Valentines Babies, 2013!

Sierra - it's not too bad if I can raise them up and rest from time to time no did phone the MWs as I was a bit nervous about whether it was a sign of Pre-eclampsia but they just told me to rest and phone back if the swelling moved to my arms and hands etc. I have MW on Tuesday so they will check BP there.

I'm currently relaxing in the bath as it's Friday night here and hubby is cooking tea :thumbup:
I'm currently relaxing in the bath as it's Friday night here and hubby is cooking tea :thumbup:

SO jealous!!! A bath sounds AMAZING right now. We're trying to save money and keeping the house at 65 degrees :( I'm always so freezing!!

I just got a phone call that totally made my day, though. A woman from my church, who has become like an aunt or surrogate Mom to me, just called. She asked if she could throw me a baby shower!!!! I didn't expect to have one, and it was so incredibly sweet of her to offer it. She wants to make it open to all church ladies, so it should be awesome! I think she knows I don't have any family in the area, and felt (accurately) that I didn't think anyone really paid much attention to this pregnancy. Being my third, most of my family is like "oh ya, she's pregnant again," instead of being super excited about it. I suppose I'm just feeling thankful today. Let's just hope LO stays in until the 23rd!!
That's awesome wamommy! How nice of her!!! YAY! You'll have to tell us ALL about it!!

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who's house is 65 degrees! DH keeps ours at that temp during the day, and puts it down to 57 degrees at night! (We sleep better when it's cold). Obviously those won't be the temperatures once baby is here because we plan on keeping the house a lot warmer---but does anyone know what a good temp is to keep the house for newborns? I don't want it too warm, but obviously I don't want to freeze baby, either.
Over here they recommend 18-20 degrees Celsius. So I guess you would add 32 to that and it would make it 50-52 degrees fareinheight? I'm no good with conversions :haha:

That sounds low if you guys already think 65 is chilly! Maybe the guidelines Re different if your average temp is higher?

Or my math is wrong :rofl:

I have bought one of these and just had a look for a US version

Looks like 65 is the average temp for babies.

I liked that it changes colour based on if if is too hot or cold and so therefore, a lot easier to see at a glance how warm it is.
I can jump on the swollen feet band wagon. Mine are so puffy by the end of the day that I told DH I feel like the Pillsbury Dough-boy. Thankfully the swelling goes down once I sit and put my feet up.

I officially passed the first portion of my class today. Everyone (even the instructors) kept saying: "This is the hardest test that you'll ever take! You need to study for at least 2 hours every night. You can't leave this thing until Thursday night, etc..." Well, I didn't study and I fell asleep at 8:30 last night. It was a good sleep too. So this morning I was the second person finished and passed with a 90%... yup, really hard test.

Now I am beginning to believe that my little girl thinks she is a reverse corset. Instead of making my rib cage smaller she believes it is her duty to expand it. She pushes so hard we were actually able to see the outline of her foot today. It was adorable and slightly creepy... There is actually another body living in mine. I affectionately referred to her as "My little parasite" which DH frowned at.
Jo, that thermometer looks really useful! I have one on the wall where the crib goes, but it's the cheap old-fashioned kind that I need to turn the light on and then squint to read. This one looks so better!! I may be ordering one. I like the house about 70, but last winter we kept our house 70 day and night and got a $1200 power bill!! (2 months, but STILL) Sierra, I don't know how you can stand 57 at night! We go down to 60, and even that makes my face and hands freeze if they're outside of the

Kellen, well done on the test! Also, I know what you mean about it being a tad odd to think about a human growing inside you. The thumps and rolls are starting to get painful since there isn't much room left. I try to remember, as I wince in pain from some of the larger movements, that in a few short weeks I'll miss it terribly. There's something so powerful about a life living inside of us!
The doctors say the babies should be home within two weeks! I'm so excited, and scared, because we have so much to do to get ready. We don't have anything set up!
The doctors say the babies should be home within two weeks! I'm so excited, and scared, because we have so much to do to get ready. We don't have anything set up!

YAY!! :D I'm so glad! They must be doing extremely well. 2 weeks is plenty of time to set up, and even if you couldn't get it all done, all they really need is you!! :happydance:
You'll be fine Dragon :hugs: we'll all be coming to you for tips in a few weeks!!
Hi all!
Dragon - thanks great news!
Serra - hope you are feeling better! Al I know is that paracetamol is fine in pregnancy, and that lowers fever.

My baby's room will be between 16 and 19 at night I expect. That is 60 to 66. DH likes or bedroom to be 16 at night but I get far too hot and have to switch it off in the middle of the night. I would always have the room on the cooler side for baby too - being too hot is more dangerous for newborns than being too cold.

My appointment on Friday went well. I think the doctor thinks I am a very eases patient and (wrongly) thinks I know what I am doing. I was in and out in ten minutes. He measured my bump for the first time and all is normal. Baby still head down, I have enough liquid around her and he doesn't think she will come early. When I mentioned I ad squashed my bump as I forgot it was there he laughed. No doubt it happens a lot. And she is protected and bendy in there. I see him once more on the 22 and that is it until we meet again a the operating table! Under 3 weeks now. 2 weeks and 5 days..can't believe it!!!
On Friday night / saturday morning my eldest decided to try and get up for the day at 4am....finally managing to wake the whole house at 5am. I was shattered. And scared. And so angry! Luckily last night he slept solid for 11 hours so that sans eased my panic slightly that it was all going wrong just in time for baby to arrive into a madhouse. 3 children under 5.. Not sure how that will work out...eeek!
I think that in actual fac my son was super excited about a birthday party he was going to on Saturday, but at 4 am this didn't make me any more understanding!

Finally bought my first pack of newborn nappies the other day. So small!
JO--what a cool thermometer! I need to get something like that for our nursery! Thanks for the info on the correct temp! Looks like DH is going to have to get used to sweating a bit! ;)

Kellen---GREAT JOB on your test! That's fabulous!!

Dragon--that is so exciting that babies can come home in two weeks!! Hooray! Don't worry about set-up---I'm sure you'll get the important things set up, and the rest can wait! How exciting!!!!

helena---thanks for the advice on how it is better for baby to be too cold than too hot. I keep feeling more sick and more sick. :( I was on the couch all day yesterday, and it looks like that is what I'll be doing again today. :( :(

I can't believe you have less than 3 weeks left!! That's crazy!! Oh soon our babies will be here!

On that note. . .time to nap again. . . :)
How are you feeling, Sierra? I hope the weekend allowed you some time to relax and feel better :hugs:

Helena, I'm glad your Dr appointment went well. I can't believe you're down to less thatn 3 weeks to go now. That is insane! It seems like just yesterday we were all comparing the darkness of our bpf lines, and now here we are! I'm SO excited to hear about how it goes, and for you to meet your LO.

No real news here! We still haven't installed the car seat :dohh: At least my hospital bag is packed now, and we set something up for who will help us with the girls while I'm in labor.

I feel like such a whiner lately. Anyone else? I'm so uncomfortable that all I do is moan and groan around my house, lol. I'm certainly past the "cute pregnant" phase, and into the "giantly pregnant" phase!
I too feel like a major complainer recently. I cried the other night because my feet were swollen and I've gained more weight than I wanted too. However, our midwife today looked at me and said: "I see by your chart you are gaining weight, but where are you hiding it?" That made me feel marginally better. My BP is good 110/60 and baby is measuring a week ahead. They did the GBS test today, which felt rather invasive. I'm sure by the time labor is done I'll be totally okay with random people poking around in my vagina... but at this time I cannot imagine it.

My mom is going to come out and stay with us the week before our due date and up until the baby is about 2 weeks old. She will basically just be helping with cleaning and cooking and giving us breaks when we get super frazzled. I'm glad. I get along really well with my mom and she is my best friend.

Church gave us a nice baby shower last night. However, I was so exhausted by the end (it followed DH's baptism) that I can hardly remember what we were given. We did stop and get some Dreft today so that I can begin washing her clothes and pack the bags for the hospital.
wamommy---I am feeling a bit better, but still under the weather. I'm at work today again. . blowing my nose and trying to keep myself in my office. The weekend rest helped a LOT, but I can definitely use more! :)

Kellen--yay showers! I love getting new things!!

I'm definitely feeling like a complainer, too---especially since I've been sick. I keep complaining to DH that I am trying to heal my body AND build his son! :haha:
:rofl: The vagina comment made me laugh, Kellen. Believe it or not, once you're in labor they could literally bring Brad Pitt in to check your vagina and you wouldn't blink. All inhibitions go out the window, and your focus just becomes baby and managing the contractions. I don't know if it's different with an epidural, but unmedicated I had to go to a special place where NOTHING could embarrass me! I watched a reality show last night where the lady was about to start pushing and was texting on her cell phone! I thought to myself, "maybe I should give this epidural thing a try!" It seemed so much calmer than my births. We'll see how it goes, lol.

I'm glad you're feeling a bit better, Sierra. It really seems to be going around. Milk it for all it's worth, and have others wait on you hand and foot!
wamommy--that's hilarious! In childbirth classes, they have us "practice" contractions, but clipping a clothes-pin on our ear for the entire "contraction" and breathing through it. I can't even imagine texting with the clothes-pin on my ear---not alone during a real contraction! lol. I'm going to try for unmedicated, so we'll see what I say AFTER labor. :) The whole labor thing freaks DH out---he keeps telling me that he is SO glad it's me and not him! :rofl:

I'm definitely milking the sickness--and DH was great this weekend. . .getting me orange juice and movies and tissues and just cuddling me on the couch all weekend. :)
Oh, I forgot to tell you guys---I had my FIRST accidental pee-myself SEVERAL times this weekend. YIKES! I've been sneezing like crazy, and EVERY time I sneeze, I wee a little! Well, I told DH this, but one time when I was on the couch, it was just UNSTOPPABLE and I peed a LOT! It soaked my pj bottoms and went through a blanket! I was so embarrassed, I didn't tell DH about the blanket---just told him I was throwing it in the wash to get the sickness off of it! ha!
We are going for an unmedicated birth as well. Actually, a waterbirth. I know by the time the contractions hit and I'm fully immersed in labor I won't care, but right now I do! lol
:rofl: Haha Sierra! That's hilarious! I haven't had a wee incident yet (knock on wood!) but I've come close.

I didn't know you were both aiming for unmedicated! If you have any questions, let me know. I'm hoping for a third unmedicated birth, but just like the other ones, I'm totally aware that things can change SO fast, and I'm open to medication if it's what's best for me and/or baby. I'm certainly not one to preach "natural birth is the ONLY way!!" since that isn't how I feel. Every birth and every situation is so different, however baby comes into the world is a complete miracle. Anyhow, thinking about it is starting to make ME nervous! LOL

Tonight The Bachelor is on! I'm not a huge reality tv fan, and this is my ONE guilty pleasure. Most of the time our TV is busy with kid's shows or movies in the evening. Everyone knows that Monday night is Mom's night though :haha:
wow our birth stories will be so different, unmedicatd v scheduled surgical procedure!

wamommy, didnt your midwofe say she thought you would have your bambino by 36 weeks? you have 2 days!!!!!!!

BH seem to be stepping up a pace here.

Kellen, so lovely you said your mum is your best friend!

sierra, welcome to the pee pants gang! i am so ready to not be pregnant and for my underwear to not have a faint whiff of public toilets....urgh, so gross.

talking of undies, i am about to make an appointment for my pre op waxing. they like you to be hair free down there or they shave you. i dont want them shaving as i find th hair growing back so uncomfy. and as i will have a sore scar anyway i dont want itchy hairs growing through it too. so waxing it is. not sure how i will handle that pain....oh god, hope i dont pee! hahahahahahaha!!
2 weeks and 3 days to go until i met her. yikes....
just realisd i need to get all the documnts together for registering her birth..the hospital help us with the paperwork if i have everything ready. its a bit of a pain..not sure if it is because we are a special cas...British, living in France but birthing and registering baby in Switzerland. i need to reorder mine and DHs birth certificates..what a pain! theywant thm issued in the last 6 months you see..crazy.
plus passports for the whole family, marriage certifiate and more...urgh.

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