Valentines Babies, 2013!

I've been thinking about cardigans . . . is it appropriately to put boys in cardigans? Do they make boy cardigans? I thought it'd be okay, but I don't want to make him look girly, either. :( I definitely want hats! :)
Oh yes to boys in cardigans. Especially knitted ones. My first son had a whole knitted outfit my mum made. Including cardigan...

I think it's super cute!
Oh my gosh, Helena, he is so cute!! I love the outfit, and that smile is heart-melting!

DragonflyWing, congrats on passing the glucose test! One less thing to worry about :D I'm waiting on my results right now, hoping they call today.

Sierra, both of my girls lived in sleepers the first month or so. Like Helena said, they don't rub on the cord and you don't have to worry about socks falling off, etc. I had a bunch of adorable and frilly (very girly) things for DDs to wear, but they ended up sitting in the closet.

Has everyone already bought diapers, wipes, etc? I"m feeling unprepared again today!
Oh my goodness helena---that's ADORABLE!!!!! :) Love it! Now I need to search for some cardigans! :)
Oh my gosh, Helena, he is so cute!! I love the outfit, and that smile is heart-melting!

DragonflyWing, congrats on passing the glucose test! One less thing to worry about :D I'm waiting on my results right now, hoping they call today.

Sierra, both of my girls lived in sleepers the first month or so. Like Helena said, they don't rub on the cord and you don't have to worry about socks falling off, etc. I had a bunch of adorable and frilly (very girly) things for DDs to wear, but they ended up sitting in the closet.

Has everyone already bought diapers, wipes, etc? I"m feeling unprepared again today!

Thanks Wamommy! Yes, I have 5 boxes of diapers (in a variety of sizes) and 5 boxes of wipes. I still have to get things like shampoo and rash cream, etc., but diapers I'm actually prepared on! ;) I've been picking one item up every time I'm at the grocery store---it's helped a lot!

I told DH today that I want to order a new canopy for the carseat because I want to make sure it ships in time. . . he responds back, "Oh yes because surely it won't ship by three months!" :haha: He just doesn't get that I want to be completely prepared! ;)
Yep, we've been getting diapers at every opportunity, so we have about 5 packs of newborn diapers and 5 packs of size a few boxes of wipes. The internet tells me :)haha:) that newborn twins will use up to 12 diapers a day between them. Yikes! :wacko: At first I was looking at the 30 packs of diapers, and realized it might only last 2 days! Now I buy the big 60-100 packs.
We have not yet started the diaper stocking because we are hoping to do the cloth option. I suppose I should invest in a couple boxes of disposables just in case... We are planning to hit up Costco for wipes. They have boxes of 900 wipes for $30. This seems fairly reasonable to me.

Helena- that is an adorable picture. He looks like such a cheery little fellow!

Dragon- congrats on passing the GDT. It is such a relief to get it out of the way.
Oh yes, little ones go through SO many diapers!! I'm a big fan of the Pampers Swaddlers newborn, because it has the handy color stripe to tell you when baby is wet without having to unbutton his whole outfit. Also Kellen, Costco wipes are great! I found that Target brand wipes are just as cheap if not cheaper, as well. We used those up until DD#2 started using the potty. We also tried every brand of diaper and I liked Huggies and Target UpandUp brand the best. I like Pampers, but couldn't stomach the price past newborn.

I was bored one day and figured out that at an average of 6 diapers a day, a baby uses 2,190 a year!! My DD potty trained right before her 3rd birthday, which means I changed about 6,570 of her diapers!!!!! Insane, I know. DragonflyWing, I can't imagine doubling that. Your DH better change into a diaper-changing machine! :haha:

All this talk has made me antsy. I might run out and buy a couple packs just to have. My DH is the same as yours, Sierra, and keeps telling me we have plenty of time. He's actually kind of condescending about it. The other day he said, "I know there is a real syndrome called 'nesting' that makes you obsess over organizing, but it's getting annoying." Actually, I like the house clean and things organized ALL of the time... and since when is neatness a "syndrome"??
EXACTLY wamommy! I feel like December is going to fly by with the holidays and all of the sudden I'll be even more crazy trying to get everything ready! I'd rather start now and get things done one thing at a time then do it all at the end!

Just registered for a breastfeeding class and a baby basics class. So, with those two classes and the Childbirth classes, I have a VERY busy January! Yikes!
We don't have newborn nappies yet. I will just buy one pack or maybe two then continue to get some each weekly shop when baby is here. We wasted a whole box of one size last time after the in laws bought us lots. Baby out grew them too fast. Unless I see a mega good deal, I love a bargain!
We have 2 boxes of these cool cloth wipes. Disposable still, but like jeyes cloths. We just dip them in water.its what our hospital uses on newborns. Will use these for the first month maybe, limit chemicals on her ickle bottom :) would love to use washable nappies but my washing pile is already over spilling all over the not so sure if it is greener to use disposables or to have my washing machine on 24/7... My one effort to be greener is to not use nappy sacks. Unless I am at someone else's house. That way at least the nappy may biodegrade a year or two earlier!? Who knows.
Had my weekly NST this morning, and Lily wasn't being reactive enough, so they had to use this thing that makes a loud buzzing noise to startle her into moving around. They had to use it 4 times before they got the heartrate accelerations they wanted. Poor little girl must have been scared...I remembered that babies can cry in the womb (although without making noise), and I felt so bad thinking that she might be crying in there.

I've been sleeping like crap...between having to get up every 2 hours to pee, and not being able to stay asleep for more than an hour at a time due to sore hips and restless legs, I'm hardly getting any quality sleep. I was so tired when I left the doctor's office that I just burst into tears in my car because all I wanted to do was go home and take a nap...but I had to go to work. I asked the doctor for advice, but I'm already doing everything she suggested (using a fan, keeping a pillow between my knees, taking tylenol and benadryl, etc). She also suggested cutting down on fluids in the evening so I don't have to pee as much, but that's not an option because if I'm not constantly chugging water, I feel like I'm dying of thirst. That's another thing that wakes me up...I actually have to get up to get a drink because I'm so thirsty.

The doctor said that going by uterus size, I'm basically already overdue, so it's unlikely that I'll be able to really get comfortable until the babies are born. :(

Here's my 29 week bump picture! Gettin' huge!


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Aww Dragon--I'd feel so bad, too! :( Poor Lily!!

I'm sorry about the no-sleep! I'm having a hard time sleeping, too--but nothing near what you are going through! :(

Lovely Bump!! :) :) :)
Dragon, looking beautiful!!

The image of Lily crying in there is so sad :(

I hear you on not sleeping. I can't imagine how bad it is with 2 in there. For me it's painful hips and restless legs as well. I can't seem to get comfortable no matter what I do. I actually get out of bed and stretch my hips and back on the floor and then get back in bed and try to sleep again, lol. It helps some, but I have yet to find the solution.

I'm still waiting on my thyroid and GTT results. I just called the Dr's office and requested the results since I was supposed to get them yesterday. The receptionist was very nice, but said someone would have to call me back with the results. Arghhhh, more waiting!
wamommy--I hear you on the waiting! My midwife's office is like that, too--I'm always waiting for someone to call me back! :( I have my appointment tomorrow, so I should hear about my GTT results then.

My ultrasound for my placenta is also tomorrow! YAY for another look at baby! :)
Hurray for seeing baby again :D I hope your appointment goes well and your results are happy ones!
hi all. oh i am with you on the sleep deprivation thing too. i have been suffering from some sort of head flu. spent yesterday with tinnatus and today with a really bad headache and hot sweats over night. paracetamol isnt touching it. every movement hurts. i am also peeing every 2 hours in the night. so between that and my sore head and my two boys and a new heating system which makes an annoying click when it comes on and off i am spending far too much nighttime awake...
still, it is preparing us for having a newborn..xx

30 weeks tomorrow!!!! xx
Hello everyone :wave:

Sorry I've not been popping in much, I've been finding it a bit harder to cope generally lately. Just exhausted and in quite a bit of pain with the SPD. I've given in, I'm trying to rest more and let other people do things for me, but I hate it! Only 7 days left of work for me though, so I'm now counting the minutes down!

Hope everyone is ok, 30 weeks tomorrow is crazy dudes!!!! We're all going to have little babies soon!
Has anyone else "dropped"? Is it possible to drop this early? I have had MANY people say that I've dropped this week. . .I see it, but also think I've always carried low. . .but now I can fit a whole hand between my breasts and my bump, and it definitely feels heavier/more pressure down low. Anyone else?
Sorry you're having a tough time, Jo! What kinds of things are you doing for the SPD? So far, the only thing that works for me is a heating pad, and if I use that every night and I'm careful not to overdo it during the day, it's bearable. I hope you can get some relief!

Sierra, I was pretty sure I dropped last week...the bump was a lot lower, and I had lots of pressure in my pelvis. However, one or both babies decided to move back up this week, so I don't know! Is it possible to go back and forth like that?

DH put a cool mist humidifier in our room last night, and positioned the fan behind it so it blows the mist right at me. I had the best night's sleep I've had in weeks! It was blissful...only got up twice to pee, and I don't think I was snoring much. My mouth was a LOT less dry when I woke up, and I've even been less thirsty than normal this morning. The dry air must have been playing a big part in my sleep problems. I hope it goes on like this!

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