Valentine's BfP ladies

Hi All!

Glad to hear everyone is doing so well!

I think the jaundice is all gone now, even his lower eyelids are pink!

I'm getting there with my right breast! I just avoid using it when everyone is asleep if I can! The main issues are when it is engorged so it'll improve with time when my milk supply regulates itself better.

Sasha, I also have flat nipples but the good news is feeding the baby without a shield eventually stretches the tissue so they never go back to completely flat again! My right one seems to have reverted a little in the time I want BF DD but not completely.
Sasha, you can get little sterile milk freezer bags from lansinoh and medela. You can pump a bit of milk out before you begin BF to get past the fast let down, even if only 1/2 or 1oz the bags mean you can make it up to a bottle of the right size when you need it.

I do it if I'm too engorged to get a good latch.
Emma, I also have fast let down and was advised by the breastfeeding specialist to pump out a little before a feed if I was engorged but I don't store the milk as it's only foremilk so if you just keep topping it up you will have a bottle full of foremilk which is high in lactose and low in fat. I use it for any dry patches on her skin or, the other day she had a bit of an eye infection from a blocked tear duct so I used the milk to rub over her eye and it cleared up within the day xx
True, but your ratio of fore to hind milk varies over 24 hours anyway. Morning feeds are typically higher in fore milk, later ones in hind milk so the odd bottle which may be made with a lot (and you can of course mix it with milk expressed at other times) of fore milk will still balance out. I certainly never found it to be an issue.

Also around 4 months babies get really distracted when feeding and I found I had to keep swapping sides every few minutes to get anything in DD at all. It only meant she fed longer at night to get the fat she needed.
My consultant told me the same about pumping before though she also suggested just using the shield for the first three minutes. I pump before if I am engorged and after if there is anything left (I am producing >48oz/day so I have a lot of milk to store) also anything she doesn't use I can donate to the nicu.
Hi ladies,

I need some help. I can't get Dylan to settle in his basket, every time I put him down (even when he's been fast asleep) he wakes up and cries. Alot. I'm at my wits end and don't know what to do as I can't do anything but hold him. DH has gone back to work today and I'm really struggling :-(
Missus, my LO did this around the same time and it did settle down, she was just going through a wee growth spurt and wanted to feed/be beside the boob at all times. You could try putting a hot water bottle in basket when he's not in it and taking it out before he gets in then it might feel more like your body heat. Also try swaddling him if you don't already and when you go to put him down keep him on your body for as long as possible - only move your body away when he is right down on the mattress so he is not going through the air between your body and his basket if that makes sense.

My hv also recommended I try and put her down on her side during the day when I'm up and about as that's how she sleeps on me so it would be less noticeable to her if she remains in same position. Good luck xxx
Thanks mammy, will definitely try that. I have tried swaddling about 90minutes ago an it's the longest he's lasted! Managed to do 2 loads of laundry and wash dishes.

Whoever said 'sleep when baby sleeps' is a joker!
Sorry Missus, I hope you find a solution. I don't have one.

I'm afraid I spent 4 months sleeping with DD on my chest against all advice, then when she could easily lift her head I would put her down on her tummy. It was that or never sleep, even at 10 months in the nursery she wouldn't sleep unless put on her tummy. She wouldn't be swaddled either and I tried all the suggestions Mammy made. but for 2 years I got next to nothing done! She's still a tummy sleeper.
Hi ladies

I hope everyone is doing well!! Isn't it so full on but wonderful!!?? Lol

Missus I had the same problem- good news is I have read its completely normal and very common! How we got around it was making his bed more comfy- I think his mattress was too hard so we put a firm but soft pillow in and since then it's been much better!

Also- just bought something called the 'baby wedge' because my little one has colic and is on meds for it now- he has slept beautifully in it..

Good luck

Hi all, wow it's been a while! My little angel is nearly 6 weeks now! Can't believe it! She's just had her first cold which was horrible and totally freaked me out hearing her snorting when she was trying to breathe but she's much better now. Bam - my LO sleeps with her basket propped up too and she's on her side now all the time, she started rolling over herself when she was only a couple of weeks and sleeps much better like that.

How's everyone else getting on? Xx
Hey ladies! Seems we've all been kept busy! Sam and I are doing wonderfully. Found out dairy really upsets his stomach so I've cut it out and he's doing so much better. He still sleeps on my chest at night but I've been trying to put him in his bassinet alone during the day so he can get used to it. He's also gained over 3 pounds in a month! He's now 11 pounds 12 oz. I can't believe how fast he's growing. He's so long as well that he's in 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. Its amazing how much they change in just one month. He's smiling, staying up longer, a lot more alert, and just such a happy boy. The feelings you get being a mom are just indescribable. Its the best. I've attached a picture.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Bam I'm sorry your little guy has colic. I'm glad he's sleeping better now.

Mamms I forget how much earlier you had your little girl. I'm glad you're doing well too.

Miss how is sleeping coming along?

Emma hows Noelle liking her little brother?

Sasha how are you doing?


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Hi everyone! Wow where has the time gone!? Oh yes that's right, a constant cycle of eating, sleeping, crying :-D

We're doing good, just about getting my head around it all finally.

Hmmm sleep is still much the same, he still won't really go down in the day so that's hard work. He is suffering from colic too and really kicks off in the evenings. I've been giving him infacol and today have started with gripe water. Not sure if he's got some reflux too as he can be very fussy and grunts alot in the night feeds.

Dylan also will only sleep on his side, I gave completely given up trying to put him on his back unless he is raised up on a pillow. Tried propping up his mistress but he's having none of it so going to keep him on his side.

Despite being very early I am seriously considering moving him to his nursery at night as I think we are just disturbing each other. Everytime I move or get out of bed for the toilet it just wakes him up.

In other exciting news, Dylan starts his swimming lessons this week, I'm so excited!

I still haven't put a photo up for you yet have I, I'll try now.

Hope you and your little ones are all wonderful!?
I hope this has worked...

This is my little man, my world, my everything :)


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Oh wow I didn't even realize how much time had passed what with thanksgiving, a friend passing away, another friend giving birth, my mom going in for a biopsy, signing up for an ultrasound licensing program, preparing for Christmas and my anniversary plus having Anjelica!!!! It has been hectic but wonderful! Anjelica is now 5 weeks and 3 days old and she has gained 3 lbs so she is now 9.5 but she still fits in her newborn clothes. She loves to smile at me and her daddy and has for about 2 weeks! She has such a cute personality. We have started giving her one bottle of pumped milk every day and she has no isse with nipple confusion (I still use a shield as my letdown is immense) and she easily transitions from nipple shield to nipple to bottle to binky! If any of you are looking for an amazing binky I suggest MAM it is cute, allows air circulation and is a unique shape that helps the baby keep it in their mouth. As for how I am doing... in a word Amazing! Anjelica sleeps for up to 6 hours at night already, my stitches have healed comletely and I am no longer on pelvic rest. I started my birth control a week ago and am now bleeding like crazy but Dr said it is because the hormons are shrinking my uterus very quickly and after this is all done I shouldn't bleed again until after she is weened. I get to start courses for Diagnostic Medical Sonography specializing on vascular, ob, and breast sonography in either January or March. My anniversary is tomorrow and hubby promised me a great day, it will be my first time away from Anjelica for more than an hour!

I'm glad you are scamp doing well! :) hopefully things calm down and I can come back soon
Missus - he is gorgeous! Hope his colic is settling down

JBell - wow! What a big boy! It's funny, I have four friends with babies and the boys are all much bigger than the girls.

Sasha - my word you have been busy!! Happy anniversary to you for tomorrow. Sorry about your friend and your mum but glad to hear you are doing so well. I use the MAM dummy to and LO won't take anything else now although it does fall out of her mouth when she's starting to fall asleep which sometimes causes a bit of a 'put dummy in/dummy falls out/baby wakes and repeat' cycle lol.

Bam - how are you doing?

AFM - We are doing really well too. LO has gained about 3 pounds too and is in 0-3 clothes now although some are a bit big. She sleeps an average of about 7-8 hrs at night which is fab. She was going about 8-4 then 5-8.30 but we are trying to change it so she is fed around 11ish then sleeps through. Last night was the first attempt and she managed 9-12 then 12.30-7.30 so really hoping that keeps up. I'm also going to attempt to put some kind of daytime routine in place as I've noticed the bedtime routine seems to really help LO so can't hurt to try a daytime one too - I'm the kind of person who quite likes routine too so hopefully we'll work something out.

Hope you are all well xx
Miss Dylan is adorable. I hope your sleeping situation gets better.

Sasha sorry for all your troubles. But how exciting for the ultrasound classes.

Mamms what's your night time routine?

Right now we are battling either silent reflux or trapped wind from hell. Poor Sam is miserable. Between that and medicating for thrush we are just trying to hang in there. We go to the doctor today to try and figure this out.

Hope everyone is doing well. I can't believe how fast time is going.
Jbell same here. Have tried all sorts but nothing is working. He is really agitated after feeds and last night he was awful in the evening. He likes having baths with me though and found this really settled him.

I took him for a cranial oesteopathy session and he has 2 more to try to help colic/reflux. Whether it works..... also looking at changing his formula.

Dylan's first swimming lesson was amazing, next session is tonight. It's such a fantastic way to bond and interact.

He is now about 10lbs 10oz and is a little chunky monkey. He's so strong and pushes himself up on his legs and can mostly support his own head already.

Are you all ready for Xmas? I can't wait for our first as a proper family!
Ladies it has been forever I miss you all! Its amazing how mich time has passed yet it feels like yesterday :) hope you are all well.
Hi ladies! My word doesn't time fly when you have a LO?! How are you all? Can't believe we are all around the four month mark now!

My LO is becoming a right wee diva. She knows what she likes and she makes it known :haha: love her so much though! ;)

How have you all been? We've been mainly good but have come across many hurdles along our way...reflux, poor weight gain, bottle refusal for others, refuses to nap anywhere but on me and, just recently, diagnosed with cows milk protein intolerance! Lol! There goes my dreams of stopping breastfeeding lol!

What's been going on with all you guys? Miss you all xxxxx

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