Valentines Babies, 2013!

Lovely pics Jo! She looks so plump and lovely already. Lovely cheeks. Congrats xxx
Beautiful Jo! Sooooo cute!

Just got done with my glucose test. . .ick. . . I have a headache and am dizzy. :( (Though I have to admit, it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be!) Yay for one more step done and that much closer to meeting him! :)
Those are fantastic pics, Jo! She looks like a real cutie. :)

Sounds like quite a bit has happened since I took a sabbatical from all electronics a week ago. I've been away (okay, away at my home hiding from the computer) for Thanksgiving and visiting with my parents since they are staying with us until Saturday. It has been an awesome visit. No hurt feelings and lots of cool new stuff! My DH is finally beginning to realize that they buy things for us not because we can't, but because they love us and just want us to have the best.

Last Wednesday we were scheduled for a 3D vanity scan and were planning on using the pictures for our Christmas cards. Baby girl refused to cooperate. Each time the tech went near her face with the wand she would arch her neck and back all the way and smash her face into my pelvis (which didn't really feel all that comfy). She is head down, which is good news. So we get to go back in tonight for another scan (for FREE!) and see if she will cooperate.

I was supposed to have my 28 week checkup with my midwife on Monday, but there was a death in family. So we are moved back to December 10th. After that we will be seeing the midwife every other week up until week 34, then we will be going in weekly.

My little girl is not as active this morning. :( I'm trying to get her jump started by eating an apple.
Kellen, try chcolate if there isn't enough sugar in the apple. Works for me :) and it's as good an excuse as any!...
Hey Kellen, sorry LO wasn't cooperating for your scan! Hopefully she hams it up for the scan tonight :)

Had another NST this morning, and little girl was being sleepy and uncooperative. The nurse poked and prodded her until she suddenly FREAKED out and started jumping around like mad...couldn't even keep her heartbeat on the monitor because she was going nuts. The nurse was apologizing profusely and said she'd never made a baby so pissed off before :haha:. Ultimately, they both did just fine.

Also did my one hour glucose test today, and I should get the results later this afternoon. Fingers crossed that I don't have to go back for the 3 hour test!
Lovely pics Jo!!
Kellen hopefully LO cooperates tonight and you get the best pics for the Xmas cards!!

Dragon...LOL at nurse making the babay pissed off, may be she was in her deep sleep or was disturbed in her nicest dream!

Went for my 28 week is head down and finally went on the scale .I have gained 11.6 kilos , phew not as bad as I though This week I am eating like a horse!

Have had the flu jab and the whooping cough one today, so far so good and I hope it stays that way
Ended up making my baby dance by turning on some music and placing the earbuds on my stomach. She loves to jam out to Frank Sinatra and Shrek the Musical. Our tech at the private scan place said that girls tend to be less cooperative than boys and are shy about showing their faces. I will be taking a bottle of OJ with me tonight and a candy bar in hopes of making her move around if she decides to snuggle with her placenta again.

Dragon - that is an awesomely funny story. I love how our LO's already have such huge personalities and they haven't even met the real world yet.

I am finally in the process (after being told in May) of being approved for telework. This will be fantastic when it comes to needed to go to the midwife once a week. I do have to be gone from home for two different weeks in January. I'm signed up for an instructor's academy that is two weeks long (with a break in the middle of the two weeks). DH is not going to be thrilled. It is 90 minutes from home so I will be staying on the campus.
Oh do share some pics with us Kellen if the little lady joins in :) enjoy xx
Yes, please share pictures Kellen! I hope you get some great shots!

So, my workplace gets tons of Christmas "treats" from reps that come in throughout the month of December---today we've gotten free donuts, free cakes, and free giant chocolate covered pretzels! Needless to say, I'm pretty sure that my weight gain this month is going to be very large! :haha:
Yep. Facebook won't get pictures due to the fact that it will be our Christmas card cover, but you gals will!

My co-worker (who is leaving for a better paying job Friday) just brought me a sack of homemade rice crispy treats. His wife went on a baking spree and demanded that he remove all sweets from her sight... I will not complain.
Good luck at your scan, Kellen!! I hope your little lady cooperates this time :D I'll look forward to seeing the pics!

Sierra, my weight gain is going to be out of control this month, too! Between Halloween, Thanksgiving, and just generally pigging out, I think I might be the same weight this month that I was when I gave birth last time!!!! Sigh... DH bought me some very cute boots at the mall yesterday to try and help me feel better about my appearance. I LOVE them, but stood in my closet crying this morning when I realized everything I own makes me looks like Mrs. Potato Head. Gotta love these hormones!!
Aww wamommy---I totally understand that. . .it's hard when our bodies change so quickly! :( When I have those days, I just remind myself of how worth it this little guy is----it doesn't help my appearance, but helps my heart a bit to remember. :)

On a bit TMI note, my wind has been HORRIBLE lately. . .:blush: Last night it was so bad that DH stormed out of the room, telling me how "disgusting" I am---I quickly got overly dramatic and defensive---but it's hard to explain that it's not like I'm trying to gas him to death---pregnancy just makes me windy and happens to smell horrible! :haha: It's really hard to get them to understand when he thinks I'm doing it deliberately to be gross! lol. . . I do feel badly that he has to smell that all of the time though. . . :blush:
^this has happened to me too! Hubby hates it and gets really disgusted! I can't help it though! And my stomach makes really weird rumbling noises! It's awful!!
Hahahaha I a with you on the wind ladies. Unfortunately (fortunately?!) my DH is a bit of a grubby schoolboy and finds it all hilarious.
Haha---glad I'm not the only one! Thanks Ladies!

Helena--that's so funny that your husband finds it hilarious! You've got a keeper! ;)
Good Morning All!

On the wind side I have an immature hubby too who tries to "compete" with me. I told him this is not necessary. One gassy person in the house is enough.

So we went to do pictures last night... and it was a failure... again. We got two semi okay pictures. Apparently I have a very low anterior placenta (which no one bothered to mention before) and a very stubborn baby. I drank orange juice, I turned on my side, DH poked me... All that did was cause Teagen to throw her arms over her face. I did make the tech laugh when I said: "It appears Teagen is very attached to her Placenta Buddy. She just likes to snuggle it." And she does... she sticks her face on it and prevents picture taking. *Sigh*

I will try to post the pictures once I download them off the CD. Right now my left leg is on fire due to a small person sitting on my sciatic nerve. DH had to put my socks on for me this morning because I was pretty much unable to bend.

I swear I gaining too much weight, but it seems to be all baby. I am not noshing on sweets and add in plenty of fruits and veggies. DH keeps telling me not to worry, but I can't help feeling like a beached whale at times. There was a girl at the clinic last night who was 3 weeks behind me and her bump was tiny compared to mine. I feel like hiding under a blanket today.
Awww Kellen---I'm so sorry she wasn't cooperative! :( Are they going to try again? Regardless, she will soon be here and you won't need pictures to see how beautiful she is! :)

I've been feeling like my bump is huge compared to others' too! I had two people just yesterday tell me how "big" I was and they were "never" that big and how they can't believe how much longer I have before baby comes. :( I just figure everyone is different sizes. . .and as long as my baby is healthy, that's what matters!

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