Valentine's BfP ladies

Mammy, if your cervix is favourable will they try a membrane sweep first to give you the chance of avoiding the pitocin?

I never had any clear out last time so I'm assuming my bowel trouble, cramps and nausea are nothing so exciting... I wish they were but I need to wait for MIL!
Mammy, if your cervix is favourable will they try a membrane sweep first to give you the chance of avoiding the pitocin?

I never had any clear out last time so I'm assuming my bowel trouble, cramps and nausea are nothing so exciting... I wish they were but I need to wait for MIL!

If I'm favourable then the theory is I shouldn't need the pitocin as the pessaries/breaking of waters should be enough. Consultant said pitocin is used as the last resort so usually it's when women are induced before they're favourable but as this isn't a medical emergency they will leave me be if I'm not favourable x
Oh, good, that must be a relief! FX for you for tomorrow. xx
Wow it's all happening! Can't wait to hear updates ladies!

My mum took a 4 hour round trip to visit me today and do a bit of last minute shopping. It was so lovely but I am now completely shattered so led in a bath run my DH :)

Did far too much walking today and experienced some major Braxton hicks, my God they were so intense! Eased off now though thankfully.

I am so uncomfortable, tired through lack of sleep and my back is ruined. No one warned me about this part! :-D
Well we are getting close at least ;)

At about 3am I finally got to sleep. I was so exhausted the next day and still am today. I'm hoping to go to bed very early tonight but we will see. I still had a backache some yesterday but its gone, then I had some strong cramping pain but its gone as well. I think my body is just gearing up but it could still be quite awhile. I'm starting to hate the whole 37 weeks is "full term" thing because I'm in the mindset that he could come anytime but it's really a small percentage.

I'm sorry everyone is having such a rough time. Just think, its almost over.
Hi Everyone,

How are you all today?

Saha - I hope all goes well at your appt today.

Mammy - I hope things went well yesterday!

JBell - I am loving your other thread, I was crying with laughter reading some of the responses to the things people are sick of hearing.

Bambola - I hope you're still being nice and lucky and feeling great! :)

Missus - Can I borrow your DH to teach my DH a thing or two?! He's been doing a lot of cooking but still hasn't learnt the concept of tidying as he goes so I have to do it all, then I don't get a bath run for me! :)

AFM - Had my final antenatal class last night all about pain management which was actually quite useful. One thing in particular I thought I would share, in case you haven't heard, are that gas and air (this is the first time I've heard of it being available in Spain) has a 20 second delay then is only active for about 30 seconds, so despite everything else going on, if you want it to help, you have to inhale it at least 20s before the contraction starts to hurt. Dr said it is really hard to use effectively.

I have told DH labour has to start on 19th, the day his mum arrives! That's still 9 days away and I can't help but feel I can't make it through that many days pregnant, let alone the following 9 until I am due and the however long until baby arrives! I found out my Dr won't induce anyone except for medical reasons. She said most summer pregnancies lasted 42-43 weeks because of the heat but everyone went into labour spontaneously in the end. That could mean I end up being last if my little boy is stubborn! I kind of don't mind avoiding induction but I don't want to imagine another 6 WEEKS! :D LOL!

Major issues now with the back of my pelvis, I can feel it moving and clicking - yuck. No more contractions but I'm finally getting what people mean with the carrying a bowling ball between your legs. DD didn't drop very low but this baby has and he still keeps grinding into my cervix. I can't walk when he does it, it's painful enough the rest of the time when I don't feel like he's about to fall out.
Sasha - good luck today xx

JBell - I also love your post! So many funny comments! EVERYONE has an opinion on pregnancy! Usually an opinion I didn't ask for too! It's crazy!

Emma - well, I was soft but cervix still high so I decided not to go ahead. I'm back next Wednesday and they said they'd have to book me in then as they can't leave me to go over. I did have some bloody show last night so was hoping I might go myself but it was just a bit and has stopped now. I went and got my hair done today to cheer myself up though :)

I can't believe your doc will leave you until possibly 43 weeks! I thought there was quite a lot of research saying no longer than 42 out there? Feel awful for you with your pelvic pain - I've been very lucky in that department! All my pain has been in ribs and nothing at all down low.

Good luck for next week! Having a bit of bloody show is great really it means the cervix is changing so FX for a natural start within the week! :)

In Spain I think they usually only let people go to 41 weeks. I don't know if they do regular foetal monitoring in the UK as I left so early in the last PG, but here I have to sit down attached to the monitor for half an hour each week before my Dr appt from 37 weeks. I think after 41 she insists on it it even more regularly to make sure baby still gets what he needs from placenta. She's of the opinion there is more risk in induction than letting nature take its course, that as the placenta ages so the pregnancy should come to a natural end.
Her blog on the subject if anyone is interested, I think it translates reasonably clearly through Google Translate.
I'm glad you're enjoying it! I was just in such a bitchy mood last night I needed to vent. Seems like I'm not alone in the subject ;) It also made it a lot better because now when people say those things I giggle and remember the thread. I think people are starting to think I'm going mad. :haha: Oh well!

I have decided that I will stop working on my due date if Sam doesn't come. I'm not miserable or anything I'm just having a hard time with the "no end in sight" thing and I don't want to resent him for coming late. I read something yesterday that said the best gift you can give your baby is letting them choose their own birth date. It was really enlightening. So now that I only have 2 weeks left going to work every day is so much easier.

Emma I think your kind of lucky your doctor doesn't push induction, let alone support it. Here in the states I guarantee they will do it for you at 2 days late! Its ridiculous. And they will PUSH it on you if you are close to a week late. They will not be happy with me if I'm late because as long as Sam and I are healthy and find we are not inducing.

Mams my fingers are SUPER crossed you start on your own! Bloody show is a great sign, maybe you'll go in a few days!

Well off to eat, I'm starving!
Great decision, JBell!

One of the key things I've come across a few times is that as daytime mammals we're most likely to give birth at night when we're in our safe place surrounded by our species and our natural predators are also asleep. We're also unlikely to go into labour at times of stress, so for example, other mammals won't labour mid-migration, they will wait until they stop in safety and comfort! In the same way, I think working is likely to delay things due to stress, discomfort, etc.

Now get through the next few days in work and then take it easy! :sleep::coffee::flower:
Thanks emma! Yeah I think just the stress being lifted has kicked things into gear a little. And the fact that my mom is giving me solid advice. I was getting so frustrated that every little cramp and back ache didn't mean labor but my mom told me that its my body trying to do a little at a time instead of me just being thrown into pain and chaos. So now I have a definitive date to look forward to and I am so happy every time I feel something because I know it means progress. So with that mindset I had some crazy BH's contractions to the point where my mom thought they might be real ones. I went home and bounced on the ball some but they got super intense so I laid down on the couch and they went away. Oh well, its progress ;)
Hi ladies- mammy I'm glad you get to keep going for another week to possibly labor on your own and starting to lose your plug is a great sign! :)

Emma-lets hope none of us go too far past 40... also the tidbit about giving birth in the night is very interesting!

Jbell- I am happy to be a bitchy buddy with you!!! And I feel the same way with every twitch... kinda like I want it to happen already.

Its funny that at the end of pregnancy we are looking for the same things as the beginning... twinges and cramps, blood, mucus etc. Its really funny to think about!

AFM- my AFI went up! :) Anjelica is healthy and thriving... still head down though not yet engaged... we will check it again next week along with my dilation (fyi mil thinks I will have her the 18th). I am having extreme increases in mucus and potty breaks plus I am exhausted 94% of the time... also as of last night(and according to DH) I am making whimpering moaning pains in my sleep. I woke myself up this morning with a 28 second contraction(from when I started counting) and have had 3 more throughout the day. I am hopeinfg I am not one of those women who is stuck in early labor for a week before it evolves!
My doc says she loves winter because in summer spontaneous births tend to occur so the lady comes in to hospital between 1-3 am and may give birth at 4-7 am and then my doc has to go into the surgery for the routine appointments. In winter she said most people head in 8-10 pm and she's tucked up asleep in bed by 1am! :D

So glad for you about your AFI!

I have nothing exciting to report! No plug, just period pain type pains but constant, a few BH, baby hurting me so much when he moves at times... Must hang on until next Saturday night at least - not that I want to! :)
Emma I feel the same as you! My braxton hicks have really ramped up the past two days. Yesterday they were crazy intense and today during 3rd and 5th period I was like whoa I really need to sit down. I really hope baby doesn't come too late.

Sasha I totally agree with you. Its so crazy, its almost like a "full circle" type thing!
Hi everyone
Haha I also love that this is turning into a symptom spotting thread!! We have come full circle!

So excited that your having some contractions Sasha! She may be the first baby for the group!!

Jbell I have read that when BH ramp up its a really good sign of pre labor!! How exciting!

Emma your symptoms still sound promising!!! Period cramps is a wonderful indication!!

I have felt like crap for 24 hours with a continuous headache and mild nausea.. Also have had soft stools and borderline diarrhea for 3 days now- apparently that's also a pre labour sign?? Who knows!! Discharge is also on the increase (tmi sorry) - I had some yesterday that was thick mucus and perhaps the start of my plug? Not sure..

I need to stop googling for symptoms! Lol
Ha ha me too! Talk about an obsession with inspecting TP!
Lol, no queue jumping now girls :haha: only kidding! Can't wait until baby number 1 makes an appearance and we can all hear all about it :)

I was saying on another thread how ironic it was that you spend 9 months praying not to see blood when you wipe then suddenly you want to see some blood to see your bloody show lol!

My pains have also ramped up a gear, I had to stop and breathe through one in the supermarket yesterday which got me some great looks from people :haha: and I continue to lose tiny bits of plug everyday although they're not bloody anymore. I think mine isn't going to come in one big chunk, it's just going to be bit-by-bit. (Yuck, tmi! Lol)

JBell - I can't believe you're still teaching! You're doing fab! In the uk they would have ushered me out of the classroom by now lol although we are on half term so DH is home to keep me company which is lovely!

What's everyone doing to pass the time now? I fel it's dragging a bit now so DH and I have decided to catch up on Downton Abbey (not sure if the non-uk girls will have heard of it but its fab!) we always meant to watch it but hadn't so we've gone right back to the start and it's working wonders to take my mind off things! Xx
Hi girls,

Haha I'm so relieved I'm not the only one waiting/wanting any sign that labour is approaching! I kind of hope to see a bit of plug or something at each (frequent!) toilet trip but nothing to report :-(

I have finally finished work, big YAY! I couldn't have coped another week so timed it just right.

Haha mammy sounds a good plan, my 2 weeks will be spent watching crap chick flicks an I may try catching up on that breaking bad series everyone is raving about!

I had a good chat with DH this morning as he's been really quiet and I thought totally uninterested. Turns out all he gets at work all day is parental advice from colleagues so by the time he gets home he just doesn't want to talk about baby stuff any more. I totally understand this as I got totally sick of the same questions and advice in my work. I just explained that the one person I want to talk to about junior is him so hopefully he'll be a bit more enthusiastic now.....

I'm also having a bit of a freak out as I have everything ready and packed so now all I can do is wait. It's all suddenly become very real. Anyone starting to feel reality hitting home?
CAUTION- this may be insensitive as I am not referencing any of what you ladies have said but I am very tired and need to get this off my chest!

DH and I had a fight tonight as he disappeared for 5 hours and came home sloshed. He has been increasingly more withdrawn though he doesn't notice it and says he spends every waking moment with me... in reality he spends what time he has for errands in the morning (our time?) then goes to work and comes home to say he wants to watch tv or spend time with his brother. I have multiple times requested a night out or time without tv as we only have a limited time before we have a new center of the universe and it won't be just us anymore. Anyhow we got into this huge argument and when I finally fell asleep I dreamed that I went into labor and called a cab, I didn't tell dh that it was happening I went through the labor by myself and right after I gave birth I said "I don't want to see her... just give her away."

I woke up in a panic and a sweat, bawling my eyes out and feeling awful! What kind of a mom dreams that sort of thing???? Its not something I have ever even considered... don't get me wrong I think adoption is a great option for some people but I want to be a mom and I love my baby so much so why this dream??? Am I really so angry with dh that I imagine giving up our child? I am so freaked out and upset with myself as I never would have thought myself capable of such destructive images. I feel so rotten and undeserving of my baby girl right now and I hate this feeling. My heart has plummeted and I can't seem to get it back to feeling right.

I woke dh to talk about it but he is recovering from the alcohol and kept repeating "its a dream, go to sleep" as if I don't need reassurance and comforting.

Again I'm sorry I didn't reference or acknowledge anyone elses thoughts... just needed to get this out... I promise I will reference your life events after I get some sleep and I am so sorry to be so selfish right now, just freaking out a bit.

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