Valentine's BfP ladies

Omg sasha! How are you feeling about that? Won't you only be 36+6 then? Big hugs to you! :hugs: you've had a lot of worry over this pregnancy!

Missus - glad tha you've been keeping busy. I have been too and it def makes the time pass quicker although I agree with how it wipes you out (not that that has made sleep come any easier lol). Have you finished work yet?

JBell - hope everything is going ok in Florida and that you are managing to stay calm and as hormone-free as possible! A very difficult task at this stage in your pregnancy and with everything else you have going on in your family I'm sure!

Bam and Emma - how are you getting on ladies? Hope all is well xx

I'm up and down about possible induction still but will only let it go ahead if cervix is favourable. Since baby has engaged I've had a bit of relief and the tens machine my physio gave me helps to distract from the pain I find. :) xx
I will be 36+6 but my Dr says I am measuring large anyways. She says Anjelica doesn't have much room at all and that she is already head down. Plus my swelling has gotten out of control (i can literally push on my foot and make a smiley face indent). We will check my cervix and my fluid at the next appointment... I honestly hope she waits for MIL to come back from Mexico the 15th.

You have been through a lot too mammy. I am glad you at least have a plan in place though... that must help you breath easier!
Hi lovely ladies

We are all so close! Some closer than others!! Mammy and Sasha we will be waiting to hear!! Oh my god it's all so close for u ladies!!

Sorry everyone is battling the pain that is the last few weeks!! I am doing really well surprisingly feeling great! We are rushing to get nursery finished and this weekend we will pack the hospital bags!! Yesterday mum and I washed all of his little clothes and today I got the car seat installed!! It's starting to feel really REAL lol...

I'm not nervous about labour and delivery yet... Should that worry me??

Tell me about all your 'going home' outfits for bub!!? I'll post pics shortly xxx
Here are a few random snaps - one is of myself from a couple of days ago - just for a bump shot.. there are a couple from my baby shower (better late than never!) and a couple from the last two days.


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Hi Everyone!

What a lot has been happening - I've just been so exhausted and busy since finishing work, then had my Grandma staying for a week that I haven't had a chance to check in properly. I don't seem to have posted in 3 weeks so this may be a bit of an essay!

JBell - DH did pretty well with the Spanish in the class actually. It was funny, most people looked petrified and didn't even crack a smile when my Gyn discussed the differences for a first time mum, a second time mum and a fifth time mum who would have a "vagina like a bull ring", DH was following perfectly and gave a great big laugh! :haha::blush:
I hope you feel emotionally a bit more stable now, though I don't generally blow up at people but little things I can usually handle, such as my car battery failing whilst I was double parked, DH was out of the country, on the day I had to collect my grandmother would usually not phase me but had me in floods of tears!
BH contractions! OMG - I have been having so many this time. DH is considering changing MIL's flights because of it but I am sure that I wont be more than 2 weeks early.
Hope all went well with your MIL's move and you managed to cope with your SIL! :)

Missus - Sorry your first class wasn't very useful, what was it about? I am glad the second one was better. Have you resolved your nappy dilemma? Why not begin with a starter/trial pack for re-usable and also have disposable until you see which works best for you, you'll be getting through ~12 per day at the beginning. My DD pooed during every single breastfeed and to start with those were every 2 hours!
Reusable ones are so hard to get here that I use disposable ones though I wanted to use reusable ones. Knowing how many I got through, I have to admit that if I was in the UK, I would probably begin with disposable for the first ~4 months (or at least get a nappy laundering service), then go onto reusable ones.

Mammy - Fresh air and drizzle, hurricane force winds and torrential rain... Anything that's not hot and still will do for me, the wilder the better! It's variety that we lack here all summer but we're rapidly leaving it behind now. Temp seems to drop by ~5deg every couple of weeks now and we're finally seeing some cloud and rain. I never thought I'd miss it like I do!
I can't believe how soon your baby may make an arrival. If you do have to have the pitocin, don't be scared to consider having an epidural. I was terrified of the idea of an epidural but it wasn't bad at all and delivering DD was a breeze with it. I would just recommend having it as late as you can so you can still move around. In Spain I don't think they allow induction without epidural - at least that's why I was given mine though I didn't need the pitocin in the end. Apparently I suddenly relaxed when the choice was taken out of my hands and out popped DD!
I also feel like I have no more room to give! Sometimes my belly button hurts a lot!
I'm under strict orders not to take ANYTHING! Having searched high and low for someone who will do natural birth in Madrid, I found the "pioneer" and she won't interfere with nature at all unless there is a need to. She is great though.
9th Oct!! So soon, fingers crossed that you get some good news when you go! I'm glad that the baby engaging has given you a bit of relief and only go for it if you're happy to.

Sasha - did you manage to go around the hospital? I am so sorry you have been having such a hard time with the swelling and BP. I hope that the induction goes well whenever it happens. So cool that you got more 3D pics!! Well done with the BF course, I hope it helps you get started and that you can get help afterwards too if you need it. Muddling through was quite tough and very painful for me for the first 3 weeks but after that it was easy. I didn't know then that the clinic where my gyn is from also have a lactation consultant - I could have used the help before I even left the hospital.
Good luck for your appointment on 10th too! :) I do hope you'll be able to wait for your MIL.

Bambola - Loved the photos and I am glad you're feeling so good. Don't worry about not feeling nervous. I didn't last time at all, even after my waters had broken I was excited rather than nervous! The calmer you can be during early labour, the better your body relaxes and the more effective the contractions are according to my doc! I don't have a special going home outfit for the baby to be honest, just a babygro, hand-me down white hooded cardigan that belonged to DD and his lovely new blanket!

AFM - right, finally caught up with the 3 weeks!
I started maternity leave on 19th Sept and went on hol for 3 nights to the coast. Then cleaned like mad as my Grandma come over on a last minute visit for a week with a pile of clothes from her and my mum, she left last night so my ears are recovering! ;)
I have got the travel system all ready for a baby, got the old clothes out and washed all the new things. I have packed my bags and in doing so discovered I didn't buy a neutral set of baby gros when DD was born, just two girls' sets so I have to go and do some more shopping! Such a pity! ;)
I'm having a lot of pain in the back of my pelvis on one side, I had some physio which really helped and need to go back again as it gets bad the minute I do things in the house and then doesn't recover. Now I also feel sore or bruised around the groin, though not on the pubic bone.
My baby keeps grinding his head into my cervix too, feels like he's going to break my waters or push his own way out when he does it, it is so painful it doubles me over - I do wish he would stop though I also hope it makes things ready so they move along better than they did with DD.
I feel terrible, I told my mum she could only come out for a couple of days if she comes out after the birth and she keeps saying she's not useful (which is extremely true). I said she had to be useful and do more than just sit there for photo opportunities or nag about going out around Madrid like last time when DD was born as they caused me and (more so DH) a lot of work I didn't need and this time I'll have a toddler to see to as well. I also feel quite righteous having said so - why should I have visitors who do absolutely sweet FA when they come to see me? Either way, it doesn't stop me feeling like a horrible daughter!
I found out the other week - thankfully - that the Doc now has her delivery rooms at a different hospital! We've been doing runs to try and find a good way there, it is a little closer but there is no parking and it is hard to find a way around the traffic. They were also installing a support that must be something like this as it allows you to be supported in positions that really open up the sacrum at the back of the pelvis for an easy pushing stage. It seems a little scary! :)
My second class was on relaxation by a midwife and mostly a waste, my other one on pain management will be by my gyn again and keeps being moved as she keeps being called in for births. It is now on 9th Oct and I am looking forward to it.
I start my foetal monitoring on Monday - I'm looking forward to sitting down with a book for 1/2 hour each week!
I'm also ENORMOUS! I have a bump like I'm sure my mum had when she was pregnant with my twin brothers. I don't know how three and a bit more weeks of growth can continue in there! The photo is in the usual place but I've uploaded it here too. I'm starting to think I just get unusually big, I get so many unbelieving reactions from people who have children when they see me!


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Mammy - nope I don't finish work until next Friday. Reeeeeally struggling as my replacement hasn't started (actually not even recruited yet!!) so don't seem to be winding down despite everyone's insistence!

Emma - I think I'm going to start out with disposable nappys and see how it goes. Main reason being is that a good friend tried reusable and found it added pressure to be constantly rewashing them. I may change my mind after a month or 2 but want to make thing easier for myself to start with.

Also been suffering from awful back ache. Junior has been pressing down too and it's been soooo painful on occasion that it's stopped me walking. He isn't engaged yet though so need to help him along a bit by improving my pelvis position and posture. I've bought a birthing ball to sit on to see if this helps.

I'm also not worried about birth/labour....yet! The way I see it is that it's going to happen and worrying about isn't going to help me! I'm sure that will change as it gets closer though.

It's the after part that scares me, ie coming home and coping with the huge life change an lack of sleep! :-D

I have bought the majority of essentials so going to start packing mine and juniors bag tonight. Big yay!

Not sure of going home outfit, probably just a nice babygro and the fluffy pram suit with ears as it will be chilly here I'm sure.
Hey Emma! Nice to hear from u!! Thanks for the update. I hope your little one eases up with the grinding action soon! Lol also I don't think your being a horrible daughter at all.. I totally understand where you are coming from. It's your time and your wishes should be paramount. Its already tough enough without having to be concerned about entertaining people.. Also I think you look fab and very compact still!!
Missus I hope you get relief from the back pain soon- sitting on a yoga ball has certainly helped me! My little one has started to engage and that means 20 daily toilet trips...!!
Thanks, Bambola! It's appreciated but it still doesn't stop me feeling like a bus though! ;-)
I've been having some contractions tonight. Not particularly painful but they are reminding me of very early labour last time.

Now, I'm 37 weeks in the morning so the baby is officially full term though they're are still 3 weeks to go to my due date. MIL doesn't get here until 19th, so we'd have to wake someone to make them look after DD, it doesn't sound like my insurance has sorted guarantee of payment to anyone yet! I'm feeling a little panicky!! GO AWAY! As much as I am ready for this to be over tonight isn't the time! I at least need to chase my insurance tomorrow!

I've got my first foetal monitoring in the morning so I'm kind of looking forward to seeing if there are still contractions going on!
Emma sounds exciting! Since you are our resident veteran let me ask you what you think.

Last night I was having lightening pains and some tightening. Woke up this am and had some period type cramps for a few hours (constant, not like contractions) and some low back pain. Sam is engaged and is super low so I'm wondering if this could be early labor or if its just my body practicing? Any ideas?
I think everything has some effect even if it is just the womb getting "fitter" but I do remember having feelings like period pains constantly sometimes in the last weeks last time. The difference after my waters broke (and some time had passed) was that they were on and off and were much more intense (I used to get period pains that would make me sick sometimes and my contractions were getting to that point but better than the period pains as I got a break in between each one).

At the moment mine feel kind of like mild pains I'm definitely noticing discomfort but it's the sort that wouldn't stop me doing anything so I'm keeping my fingers crossed it will ease off as I've had worse this time and last time that have gone away again.

For that reason I'd say it is just practicing because once labour really starts properly it's usually not going anywhere! It has made me paranoid though and I've put a disposable changing mat under my bedsheets!

I think it has also given DH a kick up the backside to arrange some emergency contacts from his friends at work who could look after DD if we have to go in before his mum arrives. I asked him to weeks ago! All my colleagues are on the far side of town so no good!

Anyway, I am going to try and ignore these and get a little bit of sleep as it's gone 2:30am here and I have an extra early start tomorrow - I just can't sleep!
Thanks! :) I'm glad you're having these practice pains so that your DH gets a move on. Mine says I'm scaring/freaking him out lol. I'll be interested to see what he does when I'm in active labor :haha:

Hope you can get some rest.
I did eventually get some sleep and they seemed to go away which is good!

My DH was ridiculously calm last time, too calm! He's apparently more worried this time around! I think they typically manage okay and there's nothing like the moment they first get to hold the baby as they've not been carrying it for 9 months.
Well I'm up. I don't know what to do. I'm having back aches that come and go Sam is moving like crazy and I was getting sharp pains really low. I thought they were contractions but they have stopped. Not the back pains though. They seem sporadic so I don't know what's going on. I'm getting pissed off though because I'm tired but too uncomfortable to sleep.
Sounds promising JBell. :) I've been up since 5am which is actually a pretty good night for me lol. I would LOVE to go naturally over next few days but fast running out of time before assessment for induction on Wednesday xx
Morning, Mammy, go to sleep JBell! ;-)

I do get intense pain at the front of my bump by my bladder, even into my vaginal wall at times, regularly now from LO pushing down on the nerve endings in my cervix. It is like a stitch in the wrong place and prevents me standing up straight. It only goes away if I lie down for 30 mins.

As for back pain, I can't help as between my pelvis and slipped disc it always hurts. It is normal for it to hurt as time goes on but that's all I can say. You can paracetamol (Tylenol) for that sort of thing if you need to - at least in the UK you're allowed!

I hope yours will arrive on its own, Mammy, or if not that things look favourable when you go in for the assessment. Unless of course you don't want them to be so you get an extra few days! :)
How are you feeling today, JBell?

My contractions stopped as I said and went away so completely that there wasn't even a single BH when I went for my foetal monitoring yesterday which was disappointing! On the plus side baby was very active.

The dr offered me an internal check to see if the contractions had done anything, but said even if I had dilated, I could still be waiting for weeks as it unfortunately doesn't tell you anything particularly useful so I declined. She said she wouldn't hurt, but the midwives did when I was in labour last time and I want to avoid them at all costs if I can.

I've been feeling ill with a stomach upset since the night of the contractions - I'm hoping it hurries up and goes away. :sick:
Hi everyone!!

Emma and Jbell- how exciting that you could both be experiencing early labor!!!! Jbell my friend had a baby 4 weeks ago and hers started with bad back pain and progressed from there so who knows!!

Mammy I have fingers crossed for you that your little one arrives naturally shortly!!

Can't wait to hear everyone's progress!! Could be any time for anyone now!!

Well My bowels decided to have a major clear out last night which was followed by lower back ache and some mild twinges on lower half of bump (first time I've felt anything other than round my rib area). Was feeling hopeful but they've gone now :( assessment tomorrow so I'm hoping it at least did something to help my cervix along. Emma - I haven't slept more than 3/4 hrs in 4 months now and have been in constant pain which only gets worse as time goes on. I'm desperate for it to be over with now.

Good luck ladies having pains, hope it turns into something for you all xxx

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