Valentines Babies, 2013!

It's perfect wamommy! He LOOKS like a Luca!! Can dh call him Luke and be satisfied? Or no? At any rate, it's a lovely name!!!
I love it! It's a strong name. What doesn't DH like about it?
I love it! It's a strong name. What doesn't DH like about it?

That's the thing... DH days there are a "myriad of things" he doesn't like about it, but won't explain further. At first he tried to say it reminded him of an ex, but then admitted that was a lie after I pressed it. He's tried everything to sway me from the name. I feel like pretending to pick a terrible name, like Edgar or Wilfred, and see if he REALLY would be okay with any name but Luca. Tonight I'm just trying to weigh if it's a battle I want to choose and how much I want this name. It could potentially cause world war 3, but I think I would win.

Sierra, I've thought about packing my bags at least once a day for years, lol. It's so tough because I don't have anywhere to go... not with 4 kids. The schools are great where we are and the kids DO adore their Dad. I just keep telling myself that maybe once they're all in school it would be a good time? It all seems too overwhelming right now. It's like it's a ton easier to just deal with it than face the unknown of leaving, ya know?

Bleh, enough whining for me! Joe, it's so good to hear from you? How is Olivia? How are you doing?

Dragon, how are you feeling? I totally think you can feel baby at 10 weeks, especially being a 2nd time Mom.

Kellen, how's the shop coming along?

I'm off to eat dinner! I love you ladies for your support. Honestly. :hugs:
Wamommy - That was a nice fast birth! And I would stick to my guns. I agree about getting the girls to call the baby Luca. Eventually DH will come around. And once we have our shop set up and get a house you can come live with us... seriously. DH agrees that you don't need to be in that situation and if we can help you then we will.

Today was LOOOONG. DH and my dad headed up to the shop with a horse trailer full of stuff while mom and I hit up the dollar store for a mop and broom to destroy since the place was FILTHY! As we pulled out of the parking lot DH called to say that they forgot the paint. Yes, the whole reason we were going up today had been left in the garage. So we went back and got it for them since they were already 45 minutes up the road.

I managed to get the electric switched to our name. The nice fellow took a shine to me and waived the initial $195 deposit. Then I called the phone/internet provider and found out that the previous owners still owe $275, but the nice lady managed to push that aside as well as give me $100 credit plus $10 off my bill for the next 10 months and set up to connect everything on Tuesday.

As we drove into town we noticed that they were hosting a small farmer's market two blocks down from the shop. So my mom, Teagen and I walked down. One of the vendors makes and sells her own dog biscuits. I struck up a conversation with her and invited her to come see the shop. She is now GIVING us FREE of charge three shelves worth of merchandise to see how well it sells. If we make a profit she asks that we then begin purchasing from her at a whole sale price.

Then another lady from the booth next to her noticed my shirt from DH's alma mater and mentioned she went to the California Maritime Academy and graduated as the first female engineer in 1981... I graduated from there in 2009. She has three border collies. Although she doesn't want them groomed she wondered if we would be opening a self-bathing center. Sure! Why not? Apparently there are lots of working dogs in the area and they need a space to do a nice wash every once in a while. She also has major contacts with people who show their dogs.

Next we visited the bank. Teagen had a mini-meltdown. This prompted the lady to just copy our paperwork and tell us to come back Monday to sign the signature cards for the business account and that we were pre-approved. While waiting I called the local insurance agent who immediately wanted to make appointments to have her three dogs groomed... and come over tomorrow to sign the company up for an insurance policy.

Then I drove my mom, Teagen and myself an hour and a half back to our current residence. Teagen, of course, fell asleep and is now snoozing in her crib. For the past two nights she has slept from 8pm to 7am without waking or even needing a pat on the back. It has been nice. Now I'm beat and going to turn in. That was a super long post but if you want to check out our Facebook page it is PawPrints Grooming and Photography
Oh wamommy, what a pro - so fast and at the park excercising the girls three hours before having baby. Well done you!! Xxxx

Would DH accept Luke maybe instead?

I can't imagine having all the kids plus baby in a hospital room. I actually feel quite panicked by the idea...I hated having all mine in the was chaos verging on a stress out melt down or disaster at any moment. So with you having one Bravo!!
I so wish hospitals would have a play room. So the siblings can go and be boisterous somewhere they are allowed. Even going to the hospital cafe with mine was stressful...

What does Max make of a baby in your arms these days? Xx

We went on a bike ride with the bike trailer today. I love it! We did about 10 km so I am very pleased my eldest managed to keep peddling all that way. We will sleep well tonight! My two youngest love the trailer. Even when we stopped at the park Kiara was trying to climb back in.

Oh my, I think. Kiara has hit the terrible twos already. Today and yesterday have been full on temper tantrums. She shakes from side to side or throws herself in the floor and cries. It's all new....
I remember with my boys the terrible twos started at 18 months...1.5-2.5 was a tough tantrum time. seems it's even earlier this time. Yikes!!! Lol
Funnily enough a friend of my youngest son is called Edgar! His mum is French dad is English. I didn't like it at first but it has grown on me! Maybe that name has a future!..
Hey Kellen it sounds like the business is going great! What a positive start :)
Kellen, that sounds like a great day! Everything is coming together :)

wamommy- I love the name Luca! I hope DH comes around. I'm feeling ok...the fatigue is getting a little better, and the nausea is sporadic. I only got sick twice this past week. I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow, getting closer to second trimester! My ultrasound is in 12 days :)
Oh not long until the 12 week scan dragon, exciting!! Wow that's gone by fast!!

If Kiara was a boy we considered the name Sid or Sidney in case that tickles your fancy wamommy.
Kellen--that's so cool that everything is coming together so nicely! What a busy day---but great connections!!

wamommy---I totally see why you haven't left yet. . .that's a huge step. I hope someday either things get better for you or you can find that perfect moment to leave. :hugs: I hope you are adjusting nicely to being a mum of 4!

Dragon---so exciting! I can't wait to see pics soon!

I'm sitting here at work. . .DH is home with Camden. I have such a bad attitude. . .we still haven't found a sitter for Camden on Mondays, so for this week, DH took a vacation day. . .He won't be able to do that next week, so I'm not sure what we'll do. I keep praying for an answer. . .
Sierra - That is hard. I'm sorry you are having troubles. I will keep praying for you too that an answer is readily found.

Dragon - Not far off! Are you going to find out the gender this time or keep it a surprise?

Helena - Kiara isn't the only one throwing tantrums. Teagen likes to flail her arms and hit me if she doesn't get her way. I gently lay her on the floor and let her squirm around like an angry eel. The day before yesterday she bit my face and I put her in time out. After trying to get up 5 or 6 times she finally signed "sorry" and started whimpering. Once we had hugged she refused to let go of my hand. At least she somewhat understands contrition.

I discovered that Teagen has a dependency issue with her diapers. I used disposables on her when we were at the shop and now her poor little bottom is tore up. So yesterday we let her go mostly bare bottom. When she doesn't have a diaper on she will tell us she needs to potty or go sit on her little potty. The instant the diapers go back on she stops letting us know and just uses the diapers. I guess I need to get some training pants.

No painting has been done at the shop because the walls were absolutely FILTHY! My mom, grandma and dad went up yesterday and cleaned for 10 hours. DH, Teagen and I drove south and picked up a washer and dryer set for $70. The funny thing it is identical to the one I sold in Georgia and I got $125 for ours. LOL. But there are hook ups at the shop so DH can wash dog towels and whatnot and I can do diapers during our days up there because disposables are obviously out.

Wamommy - How is sleep going at your house? I hope that Luca is treating you well and Max isn't too overly jealous. I bet the girls just love their new baby. I also hope that DH is pitching in more and not expecting you to do things like cook and clean.
Thanks kellen! Great deal on the washer and dryer! Sorry the shop was so gross! Are you able to paint today?

Camden throws fits too! He doesn't understand time outs SK besides telling him 'no' I'm not sure what to do?! He pulls my hair, hits and bites during the fits!
I'm not 100% sure Teagen "understands" time out, but she doesn't enjoy sitting still and only being able to look at me. Once her attitude changes or she signs sorry then I let her up. All that is after the fit.

When she is doing her impersonation of an upset octopus I either calmly wrap my arms around her so she can't move or lay her on the floor and ignore her. Once the fit is done time out happens. No use trying to make a thrashing child sit still. Other than that I try to fiture out when a fit is about to happen before it does then we can divert. It doesn't work all the time...
Hello ladies!

Excuse my writing if it doesn't make sense. I'm on 2 hours sleep. :dohh:

Kellen, the shop looks so cute! I can't wait to see it after you paint. I've always had a private dream to own a shop and be my own boss. I think it's amazing that you and your DH are doing this and that your family is so supportive!! :D

Sierra, I know how hard it must be to leave Camden. I'm so sorry. :hugs: I hope a perfect solution emerges. Who knows, maybe it will surprise you and open a new door?

Dragon, I can't wait to see scan pics! I'm curious to know the gender, but I have to say that being surprised is pretty cool too!

I've been a total mess the last couple of days. DH hasn't even brought UP the baby's name since our huge fight about it. I've been hoping that he magically has a change of heart and comes to me in kindness offering to concede. It won't happen, but I really, really wish it would! My Mom is coming over this afternoon so maybe I'll breach the subject with her here. IT's more likely to be a civil talk, lol.

I also am having gigantic Mommy guilt about Max. Last night both he and the new baby (Kellen, I LOVE that you call him Luca :) ) woke up and started screaming and I spent 3 hours going between the 2 of them trying to meet their needs while the other one screamed. When I hold or change the baby Max looks at me with the saddest eyes and I want to cry... I'm trying so hard to breastfeed and Luca is on the breast ALL day and night, so I can't pick Max up and cuddle him, or rock him to sleep like I used to. DH has been on "Max duty," but I feel like my relationship with him is suffering and it's breaking my heart. I finally woke DH up at 6am this morning bawling my eyes out asking for help, with Luca on my shoulder and Max throwing himself around screaming. I hadn't been to sleep yet. I guess I'm just feeling like a failure. I can't be a good Mom to both of them and the girls. I'm hoping it gets better, or maybe I'm just hormonal, but today is a hard day.

Adding to it all, I had a lactation consultant appointment this morning to talk about Luca's weight loss and how breastfeeding is going. She was very honest with me and told me flat out that I won't be able to exclusively breastfeed. He's lost 11% of his body weight and I only was able to feed him 1/2 ounce at a half hour feeding. He's supposed to get 22 ounces a day at his weight, so this is simply not enough. :( She told me that because of the thyroid cancer I can aim to combi-feed again, but not to bother with herbs or teas or pumping or keeping baby attached to my boob 24 hours a day. It won't work. I won't work... Needless to say I got into the car when DH came to get me and cried my eyes out. I SO wanted this. I guess it's just not in the cards for me.

I'm sorry!
All I do is whine to you ladies lately. Things WILL turn around. I'm going to go make a decaf coffee and take a pain pill, lol.
Oh, Wamommy, I wish I could just give you a hug. If it is any consolation I doubt Max will remember this time in his life. Right now you are in a huge transition going from pregnant to a mommy of FOUR! That is huge. Don't beat yourself up about breastfeeding. At least you are doing what you can and giving little Luca the best chance and all the love he needs.

The shop walls were painted today. I just spoke with DH and he thinks they will need to re-roll part of them because nicotine stains are seeping through. Eew! We are going up tomorrow and the previous owner is bringing in her dogs and going to teach me the ins and outs of running a business.

Played outside this evening with Teagen and the dog with a container of bubbles. I'm pretty sure Teagen had more fun watching the dog be crazy and jump up in the air to catch the bubbles than she did popping them. Poor kid was confused as to why they would go away.
wamommy :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I hope things get easier!

Lily woke up at 6am this morning (she usually sleeps until 8), so we were expecting her to go down earlier for a nap. I'm working from home today, and DH came into the room and told me to come look at something. He said Lily was suspiciously quiet so he went looking for her...and he found her asleep in the laundry basket! :rofl:

Her favorite blanket just came out of the wash, and she had draped herself across the basket and fell asleep. So cute.
Oh dear wamommy---I'm sorry you've had so little sleep! I'm hoping it gets better soon! Dont' worry about Max---he'll adjust and bounce back so quickly at this age! Also, don't beat yourself up about the breastfeeding---you do what you can, and all of your children are so lovely! This time around, give yourself room to breathe, and let go of what you can't change---you don't need the added stress, and you're little Luca will be just wonderfully healthy with whatever you give him!

Dragon--that's adorable about Lily! How cute! Camden has never randomly fallen asleep ANYWHERE. .. I've always had to work at it. haha
So. . .DH did a phone interview for a company 12 hours away and they asked him to come for an in person interview.. . meaning, if he got the job, we'd have to move. We have no family there and would basically be alone. BUT, the job would mean that I wouldn't have to work anymore and could just stay home with Camden (as long as we bought a really cheap house and lived very frugally). Now, we're wondering what to do. .. it's so hard because we don't want to move away from family, but want things to get better for my work situation and Camden's care. This would be a huge undertaking, as we'd have to buy a house, sell ours, and move 12 hours away by mid-June!

The other option I think is staying here and DH asking his bosses for a 30% raise so we can live frugally over here (still selling our house, etc). OR, stay exactly how things are and I go crazy working and taking care of a child full time. . .

I know quite a few of you have made huge life decisions like this. . .any advice? We're so overwhelmed with all of this. . .
I would first see about the raise and staying where you are, but also encourage DH to go for the interview. It may turn out to be an opportunity that he really wants to undertake. We moved to Georgia due to career opportunities and had a great few years being away from family and discovering ourselves. If you are anything like me though the thought of having someone else specifically care for Teagen on a regular basis is almost unbearable.

Dragon - That is adorable. I wish Teagen would just randomly crash. She is like the energizer bunny. She did fall asleep on her dad's lap for the first time since she was a newborn on Sunday. She was having diaper free time and he was watching tv.

We went up to the shop today. The ugly puke green walls have been replaced by a nice cream, but the paint store messed up the trim and it turn into an ugly dog poo greenish color. So for now everything is cream. Tomorrow DH is sanding all the shelves and painting them while rearranging the actual grooming area. We have the backroom set up with toys, a rug and a rocking chair.
This Saturday I am going to drive back up and Teagen and I will spend the night at the shop with DH and go to turn that evening. Then the next morning we will attend the community mother's day breakfast and handout business cards. DH and I have matching polo's with the logo I created embroidered on the pocket.

But I'm beat after a day of scrub paint splatters off of the floor and floorboards so I'm off to watch Mythbusters and fall asleep while doing so.
Thanks Kellen! It's definitely unbearable thinking of someone else watching Camden. Monday starts the day when our neighbor will be watching Camden for 4 hours once a week. . .and I'm dreading it so much! I'm praying things will work out here soon so I can watch Camden full time.

I love that you have the back room all set up for Teagen---how awesome to be able to have her at your business!!

I hope you're taking enough time to get some rest!

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