Valentines Babies, 2013!

Aww midnight I'm sorry! That's so hard! I hope it gets better for you! ! The day has just started here so we'll see how Camden does!
Yes there is an infant pain & fever liquid suspension...the label says to consult a doctor for babies under 2 (which is weird, since it specificically says infant formula, and 2 year olds aren't infants!). I checked with the doctor and she gave me the dosage to use. There is also a chart here:

It does say to check with a doctor before giving Tylenol to a baby under 3 months.
Kiara has just finished 4 days of being not so angelic too so it probably is a growth spurt? She is a couple of weeks older but maybe it's linked to the due date!? She was a bit clingy and moany for two days and then just awful for two days, wouldn't let me put her down without screaming, wanted to feed every hour at one point. Would not sleep in her cot. I was scared she would be like that for ever!...but then last night was back to real, and today and yesterday was so much better, I had my arms back!..
How funny that everyone's babies seem to be having a fussy time lately. It's the same thing here! He's not a fussy baby by any means, but he wiggles and grunts to be picked up, and will eventually cry if I don't do it :p The last few days he hasn't been sleeping as much, and it 's been really hard to get anything done! I wonder if it's the 3-week growth spurt I've read about?
Matilda has been fussy too but also really sicky. Have been backwards and forwards to the doctors and she's now on gaviscon and lactose free formula, seems much better so far. She just hates being put down which is hard gong when you also have a clingy toddler.
I've given up trying to get her in the crib or basket now and have decided to just co-sleep instead, we at least get decent sleep this way.
Wow-- glad my baby isn't the only one going through a fussy period right now! But so sorry you all are going through it too!! Camden has been loads better today! Had a doctor's appointment and he is back up to his birth weight!! YAY!! I keep looking at him and saying, "so this is the size of baby that really came out of me!" :rofl: He looks so big! haha
Teagen had this same thing going on this past Wednesday. She would eat and then sleep for 30 min before waking up and demanding more food. I finally gave her a bottle of breastmilk every other feeding because she raised a blister on my left nipple and it hurts like no tomorrow.

Today her poop is slightly green and frothy. Apparently this is because she isn't getting an even balance of fore and hind milk. This isn't too surprising because she hasn't been wanting to hold a latch to eat today and pulls herself off after only 10 minutes. A bit frustrating for me.

At least she sleeps well at night, four hour stretches. We are having to move out newborn diapers into size 1. The other night we were visiting a friend when a friend of theirs came over with their 3 month old baby girl. The babies were the same size. Teagen's feet were actually longer. lol. I am excited for her 1 mo checkup on Tuesday.
Oh Kellen, that IS frustrating! I hope she starts nursing better! :( We're transitioning to size 1 diapers, too! The newborn diapers are too short on the bum for him. . .and his bum is really skinny, so it just pulls rigth off! The size 1 is much taller and covers him better---and saves me from having to wash poo out of his sleepers! Keep us updated on her check up! So exciting!

I'm still waiting for the results o my breast lump ultrasound. . . :( It's taking forever! I hope I hear something on Monday!

We are getting family/newborn pictures done on Wednesday--- I'm sooooo excited to document this stage in Camden's life!

Does anyone venture out much with your baby? Camden always seems to be screaming in his carseat---or too hungry for us to go out. :( I want to go out to a restaurant as a family, but am too afraid of Camden screaming the entire time or having to breastfeed in public! lol
Hi all, it's been a while!..

We ate out once Sierra. I don't have a problem nursing in public, so I can guarantee Kiara won't scream too much anywhere - seems she will happily latch on at any time. Don't feel shy - just wear a scarf I say :)

Kellen, our doc once told us that newborn poo can be anything. From green to yellow. It could be your baby has just got more efficient and ten minutes gets the job done? Maybe?

I am feeling pretty wiped out at the moment, I think all the feeding is draining me. There is only just over 5 kilos (12 pounds) to Loose until my pr pregnancy weight, and I feel the weight loss is too fast, though of course I am glad the numbers are going down..
Kiara just always seems hungry, I must eat more. I think my diet is pretty much normal for me, maybe I should add more snacks. Apart om feeling shattered this is one reason I love breastfeeding - being ale to eat what we like!..

It was bedtime for us at 9pm Friday nights have changed!!lol.

Hoping you get good news from your tests soon Sierra. I have an appointment with my doc in two weeks, I will be asking for the genetic testing for the breastcancer gene. If positive I will plan a double mastectomy for when I have finished feeding the baby.

Have a lovely weekend with your babies all, hoping we all get lots of sleep...Kiara keeps changing her mind as to wether sleep is an essential nighttime activity or not... Xx
Just popping in to say hello and let you girls know that Olivia came home today! :yipee:

She has a feeding tube and we aren't out of the woods as far as test results go, but she's feeding from a bottle now and she's doing great! Lots of improvement :smug:

We're so happy! It feels like we're just starting now, even though she's almost a month old, we are just starting out with our newborn!

I'm totally not sleeping tonight!
We haven't taken the babies out at all except to doctor appointments, nor have we had any visitors except for my mom and my sister who came to visit from NY. No one in DH's family has even met the twins yet! The neonatologists in the NICU told us not to take them anywhere or have any visitors until cold and flu season is over. The only exception was when I took Lily into a Burger King on the way home from the lactation consultant. I just had to have some fries! :haha: I did keep her her carseat cover closed so no one could breathe/cough/sneeze on her.

When I was in the hospital before the babies were born, I had a CT scan of my chest because they suspected a pulmonary embolism (just turned out to be fluid build up from the magnesium). They told me I have to have a followup CT scan with contrast because they saw some enlarged lymph nodes in my chest. At the time, I didn't even give it a thought, because I had a lot going on at the time, obviously. However, now I'm getting all nervous about it because I googled it (silly me) and there are lots of scary things that cause enlarged lymph nodes :(. Plus, I found some additional lymph nodes on my neck and armpit. My scan is on April 1st.
Oh dragon, not knowing is Scarey. As is google. Try and assume it is nothing, it probably is xxxx
as a group we are haunted by potentially scarey health issues just now aren't we! :(

Hey Jo, congrats on getting your little lady home!!! Enjoy. Glad she is doing so well, what a clever girl!..

Dragon, hasnt it driven you mad not taking the twins out?...
Kellen, Teagen sleeps 4 hours in a row at night?? Oh my... I'm so terribly jealous! I'm lucky to get an hour straight :( I'm sorry to hear breastfeeding is giving you a rough time! A blister on the nipple sounds like torture!

Sierra, good luck with your results! I'll be thinking of you on Monday. How scary :( It sounds like Wednesday should be fun, though! We attempted a home photo shoot, and it took 200 pictures to get TWO good ones... lol. I think we probably should have booked a professional!

Jo, congrats on bringing Olivia home! It sounds like she's doing so well, yay!! :D Go little lady, go!

Helena, only 12 pounds to go? Well done on the weight loss! I've got about 15 pounds to lose to get down to pre-pregnancy weight, but I have been eating MORE than when I was pregnant. I'm surprised I'm not gaining weight, lol. One of these days I'll cut calories and drop weight, but for now I'm just enjoying an excuse to not mind my weight for once!

As for venturing out of the house with LO, my DH is WAY more comfortable with it than I am. It's actually caused a few fights with us. He wants to go out and do all of the things we usually do... and I think we should stay home most of the time and limit trips to 1-2 hours that baby has to be in his seat. We go somewhere every day, but it's usually close to home. Today we walked the mall (exciting!!) with LO in his stroller with a blanket draped over the carseat to keep sneezing and fingers out! Sometimes we eat lunch out or take the older kids somewhere that is fun for them. We just avoid crowded or especially germy ones, like indoor playgrounds or even church. I can't wait for spring to come so that we can at least go for walks outside!
Jo so exciting that Olivia is home! What a blessing! Sooo excited for you!

Helena, does eating more make more breast milk? I'm eating normally but sometimes miss a meal because Camden is screaming or nursing etc.. however, he is always hungry and I feel like I should be getting more milk when I pump too, but I'm not getting more than a couple ounces each time.. though I only pump once a day because im usually nursing.

How long do everyone's nursing sessions last? Camden usually nurses for an hour before he's full. Is that normal?

Helena, how do you keep covered getting baby latched in public? That's my fear. I can see a scarf or blanket over his head once he's latched, but Camden needs me to help him get on usually...

Dragon, that's super scary! I hope everything is okay... id stop Googling though... it's full of horror stories! Lol I'm sure things are totally okay- especially seeing how they booked your follow up so far out. If they were concerned it seems they would have booked it sooner. Try to stay calm and enjoy those babies! :flower:

Wamommy, my Dh originally wanted to just take pictures at home but we haven't done it yet and then Dh came home yesterday and surprised me by telling me we had pictures booked! He knew I really wanted some and did all of the research and organizing for it! :cloud9:

Dh is more wary about taking Camden out in public than I am. Its mainly just the screaming thing- when Camden is hungry, ge is HUNGRY and lets the world know that he wants food NOW! :rofl: I would actually like to get out way more than we do... I might suggest we buy a nursing cover and just go for it. :flower:
I usually wear a vest top with another top on top of that. The vest underneath I pull up to hide the top of the breast and the other top stays down to hide my tummy. I guess I just position baby's head in front of the nipple and get her to latch ASAP. If people really wanted to get a look at my np they could I guess, but they would have to be looking closely. I can also drape the scarf before latching baby, create a sort of tent. Have you googled nursing covers? I got one with my first. I found it more of a hindrance than a help but then I didn't mind a bit of sneaky nip exposure. You can get some very pretty ones, mine had butterfly's on it.

W have been out for walks with baby despite the minus degrees. She wears a vest, pjs, cadigan and then If I wrap her in a blanket and then in her sheepskin cosy-toes and a hat she is warm enough. Se doesnt have a coat of snowsuit that fits, she is so small still. She seems to really like being outside and looking up at the sky. We only go out for maybe half an hour or an hour at a time if it is cold (has been snow on the ground since she was born) but I keep checking her little cheeks don't get too cold. I know that in Scandinavia they still encourage babies to sleep outside when it is cold, and it encourages baby to nap longer. I like the edema she s breathing fresh cold air.

I didn't wear my nipple cups last night, I am so fed up with wearing a bra 24/7, but after just one night of friction against clothes I am so sore! :( today I have resumed the Madonna look.

My LO also goes out every day, even if it is just to the school to collect my other sons. She has had a bit of a blocked nose, but wether that is from my sons or being out and about I don't know. Like your husband wamommy I feel we should carry on doing exactly what we were before, so we are pretty much. Baby alternates between car seat and carrier. We also have a carry cot tpe thing that slots into the pushchair but I'm not sure she likes being fully laying down much.

Sierra, I don't think eating more means we produce more milk necessarily. Unless we seriously don't eat enough. I think our babies are just growing lots :)
My three babies
Aww lovely pic. Xx

Jade has been out all over from supermarkets, clinic, shopping centre etc she has been on school run every morning and afternoon because I have no choice lol she is content though when out (atm!) Hate all colds going around but inevitably she will get one anyway x

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