Valentines Babies, 2013!

Ps. Omg wamommy you are almost full term!!! That's so fast!! So excited! Xx

I know!! I can't believe it. I just came back from my OB appointment and I'm 5 cm dilated!! eeep! It looks like baby could be here any minute. :dohh: I doubt I'll make it to next week's appointment, but you never know!

Dragon, how are you feeling?

Kellen, how's the job hunt going?

Sierra, any news about work?

Helena, glad you checked in! How's life? How's your Mom?

I joined an April due dates club on here a while ago and I check in there sometimes, but it just isn't the same as our Valentine's Ladies group. You guys are unique and wonderful and I have appreciated having all of you in my life this past 2 years! I feel lucky to know you. :)
I am delighted to have known you all too. It's great :)
Feels a bit like the valentines family is having a new baby :) (or am I just trying to muscle in on some of your wonderful exciting time! Am truely excited xxx
5cm already, oooh! Brilliant!

My mum is doing ok thanks. The cancer is slowly growing but right now she seems ok. The steroids they have put her on are really helping give her a boost and she is eating better and getting about more. Am so glad its spring and she can walk about her garden. I go back to see her at Easter weekend.

Just had to break off and go and remove Kiara from playing with the toilet. She is obsessed with it and thinks its great fun to try and dip her hands in. Yucky little girl.

Found out last week my eldest is colourblind, I had no idea! A few times he had got things wrong but not enough for me to think it was more than just a mistake. We need to find out how much it affects him, but our paediatrician did some little tests and he got quite a few wrong or just couldn't see some colours when contrasted against another. It's so weird to think his world looks different to mine. Apparently it was passed down from my mums dad, through mum and me (we see colours just fine) to my son.

Beautiful weather here at the mo. Bought Kiara a push along trike the other week (she rides I push), she loves it!
Wow, wamommy, 5cm already! That's awesome! How are you feeling?

I also love our little Valentines group! :D

I'm feeling pretty nauseated today...I seem to be throwing up every morning now, and if I'm not careful to eat regulary, I feel sick all day. It's not nearly as bad as it was with the twins, though! Still spotting some, but not bright red, so I'm not worried.

My parents are coming to visit, arriving today and leaving on the I have the next 5 days off from work! DH and I are going to have a mini-getaway this weekend, and my parents are going to watch the kids. I'm really looking forward to it!

helena, that's too funny about Kiara trying to dip her hands in the toilet! I can't let the twins in the bathroom at all, because they immediately run to the toilet and flush it a billion times, and/or open it to try to climb in. We also can't have any beverages around them, because their new favorite thing is to grab and dump every cup they see. Lily dumped a cup of ice water down my shirt on Monday...that was bracing! DH left a glass of mik next to his chair this morning, and right before I left for work, it was spilled all over the floor. *sigh* those naughty little monkeys.
Hello All!

Life sounds hectic for us all.

Wamommy - How exciting! If we don't hear from you we'll just assume you're off having a baby and taking pictures so we can all enjoy your little team yellow surprise.

Helena - I'm glad you are able to go see your mom and that the steroids are helping. Sorry to hear that the cancer is growing. It is good that Kiara gets to have this special time to know your mom.

Dragon - Ugh, nausea. At least you know your bean is doing good even with the spotting. That mini-vacation sounds like a dream. So glad you get some time off just to be you.

The job search is going. DH has a part-time job grooming. Not what he wanted to go back to, but at least it gives us a tiny bit of income. Living off our savings was not what we wanted to do. Next week we are going to Portland to personally visit some of the companies that DH has applied to.

Mom came through her surgery just find. She is tired and a little sore, but nothing like after the knee surgeries. At least she is able to get in and out of bed by herself and interact with Teagen.

The weather here has been absolutely beautiful! It was almost 80 yesterday so we played outside all day. Teagen has a water table that she and the dog enjoy playing in. Since we don't have any near neighbors I just let her run around in the buff, which she certainly enjoys.

As for the toilet she would play in it too... along with the puppy. Since my mom is semi-laid up I'm basically in charge of two teething toddlers, but one has a much stronger bite and 5lb on the human kiddo.
Now that the weather is getting nicer, I'm looking forward to playing outside at the park with the twins. I have a question, do you keep them from eating stuff off the ground? My kids will eat any little thing they find, so I can just picture them eating grass, dirt, bugs, goose poop, etc.
Teagen frequently eats grass and dirt, but she isn't too fond of things that move. Right now she enjoys picking up rocks and letting them tumble through her fingers. Every once in a while she'll see if she can't sneak one into her mouth, but other than that I just let her go for it.

Before this week I was pretty much the only one that could get Teagen to sleep at night. However, for the past three nights she has cried for her Daddy to come pat her back until she passes out. I am enjoying it, but he isn't so great at the sneak away. LOL. So far he has gotten her to sleep twice, but she has caught him trying to leave.
Helena, I'm glad the steroids are helping your Mom feel a bit better. :) The nice weather certainly doesn't hurt, either! How interesting that your DS is colorblind, too. I sometimes think DH is a bit colorblind. He'll often call something grey that to me is obviously green, or he can't differentiate between subtle shade differences. I'm glad you caught it early so that he's aware of it!

Dragon, are your parents super excited about the newest LO? What is your due date, btw?

Kellen, lucky Teagen enjoying the hot weather! It's still a bit cool up here. We had 1 60 degree day last week and took the girls to the park. I can't WAIT for summer. There are just so many more options of things to do with LOs!

I'm actually sitting here pretty pissed off, lol. Beware, I feel the need to vent. It's 4:45 in the morning and I haven't gone to bed yet. Max is on day 2 of an awful cough/cold that keeps him up all night. DD#2 just got over the same bug. She coughs so hard that she throws up, so I've been cleaning up vomit for the past week or so... and now I'm on night #2 staying up ALL NIGHT with Max because he can't sleep. DH, however, is sleeping soundly upstairs. I just don't see how it's fair that at 37 weeks pregnant I am getting 2-3 hours of sleep a night and still expected to cook, clean, and keep up with the kids. If I bring it up to DH he just spaces out and doesn't respond to me... or he picks a fight so that I feel like it isn't even worth it to ask for what I need. He's been playing more and more computer games to "relax," and if the kids or I interrupt him he loses his temper and yells at everyone. I'm just feeling very alone and panicked about this new baby when I can't barely handle the ones we have! I wish I had a more involved partner. :(

Ok, vent over. Maybe I'll make a cup of tea and watch the early news. No sign of labor here, btw! I remember this limbo stage with Max where I felt like I'd have him literally any second for a week!
wamommy---that makes me so MAD! I'm sorry, but your DH is just awful sometimes! There is NO WAY you should be doing all you are doing while you are so far pregnant--with no help!! Having children means less "relax" time for BOTH partners and he needs to get over that and start pulling his weight around! Argh! I don't know how to help, but I'm ticked off right with you!

Work situation is much the same right now for me---still trying to figure out what to do. We figured out our finances and there is just no way we can make it on one income. So now we are thinking about trying to ask my bosses to allow me to work part-time--which would still make us move to a smaller house but we are okay with that. So, right now we are just trying to buy time while we look for a home and get ours ready to sell before I ask for part-time work (this is a huge deal as my bosses usually don't let people go part time. . .but it's my only hope right now!) Still keeping my fingers crossed!

As for toilets, Camden LOVES the toilet. . .if he's ever really quiet, we know where he's at! Argh!!

As far as dirt and such, we've only had a couple of nice days so far, and have allowed Camden to crawl around outside (still no walking here!)---he hasn't tried to eat anything outside yet, but I feel it's only a matter of time! ;)

Helena, so glad that the steroids are helping your mom!

Dragon--your mini vacation sounds nice! Good for you!

Kellen--I hope you guys find some jobs soon. . .that's so hard, I know!! Keep your chin up!

Does anyone have a bike seat for your lo? We are currently researching them as we really want to go bicycling soon. Any suggestions? We want the kind that hooks on the back of the bike--not the pull behind ones.. Yay spring!
Wamommy - If you ever need a place to run away to, let me know. And if you need help just let me know. We are honestly not all that far from you and I'd be glad to help if possible. I think you need to whack your DH with a cast iron skillet.

Sierra - I am waiting for my motorcycle to sell so I can outfit myself with a really nice trail bike and then equip it with this awesome seat! I has the same safety ratings as a carseat. Also I would enjoy being able to see what Teagen is doing rather than have her try to look around me.
Lovely Kellen! My DH refuses to get one in front, so we have to go for the rear seat. ..ha! Aww well!
No! Grrr... I'm actually a grouchy, uncomfortable mess! I have an OB appointment tomorrow (which I did NOT think I would make it to) and I'll know more about where I am then. I feel like it could literally be any minute! Max and my DH are both sick (DH is the bigger baby) so perhaps a few days more would be a good thing to make sure everyone is well when the baby comes... sigh.

How is everyone else doing?
Aww wamommy--I'm sorry! I remember what that is like---you are soooo entitled to be grouchy! ;) Hopefully everyone gets well before baby arrives--hopefully that'll make it at least a bit easier on you!

I'm much the same. . still worried about my job/life/house/everything. lol I'm praying it all comes together here shortly. . .

Had MIL here today to watch Camden while I attended meetings. . . he wasn't too happy, but it worked out. Somehow she managed to put a dirty diaper BACK on him. . .not really sure how that worked. . .I know cloth diapering is a bit different, but I figured you'd know not to put a soiled wet diaper back on a baby?! lol He survived, so no big deal. . .but I'm kind of scratching my head.

Anyone else with period issues? I have literally (no joke!) THREE full periods a month! I have only a few days a month when I'm not on it! I'm going crazy! I'm trying to get into my doctor, but not sure if it is my breastfeeding (still doing this a couple times a day) or if it's the mini-pill? Whatever it is, I need it to stop. . .I'm so tired of cramping and hormones and everything! Argh!

(Nothing compared to being pregnant, wamommy, but thought I'd complain too! ;)
Wamommy - Poor you. Won't it be nice to be in the hospital all alone with a new baby and nurses waiting on you? LOL. Glad you find out tomorrow what the game plan will be.

Sierra - We still BF many, many times a day, but my period is back to the good old 25 day cycle. The only thing I'm not fond of is when Teagen nurses it makes my cramps worse. But compared to you I have nothing to complain about. Ick.

DH is still job hunting here too, and me to a lesser extent. We plan to go up to Portland for two days at the end of the week so he can ask for some face-to-face interview with shipping HR people. We have a list of companies and their addresses. Most he has already applied to, but a friend said that the companies basically only hire if you walk in prepared to walk out and go directly to a boat. I am hoping to drive home alone (with Teagen of course) on Saturday.

We have meat rabbits now. DH and my dad took a class on how to breed, raise and slaughter meat rabbits. There is a huge market here locally so hopefully this will be a nice little money maker on the side. I informed DH that I will have no part of slaughtering the rabbits and Teagen will be kept away from them at that time.

DH and my dad also added an extension to our chicken coop so we can add three more hens and a rooster. Some friends of our raise exotic chickens and have some pullets (babies) that they want to sell at a discounted rate.

We have more teeth coming in here and Teagen has been really grumpy. They are SO close, but they seem to be moving up and down. One day they will almost be through the gums and then the next day they will be back up.

Tonight I get to dye DH's hair. Poor man is quite vain. For his interviews on Thur/Fri he wants to look a bit younger and less grey. I like his salt and pepper, but he wants it to be darker. We will leave a bit on the sides, but his eyebrows and top and back of his hair will get the dye job. Men...
Hey all, sorry I was missing for a few days. My parents are leaving this afternoon, and I'm back to work now. The visit went very well, and it was nice to have a few days off to relax. I wish I had a few more days though ;)

The nausea comes and goes, and isn't nearly as severe or constant as it was with the twins. I'm really struggling with fatigue, though. I go to bed early, but I still need a long nap in the middle of the day, or I'm just completely wrecked. Since I can't always fit in a nap, some days I'm so tired that I can hardly think. Hoping that will pass soon!

wamommy, I thought for sure I'd come back and you'd have big baby news! Sorry your DH is being a butt...I wish he'd help more!

Kellen- that's pretty neat about the rabbits and chickens. My sister in law recently got a few chickens and she occasionally gives us some eggs. Fresh free range eggs taste so much better than store bought!

Sierra- That's strange that she'd put a dirty diaper back on! Not sure how someone could overlook that lol. That's awful that you've been getting 3 periods a month! I hope the doctor can figure out what's causing it...I have heard that the mini-pill can cause a lot of breakthrough bleeding, so maybe that's it?
Thanks Dragon--I was wondering that too, except that it's always a week long normal-seeming period. . .maybe that is considered break-through bleeding? But it has to stop. . .it's driving me crazy and I feel it can't be good to lose that much blood every month! I remember being so tired when I was pregnant---I'm sorry! I hope you can at least get some naps here and there!

Kellen--Glad I'm not the only one still bfing. . .my family thinks I'm crazy still bfing (all of them stopped nursing way before lo was this age, so it seems strange to them). I'm aiming for 2 years old before we stop. I love all of the little farm-y things you do! DH and I plan on getting a mini-farm some day and raising chickens, pigs, and maybe a few beef cows. (I did all of this growing up, so hopefully it won't be too bad getting back into it!)

wamommy, how'd the appointment go? :hugs:
Still pregnant here! :dohh: I had my OB and nst appointment today and it went pretty well. The baby was SO active during the non-stress test that I had to stay monitored for a whole hour to make sure baby was ok. The heart rate, which is usually between 120-140, spiked and stayed around 180 for an hour! Baby was rolling around wildly. I think it wants out, too. I saw my OB next and I'm still 5cm dilated, 50% effaced... EXACTLY the same as a week ago. How is that even possible? With all of the pain and BH I've had this week I thought for SURE I'd have progressed. :( She thinks the baby is facing my tummy instead of my back, and once it does the final turn I'll go into rapid labor. We'll see. I didn't expect to make it to this week's appointment, and if I make it to the next one I might lose my mind!!!

Kellen, your house sounds like such a fun place to be a kid! I am jealous. :) Good luck in Portland. I hope they perfect job presents itself!

Sierra, I had funky periods on the mini pill too, but the other direction. I had way longer cycles and super light periods. I think progesterone only pills just confuse your body sometimes. :shrug: I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a hard time with it, though! 3 periods a month does NOT sound fun.

Dragon, I'm glad you had a good visit with your parents. I'm sorry to hear about the nausea and fatigue, though. :hugs: Hopefully it will get better in second tri!

Today is DH's birthday, so he wants me to go do jumping jacks to coax this baby out so that they share a birthday. To be honest, after a giant birthday meal and a long day of activities I don't think I want the baby out tonight! He/she can wait until tomorrow. I like even numbers better anyhow... :haha:
Wamommy - That is disappointing! I can't believe that you haven't progressed at all! I hope you had a little alone time and were able to semi-relax during your NST. Teagen never did turn around for me, I hope your LO does a quick turn around for you tomorrow and you have a fast and easy labor.

Sierra - I grew up on farms and ranches so I am thoroughly enjoying Teagen being able to play outside and get to interact with all the animals. Today my dad was walking about getting a couple of steers this summer and letting them have the back two acres to keep the grass down and then putting them in the freezer this winter.

My MIL thinks I'm pretty much insane for BFing a baby with TEETH! She called the other day and asked what we were doing. Well, at the time DH was building rabbit enclosures and Teagen was playing with rocks. When she saw me sit down she signed "milk please" and asked to get in my lap. So I blithely informed MIL that Teagen was nursing. Her response was: "Doesn't she get enough REAL food?" A) Thank you for the insult, B) she eats three square meals, plus snack, plus nursing and C) No, she isn't overweight. Poor tike only weighs 23lb and is 34". It is difficult to find clothes that are tall and skinny.

Dragon - I am glad you were able to rest a little bit. I don't miss the constantly tiredness of being pregnant. Teagen LOVES fresh eggs and practically refuses to eat eggs whenever we go out for breakfast. It is nice to be able to go out and know exactly where your food is coming from.

Today Teagen helped my mom plant lettuce, peppermint and stevia. We already have blossoms on our blueberry bushes and strawberry plant. We have some crazy volunteer potato plants. I guess I didn't get all the potatoes from last years crop and now we have a bunch sprouting up. Next week DH (if he isn't on a ship! Thanks for the prayers, btw) and my dad will be renting a self-propelled rototiller and plow up the secondary barn paddock that is currently not in use. Then we will be planting: beats, kale, peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, melons and other things that I don't remember right now.

Teagen has a weird red rash on her left cheek. It is sort of raised and feels a bit chapped. I am wondering if it is something she ate, if she fell, or if she has had too much sun exposure or something entirely different.
Arrrggghhh...I am so mad and upset! Our financial problems just keep piling up.

Last month, I received a collection notice from the ob/gyn that delivered the twins, saying our account was delinquent. However, I had a payment plan set up with them, and they had been auto-debiting my account every month, never a missed payment. So we sent them and the collection agency a letter explaining this, thinking it must be an error (meanwhile, they cancelled our auto-debit, but they're still cashing our checks every month). A week or two later, we received a summons in the mail...they're taking us to small claims court!! Now we have to get a lawyer, which could end up costing more than the claim is worth...and if they win and get a judgment against us, it will ruin our credit and have a significant negative impact on my husband's business. They also only gave us 3 weeks notice to get a lawyer and build our case before the court date. SO stressful.

As if that weren't bad enough, I found out that the echocardiogram that Gunnar had last month is going to cost us over $2000 out of pocket. We mentioned at a doctor's visit that once in a while Gunnar's lips turn blue for a few minutes, with no other symptoms...the doctor was concerned and told us that we needed to get an echocardiogram to make sure nothing was wrong. He had one the next day, and everything was perfectly fine. However, they billed over $5000 to insurance for it! A simple ultrasound, I have no idea how it could be so expensive.

We have a flexible spending account that we were counting on for all the pregnancy expenses...but now we'll have to use it for this bill. That means that we'll have another $5000+ to pay by the time the baby is born.

I really can't handle money stress, it makes me feel panicked, desperate, and can't get away from it and you can't control it, and I always feel like it's my fault, that I'm handling our finances poorly and ruining everything. I don't even know what to do. DH is so stressed that he can't sleep and has a constant headache, and I don't know what to do about that either.
Oh Dragon, I am so sorry to hear about your financial struggles. I know how disheartening and terrifying that can be. I'm thoroughly convinced that money is evil. . . it's just a shame we can't live without it. I really admire the old way of living off of the land. . .seemed so much more simple (albeit hard). .. :hugs:

Kellen---the comments on breastfeeding after 1 yr old drives me CRAZY! Research shows it's good for them, yet I feel like people tend to judge about it. . .As with everything about raising a child, people need to let others raise their kids how they see fit. . .

Well, I finally got an answer on my crazy periods. . .they really think it's the combination of mini pill and breastfeeding. . so they are switching me to regular birth control which is apparently safe at this point, but may decrease my milk supply a bit. She said it shouldnt' be too drastic, so hopefully I'll be able to keep up our nursing schedule.. . but right now I am very thankful for the hopefully soon relief of constant AF! I feel like my whole body is suffering because of the hormones/blood loss/etc. Hopefully getting back on track!

I found out yesterday that I have TWO weeks before they make me go back to work on Mondays (I still will get to work from home the rest of the week). But, I'm panicking. I really don't want Camden in daycare and can't find help for him at home. I know it's not the end of the world, but it breaks my heart that I have to have someone else watching him on Mondays. . .and with as clingy and high-maintenance as he is, I'm sure he's going to have a hard time too. :( I'm so sad. At this point, we're still thinking about moving/getting DH a different job, but with only two weeks, it looks like we'll have to do that arrangement for a while in order to give us time to figure things out. .. :(

Any baby news wamommy? I hope you're doing okay!!! :hugs:

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