Valentines Babies, 2013!

Sierra, I know how scary it can be having your home threatened. Last year we had our apartment (which we no longer live in) broken into when I took DH out to lunch. Do you have any neighbors that you know or are semi-friendly with? You could start up an unofficial neighborhood watch program. Who knows, maybe this guy has tried that on other people in your area as well.
Sierra, I know how scary it can be having your home threatened. Last year we had our apartment (which we no longer live in) broken into when I took DH out to lunch. Do you have any neighbors that you know or are semi-friendly with? You could start up an unofficial neighborhood watch program. Who knows, maybe this guy has tried that on other people in your area as well.

Aww---that's horrible! I don't understand people sometimes. . . :(

Yes, we have a few neighbors that we notified, so hopefully they'll keep their eyes open and watch over our house while we're gone!!
Sierra, I know how scary it can be having your home threatened. Last year we had our apartment (which we no longer live in) broken into when I took DH out to lunch. Do you have any neighbors that you know or are semi-friendly with? You could start up an unofficial neighborhood watch program. Who knows, maybe this guy has tried that on other people in your area as well.

Aww---that's horrible! I don't understand people sometimes. . . :(

Yes, we have a few neighbors that we notified, so hopefully they'll keep their eyes open and watch over our house while we're gone!!

It was pretty awful. Ended up being our next door neighbor's 16 year old grandson and his gang buddies. But we had insurance and ended up upgrading all our computers, but have yet to replace the handgun that was stolen. None of it was ever recovered. :( Thankfully I back everything up (ie all my school files, family pictures, movies) on a TB hard-drive that they didn't take. Thankfully they weren't discerning thieves and didn't steal my $500 watch that was on the counter, my grandma's pearls, my $1500 Martin guitar or any personal identification papers.:growlmad:
Wow. .. that's just horrible!! :( Glad they didn't steal more, but still---that's really hard to have anything stolen.
I felt blessed that they left my kitten alone. We had only gotten her the week before. They were kind enough to shut her in the bathroom with her water, food and litter box. I would have been devastated if she had gotten out and lost. :(

In other random news Tropical Storm Isaac better not mess up my travel plans for next week!. I'm beginning to become excited about seeing my family after having moved away (due to that whole better jobs, lower housing cost thing...). So I really don't want to have to cancel. Looks like Isaac will become a hurricane, but it is still up in the air (bad hurricane pun!) about where he is going to make landfall.
Sierra, yikes! How horrible to have to deal with this weirdo. I hope he STAYS away now that he knows you guys can ID him and have probably called the police. What a turd :growlmad:

Kellen, it's funny what you said about chocolate! Last night I was eating Sour Patch Kids, and I'm certain baby started knocking around for 10-15 minutes! I rarely eat candy, but I may have to start eating it more, since I just sat still and enjoyed every little tap and tickle :happydance:

Helena, your bump is beautiful!! It's growing so much, and is perfectly round and cute :)
Oh Kellen---yeah, you are right there with all of that--I hope you can still travel!!!

I forgot to tell you all---we are getting our first piece of baby furniture delivered today!! I'm so so excited! It's a really nice armoire that was given to us by some relatives. The IL's are bringing it up this evening. We have an older house, so the ceiling slopes down to meet the wall, so I'll have to figure out a creative place to put it--I think there is one spot it'll probably fit. I'm so thrilled! I can't wait to see it and to get more furniture eventually! :) Sometimes DH and I lie in the baby's room dreaming about what it'll be like when a baby is in there. . . it's heaven. :)
Sierra, that is super exciting! We haven't gotten any thing for the baby yet. We are still debating over whether or not to get a crib that eventually converts into a bed or a Play'n'Pac that we can just keep in our room.

The weather wouldn't really affect the airport, but rather my employment. If the storm hits and we activate I'll be given the option between going on vacation or staying and earning time and half, plus my normal salary.
Oh wow. .. yeah that'd be a hard decision to make---I'd say if you don't need the extra money, go have fun! ;)

I think we're going to go with a crib that converts to a bed, but will probably get a PackNPlay, too, for when we travel (we travel quite a bit on the weekends---we're musicians and usually have concerts on the weekends where we'd bring baby with us along with one of our mom's to watch the baby while we are performing).

Expensive to buy both, but I think we'll get good use out of both of them! (I might even borrow my sister's PackNPlay, since she isn't using it anymore. . )
We can always use the extra money, especially with a sea-monkey on the way (which is apparently the least offensive term I've come up with that DH will use in conjunction with our LO). I work for the government and it would actually be a boost to my professional career and resume if I worked a disaster/hurricane. So far all I've done in the six years since I started was be involved in drills and exercises.

As far as the crib goes I think we'll encourage some of our more wealthy and childless friends to contribute to the "Help Spoil the Baby" fund. On DH's side we are the last to have a child and are going to be getting hand-me-downs (cool!). But on myself we are the first so everyone is excited to buy stuff.

I wish I could go home early. I want a nap.
Ooo. . .if it would boost your career, then that's a really tough decision!!! :( Hopefully it's a decision you won't have to make!!! :)

Sooo cool getting hand-me-downs! I'm really looking forward to that, too!!

I agree on the nap thing! Unfortunately when I get off work, after the armoire is delivered, DH and I have plans to go meet up with some friends for the evening. It will be a lot of fun, but I'm dreading the fatigue. . . :(
Yep. We have a friend that has 1 boy and 2 girls (ages 11, 8 and 4) but has saved ALL their clothes (honestly, I don't think I've ever seen these kids wear the same thing twice). So she already has bags that are separated into gender depending on what the 20 week scan shows. She also has some cloth diapers that we'll be trying before investing in our own. DH is all for clothies, but I'm split 50/50. Sometimes it sounds great, but then sometimes it sounds like a lot of work for me since I'm the laundry lady of the house.

Schedule after work: 1) go home, 2) wait for DH to get home, 3) make DH drive to chiropractor, 4) complain about migraine to chiropractor and beg for him to fix it, 5) contemplate whether or not we should stop to get something to eat or fix something at home, 6) finish watching the Hatfields and McCoy's, 7) go to bed.
Nice schedule! I hope it helps your migraines! (And I'd totally go for stopping for something to eat---less work!).

I wanted to use cloth diapers, but DH said absolutely not! (He's just getting used to the idea that he'll be handling the poopy diapers, not alone, WASHING them!! ) :haha: (We split work 50/50 in our house because we both work full time---we each take turns at all of the household chores and have agreed that we'll both equally change the baby when we're both home, bath it, get up in the night with it, etc.) I'm totally okay with disposable diapers if that means he'll help change the baby. :)
We have split chores. Laundry, the kitchen and dishes are mine. DH takes care of the vacuuming, bedroom, bathrooms and now litter box.
He is number 3 of 6 with 20+ nieces and nephew's so the idea of changing icky diapers doesn't phase him. He wants to split the baby chores as well and is looking forward to having "Daddy" time with LO while I catch up on napping. He gets 6 weeks of paid paternity leave so I'm pretty stoked about that!
I wanted to use cloth diapers, but DH said absolutely not! (He's just getting used to the idea that he'll be handling the poopy diapers, not alone, WASHING them!! ) :haha: (We split work 50/50 in our house because we both work full time---we each take turns at all of the household chores and have agreed that we'll both equally change the baby when we're both home, bath it, get up in the night with it, etc.) I'm totally okay with disposable diapers if that means he'll help change the baby. :)

Haha DH was strangely shocked when I mentioned him changing diapers...somehow he was under the impression that would be only my job. :rofl: Yea right! With two babies, you better believe he's going to be changing poopy diapers!

We have split chores. Laundry, the kitchen and dishes are mine. DH takes care of the vacuuming, bedroom, bathrooms and now litter box.
He is number 3 of 6 with 20+ nieces and nephew's so the idea of changing icky diapers doesn't phase him. He wants to split the baby chores as well and is looking forward to having "Daddy" time with LO while I catch up on napping. He gets 6 weeks of paid paternity leave so I'm pretty stoked about that!

My DH is number 3 of 6, too! When we were talking about diapers, he mentioned that he had changed so many of his siblings' diapers that he must have filled his lifetime quota. I just stared at him. I raised my two little sisters and was a nanny for three of my baby cousins...I guess that means I've filled my quota too! We'll just have to hire someone for diaper duty ;)

As for chores, we're both rather messy and forgetful, so usually whoever gets sick of the mess first is the one to do that chore :haha:.
OMG girls, you are so lucky! My DH announces to the whole family "I unloaded the dishwasher!!!" with this silly pride on his face, because it's so danged infrequent. I do everything :( I cook, dishes, mop, laundry, bathrooms, garbage, yard....ugh... I'm starting to get depressed! We've had more than a few fights about it.

It sounds like you both have a lot on your plate with work and fatigue! I'm a stay-at-home-mom at the moment, and probably will stay that way until this baby goes to preschool, then I'll go back to work. I was only 2 semesters away from my Masters when baby #1 was born, and my absolute DREAM is to finish that up. It will help with income around here too :)

I'm off to go to some garage sales! If only I knew the gender of this LO! In the mean time it's a fantastic place to pick up clothes for my girls. They grow out of things so fast that I just can't bring myself to buy retail.
DH tried to convince me the other day that he didn't know how to change a diaper. :dohh:. I then reminded him that I'd seen him change several children of various ages and genders. I might have pregnancy brain, but I hold onto the important stuff!

I have also scared the intern into not drinking the water. I told her that it contained special pregnancy hormones because my boss just went out to have her baby. Since 2009 we have had a baby born to someone in our office. I told her since she was the only one who hadn't had one or wasn't currently expecting that she was in line to have the 2014 office baby. :rofl:
OMG girls, you are so lucky! My DH announces to the whole family "I unloaded the dishwasher!!!" with this silly pride on his face, because it's so danged infrequent. I do everything :( I cook, dishes, mop, laundry, bathrooms, garbage, yard....ugh... I'm starting to get depressed! We've had more than a few fights about it.

Oh believe me, wamommy--we had more than few fights about it in the beginning, too--- him saying: "None of the other guys I know have to do that!" and "that's women's work!". It took a while, but he finally gave in and realized that we both work really really hard and it's unfair for me to come home from a long day's work and have to do *everything*. If we both do something small each evening, everything gets done and we don't have to bust our butts to clean by ourselves! :) He's a good guy. :)
DH just called to say that he came home early (lucky bum is the boss and can do that!) and found a package from my estranged sister on our doorstep. Not to air too much dirty laundry, but my sister is an addict and has a very verbally abusive spouse (all of which escalated after the death of my nephew in 2003). My husband said he was about to toss the package since he didn't recognize the name (we've been together since early 2008... tells you how close I am to this particular sister) until he realized who the sender was.
Because my sister is a little off my DH has broken into our emergency kit. When I get home I'm being made to don a dust mask, work gloves and apron out on the porch in order to open the package. Now I'm 100% certain she would never do anything to purposely harm me, but DH doesn't want to take any chances... I think it is pretty darn funny myself. Apparently the note was addressed to: My Dear Little Sissy. What?! Am I 12?
I am amazed there are so many me thinking they. An escape poop duties!! Hahahaha. My husband actually changed my first sons first poo nappy, he had
Ittle choice since i hada c section and was watching from a relined position! So warn hour partners - emergenc sections happen, they had best prepare for diaper changes! Heheh.
I am really lucky - DH has been great at every stage with our boys. He helps it's everything when he isnt at work. And he comes home to have lunch with us all most days. It breaks up my day with the kids and daddy is the by favourite person ever. We even share the kids bath time and bedtime story time - often he reads their story while they are in bed and I sit in the room too. It sounds like lovely family time but by then I am so tired I can't appreciate it! Lol.

He even took half the night feeds when my second baby chose bottle over boob. This time I am going to try harder to breasfeeding but it is so great knowing I have a backup who can cope with the 2am get ups!

Wow, what do you think is in the package?! How curious!

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