of the animals before I could read off their names. She has also started pointing out her body parts and our body parts and telling us their names.
That's adorable on the signing---how fun!

Camden just started getting his FIFTH tooth today! Apparently he thinks he needs to be held all da because of it too! ;)

I'm assuming there's a baby, wamommy?! I hope you are doing well!! Can't wait to hear!
No baby!!! GRRRRR... I just came back from an OB appointment (and non-stress test) but my regular OB is out of town so I had some new guy. I didn't particularly care for him and although the nst looked great, he doesn't do physical exams, so I have NO IDEA whether I dilated more or not. :( I was really looking forward to finding out, and hoping that some encouraging news would keep me optimistic. DH also threw a hissy fit about the Doctor being male (seriously...) and insisted on being in the room with all 3 kids, so it was like a circus and I didn't really feel like I got to ask any good questions or get any info. Sigh... I'm so done!

Sierra, Max isn't walking yet either, don't worry! He stands for a second and then realizes that he isn't holding onto anything and plops down to his butt. He cruises like a champ, but no independent steps yet. He has 8 front teeth, but no molars. He's also learning some pretty funny words. His new favorite thing to say to us is "stop that!" which actually sounds like "Dop Dat!" It's too cute. He LOVES dogs, and anytime we see or hear one he perks up and starts to get super excited. I wish we had the yard for one! I keep telling the girls we'll build a fence in a couple of years so that they can have a dog.

I'm off to make the dreaded phone calls to my mom and sister... They call me every day hoping for "baby news" and it stinks to keep telling them, "nothing yet!"
Oh wamommy! That's so frustrating! I would have been so upset if they didn't check me too! Argh!! I'm sorry for keep asking about the baby, too. .. just when I hadn't heard from you, thought for SURE it must be it! lol. . . It'll be here before you know it. And how ridiculous of DH to have to go in the room with you---my goodness!

We, too, are waiting on a dog. . . probably won't happen with this house because we have no back yard. :( I'm hoping when Camden is older though! We have our heart set on an Irish Wolfhound! :)

I'm jealous of Max's words! They sound adorable! What a smart little cookie! Watch--he and Camden will walk around the exact same time. . little buggers. :)
wamommy, sorry for all your frustration! That is ridiculous that your husband had a fit over a male doctor...what the heck?

Lily loves dogs, too. She points out every dog she sees in her books, and loves to visit with her uncle's little terrier. On Easter, there was a big golden retriever at the house we went to, and oh my gosh, you should have seen Lily's face! She was kind of grumpy when we got there, so she was frowning when we set down her carseat in the living room. Then she saw the dog and her entire face lit up. Unfortunately, the dog got excited and barked, and scared the shit out of she was afraid of him the rest of the day :wacko:. It was worth it to see her little face light up like that, though.

Excuse me while I go throw up. The nausea is hitting me hard today.
Hi girls!!so no baby yet I see. Come on wamommy ;) xxx

Hope you are all well and had happy Easters. We went back to the uk to see my mum. Which was great. Kiara is so much more open to people now, she almost kissed my mum (as in she opens her mouth and lunges at you) and smiled and entertained everyone. It was lovely. Mum seemed well.evey visit I wonder if it could be the last, and that is heartbreaking. I know she has discussed where she wants to die and the idea of that conversation even breaks. My heart.
But we carry on, as we must. But it's all very tough.

My eldest (5) is on a school trip at the moment, staying one night and two days. I can't believe they go away so young. But he was excited so it's all good. The house has been nice and quiet in his absence...but can't wait to collect him when he gets back tonight :)

We got three new chickens a few weeks ago Kellen. A white one (Sussex breed), a red and a speckled black (maran). We get two or three eggs a day :) Kiara loves the chickens and was so sad when one pecked her finger last week. I think she as more upset at the betrayal of her "friend" rather than the pain!!

Kiara regularly goes free at the park and regularly puts things in her mouth, I don't worry if its stones etc and just ask her to expect whatever it is. The only yucky thing recently was she kept going for some cigarette butts at a park. Those I had to get to and move before she reached them. Yuk.

Oh Helena--that is just so heartbreaking about your mum. I can't even imagine. :hugs:

Camden lunges with open mouth too. . .but usually ends up biting. :( Dose anyone else's lo bite?! Camden dos this at least 15 times a day. I can't figure out if he thinks he is kissing, or trying to get a reaction from me, or just being naughty? ?

I can't believe your 5 year old's trip was over-night---that does seem young, but glad he was excited about it! You'll have to let us know how it went for him when he gets back!

Yuck on the cigarette butts. . . natural dirt and things don't bother me that much, but things like that---definitely!
My son got back this evening and it was all good apparently. I have never seen him so tired though :) it was like a class of zombies getting off the bus! Fun was obviously had x
Helena, I'm so glad to hear from you! Your trip to see your Mom sounds tough, but I'm so glad you get that time with her. It sounds like Kiara is such a bright light in a hard situation!

I can't imagine my oldest going on an overnight trip! I'm sure SHE would love it, but I'd be a wreck. :haha: I'm glad your son had fun and is home safely.

We just came back from the roller skating rink. My girls are getting pretty into it and today got their own skates. I'm tired of paying for rentals when we go so often! It's great exercise and I feel a little less guilty about living in a rainy state where they're trapped inside several months a year. :dohh: The little pink and white skates have pink wings on them, lol...

I'm still pregnant! Sigh... I'm actually feeling pretty good today, which is oddly discouraging. I hope that doesn't mean labor is even farther away! Everyone send me your strongest labor vibes!! I want to meet this little person. :)
Come on baby it's nice outside! Come on!!!!!
Yay on rollerskating! How fun!

And come on baby---you're Momma needs a break! So, please come out and be the calmest, sweetest little baby yet please! :hugs:
Come on,Baby your big sisters and brother want to gaze adoringly at you. Plus your mom needs a stay-cation at the hospital.
Thank you, ladies! Let's hope the vibes kick in tonight and baby decides to come out! I thought perhaps I was going into labor last night because I was up with cramping, but it stopped this morning once I took a shower! Ah well... My Mom called again and told me that I have to have the baby before Sunday because she'll be out of town for 4 days. Thanks Mom, I'll pass that along to the baby and make sure we're all on the same schedule. :dohh: I'd really like her to be there, though. Let's hope it's in the next day or 2!

Dragon, I haven't taken bump pictures since 35 weeks because I feel SO gross and smooshy. In your honor I took one this morning in the mirror. I'm not much of a "selfie" person, but you're right, I should have a final bump pic!!! The other one is me at the park with Max a few days ago. UPDATE: Max took a step today. One... but still!! DH set him down in the middle of the room and he stood there, took one step forward, then promptly plopped to his butt and crawled. I repeated it over and over, and it appears we're stuck on that one step!! Ah well, at least it's progress.


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Aww you and Max look adorable! Yay for his first step!!

I can tell just looking at you that you're going to snap back like a rubber band as soon as that baby is born! You don't look stretched out at all! I'm jealous of people with resilient skin :haha:
You're beautiful wamommy! And Max is soooo cute! Yay for the one step!!! We're getting there! Camden finally decided to try to push his walking toy last night---so I have plenty of video of that, but no walking unassisted for him yet either! ;)
You don't look big or smooshish at all, Wamommy. Yes for Max! He knows his being carried time is going to be limited very shortly.

And huzzah for Camden pushing a toy! He am sure that they will both take off like rockstars pretty soon.

We have a climber here. The couch. The table. The floor heater. The haybales. The gate. The highchair.... EVERYTHING! Thankfully she asks for help getting down (except the couch, that has been mastered).

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