Valentine's BfP ladies

On the nhs you're not allowed to choose to be induced its up to the consultants but I think, with your symptoms, you would be induced anyway Sasha.

I'm just back from consultant's appointment. She was very keen to induce at 38w but I'm scared of ending up on pitocin so it's been decided that I'll be booked in for 4 weeks time (the 9th or roundabouts) and I will be induced if baby is head down and cervix is favourable. If not they'll leave it another few days and try again. It means I'm going to stop work at end of next week so I can have a fortnight before baby comes as if I stayed now id be working up until 4 days before induction date which is just too late for me.

Hope you make it round the hospital tomorrow without any fainting episodes Sasha xx
Mamms how exciting that you may have a baby so soon! I hope everything works out the way you want :)
Mammy that is full on and exciting!!! So soon!!!
So exciting Mammy!!!! :) I'm glad you are taking time out a bit early from work. And how exciting that you can meet your baby so soon!
Went in for 3D u/s today for hubbys bday!!!!! Anjelica was soooo fussy, sleepy and cute!

That's neat you got to see her I'm 3D!

I had my first set of BH today. I didn't know if I had had them before but whatever I had today was new so I'm assuming that's what they were. Plus it scared the crap out of me. It was three contractions about a minute apart and they took my breath away. I didn't even realize what was going on for the first one but when I figured it out it really scared me because I have never felt anything like that before. I got up and went to the bathroom and took a few deep breaths and it stopped. They didn't hurt they just caught me off guard.

How's everyone doing? I am finally getting to work in the nursery so I'll post pictures soon.
Jbell- I know what you mean about being caught off guard by BH... it is kind of exciting though, feeling your body practice! Im glad you have the time now to work on the nursery... keep us posted(and by posted i mean pictures)!
My dad is going to be wallpapering our little nursery over next few days so will post pics then. I have been having what I presume to be Brixton hicks for a few weeks although they are still completely painless but my bump goes solid and quite heavy feeling for a minute or so.

I now have a tens machine which my physio gave me but I'm not to use it until next week. Also, at my appointment last week I found out baby is 3/5ths effaced so 2/5ths of head is down and in place. Good sign for my early induction! (Can't remember if I told you guys that last time or not - baby brain!)

Sasha - pic is gorgeous! How are you all feeling? I feel like I have no more room to give to this bub now lol! :) xx
Oooh is that what BH is!? Bump goes hard and feels heavy like you describe it but it doesn't hurt so thought it was just junior turning around, maybe it has been BH and I've been oblivious!

Had a great baby afternoon yesterday, midwife appt showed little 'un is doing good, head down and en route to be around 8lbs...that I can cope with! Also went through birth plan. Eeek! Then I went on to my second and final antenatal class, this one was tons better and very helpful all about bringing baby home.

I'm in a real dilemma over nappies now though, do I go disposable, reusable or a combination....arrrggghh!

Anyone else feel time is dragging!? I'm so ready to give up work but another 3 weeks to go yet :-(
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is okay!
Sasha cute u.s pic!!
I am now on my second week of maternity leave and it's awesome!! I am enjoying it so much!! Relaxing, getting stuff done and catching up with friends!! Also have time to eat really well and exercise all day which is doing wonders!!

Please girls post some pics of your nursery progress and purchases!! Can't believe how close we are! Xxx
Also, mammy have they set a def induction date???
Yes miss time is dragging soooooooooooo slowly. But I still have so much left to do.

Bam lucky you for getting to be on maternity leave already. We have fall break in a week so I'm definitely looking forward to that.

Mamms I'm glad baby is starting to engage. When is your induction?
Hello ladies :) feels like ita been a long time since we have caught up.

My baby space is nearly ready, we are installing the carseat on Sunday and I'm packing the hospital bag today. We are also installing a mini fridge so we can stock up on snacks and juice in our room so we don't have to go downstairs. I also had an appointment today and I was told I have low amniotic fluid and still borderline high bp. We are keeping an eye on it but if fluid gets lower and/or bp gets higher then I am going to be induced. In other news I just completed my breastfeeding course and recieved a manual breast pump for it! Lol

Anyhow. I want to hear about you ladies!!!! We are all getting so close!
Wow Sasha you are doing so much you make me feel like a slacker! We haven't even gotten the car seat out of the box yet or packed my hospital bag! :dohh: I love your mini fridge idea. I would totally steal it but we have a one story house.

So far we have washed all Sam's clothes from newborn to 6-9 months as we have no idea what size he will wear. DH went straight into 6-9 months. We have everything in his nursery set up except for the recliner which has yet to be shipped even though I ordered it 2 weeks ago....:shrug: We have his library complete and the cable man is coming Tuesday to install new X1 HD boxes in the house, including his room. We finished purchasing everything I feel that we need right now so its just sort of a waiting game. We are on a one week fall break next week so I thought I'd pack my bag and pull the car seat out then. I will post pictures of the nursery soon.

How is everyone feeling? I've been super crampy and got a lot of random BH's today. Other than that he is just really low so I feel a lot of pressure especially on my bladder!
Hey ladies, no set date yet just sometime when I'm around 38 weeks so 2 weeks time. Baby is now fully engaged and ready for launch which is good though :)

I've been taking raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil to help to soften my cervix on the advice of my midwife. Has anyone else been taking anything? Xx
Jbell I only seem ready cause I'm off work and with low fluid anything can happen. At least you have a plan though :) can't wait to see the nursery and soooo jealous of your glider (we can't fit one in our space).

Mammy I can't believe how close that is! Hibiscus tea is really good for softening the cervix too, also nipple stimulation(rough and often) can help soften and dialate.
No I'm not trying anything yet. He needs to hang out a bit longer. Especially now because my MIL is being moved to hospice care tomorrow. They are taking her off dialysis and insulin and we are going 6 hours away to Florida to see her. She hasn't seen me at all during the pregnancy and we are going down there so she can see me and feel Sam moving around. So much for sticking around the close to home when you're full term! Idk how long we'll be down there but my future SIL is going too and she drives me insane. I'll be sitting there 9 months pregnant and she'll be talking about how excited she is for her wedding that is "only" 6 months away and how its coming up so fast! :haha: So I'm just going to stay strong and silent for my DH. He and his mom aren't super close and he seems to be more worried about me than anything. His brother is the one who is going to be a wreck and I feel like my DH is going down there to be a support for him.
Hia everyone, sorry for not responding until now.

Had a busy few weeks with work and social events and I'm feeling totally wiped out. I'm also really struggling with hormones/keeping my emotions normal! Spent most of my morning blubbing at work today, so ridiculous! Had another midwife appt earlier and all still seems ok. Phew!

I have sooooo much to do in next few weeks to get prepared, buy outstanding essentials, pack bags, finish nursery, tidy, clean, make space in bedroom for bassinet. Eeek!

Hope you're all feeling well in these last few weeks. How have we all almost reached dd already!?
I'm going in a week on Wednesday (9th oct) to check favourability. Been told to take my bags just incase! Eeek! Getting nervous now :-/ xx
Jbell- I hope your MIL is doing well with the adjustment. And your SIL didn't bother you too much, I think she just really wants a bit of attention seeing as how you and your baby have been hogging the limelight. I hope your DH was able to keep his wits about him as well.

Hi missus! Glad that you are keeping busy. I have to disagree with the "dd already" statement though as I feel it has been dragging. Sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy and keep your momentum going :) I am on board with your mood swings too... it seems rhay they are worse now than they were first tri.

Mammy- that's so exciting! I am sure it will go very well and I am so glad you will finally get to breath easier! :) Oct. 9th is just around the corner!

AFM- had an appointment with OB and she said my AFI (amniotic fluid index) is low. I am at 7 cm (normal is 8-24) and if it falls to <5 I will be induced sooner than later... next appointment to check is Oct. 10 and (like mammy) I have been told to have my bags ready!

I hope everyone else is doing well :)

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