Valentines Babies, 2013!

A long as o one smokes around my baby I will still let them hold her. My mum smokes but wouldn't dreamof doing so inside or near the children.

I think visitors after birth are such a tricky situation. When I had my first my inlaws came for 10 (!!!) days about a week after he was born. It was so overwhelming. Luckily we had a granny annex, like a little house separate to our main house, so we weren't always on top of each other. But like you said Sierra, I wanted to hold my baby and not share. I felt I needed to! Also when my MIL was holding baby and he cried I couldn't stand the fact she didn't hand him straight back to me. I couldn't stand anyone but me or my husband to be the ones trying to soothe the baby. It may sound over controlling to some but it was how I felt.
With my second son they came for a week. Also too long. Though I Was more willing to share baby and that wasn't so bad.
This time they are coming for the time I will be in hospital, to help DH with our other two children. And to get their visit a bit out of the way while I am not here...I get so stressed with them. They can see me in hospital for short visits.. Then they will stay just one or two night after I come out. Then we want a week on our own before my own parents come to stay for 3 days (much better length!). But really, you have to say no if you want. Breasfeeding is tough, I want to spend the first few days on the sofa in my pjs with my boobs out if I have to (my sons are young enough to not care, though the 4 year old may have a snigger).
We need time to bond and to adjust and to learn to feed baby. If you can have visitors for just half an hour chunks in that first week could that work? They will see baby then leave you for a week to get on with it in an ideal world.
What's a week in the baby's whole lifetime?!
It's noting to others. But very precious to mums. So don't hold back, people should understand. Ad if you start talking about leaking boobs and breast pads and cracked nipple etc, most will embarrassedly hurriedly agree to leaving after a short while! Lol.

I can't remember if I was sad at losing time alone being just me and DH. There s always evenings. When my second baby came along I automatically put him into the same bedtime routine as his brother so both go to bed at 7 or 7.30. It's perfect and very important to my sanity :)
Thanks helena---I like the shorter increments idea---just have them maybe for 30 minutes at a time. And the nice thing is that my DH's folks have a cottage near us that they can stay in. My mum might want to stay with us, but my sister also lives in the same town as us, so mum could always stay with her, too.
Ah yes, maybe suggest she stays with your sister to avoid the noisy nights...and to give you the chance to not feel pressured if baby is screaming in the night. That was the bad thing about people being in the house 24 hrs, it's like they can judge you, even if they don' I can imagine my MiL wanting to come and help if baby is crying at 2am. But that would make me flip...
When I was in hospital last time my eldest son woke crying in the night as she was missing me and he slept with my husband. He still cried a bit so my MIL went in to see him (them). Drove my husband bonkers!
Luckily we have renovated a new spare room so they will be downstairs this time. Hopefully out of ear shot.
But really, you have to say no if you want. Breasfeeding is tough, I want to spend the first few days on the sofa in my pjs with my boobs out if I have to (my sons are young enough to not care, though the 4 year old may have a snigger).

It's noting to others. But very precious to mums. So don't hold back, people should understand. Ad if you start talking about leaking boobs and breast pads and cracked nipple etc, most will embarrassedly hurriedly agree to leaving after a short while! Lol.

My DH is super excited about not having visitors for those two weeks after our girl is born. He has already declared (to both his parents and mine and yes - the man has no shame:dohh:) That the two weeks after Teagen is born shall be declared: "The Two Weeks of Nakedness!" :blush: He will then explain that this is so I don't have to worry about whipping out a boob for freeding... Did I ever say this would be a problem? I'm a very conservative person so thanks for telling the world... Men... I love him, but somethings I just want to smash my head into a wall. :nope:
Omg Kellen--that's so hilarious! My DH is still a little weirded out that my boobs will be used for feeding. I don't think he'll come near them until after I'm done breastfeeding for good!:dohh:
Gunnar and Lilja are one week old today!

I like the 2 week rule, Kellen! We didn't have any visitors in the hospital, and we haven't decided yet whether we want anyone visiting the NICU. Since it's flu season, I don't want to take any chances. We might put one or two people on the list to visit, mostly because we want the babies to have some company if we can't make it to the hospital. of course, it's super hard to decide who to put on the list! I hate excluding people, but my babies are my priority.

Here are a couple pictures from tonight :)


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Dragon, those are some super cute babies you have there. I completely understand wanting to keep germs away from your little ones. That is also a factor that played into our two week decision.

Sierra, DH is already freaked out by the small amount of leakage that I've experienced. He has - for the moment - sworn of all boob touching unless it is in the shower where he can rinse. :dohh: We'll see how long that lasts since I'd like to BF for 18 months if possible.
Dragon---what adorable pictures! Such cuties!! They look AMAZING!!!

Kellen---that's hilarious. I haven't leaked yet, but DH is already worried! haha
A week! Already! Well done babies. They are beautiful. Hope you are feeling ok xx

I am feeling so heavy, not sure how the next 5 weeks will go. And so many twinges in the nether-regions. I swear this baby is a small elephant. I am the size I was the night before my second child was born. I have outgrown virtually all my trousers. Looks like skirts or legions for me for 5 weeks. I look like a bag lady. All long skirts, dodgy cardigans and my husbands coat!...
Went to ikea today. That was tough. Got tired, my vision went funny (happens when I am pregnant tired) and had to keep sitting down or feeling crappy in queues. Urgh. Can't bend without being in pain. Roll on 1st feb! X
helena--I understand the heaviness and twinges! I was out on the couch all evening yesterday after work. SO tired and my body just HURT! :( Put the crazy acid reflux in there, and I was doing a lot of whining! lol

Try to rest as much as possible---that's the only way I'm getting through! (However, the insane to-do list is still getting me frustrated and worried----does anyone else have their bags packed or the carseat installed in the car? I need to do those things. That, and DH and I still need to put together a few of the baby's furniture items and we are shopping for another car-----silly us, amidst the baby-excitement, just NOW realized that if I have to go anywhere with the baby while he is at work, we're going to need a second vehicle!) AHHH!
I've been panicking too! I don't have my bag packed and I haven't finished the nursery and I've still got a million things to do! It's so hard to get things done though as I either forget what I was doing or am too tired to do it!
So glad to know that I'm not alone Jo! I forget things, too, which is why I made a running "to-do" list on my kitchen counter so I have to look at it every day and check things off once they are done! I hear you on the tired-thing too! It's so frustrating because all of these things need to get done and I don't have energy for it! We have a few items to finish in our nursery, too! Ahhh!
I just realized today that I'm 33 weeks and that means I should probably have a bag packed. I mean, I knew I how far along I was, but until I stopped to think about it it never sank in that this will be happening soon!

We have not put together the nursery, but I am going to try to convince DH to open the box that our car seat is in. We have a local "safety village" that will correctly install the car seat and then teach you how to do it. We are also discussing buying another car or a small pickup so that DH will have something other than his motorcycle to ride. I think this means I might sell my motorcycle so we don't have car payments on top of a baby. If I want to ride I'll just hijack his... it was offered to me first after all.

Tomorrow we have an appointment with our midwife. I'm excited to hear the heartbeat again (it never gets old!). I am also going to be asking about Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, renting a pump from the hospital and any other random questions that come to mind.
Thanks Kellen---it's gone by so quickly---it's hard to comprehend that we actually need to be READY now! lol

I'll be interested to hear what your midwife says about Red Raspberry Leaf Tea ---I've been drinking it EVERY DAY (5 days a week since before conception), and my midwife encourages me to keep drinking it the entire pregnancy. I've heard various views on this, but it's been good for me so far---I like to think it has strengthened my uterus.. . we'll see if it helps labor! ;)
Hello, ladies! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was pretty crazy around here, and we're still recovering. At least I got the wrapping paper out to the recycling bin and the floor vacuumed today!

DragonflyWing, your babies are beyond adorable. I'm so proud of them AND you for doing so well!! Gigantic congrats!

Helena, I feel your pain. I look and feel like a 70-year-old woman as I hobble around my house. I can't believe you only have 5 weeks to go!

I haven't packed a hospital bag or washed the bassinet cover yet. I think I should probably get around to it! I also have to move both of my DDs' carseats to the back row of the van to install the baby's seat in the middle row. I'm not sure how it's all going to work. I know that I better get started, because my OB is estimating this baby to come at 36 weeks... if I can make it that long. She's afraid to check for dilation, since that can sometimes irritate the cervix and START labor. For now I'm supposed to take it really easy, rest on my side for 1 hour twice a day, and call immediately if I have any bleeding. It's so weird... this is baby #3, and I feel like it's my first time! Things are so different and my body is being so odd. Ah well, mother nature has a way of doing what's best.
Oh wamommy, so exciting she thinks baby could be here in three weeks! Scary too. Is it just because its baby no 3? Oh gosh!....

I bought a nice new chair and put it inhale playroom yesterday it will be my feeding chair. The playroom is going to have to double as baby's nursery until our house renovations are finished next year..I will just have to dodge the cars and duplo bricks in the night!...her cot is up but full of all the other baby junk we need including the car seat. DH can work out fitting that when I am in hospital if needs be. It's just the carry part, not a base, so is simple to put in. Not sure if we will buy a base or not, will see how we go. I know that in less than a year she will outgrow this seat anyway. I absolutely must get out the baby clothes from in storage and see what will be suitable. I am not sure if we even have any vests for pjs for a newborn.
And I must start a hospital bag soon. Will get it all done once new year is done if not before.

Have friends for dinner this eve. It's been ages since we entertained at home. Ad will no doubt be the last time until next summer. Hoping my tiredness lasts the evening!
Planning some sort of asparagus and puff pastry and Parmesan starter, Thai green curry then chocolate fondant for desert. All very easy and can be done in advance, yum. Just need to tackle the messy post Christams house first..luckily DH has two weeks off for the holidays so is here to help :)

Good news is that I have only been up once or max twice a night for a wee the last few nights, and baby seems to be quiet at night until I get up. So I have my fingers crossed for a good sleeper!
Looks like we all have to get moving on getting baby stuff ready! My house is *mostly* picked up from Christmas, but I have to vacuum. I also did another load of baby clothes in the laundry last night---yay! Tonight, DH is installing curtains that his mother bought us for Christmas, and hopefully putting together the glider for the nursery as well! I'll continue to clean for the in-laws coming this weekend. :) I think we are going to finish up our baby shopping next week---which will then create more laundry, more unpacking toys, etc, and I'm sure more assembly! lol

helena--that's so great that you are entertaining tonight---it has seemed like ages since I have done that! I hope you have tons of fun and your tiredness doesn't get in the way!!

wamommy--seriously, 3 weeks?! Holy cow! That's soooo soon!!
Looks like we all have exciting things going on right now! Congrats on being able to entertain, Helena, that is a huge undertaking... even when not pregnant! Wamommy, three weeks seems like tomorrow in the land of fast moving holiday's. Sierra, you are ahead of me. I still need to sort through the baby clothes that I've been given and see what I am keeping and what I am taking to the consignment store.

This morning we had an appointment with our midwife... but it turns out she was sick so we saw the brand new midwife (new to the practice, but 15 years experience). She was nice, but it was kind of weird asking her questions she we didn't know her. Little girl's HB was 140 and kept kicking the doppler which made the midwife giggle. DH has been given permission to begin perineum massage which made him gleeful. She also said drinking RLT would be a great idea and that at 36 weeks I should begin EPO to soften the cervix.

Then I dropped DH off at work and drove to my work. I logged into my work email, took care of a few things and decided to check my personal email. I have a conference call interview on January 3rd. I am so excited. The new job would be in Portland so we'd be moving cross-country (again!), but I am so happy. All my family is in Oregon and I'm not really happy in Georgia. I like my current job, but this new one suites my personality even better! Called my mom (and woke her up due to the 3 hour time difference). Now she won't stop texting me LOL. DH is excited too and after the interview wants to start looking at transferring his job (his company is nationwide). I really want to get back to the Pacific Northwest and not raise my child in the South. So excited!

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