Valentines Babies, 2013!

wamommy---the only time I have had that many Braxton Hicks is when I was cleaning the other day---I definitely overdid it because I was having so many BH that it felt like my belly was permanently tensed for the rest of the evening. After sleeping and resting, they subsided. Definitely talk with your doctor---and in my (limited) experience, make sure that you are not over-doing it!

Everyone's kids are so cute!

Helena, my neice (who is 3) keeps telling me that she has a baby in her belly. She also has repeatedly told me that the baby in MY belly is her SISTER! :haha: She's a treasure and comes up, puts a tiny hany on my belly and whispers, "Baby, come out now." :)
Ladies, those are the sweetest stories about kiddos. My nephew, who is five, when asked where babies come from he said: "The baby store." When pressed for more information he told us: "Not the baby store where you get baby stuff, but the baby store where they hook you up to a machine that takes the baby out of your stomach."

I have been having BH since October. They don't come all the time and they aren't painful to me. It just feels like all my stomach muscles are tensing for a moment or two and then it goes away. Our midwife said that if I had more than 4 an hour it could be a sign of preterm labor and to call immediately.
Well, poo. I hope it's all normal! I leave for the Dr in an hour, so I'll be sure to tell you what she says.

Helena, I feel the same way! I feel like my body is too "tired" to have this 3rd baby. I feel like I'm 70 years old and am concerned about baby coming early. I felt FINE with both of my girls up until the week or so before they were born. Maybe it's our bodies' way of telling us 3 is our limit? Quite possibly!

I love hearing all of the stories about kids! It's amazing how different they all are. Won't it be fun to get to know these new ones?
Well, today has been a crazy day. I went to the Doctor and told her what's been going on. She says that Braxton Hicks increase in frequency and severity with each pregnancy, which may be why I'm having so many. Also, when I went in at 29 weeks I measured 28. This time I went in at 32 weeks and measured 33. She says the large growth spurt could be making my uterus freak out. I'm supposed to lessen my activity level, and take it easy. She said when it happens to change what I'm doing. If I'm moving, sit down... if I'm sitting down, get up and walk around. Let's hope it works!

She also told me something I didn't know but wanted to pass along. I was really anemic last appointment and they put me on iron supplements. I've been taking them with my prenatal at lunch. Today I found out that your body can only absorb a certain amount of iron, and that you should take iron supplements separate from your prenatal, since it contains iron too. :dohh: Well, now I know... they'll recheck in 2 weeks to see if it helps.

All in all baby looks great, though! He's still head down, with his back facing my right hip bone. His heart beat was 142 today, and my blood pressure was good. I've gained 23 pounds total now, which apparently is right where I should be. I feel like I've loaded on the weight lately, but since they're shooting for 30 pounds when I deliver, it seems about right.

After my appointment I ran and bought the last couple Xmas gifts I needed to mail, picked up my Xmas cards (which were left in the RAIN on my porch which destroyed the envelopes...rage...) and then stood in the post office line from hell for an hour. I dropped my step daughter off at Taekwondo, then killed an hour at the mall with my little ones until I had to pick her up. I just got home (8pm) and we still haven't had dinner :( I'm about to start cooking. So much for slowing down!! I don't know how I'm expected to, especially this time of year.

Sorry for the long post! I hope everyone is doing well!!
wamommy. i had to smile at your attempts to slow down!.... its tough isnt it.
I just did the supermarket pre christmas big shop. just need to go back on christmas eve to get the turkey i orederd and more milk. now my pelvis is killing me!..a cup of tea and a mincepie have helped.
the supermarkets here in france drive me mad though. they arent into customer service like the uk or us. i had packed a zillion bags at the checkout, lugged them into the trolley and then the check out girl says my multipack of milk , about 8litres, is split and i need to go back and change it. which would mean me getting the 2 year old out of the shopping cart, who was being bribed with a lolly pop to stop climbing out of the cart, carrying him to the aisle..if i let him walk he would raid every shelf and have a fab time running aournd.., carrying him and the milk back to checkout, all while i am already out of puff from packing and my pelvis is about to fall off.. i just asked if it is really me who has to go back and she said yes. why she couldnt all for a shop assistant i have no idea. i told her to forget it, i will go back another day. she looked at me like i was bonkers when i said no its too difficult.
its not a disaster but they could certainly learn from us slightly more civilised countries on how to please shoppers!

32 weeks today! yayayayayayaaaaay!
dragon, hope you are doing good!!
oh and just to add... urgh for nausea returning for the last few days. even at 4 am when i woke up. yuk yuk yuk.
Hooray for being 32 weeks! Dragon, I hope that you and your little ones are doing well. I am looking forward to your update.

Last night DH and I took a look at the time I have accrued for both personal time off and medical time off. We decided that I'll be taking off the week before our due date and try to burn down time in January with doctor's appointments. This decision comes after a talk with my boss who just got back from maternity leave. Apparently our organization does not allow you to keep any of your leave while out on FMLA. So I either get paid for it while on those 12 weeks or I try to use it up beforehand. Since I have short-term disability and will be getting paid 60% (only after my leave is gone...) we figured I might as well try to use it up now.

So all those doctor's appointments that are coming up... totally not going to work on those days and calling in "sick." They normally wipe me out anyways so I might as well take advantage of not rushing back and forth and use the time I've been given.
Hello ladies!

Definitely try to take it easy wamommy--though I totally understand that you're finding it hard to do! I spent 3.5 hours on my feet walking yesterday trying to get our Christmas shopping finished with DH. My pelvis ACHED! Glad to hear baby is doing great, though!

helena---that would irritate me so much! How different France seems in that respect!

I had my 32 week check-up yesterday too. I only gained 1 pound these last two weeks! HOORAY! (And that's WITH all of the junk I've been eating for the holidays! :haha: ) That puts me up for a total of 27 pounds gained so far. Midwife said after the holidays, I might want to *think* about taking a break from eating sweet things. :) lol

Baby's heartrate was 120! She kept having to check my heartrate to make sure she wasn't getting it confused with babies. She then shook my belly to try to get his heartrate up---it worked! It flew up! haha. She said baby was just being lazy!! :haha: Hopefully that means he'll be a peaceful, calm baby, like his daddy! ;)

It's snowing like crazy here today---hasn't let up all night. Glad I'm cozy in my office chair right now.

Dragon, I hope everything is going well and can't wait for an update!!!
Oh, I forgot to say, too---baby is STILL sideways in there! Next appointment she is going to do a quick in-office (nothing pretty) ultrasound to see if he's moved. . .if not, I have to start baby-spinning exercises! Also, because he is sideways, I'm measuring small. . .she's not worried about it until he turns and they get a more accurate measure. . . but dang, he better turn soon!!!
The babies are here! Started bleeding last night and had to have an EMCS. Gunnar Jeremy was born 4lb3oz, and Lilja May was 3lb11oz. Both are in the NICU, and doing well. I'm a little sore but also doing well they are so cute.
Omg!! Congratulations Dragon! :cloud9: that is amazing news, glad you are all doing well! I can't believe the first of our little group have arrived!

So proud of you! :hugs: can't wait to see them :D xxxxx
Congrats Dragon!!! Oh my goodness! I am soo happy that you are all doing well! I bet they are just precious!
Yaaaaay! Congratulations!!! Glad you are all well!! Oh it's so so exciting! I just told my husband (he knew I had been checking this thread all the time for an update!) and he seemed pleased for you too!
Can't wait for pictures. Good luck with the recovery. Hope its as easy a recovery for you as my two sections were. Congrats again. Am all smiles! Xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wooohoooo!!! :yipee: :yipee:

I'm so happy for you, Dragon!! I'm so glad you and the babies are doing well. Well done, you!! :happydance:
Had my 32 week appointment. All good, baby head down, told me to rest p a bit more because of the couple of contractions I had (like that will happen!..) but all in all very happy.
And I only gained 1 kilo this month. Amazing as I haven't changed my eating habits as far as far ask know, I guess this little lady is fattening up instead of me. Good.
6 weeks to go.i have gained about 13 or 14 kilos. I gained 20 or 21 with my first son, can't see me reaching that this time. But there is christmas to contend with yet!...

Hope your are all well. Especially you dragon and those bambino dragons x
Dragon, congrats! I am so happy to hear that you and your two munchkins are doing well. Sorry to hear about the bleed, but I'm glad you were in a good place to have your EMCS. Get well soon!

Helena - hooray for your little girl being heads down! And congrats on fattening her up.

Glad to hear that everyone is doing well. I stayed home from work today due to the fact that I can barely walk. Went to the chiropractor and am doing slightly better. Little Missy is wedged in my pelvis and enjoys pressing on random nerves so I can't control my legs... awesome.
Thanks so much! We are all doing well so far. Got to see both babies smile today! I'm going to try to get some good pictures soon. The NICU is so dark that it's difficult. They are so freaking cute, like little tiny dolls :D

Here's what i have so far:


OMG DRAGON, they are so stinkin' cute I can't take it!!! Thank you for sharing pictures with us :D I can't believe how amazing they look. You must be completely over the moon! How are you feeling?
Oh thanks dragon! Just so perfect!! Especially loving their tiny feet!!!!Xxx

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