Valentines Babies, 2013!

Wow- that's crazy! It's amazing how much water our bodies store! How many of us are left still pregnant?
Helena, my body hasn't started shedding water yet, unfortunately! I'm MORE bloated now than when I was pregnant! My ring is super tight and my socks leave a really unattractive dent in my ankles :dohh: I'm actually looking forward to those night sweats to dump some of this water!!! I didn't weigh myself the last week of pregnancy, but I think I'm only down about 15 pounds. I literally about cried yesterday when a stranger at the mall asked me if I was pregnant again... I could have hit her in the face!!! I said, "no, I had a baby 3 days ago and still have a bit of belly." She quickly blushed and commented how beautiful my family was. Too late, lady!!

Sierra and Blue, I hope your time comes soon! Should we start a baby group once all of our LOs are here? I don't know where else to turn on this site now that baby is here. We'll figure it out. I'm just happy that everyone's babies are arriving happy and healthy. I wonder who will be next?? :winkwink:
I know wamommy, each time it happened and I was wriggling my legs in agony. Kept telling myself t sans making me thin and beautiful! Lol.

Inlaws left this morning, my home is my own. Yaaaay! And Kiara is 2 weeks old today :)
Midwife due a home visit any minue, hoping Kiara has put on some weight, she isn't gaining as fast as they would like, probably because she was 3 weeks early. Fingers crossed I have fattened her up a bit by now..pumping and feeding direct at the same time is hard work. I don't always pump in the night as I am so tired, but I try at least once a night.

Hoping the new babies are doing well. Kim and Jo, how are you feeling post c sections?

Wamommy - we are a bit the same, waiting for a nickname to fit. I always thought Kiara was a bit of a mouthful but so far we have used her full name. Occasionally I say KiKi but we will see if it sticks.

Ok, best be ready for midwife, have a good day all xxx

Yay, 100g gained in 3 days :) happy.

Finally home today since monday. Brianns had to be monitored for jaundice since they found negative antibodies in my bloods and suspect i may have passed them to her. It was tough and heartbreaking to see them trying to get blood from that little heel!! She is fine and the levels are below treatment line. Relief!!!

C sec recovering is going well. I just had to take painkillers because they were provided!! Its better than i imagned.even with the cough. helena how is yhe cough and Jo how is yo recovery?
Sorry I'm not around much, spending so much time at the hospital but I am silently stalking to see if any more babies are here!

Recovery from op is going fine. I barely even feel like I had an operation but I think I'm so busy going back and forth to the hospital, I don't feel like I have a baby to prove she's not in my stomach anymore. Although the hormones tell a different story! :haha: they are all over the place, talk about "cry me a river" cry me a bloody ocean at the moment!

Olivia is hanging on in there, eating, sleeping and feeding well. Still having lots of tests on her lungs and she will still need physio for the talipes but we're taking each day as it comes.

Love to you all xx

And labour dust :dust:
Good Morning Everyone!

This past week has pretty much been hell. As you all know labor started Monday morning with my waters breaking. After 29 hours of back labor Teagen Elvarae was born weighing 8lb 8oz and 21.5in long. Unfortunately 2 hours after she was born she stopped breathing. Thankfully the hospital staff is amazing.

She is still in the NICU with an active infection due to my waters rupturing so soon. She is also chilling out under the blue lights with a nice case of jaundice (personally I'd say yellow is not her color). I was finally released from the hospital on Thursday and my recovery is going great. Only had a small tear from her incredibly broad shoulders. Pumping is hard work, but we are getting 2oz every time I pump and she only take about 1oz during a feeding so I know she is getting enough.

We are hoping that she will released to us tomorrow, but Tuesday is looking more likely. Both my mom and my MIL fly in today. I am looking forward to having my mom around to help do the small things such as laundry and dishes. Once I become less exhausted and worried I'll give a more in depth update.

Congrats on all the babies! I can't believe so many of us were early and around the same date. Crazy!
Oh, Kellen, how scary! I'm SO glad Teagen is alright. I can't imagine how frightening that must have been! I'll look forward to hearing the whole story, but for now take care of yourself! I'm glad you have reinforcements flying in to help out. Huge :hugs:

Jo, it sounds like Olivia is a little trooper! When does she get to come home? SO glad she's feeding well!

Sierra, Midnight and Blue, you all must have some seriously cozy tummies! I'll bet this weeks we see some or all of your LOs appear! I'm excited to meet them :)

As for us, Marc sleeps SO well, during the DAY! At night is another story. He's up every hour and it takes me a half hour to settle him. I sleep a half hour at a time for a total of about 4 hours a night. Luckily, I remember this from last time, and know that it WILL get better. It's hard not to get discouraged, but I'm trying. I just try to soak up the quiet middle-of-the-night moments and feel lucky that I get to be the one to bond with him. Sigh... I do miss sleep though.

Breastfeeding is also proving difficult again :( I wasn't able to breastfeed either of my daughters past the first week or two. I never developed an adequate supply, and both times my pediatrician told me to switch to formula. I'm trying yet again, but it appears that I'll have the same outcome. It makes me really sad, since I want so badly to BF. I have to balance my own feelings with what is best for Baby, though. He just wants to eat, lol... I don't think he puts any big philosophical weight on where it comes from.

Anyone feeling any signs of labor coming on?
I feel no signs at all wamommy! I've heard there are some things you can eat/take to increase milk production....sorry if I'm preaching things you already know but I know simple things like eating porridge but have also heard of people taking fenugreek or milk thistle?? I can double check these facts if you need me too.... X

Well done Kellen, congratulations. Hope your girly is out soon x
Pumping for 10 minutes after each feeding wamommy? That's my suggestion, but no doubt you have read or tried it all. I strangely have minimal milk n the left so baby is getting 90% of her milk from the right. It was the same with my sons.

Kiara is also more keen on being noisy in he night, but it's just whiny noises to complain of being alone in her cot..I will forgive her for now since she hasn't even reached her due date yet! I don't think she likes the silence of night.
Also she is a noisy pooper and cries pre poop, just nough to wake me, then to doze off agin..

Kellen, omg what a worrying time for you. Why did she stop breathing? Do they know? Glad the staff were so brilliant. Sending you a big hug xxx

Jo the hormones are certainly tough. I haven't cried for two days, not even about my mums news so am hoping my hormones are settling, two weeks on. I was a crying mess before, about ll sorts, serious or not.

Had a photographer friend come and take pictures of Kiara today, can't wait to see them!!

It is amazing being part of this group, we are all having such individual experiences. Thanks for sharing it all girls xxxx
Kellen, sorry to hear about the little lady ending up in NICU. She'll be ok though xx

I'm currently pumping too and doing well I've increased to 5oz each time and this is just by using an app called ifeed. Essentially it's just a timer I do 10 mins on each side and then go back for a couple of mins extra. Also, if you ask the NICU for skin to skin with baby, it will increase your supply. Pumping between 1am and 5am in the dark hours is when your hormones are highest too and this will also increase your supply.

Sorry if you knew all that. I didn't so wanted to share my tips. I have loads more if you need any x
I welcome any and all BF tips! :D I've tried SO many things, but maybe there's one critical piece that I'm missing, so I always have ears open. Blue, I tried Fenugreek with DD#1 and it didn't increase supply, but it DID give me horrible diarrhea, lol. I think the pumping more often between/after feedings may really help. Jo, I didn't know hormones were highest from 1-5am! I'll make sure to pump/feed during those hours, even if LO is sleeping. Thank you!
Kellen Congrats on the arrival of Teagen...Glad to know she is out of danger, it must have been nerve-wrecking but thank God for the staff and the brilliant work they did.
Sending you hugs!!

Wamommy I hear u on the day sleepers!! Brianna sleeps mainly during the day I cant even wake her up even if I try and is up during the night and she can feed for up to an hour in the night and sleep for another 2 hrs.So nite time has become napping rather than sleep for me...the joys!! Had the midwife visit today and she says since Brianna has mild jaundice she may sleep more...

Breastfeeding going ok but left breast has a seriously cracked nipple I am almost finishing a whole bottle of nipple cream.Have resorted to expressing from that breast but not much is coming out.... will keep expressing to encourage lactation

Helena I have started to ignore Brianna if its just whiny noises to complain as long as she is not screaming!!!

Helena so exciting about the fotos I have got mine booked in for next week and I cant wait.

Hopefully most LOs will be here next week since we are approaching the due dates....
Kim - if the crack doesn't clear up I highly recommend nipple cups or shells. I bought the silverette cups and it reduced my healing from 6 weeks with my first two babies to just over two weeks. I don't know if the silver helps or if it is just the fact that my nipples never touch anything (clothes or pads), so maybe the medela or Avent nipple shells may work too.

Really, saved me weeks of pain!

Silverette ones like mine:


Breast pads made my cracks so much worse. I would stick to them a bit, so making injury worse. Lanolin ointment didnt help much either.

In a cup the nipple sits in its own milk which is healing.
The silver is meant to also have healing properties.
Just thought I would share since this is the first time I tried cups but the first time I haven't cried for weeks and weeks with supe sore bleeding nipples :(
Wamommy. Apparently if you make sure that one of your feeds or pumping sessions is inberween those hours, it will keep your supply up. If you have to miss a feed/pump, try not to make it that one as your hormones during that time are best for breast milk.

They also advised me to have plenty of skin to skin and if you sleep with something of the baby's and they have something near then, then you swap over items so you smell each other, that can help. Some women carry a small baby hat down their bra (one that their baby has worn).
Helena, I just showed DH the links, and we're off to Babies R Us to buy some!! If these help with the cracking/bleeding/scabbing I will be ecstatic!!!

Jo, that's smart advice! To be honest, that's one feeding I hurry through or skip, since I'm SO exhausted at that point. Maybe that's part of my issue?? I will be sure not to miss it from now on.
It is 12.44 am, I just fed baby and am now on the pump for 10 minutes. I am also trying to be good wamommy / Jo. Oooh I can't wait to get back to keep tho...feels like everyone in the world must be n oozing right now x

Good luck with the shells xx
Wamommy, if u do get a shell let them fill a bit with milk, or express some into them so the sore nip sits in milk. That's what my midwife advised for healing xx
Thank you, Helena. We ended up going and picking these up
We'll see if they help. It can't hurt :shrug:

I'm actually really discouraged tonight. I'm trying to remind myself that it's probably mostly hormones, but I'm really struggling. Breastfeeding for me is totally not fun. I feel like the whole world loves it and even those who struggle eventually get it. I feel like the only one who just can't get it. Maybe it's my body, from not having a thyroid, or maybe I'm doing it all wrong? Either way, I literally cry each couple hours as feeding/pumping time gets closer, because I know how bad it will hurt. I just want to quit, but I don't want to be a quitter. I'm just scared to fail AGAIN, and all I have to show for weeks of pain and crying is bloody nipples and a fussy baby.

It doesn't help that DH has been completely insensitive about it (and everything). We ran a couple of errands today (with all 3 kids in tow) and then he wanted to go out to dinner. I still had to bathe the kids, and I've been feeling pretty yuck and sore today. I said I wanted to go home. He got angry and said I was only thinking of myself and my needs. Shouldn't I be?? I still clean the house and look after the kids WHILE I try to recover and care for a newborn... Am I selfish for asking ONE time for something I need? Sigh... sorry... just struggling tonight.
Wamommy what day are you? Are you day 6?

Apparently the hormones change again at day 7 so don't be too hard on yourself.

I've not been able to get Olivia to latch on yet and the pump can be sore too. If it's sore get some cream like Lanisoh and slap it all over the nipple.

Try to do something else whilst expressing to take your mind off it. Read a book or look on BnB. I always have a little routine whilst my pump is drying from the steraliser, input the kettle on and get a little snack, sort out a comfy spot and remain chilled.
This should help for either breast feeding or expressing. The fact that you are working yourself up about it will only make things harder for you so be kind to yourself. Don't see failure or give yourself a hard time. Just do what you can and don't worry about how others love it if you don't.

I will probably have to bottle feed breast milk to be able to help Olivia build up the sucking muscles. I was initially upset about this because you can't maintain pumping for months on end and I thought I'd be making her miss out on a bond or something. But the doctors told me you can do a mixture.

I'm going to bottle feed breast milk at first as it is best for her and the nurses is NICU can do that when I'm not there. Then everytr I am there I will sit with her against my breast, let her have a go if she wants but not bother if she doesn't. Just her sleeping against my skin helps the bond and the milk.

Then when she is well and comes home I might just let her suckle at night for a comfort feed and the rest of the time alternate between whatever breast milk I have expressed and formula if needs be.

None of the feeding options will harm your baby. You being happy and comfortable is THE only important thing as baby will sense it if you aren't.


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