VBAC info/support

Just remember, it's YOUR decision, nobody elses. Assuming that there are no complications during your pregnancy there is NO reason not to go for a VBAC. If your MW was supportive last time she will no doubt be with you on this. You will most probably be asked to go to the hospital and have a 'talk' with someone (either an OB or MW) but I had a really positive experience with this so don't be afraid!! :thumbup:
Hi proudmum!

I only have 17 months between my boys. The gap was never mentioned.

Like has been said you cannot be refused, if you are told no say thank you for you recommendation but this is my choice .....

My MW's were fab really supportive, I saw the OB once he was not supportive so I didn't bother going back.
thanks ladies im feeling really positive now :thumbup: i didnt have any complications in my last pregnancy all went fine i feel like i know somuch more now they cant shoot me down on this one xx
well ladies I had my consultant appointment Friday. To cut a long story short, I have booked in for a c-section for the 16th December, 2 days before my EDD. Baby is measuring big, 8lb 13oz, but it's more length then body fat...atm. Both consultants I saw said they do not induce where a previous c-section has been performed (didn't want to be induced but didn't want the c-section either). However the 2nd consultant is definitely more pro-VBAC and I swear he pushed my c-section to the latest possible date he could before my EDD of 18th December. He has even put a note in my hospital notes that if I go into labour before this date I am to be asked if I want to proceed with normal delivery or go ahead with a c-section!
I am over the moon with this decision, I am going to post a journal entry about the full appointments as there is a lot more to this than I think I should put here. Obviously best case scenario is to go into labour and have my VBAC as I have wanted all along. I am still preparing myself for the VBAC with RLT and EPO, walking and being as active as SPD lets me so fingers crossed.
You know if you get to the CS date and you don't want to do it you can still say no and push it back, just because its booked doesnt mean it is set n stone and immovable! You may start getting niggles and feel labour is immenent in which case wait and see.

Mind you another week or so and you may want to CS...the last couple weeks are tough arent they!

You'll make the best decision for you and baby when the time is right.
Aye well keep thinking it is my choice and I will decide what is right for me when the time comes along. I think overall I feel a lot more positive as I walkedout of that hospital feeling I had made a decision based on what I wanted, rather then what some pushy consultant thought was best. I am worried about birthing or trying to birth a large baby, I doubt any woman wouldn't be
Scans are still an estimate, up to 20% out in many cases.

Its worth remembering that your body wouldnt make a baby that wouldnt fit out!! All too often the 'big baby' wouldnjt come out story is actually a case of the nhs wouldnt wait for my body to get my baby out in its own time!

Glad you feel positive about things, it's always a weight off when you walk out of an appointment feeling good!
Has anyone found the bigger they get the more numb their stomach gets??
Sensation around my scar area is pretty normal. Sometimes feels a bit numb if I wear knickers with a lower rise, but that could be a too tight thing rather than a scar thing.
The area right around my scar has always been a little numb I didnt find much difference the bigger I got to be honest except the normal gawd my tummy feels weird right now LOL
Hi ladies, is there anyone who had a succesful VBAC after a failed one? Last year i had a failed one due to failure to progress and babies heart dropping so 18 hours into it i had an emergency section...both midwife and consulatant say this time it would be safer to plan section that im booking tomorrow but i dont really want this unless i really really should! But i cant find much on success after failure. Not been able to read this whole thread as its huge lol but have read bits and peices, you ladies seem really helpful :) xxx
I haven't got any personal experience fo this at all but I know it is totally possible for you to have a VBAC afetr 2 or more sections. If your MW and OB are concerned that the reason for your sections was physiological and would happen again then they migth advise against it but ultimately it is YOUR decision. It's your body after all!

If I were you I would try and get your notes from your previosu births and find out exactly what happened and why and take it from there. The chances are it's just bad luck/malpresentation/the way you labour (i.e. nothing wrong with you)!! The only reason I can see for having a repeat section would be if there were some physiological issue that was causing you to 'fail' to progress which is pretty rare (as I understand it).

Anyway, hope that helps. Good luck!
Hi hun, I cant say I remember reading a great deal about VBAC after a CBAC (you didnt fail at anything!!!)

But if it is VBA2C your MW and OB are complaining about then tell em to stick it, a VBA"C is still less risky in many ways than a ELCS....it certainly has more benefits in every way.

If they are unsupportive of your wish to VBAC then tell them you demand to be seen by different MW/OB.

The risk of UR in VBA2C is still really small, NickyNack who posted a couple pages back is planning a VBA3C!

She found this int he NICE guidelines

"Inform women who have had up to and including four CS that the risk of fever, bladder injuries and surgical injuries does not vary with planned mode of birth and that the risk of uterine rupture, although higher for planned vaginal birth, is rare."
OOhhh it was CBAC week on the ICAN blog not so long ago...let me find the link you may find sme good stuff there...
aha here we go



2 appropriate posts form that weeks collection on CBAC, both on birth after CBAC
38 week appointment today (my appointments are running a little early). Baby 4/5 palpable, so only a little bit engaged. But head down and in a good position just not quite ready to come out yet. Good baby. I have a sofa coming tomorrow and don't have time for labour just yet. Once everything is done for baby and Christmas then I'm gonna hit the birthing ball!!


2 appropriate posts form that weeks collection on CBAC, both on birth after CBAC

You're so bloody helpful missus!! :thumbup:

Quick question - doyou think it would be better to inform my MW of my intentions as soon as possible, or wait until my next appointment (16 weeks - 4th January)??
Asap, as much as it may result in a sharp intake of breath it gives you time to come to an understanding or for you to find a more supportive MW!

another vba2c resource

heres a vbamc link on ican


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