Valentines Babies, 2013!

So, I'm helping a graduate student with her year-end project later this afternoon and thought I'd tell you about it. . . She is a psychology major and has to test under 2 year olds to see if they are developmentally on track with their peers. She basically has various toys she gives to the child, various positions she puts them in, etc, to "test" them. I'm kinda interested in the whole process. It'll be for an hour today and I get to be in the room the entire time while she tests Camden (she comes to our home apparently). I won't get the exact results of the test because she is just a student, and liability reasons, etc, but if he's way off mark, they'll let me know. I'm figuring he'll be fine, but am interested in seeing how he reacts to her because of his extreme separation anxiety and pure hatred of other people! :rofl: should be entertaining at least! ;)
Sierra, that sounds really interesting! I'm sure Camden's in the normal range, but it will be fun to see how he responds to her tests, too. :D

Yay for Camden using his walking toy! We tease Max because he uses his on his KNEES. He "walks" across the room pushing his toy with his knees on the ground. Weirdo. I'm sure Camden is close to walking if he's mastered that already.

Kellen, I can't believe that Teagen can climb! There is so much more to explore once you can go "up!" :D What a clever girl.

I'm still pregnant, lol. Sigh. DH and I had another big fight last night (well, if a fight is him yelling and me waiting for him to stop) and I'm so uncomfortable I could burst. For some reason I'm having a much better attitude about it all today, though. It's almost comical at this point. Maybe it's because Max is finally not sick anymore so I slept alright last night. :shrug: Either way, today would be a great day for baby to come! I might go walk on the treadmill to try to speed things along.
Wamommy, so glad to hear you're having a good day! The day before I had Camden was a super good day for me emotionally and dh and I had a date day... very pleasant time. The next morning 9am labor started! Maybe this is your calm before the storm!
Wamommy, so glad to hear you're having a good day! The day before I had Camden was a super good day for me emotionally and dh and I had a date day... very pleasant time. The next morning 9am labor started! Maybe this is your calm before the storm!

Storm being labor that is. ;)
We have a climber too. Kiara has also started easing herself down off things unaided. She slid herself down off out high double bed the other day and got a shock and landed on her bottom. She was pretty much controlled though. She has almost given up walking. And now just runs. It's a sort of straight legged run. Very cute and funny to watch. It's like she is always in a big hurry. I have noticed that since she started working on her running she has stopped developing her speech. We have very few words beyond dada and tacter (tractor) these days. It's like she can only develop one thing at a time.
She is ill at the moment, has had a fever for the last 24 hours :(

Sorry to hear you and DH had a row wamommy, that must be tough at this stage for you. It makes me sad he shouts at you :( you are the most wonderful woman for carrying all his children!

Just had our "payday pizza".. Pizza takeout guilt free because its payday. I like this day :)
Wamommy - Why does your DH feel the need to be a jerk when you are in one of the most vulnerable states a woman can be in? I am keeping you in my prayers and hopefully something will change soon. At least you were able to get a little rest!

Sierra - How did the afternoon with the grad student go? I think that would be a fascinating project to be a part of. Public administration grad work isn't so hands on or fun getting to see little people.

Helena - So sorry that Kiara isn't feeling well. And ditto on the running here - especially with the straight legs. I'm not sure Teagen knows quite how to work her knees, although she is practicing going up and down steps while holding on to something. This afternoon I was spot cleaning the carpet and left Teagen on the landing which has three steps. Never before has she gotten down by herself. But today, as I am using chemicals that I don't want her around, she simply guides herself down using the wall. Cheeky monkey!

My cousin and his wife and their three girls are due in tomorrow. Things ought to be nice and chaotic for the weekend. Thankfully they are staying at the big house, but we might be babysitting the dog. I am curious to see how Teagen reacts to having a 7, 8 and 10 year old around.
Wamommy - Baby?

It has been quiet here...

Well, interesting news on the job front. DH was randomly looking for a grooming table today on Craigslist and ended up finding a grooming shop for sale for only $2500. So, on a lark, the entire family drove an hour and twenty minutes to look at said shop. Spoke with the owner. Fairly decent equipment, the shop needs a face-lift, but... we are going to get a loan tomorrow. DH doesn't really want to be a groomer, he wants to sale, but it seems like God keeps putting grooming in our path. The owner let us look at the books and on a bad day (his wife had to have major back surgery hence why they closed it) they were making $120. If DH only makes $100/day we will still be able to cover all expenses plus bring home around $1100 a month.

I am fairly certain Teagen has a built in "mom needs to go do something" sensor when I try to put her to bed. Last night I had no grandiose plans, just hanging out with DH and she went to sleep before I finished her bedtime songs. Tonight I needed to finish a 5 page paper... would she sleep? No, she wanted to hold my hand and sing to me. Then stand up and "walk" her Pup-Pup (her stuffed dog) along the crib railing. Finally I made DH go to her. He merely asked her to lay down (which I had done 100 times!) and she did. No joke, in less than a minute she was laying down with her dog and blanket and fast asleep. Now he is all smug...
I vote bedtime is Daddy's job now Kellen. See how long that smugness lasts ;)

Good luck with the new shop! exciting times. Is this dog grooming?

Is wamommy off having baby?....I have a feeling she is!! Eeek, exciting!

It's school holidays here so it's busy and crazy in this house, but I will try and pop back later to see if there is baby news! :)
Helena - That is a fantastic idea. LOL. And yes, it is dog grooming. He also grooms cats even though he isn't fond of it. Did you know that the average cat BATH cost around $50? And a haircut is around $70. That seems insane to me.

I had a dream that Wamommy had another little girl.
No baby! LOL I thought for SURE baby would be here already. Technically my due date is Wednesday, so I'm not even over due. I suppose I'm just so used to babies coming BEFORE their due date so I'm shocked to still be pregnant!! My Mom stopped by yesterday on her way out of town for 4 days, so Murphy's Law would definitely assume the baby will come while she's gone. :haha: If nothing happens by Friday I have an OB appointment where I can moan to my OB. Let's hope I don't make it that far!

It's funny that you've had a dream that this baby is a girl, Kellen! I've been certain the entire pregnancy that it's a boy, but have just started trying to finalize a girl name just in case. Another girl would be great!

Good job with the running, Teagen and Kiara!! In a very selfish way I'm glad Max can't run (or walk :blush:) yet, since I can't waddle that quickly after him! Helena, your house must be bustling with activity with the boys home this week. It's always fun, isn't it? I always welcome the 'normal' schedule when break is over, though.

Kellen, perhaps the grooming shop was put in your path for a reason! It sounds like a great opportunity. Did you go in to get the loan?

Max is freaking out, so my break time is over!! :haha:
We were denied any loans, but a friend of ours fronted DH the money. She owns her own grooming shop and he was previously her mentor. Now we are trying to scrape together the funds for the rent for the shop.

Silly baby wants to take its time since he/she knows they are the last of the line.
Oh I felt sure today was the day wamommy! Tomorrow then!!
And I feel you are having a BOY!
I feel it's a boy too! :)

Kellen--that's so great about the grooming shop--definitely sounds meant to be!

The testing done on Camden went well. He did great in some areas, but in others not so well (verbal and walking). She was a bit alarmed that he hit every single toy on the table or threw it on the floor. She told me to offer him more soft toys. He isn't interested in soft toys AT ALL, but loves to hear clicking noises by hitting objects together or on a table, etc. I thought all 1 year olds were like this? Do your lo's do this? I didn't seem to see it as as much of a problem as she did. :haha:

Freaking out today because I have to return to work on Mondays starting NEXT Monday. We have NO sitter for Camden yet. DH is taking a vacation day on Monday to watch him, but we need to interview some people this week. We've been putting it off because we just don't want someone else watching our child. This is so hard for me. . .I'm literally sick over it. Plus, work is just outrageous lately. . .I'm so busy, I don't even have a life! :( So discouraged. . . I'm just praying a miracle happens between now and then.

Lots of labor love going out to you tonight wamommy!!! :hugs:
Sierra- the twins like to hit toys on the coffee table and/or throw them on the floor, too. Lily likes to hug and kiss soft toys, but Gunnar isn't all that interested in them.

wamommy- wow, I thought for sure I'd come back to see baby news! I hope the baby comes soon so you don't have to be so uncomfortable for much longer!

Kellen- wow, the grooming shop sounds neat! Will your DH be doing it on his own, or will he have employees?

Lily has pretty much mastered walking, so I have two little toddlers! It makes things interesting when we go out...I really can't corral them both, as they run in different directions and always go for the most dangerous thing they can find. That means usually one gets to run around and one has to wait in the stroller, unless I have someone with me to help. I might need a couple of those little backpacks with leashes!

We had to go to court today for the collections issue...once they realized we were disputing it, they reset the court date for a few weeks from now so we have time to get a lawyer and all our research done. It sucks, and I came home with a migraine that I haven't been able to shake.

Is it possible to feel movement at 10 weeks? I swear I've been feeling activity in there doesn't feel like gas bubbles. I felt the twins at 11 weeks, but I thought it was because there were two! What do you think?
Dragon - I think you probably do feel your little bean. You know what to expect and you are probably super sensitive since having the twins. I know at 10 weeks our cat would come and sit on my belly and press her ear up against me and start purring. We are pretty sure she was listening to Teagen wiggle around.
At least you have a little more time before collections comes knocking at your door. Still it is no fun to have to deal with all of that plus an extra baby on the way. Not that the baby part is bad, but it does contribute to stress.

Sierra - I would absolutely be physically ill if I had to leave Teagen and go to work. I'm sorry that this is happening to you. And I wouldn't worry about Camden and his love of noises. Teagen does like cuddling soft toys, but she also enjoys banging things together or throwing them off the table. However, she has an obsession with cleaning so she likes to pick up the toys and then follow behind with her miniature broom or towel.

No loans, but we were gifted the money via a family friend and my grandmother. We will be going back up to the shop on Thursday after DH finishes out his part-time grooming gig. My parents wanted to chip in so they bought us paint. Right now the shop is a horrible green color that makes me want to wear sunglasses. So after we paint the walls will be a nice cream color with mocha trim.

The shop is actually about 90 minutes from where we live so DH will be living there during the week. There is a church we want to try out and they have services on Saturday evenings. Since most grooming shops are closed on Sun/Mon DH will go to church with us on Sat and then we will drive him back Tuesday morning. So basically Sat and Tues will be the days I'm in the office to do all the bookwork and helping out with bathing. There are two backrooms that we will be converting into "break rooms" and stocking with couches and pack n plays and Teagen toys. That way she has a safe place to be while I'm working. So nice that I can have a job to take my child to without a boss looming over my shoulder.

Wamommy - I'm voting girl and I think you'll have her within the next three days.
Kellen, it sounds like you have the shop all planned out. Running your own business like that sounds great. Good luck! If you get a little website going do share it with us :)

Wamommy, are you pushing right now!?!
Kellen--that sounds like a great shop! How fun! DH and I always dream about opening our own business---I think it's fabulous to be your own bosses! Do share a website or pictures or anything! So excited for you!
Oh wamommy is quiet!.....



(Says the woman with three kids who hasn't given birth naturally even once!)
Too funny, Helena. Hope the baby comes soon!

DH and I entered the digital age yesterday and got iPhones. Now our business has a Twitter and Facebook. I have a friend who does some web design so I am going to be calling her and asking for some help. When we go to paint I'll be taking a ton of before and after photos.

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