Valentines Babies, 2013!

Oh Wamommy, I feel for you :hugs:

Mine was like that with names from Spartacus :dohh: he'll come round eventually xx
Happy new year ladies!

DH and I planned to watch movies and drink a little wine at home tonight, but we couldn't bear to leave the NICU, so we brought in the new year cuddling a couple of tiny snoozing babies :D
Oh that is cute Dragon :)

Wamommy, I actually really really like your DH's Angus suggestion!
Urg...have been in bed for 15 hours so far with gastro or food poisoning the is tough.
Both ends..sorry, tmi...trying to keep hydrated. Tough.
Baby seems ok, quiet but has moved. The pre diarrhea cramps were a bit unsettling, I wasn't sure if it was contractions!. My head pounds, nausea on and off, body aches, feel hot though the thermometer tells me I am ok...oh what a start to 2013!
..luckily DH has the rest off the week off work and he is being brilliant with the kids.

Hope your new year is going better than mine!!
oh helena! That's wretched! I'm sorry! I hope you get some rest in spite of the bug! :( My neice had that a couple of days ago, and I was kissing all over her before I knew---so I've been expecting to get it, but so far so good!

I kind-of like the name Angus, too!

Dragon---that's a wonderful way to bring in the new year! How precious!!
Helena - that sounds horrid! I'm glad that your DH is able to help out with your two kiddos. I cannot imagine how wretched you must feel.

Dragon - I would have voted for baby snuggles too. That sounds like a perfect way to bring in the new year.

I am on the fence about "Angus." The first thing that pops in to my mind is McGyver. The next thing that comes to mind is Angus beef and a good steak... Perhaps I am just twisted.
I thought about steaks too!

But, you have to remember that when baby is here it's more than a word, they make it a name xx
I discovered my first stretch mark this morning. Located on my right hip. For vanity's sake I am pleased that it is located within the confines of my swim suite. But I really don't care. I am just happy to have a squirming baby wiggling inside of me as I type. DH is more concerned about stretch marks than I am...
Oh, Helena... I'm so sorry you're sick! Thank goodness your DH has the week off so you can rest. Let's hope it's the 24-hour kind and you feel better soon! :hugs:

You guys like Angus? I suppose my DH isn't too nuts :haha: I think steak too, like Prime Cut Angus Beef. You're right though Jo, once baby is here the name becomes a person, not just a word. My DD#1 doesn't even go by her name, she goes by a nickname we gave her weeks after birth. Who knew??

Sierra, how are you feeling? Have you had your appointment yet today? Mine is in 2 hours, and I have a list of things to ask her, since I always forget what I wanted to say!

Kellen, I wouldn't worry about one stretch mark!! I don't have any on my tummy, but my hips have a bunch. They're from growing in my teens, or maybe puberty? I don't know, but they're white and barely visible. I'm not counting myself out in the stretch mark department yet, though, since I'm SO much bigger this time around and my tummy feels like it's going to rip open!
I'm feeling okay---just really weird. I'm not sure exactly what is going on, probably is normal, but I'm going to ask at my appointment later today. (Mine is in 2 hours, too! haha--we're in different time zones, but still, funny! ) I'm wondering if my blood pressure is higher or something? I feel headachy and flu-like but don't really have any "symptoms" per say. Just different. It's better than it was this weekend, though--that's for sure.

I have a list of questions, too! And hopefully they'll do a quick in-office scan to see if baby has turned (though he still feels sideways to me) :(

Kellen---my DH is worried about stretchmarks more than I am too! I can basically ask for whatever stretchmark cream/lotion/etc I want because I know he wants to avoid them! lol I just keep telling him that if they come, he'll have to just get used to them and love me all the same! ;)
Girls are often named after pretty flowers so why not name a boy after something manly like a big juicy steak!
I finally made it out of bed to the sofa after 20 hours. Hoping I will be better by tomorrow.
Back ache now though :(

No me stretch marks here that I have spotted, but I did find some varicose veins on my left leg the ther day. Never had those before!! Luckil I read they usually disappear after birth. Made me feel like an old lady!
Hope all is well a today's appointments xx
Helena - I am glad to hear that you are at least marginally feeling somewhat better. Being sick is no fun. I can't imagine how exhausted you must be with 3rd trimester tiredness on top of recovering.

I too hope that everyone's appointments go fantastically today. At my last appointment (12/28) the midwife said that the next time I go in (1/14) they will be doing the Group B Strep test. I was also told that they'll be doing vaginal examines from that point forward as well. I'll be pretty close to 36 weeks at that time so I guess it does make sense to start checking things... We only have 40 some odd days left.
I just got back from my appointment, and it went fairly well! I had a finger prick to test iron, and it's still a bit low despite taking supplements. I also measured 33 weeks AGAIN, which I measure 2 weeks ago. I asked if that was a concern, and my OB said that it just meant baby had more than likely dropped down into my pelvis, which can make measurements stall or sometimes even shrink for a week or two. I figured this was the case, with all of the pressure I've been feeling on the inside of my cervix! (sorry, tmi) She didn't seem concerned about the contractions I've been having. She just said to keep up with fluids and don't do too strenuous of activities. Sigh... I guess what I'm feeling is more common than I thought? I figured something was up since I didn't feel this way (contractions, pressure, etc) with either of my girls. She said some women don't "drop" or "engage" until actual labor starts, so more than likely this is my first time going through this pre-labor.

Anyhow, things look great overall! I've gained 26 pounds total (yikes!!) but I'm trying not to fixate on it. The end is in sight, and there's a ton of time to lose it all.

Sierra, can't wait to hear about your appointment! Helena, I hope you're feeling better :hugs:
wamommy---great to hear that your appointment went well! 26 pounds is nothing! :) I've gained 29 so far! ;)

My appointment was a bit frustrating for me. My two midwives were out of the office, and I had to have the third (NEW) midwife who is REALLY young and doesn't sound that knowledgeable to me. I told her that at my last appointment, the midwife said to make sure I get an in-office ultrasound done by this week's midwife to make sure baby is head-down (because at the last three appointments, the midwives thought baby was head down, but an ultrasound showed him transverse!). I explained this to the new midwife and told her that I keep feeling him kicking in the same spots as before, but she basically just put me up on the table, felt around, and said "Oh yeah, he's definitely head down" and wouldn't even give me the in-office ultrasound! Now, I'm a first-time mom and don't know everything about pregnancy, but I feel that nothing has changed since my last appointments, and I'm really scared that baby is sideways and she noted my chart that he isn't. :( I don't even know what to do. I'm going to ask one of my regular midwives to do the ultra-sound at my next appointment in two weeks, but won't that be too late for him to turn? :( And I really am concerned, because I feel him moving on BOTH sides of my belly at the same time every time he moves! And this morning, I felt him hiccuping on my left side, above my hip bone. Is there where you ladies are feeling things? Or do you feel things down low and under your ribs since baby is head-down? I really am so frustrated that she didn't listen to me---regardless if she is right or wrong. In my opinion she is inexperienced (she just got out of college), and isn't listening to her patients. I'm going to request not to have her again when I see my regular midwife in two weeks---and definitely request that she doesn't deliver my baby! :(

So. . .I mentioned how I was feeling, but she just kind of shrugged it off and said "it's normal". I'm so frustrated---how does she know it's normal?! She just got out of college, doesn't have kids herself, and has only been working for this office for a couple of months. But whatever. . .I'm feeling okay now, so I'm not going to worry about it. But, I'm still worried about baby being sideways or not. :(

On a different note, we had our first childbirth class last night. It went really well! DH was SO supportive and great at the floor exercises----I have myself one good massage-man for my labor! :D

It was a bit disturbing and scary to see the videos on actual births---holy cow does "down there" STRETCH! My goodness! haha. . .I mean, I always knew it did, but it's so crazy to SEE it do that! So. . .that was my excitement yesterday. :)

How is everyone doing?
Wamommy, it sounds like you are doing great even if the baby isn't measuring exactly where you'd like. I've also been experiencing those lovely cervix pains and can hardly walk at all. My little one has decided that the sciatic nerve on the left side is the best place in the world to press on. I can get her to move for a few minutes, but then she goes right back. Midwife said it is her happy place.

Sierra, your appointment sounds really frustrating. I would call back and see if they can't arrange for you to have a scan sometime this week or next... before your next appointment. If I had been treated that way I would have been very upset too. They are supposed to help you and put your mind at ease, not take the easy way out.

Today I have my interview with the people in Portland, OR. I am very excited, but also a little nervous. I've never done an interview over the phone. As a rule of thumb I'm not a big fan of communicating over the phone because you miss out on important body language clues and eye contact. However, I have prepared as much as possible. I've printed out the job description, my resume, my cover letter and my unofficial transcripts just so I have reference material in case pregnancy brain decides to strike again.

DH seems to be coming down with some sort of cold. For the past two days his throat has been itchy, his nose stuffy and he has had a headache. I've been forcing him to drink V8 (which he actually likes) and giving him vitamins. Silly man is refusing to take any vitamin C though. I know he isn't feeling good because last night he actually went to bed at 9:30 with me. It took him a while to fall asleep, but I was surprised. I also think he is running a mild fever.

I started drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea last night. My midwife said I should drink 3-4 cups a day and continue to do so for at least 6 weeks after giving birth. It is supposed to help tone the uterus and get things back into shape. She also said that at 36 weeks I could begin taking 3 capsules of Evening Primrose Oil to help ready my cervix for labor.
Sierra, I am no expert, but I know my doc told me from a scan baby was head down. And I still feel him on both sides. If you imagine the head at the bottom then baby's bottom would be at the topish, leaving arms and elbows to poke you a one side and legs on the other side. Its easy to imagine them head down and fett up, which wouldnt be right.
So I think feeling baby on both sides of your tummy would be about right.
Though she should have dne the scan if the previous ones had recommended it! Am thinking it won't be too late in 2 weeks...though I don't know for sure.

Am feeling so much better today. Even managed to go swimming with my family this morning, though it has left me wiped out. Haven't eaten much in the last 30 hours so have some catching up to do :)
Sierra, how frustrating! Maybe you could call your regular midwife and tell her your concerns? They might be able to squeeze you in for a quick scan. Helena is right, though, even with baby head down you can feel movement EVERYWHERE. My LO is head down with his back along my right side, and I feel his hiccups right on my right hip bone. Who knows for sure, though. If it would relieve some stress and make the next couple of weeks easier, I would definitely try to be seen for a scan.

I remember those videos from childbirth class with DD#1!! They made me so nervous. We watched this weird one from the 1960's where none of the women made a single peep during unmedicated labor. How unrealistic! It is a bit incredible to imagine a baby coming out, but somehow it works :wacko:

Helena, I'm so glad you're feeling better :D I wish we had a pool around here. It must feel amazing to be in the water. All of this extra weight supported for a while!

Kellen, good luck with your interview! It's smart to have all of your info handy in case pregnancy brain strikes. I'm sure you'll do amazingly!

I'm waiting on the mailman this morning to deliver my nursing pajamas. I finally broke down and ordered some online! In all of my hospital pictures with the other 2, I am wearing the hideous hospital gown, no make-up, and I look just awful. This time I VOW to make a tiny effort after LO is born. I can at least throw my hair in a bun, toss on my new pajamas and SMILE. This may be the last LO for me, after all!!
Thanks ladies! We'll see how I feel in a few days---regular midwife isn't back in the office until Monday, so I have a few days to think it through and calm myself. :)

wamommy--love the pajama idea! I'm going for the lovely hospital gown look myself---just for the sake of not having to pack anything else! haha. I plan on packing a going-home outfit, along with what I arrive in, and letting that be it. I over-analyze when I pack anyways, so I don't want to buy more stuff to throw in. :) Plus, DH already thinks I over-bought for baby anyways. . . ;)

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