Valentines Babies, 2013!

They say it shouldn't hurt him but it makes me feel bad for him :( and it's super soft there so I'm always afraid I'm going to hurt him! But he doesn't seem to mind.

It's snowing like crazy here... and I have to go to tge midwife's office and to get his lab work done. :( I'm dreading taking him out in this :(
I heard about the snow storms on the news... yikes!! Just take it slow!

I have a dentist appointment today, ugh... My least favorite thing in the world! I haven't been since before I was pregnant, so I'm anticipating the worst :(
Argh--I dread the dentist, too. Yucky---hope it wasnt too bad for you!

We survived the snowstorm when we ventured out today, though the roads were horrible! Camden did great getting his heel pricked at his lab work for his jaundice. He's a slow bleeder, though, so I felt bad because they had to keep squeezing his poor foot to get the blood to come out. :(

I was super touched today, as the lady doing his labs said her son was born on the same day as Camden. I asked her how old he was. She said 12. When she was all done with her work, I asked if it was okay for me to stay back in the lab portion to put Camden back in his carseat so I wouldn't disturb the waiting room when he cries. She said it was okay, but asked, "Do you mind if I cuddle him first? My son died last year." :( I wanted to burst out crying right then! Her son, born the same day as Camden 12 years ago, passed away---I don't know how she kept her composure while getting Camden's labs. :( I would have been crying so badly that someone else would have had to take over for me! I wanted to give her a hug, but instead just let her cuddle Camden for a while---I hope the snuggles helped her heart. Poor woman.

Then I went to my midwife's office. The ladies there snuggled Camden a bunch, too. Loved him! ;) The midwife checked the lump in my breast---she said it's not a plugged milk duct and with my lymphoma history, said they need to get it checked out. So, they scheduled an ultrasound for Thursday. She said not to panic, as they don't know what it is--could just be a benign lump---but they have to check it out. I'm so busy with Camden I don't know if I'll have a lot of time to worry about it, but it is concerning because it's the same shape/feel as the lump I had when I first discovered that I had cancer. I've been in remission for 9 years, and I'm paranoid that this could be it again. :( I really don't know how I would go through treatments and care for Camden---and for that most of all I pray that it is benign. I don't want my baby to suffer if I get sick. :( So. . .if you're the praying type---please pray that everything is okay. Thank you.

On a happier note, I weighed myself at the midwife's office. I've dropped 20 pounds already! 20 pounds in 12 days! HOORAY! 13 more pounds and I'll be back at my pre-pregnancy weight! :) :) :) So pleased! YAY BREASTFEEDING! :)
Oh Sierra, I don't pray but maybe I should start, with all the bad luck around me lately.
Thinking of you and wishing you all the best. If you have no other symptoms and the breast is providing milk well I can't imagine anything really bad going on..thinking of u xxxx

Oh the poor woman who lost her son. I would have been sobbing, I am still so easily moved. I think it's a permenant side effect of being a mum. I never used to be so sensitive.

Yay for breastfeeding weight loss! Xxxxxx
Oh, Sierra... I would have lost it at the lab... how terribly sad! That poor woman. Hopefully Camden's cuddles eased her pain a bit.

I will keep you in my prayers tonight for sure. I can't imagine having to go through treatment and care for a little one. Hopefully you'll never have to find out! I'm so sorry you have to deal with this right now :hugs:

As for the weight loss, good job!! I've got about 20 pounds to lose still :( Hopefully the weather will warm up so I can get out and walk!
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate it.

Anyone else bothered by people kissing all over your newborn? DH's mom has been over for a few days, and she keeps kissing ALL over Camden. I know that she loves him and cares for him, but it just bothers me so much that someone else's slobber is getting all over my child. :( Especially during cold season--- I mean, she kisses his face, his hands, his head---everything! I know my hormones have to be playing a part in it, too, but still. . . And also, DH and I went out for an hour today while she watched him , and when we come back, she's all like "he's been awake this whole time and was just watching us---he really has been so much better about being awake". I know she was just making an observation, but to me, it sounds like she's trying to pretend that he does "more" around her than around DH & I. I like her and everything, it just bothers me a bit. . .and when she changes his diaper, she doesn't wipe him that well---there still is poop on him! I know she has good intentions and I shouldn't be thinking all of these things, but I'm just SO looking forward to her getting away from my son. I know it has to be hormones, but it scares me that I'm thinking this way because I know she'll be around him for the rest of his life. .. which she should be because it's her grandson. .. I dunno. . . anyone else have feelings like this or understand? I feel like a bad person. :(
Oh Sierra, entirely normal! I have these thoughts all the time. Will write more later, but oh yes, I feel just like you a lot! Xxxx
I definitely understand, Sierra! My mom came for a visit a few weeks ago (we are in WI, she is in NY), and I was shocked at how little things like that irritated me. She rearranged all of the baby stuff, which I was originally glad about, since we needed to get organized...however, she moved things that I had already put away, and didn't tell us where she put things so we couldn't find anything! She also kissed all over the babies, but I didn't really mind that too much...she probably won't see them again until they are 11 months old, so I felt like she was entitled to some smoochies.

She REALLY bugged DH, though. She must have been treading lightly with me, since she knew I was really hormonal, but after she left, DH told me she was really letting him have it...telling him that we need more smoke detectors in the house (we have the recommended number), nagging him about blocking fire exits (we have one door blocked, but there are 4 additional exterior doors available), refusing to swaddle the babies and taking their blankets off because SHE was hot, rushing when warming their milk so they had to drink it cold, criticizing the way DH dressed and changed them, etc. My mom is a pediatric nurse, so she thinks she knows absolutely everything about babies, and ONLY she knows what's best for them.

Good thing for her I didn't see most of this stuff while she was here lol, I would have been so angry. As it is, I'm still grateful she came, because she watched them so I could sleep :haha:
The thing I hate is when someone else tried to soothe baby when crying. I feel like shouting "Nooo! Just give her to meeeee! :( "
My sister in aw drives me nuts with her comments on Facebook photos " my beautiful neice" "oh my nephews are so cute" " I miss my adorable nephews" "my neice is so lovely". MY MY, they are MINE if you don't mind. I wouldn't mind, but we have lived in France all my kids lives and not once has she come here to visit HER nephews.....
It's all irrational but bugs the hell out of me.
Also, we have been seeing a lung specialist for my eldest who has lots of bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia over the last 2 years. Seems he has a strange reaction to viruses that to other kids would just be a mild cough. Anyway, MIL kept suggesting, all out of the blue, that kids get respiratory infections from being licked by dogs.. Now he did used to play with my mums dog, and it did lick him (he loved that dog, if I told him to stop her licking him he would encourage her more!). Funny though (sarcasm) the lung specialist never once asked about dog licks.....
So annoying, like MIL blames us for my sons pneumonia... It's not a weird infection, i feel like sceaming, it's a normal cold virus that brings him out in a kind of asthma attack. Nothing canine!....grrrrr

Oh dragon, I had MIL rearranging things too, drove me bonkers. Not only baby things but other things. Suddenly towels were in a different cupboard, clothes put in the wrong kids wardrobes..she is only trying to help I guess but I felt invaded. Like when she would go into my kids room after they got up, open windows, make beds, strip and wash their sheets (like they were dirty)..I didn't like it!like that's my job...

I guess its down to Hormones...and us being mums now...we are different :)
It's true...motherhood really does change you. I feel a lot different in many ways.

Another example of unwanted rearranging: My sister-in-law and brother-in-law came over to help clean after the babies came home. I was so grateful for the help, but specifically asked them not to organize, just clean (I was afraid DH's important paperwork might get moved). Well, after they were gone, I went into the bathroom to find that they had moved EVERYTHING. They reorganized all the cabinets, the drawers, the closet...nothing was where I'd left it. They even moved my pads, tampons, and nursing pads, etc. I don't know about you, but I consider my bathroom drawers and cabinets to be intensely personal spaces. Not only was I angry that I couldn't find any of the things I use every day (they moved my hairbrush to the closet, wtf?), but I was also embarrassed that they had handled all my personal stuff.
Yikes... I would feel so violated! My Mom came to stay for 2 days after the baby was born, but she knows me well enough to know that I would freak out if she organized anything. With the last baby I had a hormonal "freak out" and snapped at her for loading the dishwasher wrong :blush: so I think she knows I can be somewhat... erm... particular about how things are done post-baby.
Wow- I'm so glad I'm not alone in my feelings! Sometimes I feel like a super protective mother lion or something- wanting to lash out at anyone trying to be too involved with my baby! :rofl: the other day, dh's mom had Camden and he started crying- I knew he was hungry and,so I said id nurse him- she goes "oh we'll be okay, I'll just walk around and play music for him " excuse me?! It's my baby, he's hungry, I have the food!! I wish I could be more rude but I didn't say anything more.. Camden was so hungry layer that I really wish I would have. :( I'm just not that bold. I feel bad that I didn't stick up for my son. :(
Speaking of food, when we were out for only an hour the other day, mil fed Camden TWO bottles- which is all I had stored up at the moment- after I had specifically told her that he just ate and wouldn't need any food! Breast milk is priceless and she just used it because dh says, she likes to feed him". Wth?! So I had to find another time to pump that night just so id have some more milk stored up! That bothered me soooo much! Argh!

Anyways... different topic- changing Camden before bed tonight was a very interesting ordeal.. . Even though we had his penis covered, he ended up shooting pee onto his face and onto the wall behind him, then vomited all over himself, then while his diaper was off he shot poop across his dresser and onto everything that was on his dresser/changing table! Poor guy was wailing away while Dh and I were cracking up laughing! :rofl: glad we could see the humor in the situation amidst the cleanup! :)
LOL Sierra- that happens to us all the time! It's like Gunnar waits for the microsecond that he's uncovered, then lets it all loose.

I just wish DH could see the humor in it...he just gets angry. One time he actually yelled "You've got to be @$%& kidding me!" so loud that it woke me up in the other room. I came running out, and poor Gunnar was crying so hard he could hardly breathe, and both he and DH were covered in pee and spit-up. Apparently he'd had a diaper explosion so bad that DH had to put him in the bath, then he pooped in the bath, then while DH was dressing him, he peed and barfed on both of them...and DH lost his patience and yelled. I felt so bad, because I understand why he was frustrated, but poor little Gunnar doesn't know any better, he couldn't help it! I think DH felt guilty about it, because he's been much more patient lately. HOWEVER, he still gets peed on a lot, because for some reason he refuses to cover Gunnar while he changes him. He claims that it doesn't work, but it's funny how I never get peed on, and he ends up changing Gunnar's clothes like three times a day.
Oh my goodness Dragon! That's hilarious! Poor DH and poor Gunner! We cover Camden up every time too, but usually once a day, he gets us! What do you use to cover up Gunner? We use wipes, but I'm wondering if those get cold too quickly and make him pee anyways? I hate it when Camden is crying that badly---it makes me cry. :(
:rofl: Dragonfly... that made me laugh!! It sounds exactly like my DH. I usually offer to change the "blow outs" to avoid DH getting frustrated and making it worse for the baby, lol.

Sierra, I use wipes when I'm out, but at home I've found the best (and most absorbent!) thing to use is baby wash cloths. I found a pack of 20 for $5 or so, and I just drop one on there each time. If it gets peed on it absorbs most of I've also found that the warm and cozy changing table cover is totally useless. It's in the laundry more than on the table!!

How are everyone's hormones doing? I've been hot-flashing and mood-swinging all day, and I'm confused. I thought by 3 weeks post partum I'd be close to normal? Argh...
I'll have to try the washclothes--see if they help more! Thanks!

I haven't noticed my hormones much. . . is that weird? I keep expecting to be hit by them, but I feel fine. . . (except for the tiredness---then I might shed a couple of tears if he doesn't sleep well on a certain night!) :) The first couple of days at home were hard---I cried because I missed DH and we didn't have any time together without baby. :( But I've been loads better since.. .

However, I've been FREEZING cold lately! I'm not sure if that is hormones or because I no longer have a bump, but DH will be out of the blankets at night because he's hot, and I will have 4 blankets on me and be shivering all night! I can't get warm--even during the day. It's wretched! Anyone else have this?!

Camden is having a bad day today--and a bad night last night. :( He has almost exclusively nursed from 2:30a.m. to present (it's almost 5p.m. our time right now)! He's had 3 half-hour breaks where he slept a bit since then, but other than that, he's been on my breast! Is this okay? Or normal? Google says it can be normal for newborns, but he's never nursed this much and he's never had this little sleep! If he isnt' nursing, he's crying. . .I just laid him down again 5 minutes ago, and he's doing okay so far, but he is wiggling and wimpering a bit in the cot. :( . .. I'm hoping he gets some sleep. I feel bad, but don't know what else to do to console him. It makes me feel like my milk isn't enough today or something! Other days he seems fine, though. :(
I use wipes out of the wipe warmer to cover him up, but we've been thinking about trying washcloths instead...thanks for the tip!

I think that's normal, Sierra. We've had some days where all they want to do is nurse/eat. I think maybe it has to do with growth spurts and increasing milk supply.

We're having a rough day with Lilja...she screamed all night and pretty much all day so far. She's only stopped long enough to sleep for a half hour here and there. Sometimes holding her soothes her, but sometimes she screams even then. I can't figure out what's wrong...sometimes it's like she just wants to be held and stops immediately when we pick her up, but other times she seems truly upset. I was concerned she was in pain of some kind, so I gave her some Tylenol a little while ago. She fell asleep almost immediately, so I wonder if she's having some pain from all the vaccines she got on Thursday. Poor baby. I'm working from home, and it's so difficult not to go to her right away when she cries...but DH is on duty and I need to get work done.
Dragon, that sounds exactly like what Camden was doing! Glad to know it's normal, but it's so heart wrenching isn't it?! We thought he might be in pain too but didn't know if we could give tylenol this early?is there a newborn tylenol?

I'm working half days from home but it's all me because dh is at work... so I have to get him when he cries- making work nearly impossible! Ah well.. . I won't get these days back I know, so I try to enjoy every minute. :flower:

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