Valentines Babies, 2013!

Hi all. We didn't get to the hospital yesterday as we were snowed in, so I now have to wait until this Friday to find out whether baby has turned or not and if it will be an induction or section :( more waiting!!

Helena - I think a picture and card is probably all he needs. I expect it mens more than 'stuff' anyway :D
Helena, a card and picture sounds perfect! If I were a Doc, that's what I'd want :D

Jo, I'm sorry you have to wait longer to find out what's going to happen :( Hopefully you can use the snow as an excuse to curl up and watch some movies with DH and relax :)
Thanks. I was soooooo disappointed. But what will be will be and I think she might have even moved now so I am even more interested to see what they say at the scan!
Kellen, I am so jealous about the house cleaning! I have been trying to keep up with the housework, but it's so hard. It seems like a never ending job! The carpet cleaning would be especially nice, since we have cats and kids, and our carpets could REALLY use it!

Helena, how are you feeling? I woke up this morning at 5am with a very sore throat and plugged nose... dang it!!! I thought I'd avoided it :( I'm just praying it's gone before baby comes. I can't even imagine having a newborn and being sick, AND the worry over passing it along to LO! I'll try vitamin C, fish oil and rest today. Come on, body, FIGHT!

Midnight, it's good to here from you! How is everything going? I'm with you on not trying anything to shorten labor, since my last one was 90 minutes start to finish. I'm already terrified it will come on out of nowhere and I'll end up giving birth in the living room, :haha:

Sierra, I'm glad you get to have the midwife you like! I love my OB, but she actually missed both of my births! With the first one a midwife who worked at the hospital came in last-minute to deliver DD. With the second it was an MD I'd never met before. To be honest, I spent WAY more time with the nurses than either Dr, and they are what made my experience so amazing. I actually packed a Thank You card in my hospital bag this time to leave in the room for the nurses when I go home. DH thinks we should include a gift certificate to Krispy Kreme so the whole staff can treat themselves :D

I am ok thank you. Just holding out for these last few weeks. I am terrified of giving birth alone! :wacko: Fingers crossed we will both make it haha xxx 36 weeks 1 day. Just before going out for final meal with friends :)
Had a lovely evening. Lovely food and so nice to have a laugh with friends.

Feeling much better, just a lingering cough to shake over the next 13 days.
Wamommy, hope the vit C works for you. Turns out orange juice makes me feel sick :( get well soon xx

Thanks girls, a photocard it will be then. Thanks x

Sorry about your appointment Jo!
Normally I am in saggy maternity leggins that shouldn't see the light of day, and a cardie but having finally had a pre baby haircut and made an effort to get dressed up I thought I had best best get a photo. Thank you.
Wow wamommy, so nice! Maybe I should make an effort more often! Lol. Back on the sofa and saggy tights and a cardie with bits of the kids dinner on it this eve! Lol x
Jo---so sorry you weren't able to make it to the hospital!! Let's hope the week goes by fast for you to find out!

helena---you look GREAT!!! It's SO hard to make an effort when we are this far along! Kudos to you for going out!!

Well, I just packed my bag for the hospital. . .and lo's. . .DH is procrastinating more, so I'll just leave him to fend for himself when the time comes. ;) The hard part for me, is that I still use a lot of the stuff (like my ipod, my book, contacts, glasses, etc), so I had to just make a list of "last minute" stuff that I'll have to throw in there. I think I'll throw those things in my bag when contractions first start. . .that way I won't have to think through the more painful ones! ;)

BTW, when did everyone's midwives/doctors tell you to come in to the hospital? My midwife said to wait until contractions are 3 minutes apart for an HOUR before heading in. I've read on bnb that a lot of people go in at 5 minutes apart. . . Just curious! :flower:
Is this your first baby? I know they tell you to go as late as possible but the true answer is trust your body. If you feel its close or unable to cope etc then go in. It cant do any harm xx
I agree with Midnight! At some point you'll just feel like it's time to go in, regardless of an exact time measurement. I'd say trust your body :) My plan is to go in with the very first contraction, lol. I don't want to chance having this LO at home. On the other hand, with DD#1 I stayed home a few hours and took a bath, etc, and it was nice to be in my comfort zone for a lot of labor. I'm sorry I don't have an exact answer!
Thank you ladies! That helps! I guess we'll see what I feel like when the time comes! And yes, Midnight, this is my first. :)
Finally nesting has kicked in! 11 days until my op.
it's 11.30 and this morning did some washing, sorted and put away another pile, Sorted some old clothes into neat labeled packages to put away in storage, very unlike me, tidied a very messy kitchen, cleaned out two kitchen drawers, all while looking after two kids off sick. Rather proud of me. Even have my eye on cleaning out the cutlery drawer after lunch!....
Wow helena---that's super impressive!! Way to go!! I'm a bit jealous of your ambition!

Last night was a bit interesting for me. I went to the bathroom right before bed, and smelled something strange. . . sorry for the tmi, but I then smelled the panty-liner in my panties, and it smelled super SWEET! (Now, I don't think I smell super bad down there normally, but it's definitely not "sweet" :rofl: ) So, I googled it, and it said sometimes sweet-smelling discharge is an amniotic leak? The liner wasn't wetter than usual (I wear it for the discharge), but the sweet smell had me worried. I have decided that if I smell it again this morning, then I would call the midwife and ask what I should do. . . however, this morning my nose is plugged! So, I'm waiting until it gets unplugged! (With this cold, it's been plugged in the morning but by afternoon it's usually pretty clear.) Then, last night, I woke up around 12:30a.m., in pain. I layed there for 20 minutes with what I can only describe as "practice contractions"---the pain would start, then slowly accelerate until it peaked, then it would start to feel better; then right after that one ended, another one would start back up. After 20 minutes, I got up, walked around, went to the bathroom, then they went away! Is that normal? I feel fine this morning, but it was strange. . .
oh sierra! i know nothing about the sweetness, but i would be tempted to all th midwife just to get things checked...but if the pains went away and baby has ben wriggling maybe i wouldnt call...i am terrible at not wanting to cause a fuss!....but if fluid has leaked....maybe you should call?
its so hard knowing what to worry about and what not to isnt it! i have also been woken to pains, but they always go away again when i roll into a ball. but no sweetness going on here....
yes, i think you should call, could be the start of something?! did you do anything more active than usual yesterday or anything?
ps. my ambition regarding the cutlery drawer and the general nesting may be to do with baby but also MIL coming to stay in 9 days! lol. not sure she will appreciate her forks mixing with the crumbs that akways find their way in that drawer! hehehe
I am regretting having to be away at training all week this week. I really wish I could be at home nesting and getting things prepared. I have washed almost all the baby clothes, but I still need to sort them and put them away in their appropriate drawers.

At this point I am almost ready to call: "DONE" and just have her out. I know that the longer I stay pregnant the better it is for her development though. It is so hard to stay positive right now when I don't feel tip top. People keep telling me that she'll be late because girls are never early... Thanks for the positive encouragement people. Thanks...

DH took me out to dinner on Saturday. While we were eating I stopped and apparently had a strange look on my face. I explained that I was experiencing my first painful contraction. He has felt some of my BH. However, this was the first one that really made me sit up and pay attention. It wasn't bad, but it was different. I can't really explain it.

Tomorrow we have our 37 week appointment with the midwife. I'm not sure what their policy is on internal exams, but I suppose I'll find out! Of course the appointment is at 9:30am, which means I have to finish all my homework for my class by 5pm tonight (and I'm getting the assignment back at 3:15). Then I will be asking one of my classmates to turn it in for me. If it isn't turned in by 8am tomorrow I automatically fail...great.

All I want to do is go fall into bed. I have no desire to cook, clean or even pet the cat. Last night away from home was horrible. If (big if) I ever decide to have another child I will not schedule myself away from home at 37 weeks... especially if the walls are thin and I can hear the guy in the next room snoring. I honestly thought about pounding my shoe on the wall, but I resisted!
helena---that's the thing, I don't feel like there is anything "leaking"--same old discharge I always have. . .so I don't want to jump to conclusions. . .and like you, I hate making a fuss. I think I slightly smell it today, but I'm not sure. If it's a leak at all, it's VERY VERY small. Baby is moving like CRAZY today (and last night). . .so I feel everything is okay? I have an appt with my midwife tomorrow, so I was thinking of waiting until then to say anything unless I experience more symptoms. I tend to get paranoid about things, so I don't want to look stupid by calling. . . If I was leaking, wouldn't contractions start soon?

The cleaning for MIL---TOTALLY understandable! I would be cleaning away, too! As it is, I turned my best friend away from coming to my house the other day because I was too embarassed at the state of it---so we met for dinner instead! It's soooo hard to keep up with everything!

Kellen---I don't blame you for being tired and regretting all of the time away right now. That's got to be EXHAUSTING! You are definitely not alone in wanting to be "done". . . I've been trying to think of everything I can to make baby come because I am soooo done! I've started sleeping really really poorly because my back hurts so bad now. . .if I'm not sleeping, I feel that I should be at least taking care of a baby during those wakeful times---not tossing and turning! Let's hope our lo's come soon!! Let us know how your appointment goes!

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