Valentines Babies, 2013!

They're definitely worth it :D, it's just going to be interesting trying to juggle all this without jeopardizing my job/going broke :wacko:
Sierra, I would be LIVID. I'm so sorry they were so irresponsible. Hopefully they will pay for the clean up (they should have to!!) so you don't have to deal with it. Argh, I'm angry on your behalf, and know that if it were me I would be going back and forth between tears and rage! Keep us updated.

DragonflyWing, I hope you can find a way to keep up with the appointments! Did the Dr tell you why she though so many tests were necessary? It's GREAT that they are so thorough, but I can understand the strain it's putting on your work and pocketbook. If only your Dr was open later! Mine is open until 6pm, which is awesome.

Speaking of my Dr, I have a check-up in an hour, so it's time to get moving!
She said that the risk of preterm labor is much higher with twins, and it's important that they monitor me so they can try to stop it if it happens. I'm not 100% convinced, since an NST is not the only way to monitor for pre-term labor. In fact, that's not even the main purpose of the test (which is to check that the babies are tolerating their environment well and are not in distress). I haven't had any contractions, not even BH, haven't had any bleeding, no loss of fluid, no cramps...I really feel like this is excessive, but she was just adamant. I would never want to do anything to risk my babies, so I'm going to go along with it...but I'm going to grumble the whole way ;)
Oh I guess being over cautious is better than them not caring dragon? Any chance of transferring to someone who is open later if yo have to?!..its tough on you though.
Oh Sierra I am sorry about your dust - hope you get through to the company soon. They should pay for you to all stay in a hotel while they clear up their mess!!! Poor you, that's terrible. We have and a lot of builders in over the last year and I know how much the mess can get you down. Especially if they should have taken measures to stop it! And the mess and constant plaster dust we have everywhere isn't as awful as mold. I assume there is no risk for baby, but it can't be good for your breathing. Hope you don't have asthma or anything to contend with too?...xx
Thanks everyone.. . We heard back from the supervisor. They are testing the air in our house, cleaning everything, and installing HEPA air filters that will clear up the dust/air. He does not believe the dust is from the tearing down going on in the basement---but he thinks that since the house is really old (1930's), that it stirred up the old house dust and the got distributed through the heating ducts. But again, they are testing to make sure. He said he does not think there is any risk to me or the baby, but feels really badly and says those HEPA filters are really loud---so he told us he will pay for a hotel for us for the night and that we should get a really nice one. :)

They will be all complete with the mold removal/cleaning sometime tomorrow and we should be back to "normal" again. They take lab samplings to make sure all of the mold it taken care of and we will get those results back next week---but at least all of the work will be completed.

So, all in all, I'm still upset about it, but I think they are taking the correct measures to remedy the issue. (We'll see how I really feel once I return home and see how good their cleaning job is! :haha: ) (I'm a really thorough cleaner!) :)

I'm not looking forward to a hotel tonight, but at least it will be a nice one, and DH is looking forward to it. . .

On another note, I just got back from my midwife appointment---baby is measuring just right, he sounds really healthy on the doppler with a heartrate of 140bpm. :) I got a prescription for a breast pump so my insurance will pay for that---so I'm going to get one this week! YAY! :) And I gained. . . . 9lbs!!!!! :( :( :( 9 lbs in four weeks. . .I'm a bit deflated about that. They like to see a 4-6 pound gain. . .so it's a bit high. . . She said overall, I've only gained 18lbs, so I'm doing okay, but I still think that is high. So, I'm going to watch a bit more closely how many sugary snacks I eat (I was eating ice cream every night for a while there. .. which might be part of the problem :blush: ) I'm not sure what that translates to for UK stones---but am I just gaining way more than the rest of you? Or are you all around that amount?

But overall, I'm very happy that my little boy is so healthy! :) I go for another appointment at the end of November (that's also when I do my glucose test. . .fun fun), then after that, I start going every two weeks for my appointments! My next ultrasound is at week 30---to check to see if my low lying placenta has changed positions or not. All-in-all, a good appointment!

wamommy, how did yours go?!
:rofl: It seems like this month is all of our big weight gain months!! I've gained 8 pounds this month!! :blush: It looks like Helena, Sierra and I all gained about the same, so maybe it's a totally normal growth-spurt month? I'm at 16 pounds total now, and the Dr says that's perfectly normal, but I about passed out when I saw the number on the scale. It looks like I'll be watching what I eat a bit more!

Baby seems great, heart beat of 158. I had my thyroid levels checked again, and should get those results tomorrow. Also, I'm supposed to go see a cardiologist :( My ob doesn't feel comfortable handling my heart thing, and wants me to wear one of those monitors that creates a 24-hour record of your heart rate. I know it's standard procedure, but just hearing "cardiologist" makes me a bit sad. I've been pretty health-conscious since having cancer as a teen, and I hate to think something is wrong with my body. Ah well, better safe than sorry!!

I hope everyone has a great Halloween! It's pouring rain here, but the show must go on! IT looks like we'll be breaking out the umbrellas.
:rofl: It seems like this month is all of our big weight gain months!! I've gained 8 pounds this month!! :blush: It looks like Helena, Sierra and I all gained about the same, so maybe it's a totally normal growth-spurt month? I'm at 16 pounds total now, and the Dr says that's perfectly normal, but I about passed out when I saw the number on the scale. It looks like I'll be watching what I eat a bit more!

Baby seems great, heart beat of 158. I had my thyroid levels checked again, and should get those results tomorrow. Also, I'm supposed to go see a cardiologist :( My ob doesn't feel comfortable handling my heart thing, and wants me to wear one of those monitors that creates a 24-hour record of your heart rate. I know it's standard procedure, but just hearing "cardiologist" makes me a bit sad. I've been pretty health-conscious since having cancer as a teen, and I hate to think something is wrong with my body. Ah well, better safe than sorry!!

I hope everyone has a great Halloween! It's pouring rain here, but the show must go on! IT looks like we'll be breaking out the umbrellas.

Phew! At least I'm not alone in the weight gain! haha! I'm sorry to hear about the cardiologist, wamommy---that's rough. . .but hopefully it'll be a one-time thing and everything will go well and you won't have to worry about it again! And---I didn't know you had cancer as a teen!? I did too! I was 17 at the time and had Hodgkin's lymphoma. . .I went through chemo, radiation, surgeries--the whole bit. I didn't know we had that in common!
I've gained about 10-12 pounds so far, but I started out overweight, so take that with a grain of salt :). I had been up to about 15, but my recent vomiting issue made me lose 3 pounds in the last 5 days.

The doctor had me switch from ranitidine to prevacid for reflux- she thinks that could be the cause of the vomiting. The acid can irritate your gag reflex, apparently. We'll see how that goes. I feel fine so far today.
I've not weighed myself! I might find out next week as I have MW appointment and they might weigh me. I was overweight anyway. But my skinny friend has already put on about 21lbs and she's a couple of weeks behind me :shrug: I don't think there's any way of knowing whether you will get massive or not! I feel pretty massive but I feel like the rest of me has stayed the same, just the belly getting bigger.
Same here- seems like my belly and boobs are the only parts that have grown. Once in a while it feels like the thighs of my jeans are getting tighter, but that may just be because I'm uncomfortable in any restrictive clothing.
Phew! At least I'm not alone in the weight gain! haha! I'm sorry to hear about the cardiologist, wamommy---that's rough. . .but hopefully it'll be a one-time thing and everything will go well and you won't have to worry about it again! And---I didn't know you had cancer as a teen!? I did too! I was 17 at the time and had Hodgkin's lymphoma. . .I went through chemo, radiation, surgeries--the whole bit. I didn't know we had that in common!

Wow, Sierra!! I didn't realize that either. I had thyroid cancer at 15, but it had spread to 14 lymph nodes and all of my parathyroids. It came back once, but has been gone for about 16 years :D That's why they're so concerned about my thyroid levels, since I depend completely on medication for it. I'm so sorry you had to go through it too! Hodgkin's lymphoma is scary! I'm so glad you're alright now. Do they need to take any precautions with you during pregnancy, or are you totally back to normal now?
Girls, I just wanted to say how amazing that is, that you both went through such awful times and are here to share such wonderful times with us!

All this time and we've never heard you talk about it at all, you hear people moaning about a lot less worse things on this website! It makes me feel humble that you just get up and get on with life and still have a bloody good laugh doing it!

So proud and inspired by you both xx :hugs:
Aww, thanks Jo! :hugs:

wamommy---wow---that's scary that you had it with your thyroid! No wonder they are keeping such a close eye on you!

I don't really have to take any extra precautions. I'm pretty much back to normal! There was some concern that I may not be able to get pregnant because of the treatment I went through (it was pretty new and advanced treatment that hadn't been studied to see whether girls could get pregnant after having it)---but here I am and he's one healthy LO! :flower: There was also concern that when my breasts grew with pregnancy that part of them wouldn't grow (because of radiation I had to that area)---but they've been growing like weeds and look pretty symetrical to me! :haha: So, they don't worry much about it. I see an oncologist yearly, have all of the loads of tests done, but they don't see any harm to baby or me during pregnancy due to the cancer. :thumbup:

Jo---you'll have to let us know how much you've gained. Like you, I don't feel I've really gained anything anywhere except my belly. .. and people even comment how I don't "look" pregnant from behind. . .haha. . .but 18 lbs has got to have gone somewhere! :)

And Dragon--I'm very jealous of your 10-12 pound gain. . .I hope I slow down gaining soon!!
Oh Yes Sierra, my weight gain this month was 8.8 lbs. so don't worry. I gained 10 kilos so far. About 22 lbs...ah well.
I also have a sugary treat each evening..a mars usually, but so what..I eat well the rest of the day and after feeling like I have a rock in my stomach all day and looking after everyone else I decided I deserve it.
I think I may have gained a bit of weight on my bum...not heaps, not noticeable to anyone but me, I don't think!!, but my knickers aren't fitting the same and keep wriggling down...lots of unladylike-like pulling them up going on, it's like they can't quite fit around my backside as they once did! Hehe...or maybe it's my tumble dryer being too hot (I can hope! Lol). Breasfeeding is fantastic for weight loss. I lost all my 40ish lbs / 20kilo with DS1 in 3 months (and he himself was only 6.6 lbs / 3k of those!). I am so determined to get breasfeeding to work for me this time for purely selfish reasons! Lol.

Is it not a little early to be getting your pump Sierra? Sorry, not meaning to be dishing out advice , but don't you pay per day for it? So you would be paying from the day you collect it...unless ofcouse your insurance covers 100 percent of the cost and then I guess it doesn't matter! Ours only covers 80 % I think you see. Maybe you could order it to be collected after birth? Even call them when you have the baby, since it takes a couple of days for milk to arrive.
when I went in to the pharmacy for ours they just had to call their supplier and it was delivered the next day. Super fast, since I guess some people need one urgently, like the medicines. Just a thought though. And different countries are different of course, so do feel free to tell me to shut it :)

Seems we have some tough ladies in this group! Glad you are all well xx

Nothing so dramatic for me but I do suffer a condition called Lichen Sclerosis (i hate to ue the word "disease".. Urgh) which affects my nether regions. Had to have an operation in 2005 as I had shrunk and changed physically down there and was unable to have's a very odd thing. Thought for a while I wouldn't have babies but here I am with 3. So lucky!!
Moan required. Only small one. Feelng really rather irritated by the inlaws.we mentioned last night we might be having baby on the first of feb. But the it is not confirmed. Right away they are online looking at flights and suggesting their visit dates. And of course the dates are longer than I want, because of cheap flights. Now I don't give a fig about cheap flights, i want to tell them specific dates they can come. Basically we invite them for specific dates, not them suggesting dates. I felt so stressed out and annoyed last time with them here.
Basically they can come stay with the boys for 5 days while I am in hospital then leave the day after I get out as is need a week alone to leak milk and sit in pjs. They can see baby every day if they want in hospital.
We are going to offer to pay their flights if it means them not staying an extra 3 days to get cheaper flights...but then someone will be offended. I mean, how do we explain that we don't want them here an extra couple of nights even if it is a lot cheaper.....will mention leaky boobs and hope they get the idea...I can't very well say I just find them so annoying I was in tears last time and can't face that again!...

Oh why is it all so complicated?
Hello Gals!

I feel very awed and humbled by those of you whom have had to battle serious health conditions and are now sharing you bodies with an extra life form.

Can you believe that we only have 2 (or 3 depending on which calendar you go by) weeks left before we move into the third trimester? I am always slightly shocked when I actually think about how far we all have come and yet how far we still have to go. I read that at week 28 there is a 90% chance of survival outside the womb. Each day makes me feel that much closer to my girl and knowing that she has a fighting chance.

I stepped on the scales this morning and it looks like I've gained about 18-20lbs from the beginning. I haven't really been eating sugary stuff or going overboard with carbs so I don't know. Everyone keeps telling me I'm tiny (I feel huge!) and that I've only just begun to show. Looking in a mirror seems to say that all the weight is centered in my belly and breasts. We'll see how our appointment goes next Tuesday. It is our gestational diabetes test. Has anyone yet to drink the dreaded sugary drink yet?

I spoke with my HR person yesterday about FLMA, pay and all that lovely stuff. Which leads me to ponder: Dragon - how long have you worked for your company? If it is over a year they are required by federal law to grant you non-paid time off for any doctors appointments during your pregnancy without fear of losing you job. Thankfully my year with my organization is two weeks before my due date. My HR person explained that if I had been here for a year they would have to be taking time off from my 12 weeks of leave every time I go see the midwife whether or not I make up the time later.
I completely understand where you are coming from Helena x is your hubby on board with the shorter visit? Because we always disagree about his parents so if you can get hubby agreeing with you then that is half the battle!

I would just tell them straight what dates they are invited for. If they bring up the flights, tell them that you are willing to pay. Does it really matter if you offend them? Most people wouldn't tolerate them being there at all so soon, so try not to stress about it too much Helena, if you book it all up now, then that is sorted. Job done, not to be discusse again until they come.

You have the right to put your foot down about this x
Moan required. Only small one. Feelng really rather irritated by the inlaws.we mentioned last night we might be having baby on the first of feb. But the it is not confirmed. Right away they are online looking at flights and suggesting their visit dates. And of course the dates are longer than I want, because of cheap flights. Now I don't give a fig about cheap flights, i want to tell them specific dates they can come. Basically we invite them for specific dates, not them suggesting dates. I felt so stressed out and annoyed last time with them here.
Basically they can come stay with the boys for 5 days while I am in hospital then leave the day after I get out as is need a week alone to leak milk and sit in pjs. They can see baby every day if they want in hospital.
We are going to offer to pay their flights if it means them not staying an extra 3 days to get cheaper flights...but then someone will be offended. I mean, how do we explain that we don't want them here an extra couple of nights even if it is a lot cheaper.....will mention leaky boobs and hope they get the idea...I can't very well say I just find them so annoying I was in tears last time and can't face that again!...

Oh why is it all so complicated?

That is a terribly difficult situation. I would completely lose my mind if my in-laws decided that they should stay with us after the baby is born. My mom is going to stay, but we are super close and I know I will want her there.

Could you appeal to your MIL's heart? Try reminding her of how much she needed alone time to bond with her baby after she gave birth? Or just straight up tell them that having a baby is stressful and you appreciate their help with the boys, but you want to have a special time with your new one before spending extended time with anyone outside your immediate, immediate family.
Sooo glad I'm not the only one gaining this much weight! :) Thanks for making me feel better ladies! :)

helena, the way my insurance works is that they actually pay for the breast pump 100%---so it's mine to keep! So, that's the only reason I'm getting it so early---I would never spend that much money on my own! haha.

I'm so sorry to hear about the in-laws! That's really hard! My mother and I actually just had the conversation last night about this---she wants to come and stay and I told her that I want to be with the baby by myself (with DH of course) for a few days, then I might need some help. I told her that I'll keep her "on call" for when I need her. She was super understanding about it. DH's mom, however, we haven't had the discussion with, yet. . .and she's already told me she wants to come help right after the baby is born. . so I'm waiting to have that discussion with her later. . .hopefully she's understanding like my mum! :)

Honestly, I would just tell them what you need, helena----you have every right to request time alone with your new lo. They need to understand that---and if not, then they should be able to get over it and respect your wishes. It's your time--you decide.
Agree with Sierra. Plus, if they get really funny about it, they will be cutting their own nose off as they will lose out in the long run!

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