Valentines Babies, 2013!

Two sick boys here. Cold symptoms, horrid coughs, red faces....timing!? Argh, two weeks tomorrow I need us all well!!...
Oh no helena! That's not good at all!!! Make sure you keep your hands washed and try not to get it---that's the last thing you need! Make sure to push water and orange juice. Poor little guys! That's not good timing at all! :(
Already feeling a tickly throat.....that won't go well with a cut tummy...vitamin c here I come!
A friend just posted this on Facebook. Made me laugh!...first time mums do read...

:rofl: That post made me laugh, Helena!! So many truths :haha:

I'm so sorry your kids are sick :( My 4-year-old has a super runny nose, but seems to be fine otherwise. She's still full of piss and vinegar. When she's truly sick she turns into a lump on the couch, sleeping and whimpering. I hope your boys feel better soon (and that you don't get it!!)!
Helena, your post made me think of this AWESOME poem by Tina Fey (who I love). I loved it when I read it, and wanted to share with you guys, especially those having girls!!

Sorry it's so long :dohh: shared the poem called “The Mother’s Prayer for its Daughter.” Here it is below: (written by Tina Fey)

First, Lord: No tattoos. May neither Chinese symbol for truth nor Winnie-the-Pooh holding the FSU logo stain her tender haunches.
May she be Beautiful but not Damaged, for it’s the Damage that draws the creepy soccer coach’s eye, not the the Beauty.
When the Crystal Meth is offered,
May she remember the parents who cut her grapes in half
And stick with Beer.
Guide her, protect her
When crossing the street, stepping onto boats, swimming in the ocean, swimming in pools, walking near pools, standing on the nearby subway platform, crossing 86th Street, stepping off of boats, using mall restrooms, getting on and off escalators, driving on country roads while arguing, leaning on large windows, walking in parking lots, riding Ferris wheels, roller-coasters, log flumes, or anything called “Hell Drop,” “Tower of Torture,” or “The Death Spiral Rock N’ Zero G Roll featuring Aerosmith,” and standing on any kind of balcony ever, anywhere, at any age.
Lead her away from Acting but not all the way to Finance.
Something where she can make her own hours but still feel intellectually fulfilled and get outside sometimes
And not have to wear high heels.
What would that be, Lord? Architecture? Midwifery? Golf course design? I’m asking You because if I knew, I’d be doing it, Youdammit.
May she play the Drums to the fiery rhythm of her Own Heart with the sinewy strength of her Own Arms, so she need Not Lie With Drummers.
Grant her a Rough Patch from twelve to seventeen.
Let her draw horses and be interested in Barbies for much too long,
For Childhood is short — a Tiger Flower blooming
Magenta for one day —
And Adulthood is long and Dry-Humping in Cars will wait.
O Lord, break the Internet forever,
That she may be spared the misspelled invective of her peers
And the online marketing campaign for Rape Hostel V: Girls Just Wanna Get Stabbed.
And when she one day turns on me and calls me a Bitch in front of Hollister,
Give me the strength, Lord, to yank her directly into a cab in front of her friends,
For I will not have that Shit. I will not have it.

And should she choose to be a Mother one day, be my eyes, Lord,
That I may see her, lying on a blanket on the floor at 4:50 a.m., all-at-once exhausted, bored, and in love with the little creature whose poop is leaking up its back.
"My mother did this for me once,” she will realize as she cleans feces off her baby’s neck.
“My mother did this for me.” And the delayed gratitude will wash over her as it does each generation and she will make a Mental note to call me. And she will forget.
But I’ll know, because I peeped it with Your God eyes.

Lol! loving the last verse!

Becoming a mum even changed the way I view my MIL and her what seemed like obsessiveness.. A bit. Hehehe. Motherhood...its an amazingly varied adventure thats for sure!!! Xx
Thanks for the laughs ladies!! Those are hilarious!! :)

Just an update on my appointment today--I only gained ONE pound in two weeks!!! Say WHAT?!?! Hooray!!!! I also took the strep b test---my office had us do it ourselves.. . still awkward, but at least no one could see me in the bathroom struggling to insert it. .. :rofl:

And, my midwife said baby is measuring BIG!! She said they are not worried about him gaining weight at all because she is guessing he is 6 1/2 pounds (maybe more) already! YIKES!!!! She said he could come anytime and they would be perfectly happy with it! So. . .what do you think I did?! After my sister's advice, I went to the health food store, picked up some evening primrose capsules, and I'm going to see if they work to get things going for labor! They worked for my sister---apparently you insert 3 of them near your cervix when you go to bed at night, and it's supposed to slowly soften your cervix. I'm hoping if I start now it will at least help me go a week early! I don't want a 9lb baby! :( They're expecting him to be big if he arrives on the due date or later! No wonder I've been so uncomfortable!

My DH is excited because I have now put sex back on the table---and EVERY night from here on out if I can find the energy. I don't want this baby to get much bigger---I want to keep my vagina in one piece, thank you very much! :rofl:

Have you heard anything about evening primose oil? Does it work?
Yay for an awesome appointment, Sierra! It's so reassuring to know baby could come anytime now and be fine! I don't have any experience with Evening Primrose Oil, but I've seen a ton of people mention it on here. I've honestly not done anything in the past to speed along labor, except DTD the last couple of weeks :blush: Actually, I tried an old Italian wives' tale and cooked eggplant parmesan. Of course it did nothing, lol... but I've heard good things about Evening primrose.

You're so lucky you got to do the strepb test yourself! It was a bit awkward when I had it, but not painful or anything. It did make me realize (yet again) how happy I am to have a female OB, though!
Oh excitant news Sierra! My mum said she was watching tv the other week and there was a woman presenting her new book all about how what we eat affect the fetus. And the woman confirmed that spicy food like curry does get baby excitable and make them move lots and can lead to contractions. My mum was warning me to not eat too much spicey food. So get a nice curry this weekend! With extra chili! :)

My two boys both ended p in our bed last night. Both full of heavy cold and grumpy. I ended p on the sofa at one point. Also grumpy. Am meant to be it for a Thai meal with friends tonight..sensible me would stay home and go to bed early...but sensible me doesn't always show her face, so I think I will go anyway. I will just make sure my dish isn't too spicy as a baby en route with two kids full of germs in the house wouldn't be ideal. Two weeks today I am scheduled, so I will go onto operation get-us-healthy for the next two weeks. 10 gallons of OJ each daily?!

Good luck with the evening primrose! X
Sierra, my midwife actually suggested that I start taking evening primrose oil orally 2 capsules 3 times a day. She said that it works just as well orally as it does vaginally to help ripen the cervix. And I'm also drinking 3-4 cups of red raspberry leaf tea to help strengthen my uterus. Since starting the EPO I have actually had stronger contractions before, which is supposed to be one of the side affects. I did slack off a little bit during the week I was away from home as I didn't want to start having contractions in the middle of my class!

Helena - sick kiddos are no fun. I'm sorry that you didn't get to sleep in your bed last night. I hope that the vitamin C kids the crud out of you so that you don't have to worry about getting too sick yourself.

I have a funny pregnancy hormone story to tell on myself. DH was talking about what other items we will need to add to our hospital bags. I mentioned we needed to put our cord blood kit thingy in the baby's bag because it has the least amount of stuff. While doing this I also remember that we needed to have the certificate that says we officially passed the waterbirthing class. Cue freakout. I tore the living room apart. I tore the kitchen apart. I tore the desk apart. I tore the baby's room apart looking for this stupid piece of paper... while making dinner. I finally conceded defeat and sobbed hysterically while DH held me and looked baffled. The hospital will not allow you to attempt a waterbirth without this piece of paper and they do not keep records of who takes the class. You have to be responsible. I then started crying about "How will I be a mom if I can't even take care of a piece of paper?!" Five minutes later DH finds the lost certificate in our headboard along with the rest of the pre-filled registration forms. I felt slightly stupid...
Hi everyone, not checked in here for a while- sorry.

My baby is now 3/5 engaged so loaddds of pressure! I am not taking RLT as hated it and I dont want a shorter labour than the other 2 in all fairness hehe.

Hope you are all keeping well? Not long till we have our bubbas now x
^ wow you can just have a waterbirth here if you ask, no course? What did course cover?
Thanks ladies! We DTD last night.. . which I find so uncomfortable being this far along in pregnancy. I'm more wanting to just get DH enjoying it then wanting to enjoy it myself. . .I feel bad for that. . .but it's just so hard with this belly! Do you know if you have to O in order for it to help bring on labor? Or just DH?

I also tried the evening primrose when I went to sleep. I woke up feeling a couple of twinges/cramps very low. . .don't know if that is wishful thinking of it really starts softening the cervix right away?! At any rate, I'm willing to keep trying it! Just a warning, though---those capsules smell wretched! :(

Thanks for the tip on the spicy food! Curry is hard to come by here in the U.S., but maybe I can find something similarly spicy to eat? I did put hot sauce on my tacos last night, too! :thumbup:

Kellen--I've heard orally works, too! I think I might try to split them up and do both! lol I've been drinking red raspberry leaf tea my entire pregnancy, so maybe I should have more than one cup a day now!

I also think I need to get more active, and that might help. I've been SO sedentary lately, and EVERY time I start cleaning the house, I get some pretty intense contractions. I think I should clean the house from top-to-bottom this weekend---AFTER I pack the bags, of course! (Still need to do that!)

Helena---I hope you get everyone healthy SOON! That's so hard---and I know this cold is HORRIBLE! I'm STILL trying to get rid of it. . I can't smell or taste anything because my head is so clogged up with gunk! :(

I forgot to mention about my appointment yesterday---I talked to one of my regular midwives and convinced her that I don't want that new midwife in the room with me during labor. She seemed disappointed as apparently the new midwife hasn't had the chance to catch ANY babies yet (which makes me more worried), but I told her I'd be super uncomfortable with someone like her in the room that I barely knew. It was a really awkward conversation and I felt like a meany, but I just want to be as relaxed as possible during labor. So, anyways, they promised it would be only the midwives I know in the room (they take turns being on-call, so it could be either of them---which I'm completely okay with!) :flower:
Midnight - I believe the course is for liability purposes. It covered the benefits for both mom and baby, but also went over what complications could ensue. We also looked at what point we could get in the tub, what to bring with us and other procedural issues. We live in the northern part of Georgia in the US. Ours is the only hospital in the area that actually offers waterbirth, and they have the lowest C-Section rate.

Sierra - It is only DH that needs to O during your DTD sessions. There is a certain something in sperm that reacts with the cervix to help soften it. I don't remember the name and am currently too lazy to google it. :haha: As for house cleaning I just found a deal for $29 they will come in and clean the carpet in all three rooms and my hallway. My mom also bought us two hours of house cleaning for Christmas. DH has decided that we'll schedule them to come clean while I'm recovering from labor and he'll watch them like a hawk. That way they can do all the deep cleaning that I can't (aka washing the baseboards, the walls, the windowsills). My project for this weekend is putting the Christmas tree away... which means convincing DH to actually retrieve the boxes from the attic since I'm banned from climbing the ladder. :blush:
Kellen--what a wonderful gift!!! Oh my goodness, I would LOVE a deep clean for my house like that! I think during your recovery is a great time to use it! I doubt my baseboards, walls, and windowsills will get washed before baby comes, but at least maybe I'll have the rest of the house looking okay. :thumbup:
Oh wow, sounds intense, I guess cause healthcare/insurance is totally different over there. I would be rubbish for sure at organising that hehe :)
Kellen, I am so jealous about the house cleaning! I have been trying to keep up with the housework, but it's so hard. It seems like a never ending job! The carpet cleaning would be especially nice, since we have cats and kids, and our carpets could REALLY use it!

Helena, how are you feeling? I woke up this morning at 5am with a very sore throat and plugged nose... dang it!!! I thought I'd avoided it :( I'm just praying it's gone before baby comes. I can't even imagine having a newborn and being sick, AND the worry over passing it along to LO! I'll try vitamin C, fish oil and rest today. Come on, body, FIGHT!

Midnight, it's good to here from you! How is everything going? I'm with you on not trying anything to shorten labor, since my last one was 90 minutes start to finish. I'm already terrified it will come on out of nowhere and I'll end up giving birth in the living room, :haha:

Sierra, I'm glad you get to have the midwife you like! I love my OB, but she actually missed both of my births! With the first one a midwife who worked at the hospital came in last-minute to deliver DD. With the second it was an MD I'd never met before. To be honest, I spent WAY more time with the nurses than either Dr, and they are what made my experience so amazing. I actually packed a Thank You card in my hospital bag this time to leave in the room for the nurses when I go home. DH thinks we should include a gift certificate to Krispy Kreme so the whole staff can treat themselves :D
I was hoping to thank my obs but what do you give to a man who probably as everything he wants since he is a private doctor working at a private hospital and probably earning more than I can imagine!? I will atleast send him and his secretary a picture of all three of my children when they are together with a big thank you card - he will deliver them all. It's sweet - the reception of his surgery is covered with thak yo cards and photos of the babies he brought into the world :)

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