Valentines Babies, 2013!

Thanks for the boob-information helena! That helps! :)

Kellen--that stinks about the interview! How unfair! I hope regardless that you advance to round 2 and they send you the right information next time! We're all cheering for you!!

I hear you ladies about feeling slow and uncomfortable. I sat on the floor yesterday after making dinner, shirt up, staring at my belly. DH walks into the kitchen and asked what I was doing. "He doesn't stop stretching me!!" haha---it literally felt like baby was doing all he could to stretch me in total opposite directions at the same time. I'm getting to the point where I am sore, tired, and don't want to do anything but lie there---and even that is uncomfortable! lol But sooooo worth it! I asked DH yesterday what was worse--first or third trimester? He hasn't quite decided, but I think he's getting a bit tired of my complaining recently. ;)

Carseat bases are installed in both cars now! And both cars have been cleaned out! Hooray!! :)

I'm guessing my lo will arrive a week early. . .that's my prediction (or wishful thinking!) lol So. . . February 7th! :)
February 7th is a GREAT birthday, Sierra (a bit bias, since it's mine... :haha:)
You're ahead of me on the car situation!

I hear you on feeling huge! I haven't taken a picture since 27 weeks, but asked DH to take one today. As large as I feel, I don't want baby to come early and I don't have a SINGLE "big belly" shot. Here I am in all of my about-to-explode glory!


  • 34+4weeks2.jpg
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While we are showing off bump, this was me sometime last week..
Another 2 weeks and 3 days and our babies are considered full term. Can you believe it!??!

Staring to feel mildly scared! Excited. Very. But scared :)
wamommy and helena---you both look great!!! wamommy---that'll be great if I have baby on your birthday! (However, just a warning--I'm rubbish at predictions, so my guess is probably totally off! :haha: )
I'm scared about how I'm going to handle everything after baby is here. It's going to be a huge adjustment in and of itself, but then I have to work part-time from home starting about a week or so after baby comes (in order to get my entire pay during maternity leave). . .so I'm worried that I'm going to fail at work because taking care of baby will be my number one priority. :( And, there is no way we can make it without my income. :( I'm sure it will all work out, but that's what I'm most stressed about!

On a different note, I ended up calling my regular midwife today and she wants to do an ultrasound this week to make sure if baby is head-down or actually sideways like I think. I'm so relieved that she's looking into it! Wednesday I have the ultrasound (I've been warned it's nothing fancy--just a quick one to see his position, so I won't get any fancy pictures or anything), and will finally know for sure if baby moved head down or not! SO glad!!
You look beautiful, Helena!! I can't believe you're under the 4 weeks mark until meeting your LO!

Sierra, it will be a huge adjustment, but once baby is here you won't be able to imagine it any other way. You'll make it work! Also, I'm SO glad your MW if giving you an ultrasound. It may be nothing fancy, but at least it will be piece of mind. I hope LO has flipped head down!
Great bump, helena!

I'm nervous about what it will be like when the babies come home, too. It's going to be a lot of work, and I'm worried that they won't come home before my maternity leave ends (which oddly enough is one day before their due date :haha:).
Oh what happens after the end of maternity advance dragon?
Seems very unfair if you don't get any home time with them!!!....

Oh my, HOW tired and hungry I am this week! Ate so much for dinner last night. Then been snacking the equivalent of about 3 breakfasts this morning!...oink oink!
Oh Dragon---I hope they come home before maternity leave ends! That'd be so hard!

Helena---I'm the opposite---I could care less if I eat sometimes. . . but of course, I'm eating anyways.

Breastfeeding class was last night. . .it was SUPER informative, but left me a bit stressed that it'd be soooo much work! However, I feel a bit better after talking with my sisters, who say it's more natural than those classes let on. But, boy, there is a lot to remember!: proper latch, color of poop, amount of urine, pumping instructions, pump care instructions, baby's schedule, etc! Oh my!!

DH went with me, and had a hard time keeping it together---MEN! They showed a video of a woman breastfeeding and complications with the breast, etc. . .then they showed a pamphlet on different types/colors of baby poop and it was all I could do to keep him seated in the class! He'd better get over the repulsion very quickly here! :rofl:
:rofl: After the first few diaper blow-outs that run up baby's back and through ALL of his clothes, DH will no longer get grossed out by anything!!
haha--that's my hope! lol. He pointed to all of the poopy pictures last night and said: "How about you change ALL of those, and I'll take care of every other type of diaper!" lol Maybe I should take him up on that and leave all of the blow-outs to him! :rofl:
Anyone else tired of blowing their nose? My goodness! My nose is SO stuffed up! I blow it whenever there is tissue near, and still it persists. . .I know it's pregnancy-related because I'm not sick (and this has been happening my ENTIRE pregnancy)---but I am SO ready to be over this nose-stuff! Does this clear up immediately after giving birth? Also, does discharge clear up right after birth? (That's also driving me crazy!) :lol:
Oh what happens after the end of maternity advance dragon?
Seems very unfair if you don't get any home time with them!!!....

Oh my, HOW tired and hungry I am this week! Ate so much for dinner last night. Then been snacking the equivalent of about 3 breakfasts this morning!...oink oink!

I have to go back to work full time on Feb 13th, so DH will be on his own with the babies during the day. I will be devastated if I don't get any time at home with the babies :(.

I'm having a tough time with the baby blues. I cry over the littlest things, it hardly takes anything to set me off. Today I'm upset because I overdid it on s
Sunday and pulled something near my incision, so I'm in too much pain to go visit the babies today. I feel like a bad mother for missing a day. I thought DH could go visit without me, so the babies wouldn't be lonely, but he refuses to leave me home alone. He suggested having his brother come sit with me while he's gone, butthe house is a mess, I don't want to change out of my pajamas, and I really don't think I need a babysitter. So now DH is staying home and no one is visiting the babies :cry:
Oh Dragon! How hard! I'd be so sad, too! Regardless of if anyone goes to see the babies today, they are in the best of hands. You can go first thing tomorrow to visit them. Is there anyone else you can send to visit babies today? Or a friend/sibling or someone you are more comfortable you can have sit with you while DH goes to visit babies? I know I would be fine with my pjs on and house a mess if one of my sisters came---is there family nearby you can call on? I'm so sorry! Sending you loads of hugs!! :hug:

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