VBAC info/support

Gosh I'd never noticed just how close in EDD you 2 were!
I've had achy boobs over the last few days. Still BFing so I don't know if the ache is coming from her changing her latch a bit or from me. My let down does seem to be getting better though as its been rubbish since first tri.
March and April are off limits for DTD in this house. Flippin xmas babies!


You 2 will have the best xmas gifts ever!
Its April 3rd you really really need to avoid DTD on to avoid a Christmas day EDD! I didn't think I'd get pregnant as it was first time I'd ovulated post partum, but thought may as well practice. I was wrong.
I DTD march 29th got an EDD Dec 17th. He got dragged out boxing day going into the 27th, 12:51am.

Thats was a LOOONNNGGGG xmas.

apparently there was a xmas dinner, I dont remember much of it.
gawd you guys will have a breeze like I did with Stanley, Dewi was doubly naughty he was OP and had his chin stuck out.

Slow to dilate and cascaed of bloody interventions meant he would never turn with me on my back,

Stanley turned OP for a while too, guess its how my body is, but he turned he came out the norm al way and did an extra turn on the way out! The MW LOL'd at him bless.
Can't wait to read through this whole thread at "naptime" :) I'm hoping for a VBA3C with my baby, and I'm very lucky that my husband supports me 100% :) I've warned him he may get emotionally blackmailed by the nhs and we will have to fight them to agree (even through its my choice) and he said he will back me all the way. So just need to formulate a plan of attack once I read through all the info on the first page :)
Hope some of it helps...you have to be strong to get what you want!

Remember you are entitled to birth where and how you want and to have supportive caregivers. If your MW or OB isn't supportive them dump them! Get some one else!

What you're doing is amazing never forget it!
Well, thats me read all that info, phew it was a big read!

Interesting that the new NICE Guidelines say
"Inform women who have had up to and including four CS that the risk of fever, bladder injuries and surgical injuries does not vary with planned mode of birth and that the risk of uterine rupture, although higher for planned vaginal birth, is rare."

I think my mw will be supportive too, she was with me with my first DD, and my third DD, so I'm hoping she will understand!

I'm feeling very positive about this, I just hope I don't have some other issue such as placenta praevia (sp?) that forces me to have a CS :dohh:
In most cases the placenta moves upwards enough for a Vaginal Birth, and it can move very late on as the uterus stretches that final amount.

IF it comes to concerns about placenta position ensure you get it scanned regulalry towards the end and dont give in! It can move late on!

...if in your searches you find any good good links etc please add them!
Another good VBAC site added to front page


Lots of studies fact and info, suggested by the birthwithoutfear blog, an American page.
Hello all :flower:

Thanks for the thread, I've been reading with interest!

I think I must be one of the lucky ones. I had an EMCS last time round and haven't had to see an OB at all this time. I had my VBAC 'talk' with a consultant midwife who was absolutely amazing and totally supported my decision to have a homebirth. She was really positive about my ability to have a VBAC and very understanding of why I want a homebirth. She barely even mentioned the risks or recommendations she just brushed over them as she could see I was well informed. It was even on her suggestion that I decided to hypno-birth! She was absolutely clear all the way through that it was totally my decision and that it was their duty to support me in whatever I felt was right for me.
As a result I'm planning a home delivery with the full support of my caregivers and feeling fairly confident about it!

I just wanted to share to show that sometimes the medical profession come through!!
Great stuff missus.

I was very lucky for the most part too my MWs were brill told me I'd get better care at home!

Hope e erything is going well?!
Everything looking good so far. I get to have a presentation scan at 36 weeks (as I'm having a home birth) so hoping that baby isn't breech (fairly sure they're not as getting hiccups by my coccyx)!!

Easy, straightforward pregnancy - just like my last one - seeing MW next week and then need to get started on writing down my birth plan/preferences. I wasn't going to do one this time (as the last one went out the window) but I have much more specific requests this time round and also want to include an 'in the event of a transfer' section which I didn't do last time. I'm trying to keep it to bullet points/do's and don'ts to avoid confusion and am briefing my OH THOROUGHLY!!!!
thank you so much for all this info :thumbup: i found out alot im so gratefull :flower: i had my son 21st march this year by elective cesarean (hate the word elective i did not want it at all) as he was breech and ECV failed :nope: i was truly heartbroken :cry: the cesarean i found a horrible experience and will do anyrthing i can to not have one again! im currently pregnant with my second so will have a 16 month age gap will i still be considered for a VBAC i have my first midwife app next week im so praying she agrees and i dont have to fight this. it would really mean everything to have this baby naturally i was so depressed about my cesarean xx
thank you so much for all this info :thumbup: i found out alot im so gratefull :flower: i had my son 21st march this year by elective cesarean (hate the word elective i did not want it at all) as he was breech and ECV failed :nope: i was truly heartbroken :cry: the cesarean i found a horrible experience and will do anyrthing i can to not have one again! im currently pregnant with my second so will have a 16 month age gap will i still be considered for a VBAC i have my first midwife app next week im so praying she agrees and i dont have to fight this. it would really mean everything to have this baby naturally i was so depressed about my cesarean xx

Of course you can try for a VBAC!!! Your MW should agree. As the only reason you had one last time was due to presentation rather than any physiological issues there is no reason to be concerned that you won't be able to have a normal delivery. Sometimes they can be a bit funny about a small age gap but honestly 16 months is fine. Just do your research and fight your corner (hopefully you won't have to - I've had nothing but support). You have the right to choose how you give birth to your baby and nobody should try and take that away from you.
Of course you can try for a VBAC!!! Your MW should agree. As the only reason you had one last time was due to presentation rather than any physiological issues there is no reason to be concerned that you won't be able to have a normal delivery. Sometimes they can be a bit funny about a small age gap but honestly 16 months is fine. Just do your research and fight your corner (hopefully you won't have to - I've had nothing but support). You have the right to choose how you give birth to your baby and nobody should try and take that away from you.[/QUOTE]

:happydance: brilliant i didnt know wether i even stood a chance or not great news i can and i really hope i get support off her i had her last time and she was always a great help doing everything to help. im currently doing lots of research and its looking better by the minute :thumbup:

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