Valentines Babies, 2013!

:rofl: Helena, you're too funny! I WISH I were having this LO right now, but it's still parked comfortably in my enormous mid-section! :dohh: I've had a TON of pressure today and feel like tonight might be the night, but we'll see. Did any of you need to be induced or helped along with pitocin? I think on Friday at my appointment they may offer it due to the baby's size, and I'm sort of freaking out about it!

Keep up those labor vibes. I think they're working!! :happydance:

Kellen, I'm so happy for you about the shop. That sounds like an incredible situation for you guys. I can't wait to see before and afters!

Sierra, I'm glad your test went well with Camden! I wouldn't worry about bashing toys. Max loves to throw everything. If I pile toys for him he just throws them all across the room. Boys are weird. :D

I'm going to go walk the zoo with the kids. Maybe tonight's the night!
I had to have pitocin due to my water breaking so early. Nasty stuff...
Oh I can "like" your fb page if you like?! I do have some friends in the US, but not sure if they are near you though... It all sounds very exciting.
Oh wamommy, I am disappointed!

I am super excited because I just got a text from DH saying he just bought a bike trailer, so Kiara and my middle son can go in there while DH, I and my eldest son go on our own bikes. Family bike rides a-hoy!! :) it's been years since I rode my bike, I have always been walking while the kids bike, scooter or run, but I can't wait :)

And I agree, bashing toys is so normal. That student clearly hasn't seen my children...our house is literally broken....they break everything. Not meaning to...just by being boisterous. It provides my husband with a hobby...DIY fixing. Walls...doors...flooring.....tables...sofas... Seriously, they break everything. It drives me nuts.

I build towers of bricks with Kiara. She bashes them down. It's the game. And she likes banging things to make noises.
Wamommy--we're still cheering for you! :)

Helena, that's great news about the bike trailer! We've used our seat a couple of times, and Camden LOVES it! It's so freeing!!

Thanks ladies on the throwing things! He does it so often that I was worried once she said that. Camden also scatters anything I stack, too. . .be it blocks or even laundry! Silly boy. :)
Oh scattering yes. Kiara loves scattering. wipes if she can get she hands on a pack....tissues out of the box....anything. Everywhere.
I have a scatterer too. Right now it is clothes out of her dresser. She loves to open the drawer and pull out the clothes.

Yesterday when we were over visiting with my mom and grandmother Teagen followed my mom down the hall. A few minutes later my mom comes back sans baby. Apparently my mom had went to fetch some soup and Teagen detoured into her room where she scaled the bed. I found her with her head on the cat "meowing" and petting said cat.

Helena - That would be great if you could like the page once I set it all up. The more people who see it the better for us. And hooray for bike rides! My plans to buy a bike are temporarily on hold seeing as we just bought a business. I am jealous. Have fun!

Sierra - Teagen likes to make noise. She likes to experiment with different objects to see what sort of noises she can create. I think it is normal toddler development. She has one stuffed toy that she sleeps with and isn't overly fond of the other ones. When you ask her to give them kisses she bites their noses and walks around with them hanging from her mouth. :dohh:
Kiara however does love a soft toy. As well as banging hard stuff. She sleeps with "duckie" who she adores. I must buy a second one. She will also cuddle and lay down on most other big soft toys.

Love the image of Taegan and the cat! Very cute. Kiara was stroking her brother on the hair this evening as he pretended to be a dog...
Kellen- that's so cute that she was petting the cat. :) We're working on animal sounds right now, Lily will tell you moo, meow, ooh ooh ah ah (monkey), and baa.

She loves to sit in the recliner with her Curious George book while watching Curious George videos on the TV...she LOVES monkeys. Gunnar doesn't really care about animal sounds, but he's starting to point to body parts when you ask, and they both give hugs and kisses.

I'm continuously amazed by how different they are...Lily is often content to sit and play or read her books quietly, or watch some Veggie Tales, and she has a great attention span. Gunnar likes to read his books, too, but he doesn't have the attention span yet to sit for long, and doesn't really watch TV for more than a minute or two at a time. He'd much rather try to get into cabinets and drawers, or climb on things, or grab daddy's papers...he's very naughty! He loves to be tossed in the air or flipped around, while Lily gets a little nervous with that kind of stuff. They both follow two part directions well, like "Find your bottle and bring it to mama, please"...but Gunnar likes to pretend he can't hear you when he doesn't want to do something ;)

Gunnar is also being quite a bully lately...if Lily has a toy he wants, he will knock her down and take it away. She gets her feelings hurt and cries and cries, but she rarely fights back. Occasionally she'll wait until later and then suddenly start hitting him out of the blue like she's getting revenge :haha: I know I shouldn't laugh, but it's so funny. We're trying to teach them not to hit and to share better, but so far nothing seems to work with Gunnar. Sometimes he won't let her play with anything at all, and we have to put him in the playpen to cool off and give her a break.
I am still working on the no hitting and sharing thing with my eldest. He is 6 in July! Lol!

How are you feeling dragon? X
Well, it turns out yesterday WAS the day!! After a 3-hour labor my bump turned bright BLUE!!!! The most gorgeous, 9lb, blonde-haired baby boy entered the world. He is absolutely beautiful. He doesn't have a name, since the ONE NAME I had my heart set on Dh has decided to veto. :( I may still fight for it, though. We just got home from the hospital and poor Max is snoring away from all of the excitement. This transition is going to be tough!!


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YIPPEE! Congrats on your newest little boy! He is absolutely gorgeous. I and say fight for your name! DH has gotten to name all the others, it is your turn! Use those mommy hormones and stick to your guns. Tell the girls his name and once they latch on to it hopefully it will stick.

Oh yay! Welcome to the world beautiful boy. Congratulations to you all. Oh he is really very lovely. Well done mummy!!! Two boys and two girls. All just about perfect I say!!! Hoping you are feeling ok.

Good luck Max in this adventure!

Oh he is so gorgeous! And such a great weight!! :happydance:

And best of all I was right...:thumbup:

Congratulations wamommy!! He's gorgeous! Well done! I agree-- fight for the name-- you deserve it! I hope the transition is easier than you think and Max settles into this very easily. Welcome to the world, new baby boy!
Oh my gosh, he is gorgeous! I just want to squeeze his chubbly little cheeks! I agree, stick to your guns about the name. Can't wait to hear the full story!

How are you feeling?
Just looked at his picture again wamommy, did he sleep through his first bath!?
Hoping you have a super duper sleeper on your hands with this little guy :)

Ooh he is so lovely. Thinking of you xxx
I concur with Helena. I hope that this little guy is a champion snoozer. He looks so laid back and mellow. Congrats again!
Thank you, ladies!!! I'm sitting here feeding the little guy, so I'll try to type out the whole birth story with one hand.

After I posted on here about walking the zoo, the kids said they'd rather go bike riding. We loaded up their bikes and headed out to our usual spot, which is a 1-mile trail around a lake. It's beautiful, but kind of secluded. Halfway there I just couldn't take it anymore and started to cry. DH looked over at me and said, "something wrong?" I told him I felt a ton of back pain and pressure and wasn't sure I could make the walk. He angrily swung a sharp u-turn and headed home. The girls burst into tears in the back seat. They were SO disappointed. I told DH we should find another park or trail that was closer to home and less of a walk, and we compromised on one that is literally 3 blocks from the hospital. The kids rode bikes and I sat on the bench realizing that the pressure and pain feeling was beginning to be more regular. I told DH that we better pack up and go in to the hospital just to be sure.

We got to the hospital at about 5:30pm and checked in and headed up to the birth unit. The check-in nurse leisurely took my vitals and checked dilation. I think she thought I was not that far in because she looked shocked when I was 8.5cm dilated. They moved me to a different room immediately and my OB (who was on her way home for the day when they paged her) arrived. She didn't deliver any of my others, so we were both SUPER excited that she made this one.

Contractions quickly started to pick up, and soon it was 1 minute on/1minute off and I was reminded how truly hard transition is. The OB asked to break my water, and as soon as she did I was pushing. 2 contractions later, at 7:26pm the baby was out and on my chest! DH was so flustered he didn't announce the gender, so I was saying, "what is it?? What is it??" :haha:

I had to have an IV drip after the baby was born because of my low platelets and risk of hemorrhaging. After that I was transferred to my overnight room and Marc left with Max to go get the girls (who had been picked up by a friend) and go home for the night. I spent the entire night with the baby, learning his temperament and enjoying the peace and quiet. The next morning DH brought all of the kids to the hospital, and by 6pm when they let me leave I was completely frazzled from having the girls, Max AND a new baby in a tiny hospital room for hours. :wacko:

So here we are! I took the baby to the pediatrician this morning and he's lost 15oz, which is more than they like to see. My milk is coming in today, but I may still have to supplement with formula if this keeps up. :( I'm trying not to be too sad about that.

We also still don't have a name!! I'm actually REALLY hurt by DH's behavior surrounding the name. He told me from the beginning that I could choose any name I wanted and he would support it. Now suddenly the name I chose is the ONLY one in the world that DH can't stand and wants to veto. :( I am so incredibly disappointed. I'd name him that anyway, but DH says he won't ever call the baby by the name I chose and will hate the name for the baby's whole life. He won't give in and has honestly been a complete ass about it. I cried and explained how important it is to me, and he just yelled at me louder. I don't get it. I think it's some weird power thing where he just can't let me have this... :( I've been crazily searching baby names the last 2 days, but since I'd emotionally attached to the name nothing seems to fit.

Anyhow, I'm sorry this is so long!! I hope it's not too disjointed. Our house is chaos right now.

I hope you are all doing well!
Oh wamommy--that is a crazy birth story! I can't believe how quickly it happened! Good thing you actually spoke up inspite of DH's anger! I have no idea how you stay with him, quite honestly--I think I would have packed up my bags and children long ago. I know it must be so hard for you. . . I am sorry for how awful he is to you---you deserve so much more!

I'd say name your child whatever you desire. . . have all of your kids call him by the proper name regardless of what DH calls him. . .and make sure all relatives/friends call the baby by his rightful name. . .then DH will be the only one that calls him otherwise. . .

Here's to hoping things settle down a bit at your house and you all settle into a routine. Keep working at the breastfeeding--you never know, this one might be the one that gets your supply up! :) At either rate, all of your babies are healthy and beautiful---no matter if you can breastfeed or not. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself---you have so much on your plate already. . . you need to be good to yourself! :hugs:
Congratulations wamommy!!! He really is a beautiful baby xx

Men can be such idiots :grrr: can you tell us the name and we'll all vote and then hubby has to agree?
Men can be such idiots :grrr: can you tell us the name and we'll all vote and then hubby has to agree?

Sure! It's Luca. I've loved it since I found out I was pregnant. It's kind of a nod to my European heritage too, which I like. He'll have DH's Japanese middle name (a tradition that passes down through the boy line) and an Irish last name... lol.

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