Valentine's BfP ladies

Yay Miss!!! Love the name and he and Sam were almost the exact same size! I loved the epidural too! After labor is established it is totally worth it in my opinion. I had to spend two nights in the hospital too and with the nurses coming in every hour its tough to sleep. I hope you are getting settled and loving having your baby.

emma I'm sorry about Noelle not sleeping. Its hard enough with a newborn, I couldn't imagine having two right now. You are a champ. I think its a good idea to have a check up at 10 days then 6 weeks. Here they see you at 4 weeks only.

Sasha I love Anjelica's hat. I love hats on babies in general though :) But she is super cute.

Mamms how long was it until you had no nipple pain at all? This is day 7 and after he latches I'm golden but latching is still painful at the moment.
Congratulations on Dylan's arrival, Missus!

I admit I was in quite a lot of pain after the birth last time because I had to have several stitches as I was torn by Noelle's hand (she was born with her hand alongside her head with the cord wrapped around her neck and arm). I found an ice pack really helpful to take the swelling down but the stitches hurt for quite some time. At home I was wishing I had a piles cushion and used to sit on one of those travel neck cushions instead. I have read that sitting on a gym ball can help compared to sitting on a normal chair. I also used to plonk myself on the bidet (one of the great things about living here!) and the water would relieve the discomfort. If you can but a sitz bath, that might help.

You may be relieved to know that second babies are generally much easier, and Edwin popped out with only the tiniest little tear I haven't been aware of at all, no bruising or swelling. I have been climbing over safety gates since he was a few days old and wishing the lochia would stop as I am finally in the mood for a bit of DTD, something I wouldn't have dreamed of last time!
Wow Emma that's crazy, dtd is soooo far away from my thoughts right now! Lol

Thanks jbell, it's a fair size to push out huh!

They were initially worried he was jaundice and we need to keep an eye on his umbilical cord.

Bf is getting there slowly. Sometimes he latches immediately, other times I'm close to the point f giving up.
If it's any consolation, I'm having a horrendous time with the latch on my right hand side. It would have stressed me out a lot last time but this time I don't mind if it takes me 10 mins to get Edwin to latch properly. Don't let it get you down, take your time.
Yay miss congrats :) i cant wait to see a picture! it is a different world when baby gets home. As for the discomfort I had tearing through the labia so it will take a long time to heal and there is still swelling so I too was unaware of how awful it would feel.

Despite my pain and discomfort I still wish I could dtd. I feel such zest and passion for life... I feel bad for dh because I kiss him the way I would pre pregnancy and drive him crazy. Lol
Also Anjelica is a week old already!!!!

We should change rooms but I stil don't want to! Lol
Congrats Missus!!! So happy that your angel arrived safely!! Hope your pain subsides soon lovely..

Sorry for everyone's aches and pains! It is pretty horrendous.. Just remember each day gets better! Same for breast feeding..

Emma I am having more trouble on the right breast than the left ... Your advice is helpful- Im glad it's not just me..

Sasha thanks for the bf tips- looking into a nipple shield..

We have had a horrific week as husband was nearly hospitalized two nights ago with a dangerously high fever.. This led to me also getting sick and now I'm on antibiotics and forced to wear a mask when nursing baby.. We have had doctors coming to the house to check on the baby to ensure he isn't sick.. Have had bag ready to race back to hospital if necessary.

Sorry for short MSG everyone.
Oh no Bam! I'm so sorry you're going through this. Hoping for a speedy recovery for you and your DH!
Wow Bam so much going on for you. Sending warm healing thoughts to you hun.
Oh Bambola, of all the times that something like that could happen this must be one of the worst. I really hope you and DH reviver quickly, glad to hear you have good support. X
Hello mummies!

Not sure if we should be making a baby club group but just wanted to see how you're all doing.

Bambola hope you're feeling better?

We're just about settling in at home, first 2 nights were really hard as he wouldn't settle but lastnight was great, apart from a quick nappy change/feed about 4am he slept 9 hours!

I'm really suffering from my stitches but feeling ok apart from that. I have done a bit of a u-turn and decided to formula feed. Dylan has a big appetite and my nipples couldn't take it. I tried expressing but wasn't getting much. He took to the bottle instantly and it seems to be working as he's already back up to birth weight. The important thing for me was to do the first few days so I'm happy with my decision.

I will try and work technology so I can post you a photo of him.
Miss I am glad you have found a way to care for him that tou are comfortable and happy with. His health is all that's important! Ss about stitches, mine are still painful and I am debating on having them checked out as they feel swollen.

I hope everyone else is well. Look forward to hearing from you all.

Afm- Anjelica had a surprise welcome home party last night and she did wonderfully. She became overwhelmed at one point but quickly settled down after I sat for a moment. This isbher outfit for the party!
Miss I'm glad to hear you're doing do well. I'm also glad you made the decision that was best for you and Dylan :)

Sasha Anjelica looks adorable! I'm glad you had fun at your surprise party.

Sam is settling in well. We had to deal with some jaundice but it is clearing up nicely. I swear he is growing so fast, it makes me sad. I try to take a shower every day as it makes me feel like a human. Other than that I love just laying around the house snuggling my little guy. I hardly put him down as I'm super addicted to him. Breastfeeding is getting better. My nipples don't hurt anymore but my milk letting down is a particularly odd and uncomfortable feeling. I'm getting better with it though. I have created a monster though. I started sending out a daily picture to a few of my close family members and now if I don't send one I get 3 or 4 texts asking for one. Also, Sam was born with a head-full of dark hair, but its starting to fall out and come back in white blonde! Both I and my husband had blonde hair as children so I'm not surprised.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Omg jbell... same thing here... but I am addicted to pictures. Today I took one of her and her daddy and they are both making the same face! So cute!!!! Glad the jaundice is clearing up and bf is getting easier :)
Hi everyone!

Glad Dylan is doing so well, Missus. That's a great sleep too, hope it continues as well for you.

Sasha - great photo, Anjelica looks really cute! I love buying pretty girl clothes, I'm finding boy's clothes less inspiring!

My let down is really painful now too, I think it is even worse than with Noelle. It does eventually stop happening but I can't remember when.

Edwin had a bit of jaundice too, I hadn't realised how common it is. Fortunately just exposing him to light seems to have been sufficient to clear it up. He has also gained more than his birth weight, in fact he now weighs more than 7lb so has caught up really quickly! I'm still struggling with the latch on my right hand side at times and waking everyone up in the morning as I try to get Edwin latched on that side! He is the HUNGRIEST baby at the moment - I'm having to keep feeding and feeding him so that my milk supply hurries up and increases to keep up with him. Fortunately I'm not getting as engorged now so I'm more comfortable.

I had horribly painful stitches with DD. I got DH to look at them and see if there was any sign of infection at one point as they felt so tight and hot but it seems that it was just swelling. I did find that the place where the most painful stitch was flared up a bit in the last week of the pregnancy too, I guess the scar tissue was just a bit tight. I wouldn't hesitate to get them checked though.
Hey ladies, sorry I've not bn on here much, I try to get out with LO every day and then evenings are spent with DH. Hope you are all well!

Bam - what a horrible start! I hope you're all better now!

Miss - glad you are doing what is right for you both! I feel there is way too much pressure on women to bf at the mo and it's not always a good thing if mum is struggling and stressed - a happy and healthy mummy makes for a happy and healthy baby in my opinion! If I struggled again I would have no hesitation in switching or combination feeding. I've been very lucky and haven't had any pain since week 1 and LO sleeps 4-5 hrs at night which I'm told is fabulous for a bf baby.

Sasha - love her dress! I must admit I love dressing little one in the mornings in all her cute outfits. It's her daddy's bday tomorrow so we have a special 'I love daddy' outfit as a surprise :)

JBell - jaundice sucks!! Glad Sam didn't need treatment! I hated seeing my wee one under the lamps with her mask covering her face and being unable to cuddle her but she's so much better now and has no trace of any jaundice :)

AFM - all going well here. BFing MUCH easier now. Only feed gags an issue is the last one before bed as LO seems to want to stock up and feeds for aaaaages and then vomits and feeds again lol! My greedy girl! It doesn't seem to be doing her any harm though as she's now 8lb 3oz which is amazing considering she was 7lb 1oz two and a half weeks ago when she was jaundice! We have been going to baby and toddler groups and meeting with friends and family and LO loves being out and about. She's a wee star during the day took which makes it so much easier!

Hope you are all well xxxx
Emma- so glad the lights worked so well!

Mammy- no worries take all the time you need. Just as long as you don't forget about us :)

Afm- I had a lactation appointment today and it went amazing!!!!!! I was worried about the nipple shield but she said I use it exactly right. She also help me feed without the shield which I thought I would never be able to do! The problem i have is that my nipples are flat, I make alot of milk and my let down is very fast so she slips off and then cant slow the flow(at one point she slipped and i sprayed her in the face). Also Anjelica has gone from 6lb 7oz to 7lb 7.6oz and eats 3oz every feeding! She is almost out of her newborn clothes and I couldn't be more proud. She is also lifting her head already... my strong little jelly bean!
Sasha how do you know she takes 3oz every feed? Glad everything is going well with the feeding and the nipple shields are helping you. Xx
Hi everyone

So glad everyone is doing well!

S asha what an adorable outfit!! What a cutie pie!!! Glad bf is becoming easier!

Jbell I hope little Sam's jaundice is all gone on- so cute that u just cuddle him all day! I knw what u mean re the shower! It's sacred!! Lol

Emma I hope little Edwin's jaundice also completely clears up and he takes to your right breast soon!!

Missus- don't let anyone make u feel bad about not bf- tell them to pissoff!

Mammy- so glad bf is easier now- what a relief!!?

I have to run to baby now- sorry if this makes no sense! Will update soon xxx

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