Valentines Babies, 2013!

Oh, Dragon, I'm so sorry! The baby blues are tough enough when you have babies home... I can't imagine how hard it is in your situation! I hope you feel well tomorrow and can go see them, but Sierra is right. They are in the best of hands, and don't have a concept of time to know you've missed a day. Just give them extra tight snuggles tomorrow :hugs:

Sierra, I have the sniffles too! It's more like a constant clear drip than sniffles. SO annoying. I also have the discharge... yuck. After LO comes you'll have a super long, annoying period-like bleed, and then discharge should start going back to normal. It can take up to 6 weeks, but it WILL stop eventually... sigh.

I packed my hospital bag tonight (finally!) and it made me start getting really nervous! I'm feeling oddly torn between excitement and anticipation, and complete fear that something will go wrong or I won't be able to handle labor this time. Ugh... How are you guys dealing with it?
Unfortunately, my whole family lives in NY, and I don't really have any close friends the only options are DH's siblings. They're great, but I don't feel comfortable enough to sit around in my pajamas with them.
Oh dragon, sending you big hugs.
Motherhood, in my experience, is so full of guilt. I feel guilty most days for something. For telling the kids off, for not taking them out enough, for not stimulating their brains enough, for not being a better mum...even when my DH says I am the best and I am always busy doing stuff with them. And it started in the hospital when I left my first with ten nurses for an hour or two so I could sleep. It was horrendous, I cried so much. Of course baby knew nothing about it, and my kids have a happy life and are growing excellently. It's just motherhood comes with a big bag of "could I do better?" Woes I think.
You ARE doing a great job. you have a big job recovering and producing milk. You will be a fab mum and love those little darlings so so much. They can't ask for more. Take a break. Tell DH to pull himself together and go visit alone, that it would help you. Ad if he won't, try and not torture yourself.

Lts of love your way, these hormones will settle soon xxxxx
Wow wamommy---good job on getting your bag packed! I'm still not packed and have decided that's this weekend's project! Hopefully I'll stick to it! ;) I'm not as nervous right now, but feel like I should be with this being my first one?

Glad to know the discharge eventually stops! My goodness!

Dragon--how are you feeling today?

helena---great advise---that helped me a lot, too!
Ultrasound said he's head down!!! :) Hooray!!! I'm so relieved! And he's sooooo cute! He was sucking his bottom lip the entire ultrasound! He has a head full of hair (or so it looks), and has really big lips---pouty lips. :) I'm so in love. :cloud9:
YAY :yipee: SOO glad he's head down, Sierra!! Phew, huh?
Great news Sierra! And yay for hairy babies and pouty lips. Bless him.
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, hoping for a quick peak at my little lady but maybe it will just be a weigh-in.

Odd thing this morning, I FORGOT I had a bump! I leant over the bed to make it, stretching over to grab m husbands pjs and lading right on my bump on the bed. I totally forgot the bump was there and squished it a bit :( she s sill wriggly so I am not too worried, I am sure worst things could happen in a full elevator, but I felt so silly!

Haven't got my bag packed yet. Haven't bought half my stuff yet...looks like I won't get the chance until next week. Stay in there little girl!

My great hunger continues..I see my ticker says baby is gaining 30g a day...I was oping for more considering the amount I am eating!!
Happy 35 weeks girls xxxxx
Happy 35 weeks everyone! It sounds like everyone has been super busy while I've been away at class.

Dragon - you are doing great for being a first time mom with early twins and recovering from major surgery. I think Helena had excellent advise for all of us.

Wamommy - the only packed bag I have is the one I'm living out of away from home this week. We did finally unbox the carseat and start putting it together Sunday night. Progress!

Sierra - that is great news that your little one is head down. I can totally relate to being 100% in love with my baby. I am looking forward to having her here.

So it is 4am where I am. I woke up with excruciating pain in my fingers. According to what I have read it is probably carpal tunnel. I've had it in my wrist since I played volleyball in high school, but this is the first time my fingers have been affected. It is super painful and not at all fun. Also I found out that I didn't get the job and wasn't even selected to move onto round two. I feel a bit bummed because I don't feel that I was given a fair chance, but life's not fair.
Oh Kellen, sorry not the job. Next time! Xx
helena--let us know how your dr appt goes! Be sure to tell him you squished your bump a bit. I'm sure lo is perfectly fine, but it might be worth mentioning. I know when I had my scan yesterday, they showed me the fluid around baby, and it wasn't as much as I expected. It's mostly baby in there, so I would mention it just to be careful!

Kellen---I'm so sorry that you didn't get the job! :( That's so disappointing, I'm sure. Keep your chin up and know that obviously it isn't meant to be right now. And look forward to your little girl! And get that carseat installed! ;)

My DH was making fun of me last night because I have the carseat base installed, AND I have a Brica mirror installed in the back so I can see what lo is doing once he comes. DH is SO embarassed by this mirror. . .lol. . .he says I put it in way too early and our vehicle looks like a mommy-mobile! :haha: I told him he'd better get used to it, and he told me I can't put a mirror in his new vehicle until February. :rofl: Men! I'm proud to look like a mommy already! :D
Kellen, I'm so sorry about the job :( It seems that given the circumstances is would have been fair to give you another chance... FX'd for next time!

Sierra, we don't have the car seat installed yet! It's been super cold here, and DH keeps saying "on the next nice day we'll do it." Ummmm..... it's winter in Seatlle.... good luck with that. I might go pull out the girls' seats and clear out the car myself today. I want to wipe them down, since they've been eating/drinking in those seats for 2 years!! Then I want to vacuum out the car before putting the 2 seats back in and finally installing the baby's. The problem is, the news just said that snow may move in this afternoon! I usually LOVE snow, but the idea of going into labor and being snowed in is absolutely terrifying.

Helena, I can't believe we're 35 weeks! I hope your appointment goes well today! The countdown really has begun now, ladies. I'm SO excited (and nervous!) to meet this little one.
My DH was saying the SAME thing to me about the carseat! So, I took out my vacuum, cleaned the car, and installed the seats MYSELF! :D Who needs a man's help!? lol I can't stand waiting until the last minute like my DH does. . .so I usually end up starting it myself, then he feels guilty and takes over. :)
Good morning all. I'm at work with a terrible cold. I'm trying not to go home, because I want to save my days off for when lo comes. :( But, I feel so wretched. I googled medicines to take during pregnancy and such, and there is so much CONFLICTING advice on every medication that I've decided just to drink a lot of fluids and keep blowing my nose! It's miserable. :(

It's been going around my office, and for the life of me, I don't understand why they don't tell all of those sick people to stay home (and ME to stay home!) But, no, my office offers money incentives at the end of the year if you don't use a sick day. . .so everyone who is sick comes to work, and it usually spread throughout most of the office each time. :( I'm keeping my door closed today, and only going out to pee and get more water!

Anyone have any experience with fevers during pregnancy? I know I had one last night because I was sweating so much that I took off all of my clothes and all of the blankets, and I felt like I was boiling poor lo! :( He's wiggling away this morning (and all last night), so I'm sure he's fine, but it had me worried. :(
How miserable, Sierra! I'm so sorry :( It seems like letting everyone come to work to infect each other would actually HURT productivity, but I understand coming to work sick if they offer money!! Argh...

I don't have any experience with fevers during pregnancy, but I think Tylenol is safe to help reduce a fever. I know ibuprofen is not. I also remember when DD#2 got a terrible fever and was too young to take medicine, they told me to bathe her in a 95 degree bath. It actually cools the body, without causing you to shiver, which can actually raise a fever. Maybe try that? I'm so sorry you're sick!! NO FUN
How did the appointment go Helena?

My husband put the car seat in last night. Weirdly, he just decided to do it when it was raining and he even took his cup of coffee out with him. I think he's going through a bit of a panicking stage and just has to do something every now and again.
He's worse than me though, he's so snappy but I'm sure it's because she's likely to be arriving a couple of weeks earlier than he had expected.
I have one of those mirrors too but hubby refused to put it in the car!

Sorry to hear about the cold Sierra. Hot baths, steaming your sinuses over a bowl of hot water or drinking hot water with honey and lemon are the only things I found made any difference.

We are due some snow here too! 3 weeks of it :shock: this is a big deal for us English :haha: Our whole country normally comes to a stand still :nope: not looking forward to that at all!

I have swollen feet :( but that's all that's new with me!
Jo Bean that's so funny that DH refuses to put the mirror in the car! I don't see what the big deal is! Maybe they don't quite understand yet how HANDY it is! :)

Thanks for the advice--I'll try those too!!

I'm sorry to hear your feet are swollen! I hear that is really uncomfortable! :(
Hello ladies

I see we have been busy with festives and hurray the came and went in a flash.My platelets have been all over the place up and down even with the iron supplements!Worst thing is I have seen 4 different OBs on different appointments and 2 of them said they wouldnt worry abot the levels of platelets and the other two said they would be concerned...aagrr. and I dont know which of those 4 will deliver me!!!

Pelvic pain is still killing me

Bottom line is I am confused about what type of delivery I would have .Cut the long story short C-Sec is scheduded for 4th of Feb!!!Not too long but hey I am one minute excited and the next minute nervous!!

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