Valentines Babies, 2013!

Dragon- yes you are right- that's what it was. I didn't quite know what they told me it was as I didn't do any research on drugs beforehand since I planned on a natural birth! That and I was too lazy to Google it when I was typing :haha:
oh yes 3 is crazy!lol. we are starting to get into a rhythm but there are still many many crazy moments..bath time being one!
also my boys have started bickering a lot. am hoping this is a short phase. but maybe it is tiring them out, sine at least they are sleping good. having one baby waking you up is touhg, probably having two is even tougher Dragon?.. having 3 kids waking in the night is no fun at all!

i think Kiara is having a growth spurt, she is feeding rediculously often for a couple of hours then sleping for hours. its all good though, we had her 1 month chck up today and she is 3 kilos now. still small i guess but gaining and above birth weight finally so we are happy with her. i told the doc that she much prefers sleeping on her tummy or side, and the docor even noticed how calm she got when she lay her on her tummy and she sopped screaming within a minute and was all quiet and adorable. obviously the doctor couldnt tell me it was ok for her to not sleep on her back, but she did say it was up to me to make a decision and that all her kids had slept on their tummys..
so i dont think i will worry about her on her side too much. in a couple of months she could be turning herself anyway.
i also asked when i could travel to England, since there is a whooping couhg outbreak here and in Uk. i explained about my mum and she said sh would bring one vaccine forward but that ideally she wouldnt travel until 3 months. so it looks like i wont get to visit my mum until then. which is sad. she finishes her radiotherapy today and starts chemo soon.

but the good news is Kiara-s weight gain. well done me. lol.

Helena. All mine slept on tummy or side x
Yes three kids is manic. Didnt realise how easy 2 was lol. Still early days though I suppose x
Helena, that's great news about Kiaras weight gain! Good job! Sorry to hear you can't travel for a while.. that has to be hard. :(

I hear you on the feeding for hours. Camden eats from about 6-9 almost every evening! It's exhausting! But he seems really healthy and that's all that matters.

Anyone else's lol have bad breath? Lol Camdens smells like body odor whenever he nurses in the morning... then it smells fine the rest of the day! Google says it's normal but I'll ask the pediatrician at his next appt.

Speaking if appointments, I go in tomorrow morning to see my midwife. I have a lump in my breast, they told me to apply heat and massage while nursing but it won't go away. So they are going to look at it tomorrow. They don't think it's bad but want to make sure it's not plugged. I'm praying Camden does okay in the appointment as he hates being put in his carseat so I'm sure the entire office will hear him screaming on both arrival and departure! :(
Good luck Sierra. Xxx and don't worry about the crying, I bet they are so used to it they will hardly notice! And it always sounds worse when it is your own, it probably won't even register for a midwife xxxx

Just to add, Kiara has been growing at an average of a cm a week for the last month. Imagine if we carried that on for life!....she would be over 5m tall by the age of 10! Lol
Yes, two is a challenge! I'm back to work now, so DH has to take care of them all day by himself. I do what I can in the evenings, but then he gets up with them in the night so I can sleep and do it all over again the next day! Between work, pumping exclusively, and taking care of the babies in the evening...even though I'm getting about 7 hours of sleep at night, I'm still exhausted. Poor DH is way beyond exhausted at this point...he only gets maybe 4 hours a day, in 1 hour chunks throughout the day. I'm trying to get him to try feeding both babies at the same time so he has 2 hours in between feedings, but he doesn't think it's possible. I've done it, so I think he's just being stubborn.

The babies had their 2 month check up today- Gunnar is 8lb2oz and Lilja is 6lb12oz. He's at the 50th percentile and she's at the 12th...little peanut. The doctor said they are both growing well, though. They had a bunch of vaccines and are very cranky now. I'm working from home today, and I'm trying to work with Lily in my arms lol. Not easy!
Oh midnight, I am sure it will get easier very soon! Don't forget hormones are making everything seem a little more intense just now.
Kiara is 4 weeks today and for the last hour and a half I have been on the sofa watching tv, all three children sleeping soundly, husband out for a beer with a friend, soaps firmly on my tv. Life feels normal and straightforward.. A similar calmness prevailed yesterday evening too. I do hope it lasts!!

My tough time is 5-6 when DH isn't home, baby cries and gets a bit colicky and I need to make tea for the two boys...that's tricky. But a baby carrier / sling helps.
School and creche run in the mornings is a bit manic but I will get it cracked soon I hope (my eldest is at school, his brother at crèche three mornings a week) and won't let the big one be late too is morning....ooh the mean teacher did give me a look! (But had she been up every 2 hours feeding a growth spurt possibly colicky baby, getting breakfast for all, and then trying to wrestle two small boys into snow wear and battling traffic to get to school on time? I dont suppose she

But for now I will enjoy the calmness of this house. Lots of gentle sleepy breathing going on..

In fact I think I may celebrate this calm evening now with a cuppa and a creme egg!

Dragon, would it be an option or a help for you to feed one baby directly in the night?'s tough I know.
I haven't been able to sleep in the day since my kids went back to school after half term this week. One is always awake, lr when i just have baby i tm to do the shopping etc..i must stop this tarot to be efficient.
but I am kind of use to being tired I suppose. I don't feel TOO bad tired fact I feel better than when I was pregnant, so that helps.
Then I was knackered and still getting up to the two boys once or twice a night...DH now sees to them, but they have decided to sleep great since he took on that role and I had baby! Cheeky monkeys.

Hope the twins settle soon after their vaccines!
Aw sounds bliss hun. Minw are at school too and we were even late when I was pregnant lol x
I am so glad to hear that all the babies are healthy and growing! Time does seem to being flying by.

Today we had Teagen's two week check up. She now weighs 9lb 1oz and is back to being 21in after her cone head shrank. She is above average in her height and weight, but average with her head circumference. Because she eats so well, is calm and sleeps at night the doctor gave us the go ahead to begin tummy time. Also she pulled her cord off this week, but there is still a small scab. Once it falls away we are good to begin bathtime!
Just found out Camden has to have lab work done tomorrow for jaundice. :( poor baby. :( he also has a hematoma bump on his head which I thought would go away soon but they told me today that it will be there for a couple of months! Poor little head. :(
Here we started bath time right way, in hospital. It's cute :)

Oh Sierra, poor Camden. What's the head bump all about?
Helena, that sounds just wonderful! Last night the baby wouldn't sleep at ALL until 7am, so I put on a movie and just gave in to being up all night. I usually try to sleep and end up dozing for 5-20 minutes at a time and then being jolted awake by a fussing baby. It's almost worse than not sleeping at all!! So last night I just sat up alone (or feeding LO) and watched an entire movie. I haven't done that uninterrupted in years! It was actually very peaceful. I know what you mean about the calmness of sweet baby breathing all around you.

Kellen, yay for growing! I'm glad Teagen is gaining like she should :D

Sierra, I hope all goes well with Camden. What happened to his head?

I just finished making birth announcements using Photoshop :D I'm so proud! It will save a TON of money. I can print them for 9cents each, instead of paying one of those sites $1.50 or more each. It may not look QUITE as professional :dohh: but I'm still happy with them.

Question: Does anyone else's baby have the stinkiest farts in the WORLD? I about gag... lol... and I don't gross out easily. DH and the girls think it's super funny!
Wamommy- his head got pinched coming out the birth canal.... causing blood to pool between his scalp and skull causing a big bump. :(
LOL I haven't noticed stinky farts, but I have noticed the bad breath. Sometimes their breath smells like Fritos. Weird! :haha:

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