Valentines Babies, 2013!

I'm not sure if it can go back and forth like that? Maybe? :shrug:

The cool mist humidifier sounds wonderful! I wonder if I should get one soon---I wake up extremely thirsty and snore all night long according to DH! :haha:
Oh, Jo and Helena, I'm so sorry you've both been having a hard time. I can't believe we're about to hit 30 weeks!! Perhaps our bodies are all gearing up. It's so exciting!

Sierra, I most definitely have NOT dropped yet. I wish. I feel feet in my sternum regularly, and my bump sits quite high.

Eek, while I was typing this the nurse at my OB called me back. My 1-hour GTT was normal :D Yay! Unfortunately I'm also super anemic, so I'm supposed to start taking iron twice daily with vitamin C to help absorb it. Maybe I'll have more energy once I start? That would be amazing. I did have enough energy last night to go through a few of my daughters' clothing bins to look for things I could reuse. I found THREE Halo Sleepsacs that are neutral color, with the swaddle attachment. I was so relieved, since those things are ridiculously priced at the store. It looks like my major need is now burp cloths, and that shouldn't be hard to find!

I hope you're feeling better today, Helena, and that your cold clears up. Jo, I'm glad to hear from you, but I'm so sorry you've been having a rough time. Dragonfly, I'm glad you were able to get some relief! We should all celebrate 30 weeks my doing something special for ourselves. This whole growing a human thing is super hard, and we deserve a dinner out or a new haircut.

Hang in there, ladies!
Thanks girls. I think 3rd tri is a.k.a the emotional one isn't it? I think so, everything makes me cry these days! :haha:

Dragon, I've just really been soaking in a hot bath (well only my bum and hips are covered, belly and boobs stick out) but that seems to help. Also, i've been sleeping with a cushion in between my legs and then trying really hard not to get in and out of the car with one leg first and instead, swing myself round and use both legs. Most of the time, trying to keep kness together when doing most things, to help the alignment.
Sorry you've been having a tough time too :hugs: It's a vicious circle isn't it! You wake up thirsty and then have to get up to pee which hurts the SPD! The night before last I managed to make it through the night without getting up, I think it was the first time in the whole pregnancy! I woke up but didn't get up to pee. That morning I was in the least amount of pain, so I do think it's the rest we need.

Sierra - apparently I've been snoring like a loud steam train and I also wake up at night with the driest throat imaginable!

Not so glam is it, being heavily pregnant! :nope:

We'll get there though girls, not too long to go, we can hang in there together!
Back from my appointment and ultrasound! I am now up 26 pounds--I've gained 3 pounds in 9 days! :( But my GTT came back normal, and my sugar was REALLY good actually!

Baby's heartrate is 132, and he is still most definitely a BOY! (I made them triple check on the ultrasound :haha: )

AND, my placenta has MOVED! So, I am in the clear as far as that goes! Thank God!

Baby is weighing around 3 lbs 7 oz right now (62 percentile), and had his foot up squishing his little nose the entire ultrasound---making him have a smooshed nose in all of the shots! :)

Only thing is that he is transverse right now---and at the last TWO appointments I had (including todays), when the midwife tried to feel, they thought for sure he was head down! NOPE! Totally sideways he is! This may or may not get me another ultrasound, but they aren't worried about it, yet.

But he is cute as a button!! I'm so in love! I think I'll go home tonight and wash all of the boy clothes I was refusing to wash until I knew for sure it was a boy! :) Now I am convinced, so I can wash as many boy things as I please! :)
Aw that's brilliant Sierra! So exciting! They will start to grow really quickly now I guess! Uh-oh! Time for us mamas to rest I think!
Such good news, Sierra!! I'm glad it all went well :D
Yay for defiinately being a boy Sierra!

I don't think I have a cold now, I think it has been a migraine. I saw my doctors office this morning, they checked my pee and blood pressure. All ok. They suggested an acupuncture doc but I cant get in with I'm until next week, I want relief now!.... But hopefully it will pass soon...migraines do don't they. At least it isn't baby related.
I too also have much more pelvic pressure and wondered about dropping. But then while I feel the weight has dropped my bump is sill higher than when I had my boys...feeling she is a very tall girl, filling me up.
Hope you are ok Jo. Xxxx
So glad that your ultrasound went well, Sierra! Helena, I sure hope your migraine goes away soon :hugs:

I have my next growth scan next Tuesday, and I can't wait! I'm estimating that the babies will measure approximately 3lb5oz each. We'll see how close I am!

Oh, and happy 30 weeks! We're officially on the home stretch :D
Hello Everyone,

Glad that there has been good news all around for GDT, baby weight and everything else! I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering from a migraine, Helena... they are no fun.

DH mentioned last night that my bump looked lower. Little Girl has been more active lower down recently and has been keeping her feet out of my ribs (thank you!). I finally had to take off my wedding band and put it on a necklace. My poor little fingers are swollen and I'm not happy about it.

I've been accepted into a class in January that I am excited, but nervous about. I will be gone overnight for a week, then I get a week off, then I have to go back overnight for a week. I need this class as a portion of my job qualifications and it is notoriously difficult to get into. I know I need it and I know it will be excellent training, but I am not looking forward to being away from DH for that long. It is only 90 min from my house, but I don't want to drive 3 hrs every day. I'd rather pay the $20/night for on campus lodging.
Wow Kellen, that's ambitious taking a class that close to due date! My bosses wanted me to go to a week class starting January 23rd, but I said "no" .. . I'm too nervous! I hope your class goes well--it sounds great for your job!! I know it's hard to be away from DH for that long. Any chance he can go and hang out at the lodging with you?

My bosses confirmed my working from home today--except I have to work half days DURING maternity leave. I am not too excited about that, but will do it in order to keep my full pay and be with my little guy 24/7. AND, they told me that if I have to come in for a meeting, I can bring the baby WITH me! That's AWESOME news! :)
Sierra, that is awesome news that you can take your little one with you. Too bad about working part-time, but at least you'll be getting a paycheck. :)

I suppose DH could come with me, but he would only be able to be there Monday day because he has to work Tues-Sat. We have Skype on our laptops so we are planning to "see" each other every night and keep reading to the baby. It will be difficult, but it needs to be done. Normally there is a 6 month waiting list for the class. Thanks to the pull of my agency they got me in the class I wanted.
Well that's good, Kellen! It will be hard, but it sounds like you have a good program set up with DH. :) That's very cute that you guys will still be reading to the baby. :) We haven't been as faithful reading to our little one, but we do try to do it as much as we can.
Normally DH does the reading (he loves to add the most random comments that crack me up) while I am in charge of the singing. Poor DH cannot carry a tune in a bucket so he gets to read. Last night he was too tired through so I got to read! Well, I read a lot of my technical reports outloud to the baby at work, but I think Chicken Soup with Rice was probably more entertaining for the baby.
Oh my gosh, I am SO thirsty today! I've already had nearly 4 liters of fluids, including 6 cups of water, 2 cups of juice/seltzer, and a half gallon (!) of milk. I've only been awake for 7.5 hours! I've had to pee about 5 times, but much less is coming out than going in, so I must be dehydrated. As soon as I'm done with one glass, my mouth is parched and I immediately need to get something else.

We had an incident with the humidifier last night lol...DH bought a new one (well, new to us) at a thrift shop, because the one we have is very loud and tends to make a puddle on the floor underneath it. We tried out the new one, and it didn't seem to be putting out much mist, so we decided to leave them both running when I went to sleep. Well, the new one decided to start working with a vengeance in the middle of the night. I woke up because I was having a hard time breathing, very congested, so I turned on the light, and the whole bedroom was full of fog! It was like being inside a cloud :haha:! The mirror was fogged over, and the blankets on the bed were damp...way OVER humidified. We turned off the new vaporizer and left the old one running, but I still slept like crap because it was too moist in the room and I couldn't breathe through my nose. SO, apparently there is a happy medium when it comes to humidity and sleeping ;)

We have to do some experimenting, because the new humidifier has a few different settings, while the old one just has one. The good news is that the new one is MUCH quieter!
Your new humidifier has new filters tho? Can't these thing breed bugs? Maybe not.

Rubbish start to the day here. Major emotional breakdown by me. 4 year old woke angry, my migraine that had gone is back, and I am fed up of telling the kids off and them not listening. Seriously low, for a few minutes I didn't want all this any more. It's so hard. Will pull myself together I am sure, but emotionally tough just now.
Oh, Helena... giant :hugs: I understand those moments, I really do. I hope it passes along with your migraine. Until it does, hang in there! You're a wonderful Mom, but allowed to feel low sometimes too. I hope the day improves!
Thanks. Day got better quickly. These pregnancy hormones really knock me
Sometimes. Obviously I love my kids more than anything ever, but sometimes it's all so overwhelming! Sometimes i feel so emotional i dot feel like myself. Third tri is tough!
We made up and got our Christmas tree and now to have happy times and decorate it :) head much better too, which makes life a lot easier!!
Glad to hear you are feeling better now Helena xx
Helena, sorry you were having such a hard time! Glad that it got better :hugs:

I think it's the warm mist humidifiers that need filters and can breed bacteria. Ours are ultrasonic cool mist, so I don't think they even have filters. You just need to clean them out to remove any hard water scale, and obviously change the water regularly so you don't get any mildew from stagnant water.

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