Valentines Babies, 2013!

Oh--and helena---I definitely was more active yesterday---cleaning and laundry and all sorts of things. I was on my feet ALL day long---which is unusual for me lately. I was having BH all day because of the activity. . .which is usually what happens. But it felt good to be active! :flower:
We were given some "free" time this morning to polish our lesson plans and powerpoints. Lunch room open at 11:30 and we are supposed to be back here by 1pm. I am honestly thinking about grabbing a really quick lunch and then going and taking a nap until I have to be back. Thankfully I managed to snag a room on campus this time instead of having to stay at a hotel.
Oh, ladies... we must be in the home stretch! I had forgotten how hard this last month can be.

Helena, I've been in super-nesting mode, too! I feel like I should get all of the things done that I won't want to do with baby (like deep-cleaning stuff). Unfortunately, it seems like every time I clean a mess, 2 spring up in its place!

Kellen, it sounds like you're running yourself pretty hard. When do you get a break to rest and relax before baby comes? Also, both of my girls were 2 weeks early, so they DON'T always go over :D Let us know how the appointment goes tomorrow!

Sierra, how are you feeling? Did you decide to call in?

As for me, I had a horrible night last night! I woke at 4am with an awful pain around the bottom of my tummy and around to my back. The only way I can describe it is like a contraction that wouldn't stop. It didn't come and go... so I don't think it was contractions. It was just one, solid pain for 2 hours. I took a hot shower, stretched on the floor, cried... and felt so incredibly spent once it ended. What the heck is my body doing?? I feel like I should KNOW, having kids already, but this is so new to me. I suppose I was lucky, breezing through those pregnancies. This one is full of all kinds of new and odd body pains. DH thinks what I had was a muscle cramp, but i don't know. I have a Dr. appointment on Wednesday, and I'll be sure to talk to her about it.

What's sad is that once all of our beautiful babies arrive, I think we will miss being pregnant! It's hard to imagine now, but it's become so much a part of who we are these last few months. I'm trying hard to enjoy it, despite the pains. After all, this is probably the last life I will grow, so I'm trying to soak it up!
Wamommy - I am away at training until Friday. Then I go back to work for a week. My last official day at the office is February 6th. My mom flies in on the 9th. I tried to give myself a couple down days before she comes so I can do some minor house cleaning (she has promised to help with the other stuff). I think I'll arrange for the carpet cleaners to come on that Friday. DH wants to wait to have the green cleaners come while I'm in recovery so I go home to a sparkling house.

Things are super hectic at work. Last Wednesday my boss announced that his last day is January 31st due to the fact that he has accepted a new position in a new city. So now we are trying to finish up three projects that he was advising me on so that the assistant director (my direct supervisor) doesn't have to deal with them once I go out on maternity leave. Poor woman not only has to take over all my duties, his duties, her duties, a new employee that started last Wednesday, but she also has a 4 month old.

DH is very, very close to getting a new job. We are just waiting for documentation to come in before he can start applying to a handful of companies that we knew will want to hire him. His work rotation would probably be either 21 days on 21 days off, or 28 days on and off (out at sea). My grandma has invited us to come live with her free of charge. I haven't told DH of the offer yet, but it is a very tempting offer. My grandpa died in October and my parents moved into an RV on my grandma's property. The only drawback is that they are in Oregon and we live in Georgia. My parents have offered, however, to foot the cost of moving us back to the Pacific Northwest. Right now we have to have two incomes because of rent and living expenses, but if we lived at my grandma's we would drastically reduce our costs and I would be able to stay home with the baby. If we decide to do this my grandma is planning a 400 sq ft renovation to make us our own portion of the house. Any ideas of how to gently introduce this idea to my DH?
I made a call in, but haven't heard anything yet. My panties have been damp all day. . .even through a panty-liner. It's nothing really bad, but feels like I sweated down there or something? But when I replace the panty-liner, within an hour, it's damp again. . .and it doesn't look like cm. . .it's just wet.? They did ask if baby was moving and everything--which he has been all day---so I'm not sure I'll receive a call back today or not? (They close in 20 minutes).

wamommy--that sounds miserable! :( I'm sorry! Let us know what the doctor says on Wednesday--that doesn't sound normal to me, but who knows with how out-of-whack pregnancy makes our bodies! :)

Kellen--that sounds like a great opportunity! And if it's only your grandmother living in the house, then it wouldn't be that overwhelming, it seems. I'd just start a talk with your DH about what you want for the baby, etc., then slip in that your grandmother offered and you think it would be best for baby. Tell him you want his opinion and thoughts, but that it would save on daycare costs, you get to be with baby, etc. It'll probably be a hard discussion, but you have to at least try. I hope this helps! Let us know when you talk with him!
Sierra, I hope you hear back soon! That sounds like maybe an amniotic leak? I don't know! They have a super easy test in office that will tell them if it is. I forget the name, but I think it's just a swab. Hopefully they call you before close today.

Kellen, I would definitely talk to DH about your options. Sierra had some great advice! I think as long as you start the conversation with letting him know how much you need/want/value his input, he'll be more apt to listen :)
Well, they returned my call. They want me to go into L&D tonight and have it tested. They said they didn't want to wait until tomorrow's appointment in the afternoon---because if it was an amniotic leak, they'd want to deliver BEFORE my appointment tomorrow---SAY WHAT?! :wacko:

Part of me just feels really foolish---like I shouldn't have called---because it's not like it is running down my leg or anything, just damp. And, I was wrong about baby being side-ways when they re-checked. . .and I just don't want them to think I'm crazy and overly paranoid. :(

But, then again, I don't want to ignore it. . .because I want to do what is best for my baby.

So, they said it's no rush to go to L&D--just sometime tonight--, so DH & I are going to go home, grab some dinner, then we'll head to L&D.

I'm embarassed and scared. . .and anxious. . .who knows what tonight could bring?
Oh my goodness, Sierra!!! I will send thoughts and prayers your way :hugs: How exciting/scary/overwhelming!

I'll keep checking back to see what they say. Wowzers!
Well, after two hours of monitoring, I'm back from L&D. The fluid, embarrassingly enough, was not amniotic fluid, but probably just discharge. :blush: I can't believe that one person can have so much discharge (it even left spots on the bed I was sitting in because it leaked so much!)!

While on the monitors, they found out that I was having contractions 2 minutes apart in the beginning. Because of this, they checked my cervix and continued monitoring me. I'm only 1 cm dilated. The contractions varied in time and spacing, but I was having them the entire time I was on the monitors. ..and I found out that whenever I have back-pain, that's actually a contraction! I had no idea! So, I've been having pretty semi-regular contractions for a while! No wonder I'm miserable sometimes! :haha:

But, again, they sent me home because it was just a false alarm. I'm deflated. I feel so stupid for even having gone in (though they reassured me it was the right thing to do). I feel stupid for them having to bother my midwife after hours, and I feel stupid for not being "right". I know I probably shouldn't feel this way, but I really do. And, even though I know it's right for baby and his timing is most important, I'm so deflated that he isn't coming today. :nope: I am just so uncomfortable, my back hurts, I can't do ANYTHING it seems like, and I'm just ready for him to be here. I know I'm whining, and I'm sorry for that. .. I'm just having such a bad time. And then my DH keeps going on about how he "read a pamphlet that says you want to keep baby in until 39 weeks to ensure they're developed completely". Well, maybe that is what the pamphlet says, but HE came at 37 weeks when he was born, I came around 38 weeks when I was born, and I don't want to keep this baby in until my due date! :shrug: I'm so sorry for being so whiny, I really am. . .and I really care for my baby, but I just had this hope (especially after seeing the contractions), that I would be able to hold my baby soon---and I wouldn't have to deal with pregnancy anymore! I've been really fortunate and my pregnancy has been great so far. . .so I shouldn't complain. . .but I'm just sore, uncomfortable, and getting tired of all of this right now. :(

Sorry for the rant ladies. . . All in all, my baby is SO healthy---moving around and great heartbeat the entire time he was on the monitors. I love him SO much. I'm just crabby and disappointed and embarrassed right now.

I think I may go take a bath and go to bed. :thumbup:
Company is coming over in an hour, so I only have a sec, but I wanted to respond.

Sierra, don't feel bad or embarrassed! I completely understand feeling uncomfortable, and even a bit miserable. That doesn't mean you love your baby any less! It just means that this is a really hard (physically and mentally) thing that we are all doing, and we have every right to feel a bit fed up. Believe me, I'm with you. I would be ecstatic if baby came tonight!

I hope a bath and a good sleep helps, and I'll check back in tomorrow. Don't beat yourself up! And you aren't whiny, just human :hugs:
Oh Sierra, don't feel embarrassed (((hug))). You did the bes thing for baby.
And as for the pamphlet your husband read, as far as I am concerned, 37 is considered full term, so don't listen ;)

The coughs continue n this house and I am so annoyed about it. C section in 10 days and everyone is coughing and spluttering and not sleeping good. Any top tips for getting rid of mucusy coughs fad much appreciated! May go buy a humidifier.
My eldest is on inhalers as heis sensitive and a normal cough virus can really affec him and give him an almost asthma attack, I have out my youngest on a homeopathic remedy since cough syrups aren't recommended for the unders 6s or so, and I am just getting on with it. It's so annoying tho.

Seeing my OB later hopefully, depends if DH can sneak out of work to watch the kids (big one was meant to be a school, small one was coming with me, but i don't want to take two sick kids to a room full of pregnant women!) hoping he won't want to delay the op....

Are we all having crappy times just now!? Guess there is a bit of last minute frustrations and nerves going on here at least...
Me too Sierra :hugs: I'm not going to lie! I've about had enough right now. It's so uncomfortable and the lack of control and anticipation just makes it harder. Xx

We will all be holding our babies soon and this will be a faded distant memory xxxx
Thank you so much ladies. You are all so very supportive! I had a rough night last night. I went to bed around 9p.m., only to wake at 11:20, 12:30, 1:40, 2:30, and 4:30---each with really painful contractions that I had to get out of bed, walk around, drink water, etc. to feel any relief. That's two nights in a row of painful contractions. Is this normal?! Then this morning, my lower back ACHES, as does my pubic bone. . . I'm not sure what is going on, but I'm walking very very slowly this morning. I have an appointment later on this afternoon, so I'll ask my midwife, but I'm just in a lot of pain.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is fed up at this point! I felt like such a baby yesterday. . .the bath and bed helped . . .

Again, thanks ladies! You're the best. :hugs:
Oh Sierra, soudns like a rough night. Let us know what your midwife says.

I have gained a whopping 2 kilos in 11 days! Hahahahahaaaaaaa. I am eating whateveri want now. I decided I need to appreciate these last few weeks...
That was about all that came out of m appointment. It was my last before I see my OB in the operating theatre! Amazing. Baby head down, looking upwards apparently (good, looking down isn't the best of views!) and fluid is all fine. :)

Serra, hope your appointment can help you work out why you are hurting. Sounds like early labour to me, especially the back ache. Or maybe baby has dropped and is squishing things tha shouldn't be squished. Hoping your midwife can help. Let us know.

Wow--helena---that is so exciting that it's your last appointment before you meet baby! Oh I just can't wait! :) And 2 kilos!--that's impressive! :thumbup: But kudos to you for eating whatever you want! We may as well enjoy these last few days, huh?!

Thanks helena---part of me thinks it is early labor, too---but wouldn't they have said something last night? I so wish I knew what was going on with my body--and I surely hope my midwife can help me understand.

I've been keeping track of my "contractions" today. (I just thought all I was feeling was baby pushing his bum into my rib cage, but everytime I felt that last night, they said it was a "contraction" on the monitor!) So, if each of those are contractions, then for 1.5 hours while I've been at work, I've been having those every 3.5 minutes! Seems concerning to me---even if they are Braxton Hicks. . .but then again,, they sent me home last night. . .so who knows! :shrug:
Oh exciting Helena!! Go you! I would definitely be eating whatever I wanted now if I didn't have GD :haha:

Sierra - don't let them scare you off of phoning them back. They aren't always right you know. Only you know your body and I say go with your gut. If you are worried or feel funny then trust your feelings and phone them up again.
Thanks Jo---I have an appt in 2 hours, so I'm going to see if I can hold out until then to see what is going on. Thank you!
Oh it's exciting Sierra!

Thanks girls for not making me feel guilty for the extra weight gain! I just seem hungry!...for junk!...and since I don't plan on ever being pregnant again I might as well enjoy these last few ever days of guilt free eating...unless breastfeeding goes really well then I get an extension! :)

Keep us updated Sierra, every 3.5 minutes sounds often for any sort of contraction! Am excited for you! Xx

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