VBAC info/support

Chuck you are AWESOME!! Thank you so much for keeping up with this thread and helping us out!
No problem chickadee, I wish I could do more!

A little something for you to hold in mind Angel being sttesiude and all this is what ACOG say about CS

“Caesarean section without medical indication increases risk of short-term adverse outcomes for mothers. Caesarean section is one of the most commonly performed surgical operations in the world today..." ~World Health Organization (WHO)
No problem chickadee, I wish I could do more!

A little something for you to hold in mind Angel being sttesiude and all this is what ACOG say about CS

“Caesarean section without medical indication increases risk of short-term adverse outcomes for mothers. Caesarean section is one of the most commonly performed surgical operations in the world today..." ~World Health Organization (WHO)

What does the bolded word mean?
bwahahahaha sorry i should check what my toddler has helped type!

He's not very well so was kinda in my lap, I was trying to say being stateside and give you some info from ACOG rather than from British sources.

So I spent the night in L&D last night I have a possible UTI which was making me contact OR I'm in slow labour lol
ANYWAY, The good news is the hospital have their new fancy waterproof wireless trace machines :) Which means I can have constant monitoring (which will shut them all up :haha:) and be comfy and move around and go in the pool if its free :happydance: It's such a load of off my mind :)
Fingers crossed for labour!!

Thats really cool about the monitoring. My hospital have them on order but weren't able to promise they will be here for my delivery.

My current worry about monitoring is that I'm planning to get OH to massage my back until I need the gas and air. Iv'e already made up my super duper labour massage oil and packed it and had him practice. I'm worried the straps will get in the way and make it hard to massage, so I guess its a good thing thats its in my birth plan to have the CTG off if all is ok.
hey ladies :flower: just had my midwife app and it went great :happydance: she was soooo helpful and has given me tons of info on vbac im so pleased about it she seems as determined as i am to make sure it happens natural age gap wasnt even mentioned so nothing to worry about im really happy :thumbup:
Been a bit of a mission trying to get a hold of my mw!! So I wrote a letter and handed it into the surgery. Expecting a "are you kidding" phone call soon :haha:

I;ve explained what I will and will not be happy with, should I get my ideal birth (nothing ever goes 100% to plan does it?!) and the reasons why.

I finished it by saying "I realise this probably goes against guidelines and recommendations; however I would appreciate your support in my decision."

Hopefully she knows I mean business :thumbup:
It wasn't slow labour :( contractions have stopped and I feel well again so it looks like it was a UTI :(

My uric acid and BP are rising so it looks like I may get PET again this pregnancy so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for an ELCS just incase :(
Thank you so much for all those links :) i had my appointment to book my c section but after speaking to the very helpful doctor i am going back in next week to make a solid decision. All these links have been a great read and starting point to find info that helps my situation...it will only be 15 months since my last section (which was my second) and both doctors and the midwife think that my failing to progress in last times vbac the way i did and baby going into distress its a lot more likely thats how its going to go this time too and with my chances of rupture being higher with the 15 month gap of a second section means i pose more risk.

The doc i saw was amazing, she gave me lots of info, answered my million questions and said leave it another week before deciding but she did say she is very pro vaginal birth every time however she was edging more toward the section for me but that i should really do what i want to do, look into it all and decide for myself. If i go for the section and i labour first i can go in, see how far ive got then refuse the section, if i go for vbac and it looks like the same is happening then i will have to wait til it becomes an emergency to get the emergency section...though im going to go through all this stuff with ICAN and other research before i firmly decide...i just want to do what is best for my little boy, it is so hard to know, i really need a crystal ball here ;)

Thanks so much for the info, you have been a massive help :) Also wishing tannembaum well, really hope it all settles down and goes well for you hon xx
ilovebabybean - I am in same sorta predicament! I have booked an elective c-section for the 16th (a week today!!!) though if I go into labour prior to this date I can opt to give the VBAC a try. I'm trying absolutely all I am comfortable with doing to at least entice bubz to come along but I am mentally preparing myself with the elective cs. The consultant who went through the procedure etc, was really helpful and seemed keen for me to have the VBAC, which is why I think he got such a late date for my c-section!
Blimey kcbmama you will be nearly all the way to your due date!!! I think you could be right with the doctor booking it so close lol...curry pineapple and a good bounce on the ball did it for me (or was coincidence i did this all the night before i went into labour last time lol!) I will be watching out for your story then, will you vbac or will you section...either way you must be so excited to know its only going to be one more week and you get to meet your little baby :) It would be the best scenario for me i think, go into labour go in, see everything is ok or going like last time then know what way is the best way to go for baba...such a big decision ay xxx
This is it entirely! I felt so out of control with my last labour! I winged it and didn't prepare myself at all! I arrived at hospital, far too early 3cm dilated! Probably should've stayed at home, moving about! Though consultant did say no matter what I did, he doubts DD1 would've come out as her head was so large! I erno, but this time, like you said, I can see what the signs are and make my choice from there.
Well i think that is a good plan to have and what makes you happy :) at least you can know to prepare a bit more too in case you do get to do the vbac. I went in at 2 lol!! I have 3 days now to make my decision...since yesterday ive been reading hypnobirthing to help me decide and i actually think im going to go for vba2c now!!! Im going to speak to a lady at the hospital this wednesday who runs a vbac clinic there, im too late to get a slot til im only a week away from being due so she has nicely said she will call me next wednesday :) so im going to talk to her about it all then too. Gosh well i hope that this little buba's head is a little more accomodating! xxx
fingers crossed for you hun. I really want my VBAC, in spite of the c-section date seemingly looming I am still preparing myself for normal delivery, though in any case I have been reading about to expect from an elective c-section and the like. I missed my pre-op assessment yesterday and HAVE to go on Monday morning. Not sure what to expect but I am going to make doubly sure what is written in my notes re onset of spontaneous labour. After Monday though I am aware DH is keen for me to go ahead with the c-section as DD1 was born at 39+1 wks and that would be Monday for this one. I understand his anguish, it could not have been easy to be the spectator but I will make my decision based on how I feel at that time.
fingers crossed for you hun. I really want my VBAC, in spite of the c-section date seemingly looming I am still preparing myself for normal delivery, though in any case I have been reading about to expect from an elective c-section and the like. I missed my pre-op assessment yesterday and HAVE to go on Monday morning. Not sure what to expect but I am going to make doubly sure what is written in my notes re onset of spontaneous labour. After Monday though I am aware DH is keen for me to go ahead with the c-section as DD1 was born at 39+1 wks and that would be Monday for this one. I understand his anguish, it could not have been easy to be the spectator but I will make my decision based on how I feel at that time.

I hope you get the delivery you want. I had a section, but will not be having a second one for years yet. That time I hope to do everything different and walk hours and hours.
fingers crossed for you hun. I really want my VBAC, in spite of the c-section date seemingly looming I am still preparing myself for normal delivery, though in any case I have been reading about to expect from an elective c-section and the like. I missed my pre-op assessment yesterday and HAVE to go on Monday morning. Not sure what to expect but I am going to make doubly sure what is written in my notes re onset of spontaneous labour. After Monday though I am aware DH is keen for me to go ahead with the c-section as DD1 was born at 39+1 wks and that would be Monday for this one. I understand his anguish, it could not have been easy to be the spectator but I will make my decision based on how I feel at that time.

Hmmm firstly I would love to see the crystal ball your Dr's have to be able today that because they failed to wait for you to labour and birth last time that this time your body will fail...they may fail to wait again but your body wont fail to progress.

Can I ask why you feel you HAVE to go to an appointment re: a CS?? Unless it's to find out how things will happen...you are allowed to sayno to any appointment.

Dont be pushed into a CS by anyone especially not your OH....at the end of the day they may be concerned about your safety blah blah blha but really they are the scared ones and not the ones that have to labour and birth or the ones that have to give that up.
Hmmm firstly I would love to see the crystal ball your Dr's have to be able today that because they failed to wait for you to labour and birth last time that this time your body will fail...they may fail to wait again but your body wont fail to progress.

Can I ask why you feel you HAVE to go to an appointment re: a CS?? Unless it's to find out how things will happen...you are allowed to sayno to any appointment.

Dont be pushed into a CS by anyone especially not your OH....at the end of the day they may be concerned about your safety blah blah blha but really they are the scared ones and not the ones that have to labour and birth or the ones that have to give that up.

I would love to see that ball. I think I keep swinging between ok, they are the doctors, they know best, and I don't want to repeat what happened with DD1, but then a big part of me is saying trust yourself and your body to push this baby out, I made her, I can do it!

RE: the appointment - I guess I feel if anything, they will just cancel the eleccs and if I labour on my own, they will just wait till I'm knackered and declare a c-section is needed and wheel me off! Ok I know they need my consent before they do anything, I'm just a bit of a worry wart!

I don't think DH has any clue as to how made up I would be if I pushed my 'humungous' baby out and basically stuck 2 fingers up at the medical 'professionals'. It's not all about that, I wanna be mobile, I wanna pick my DD1 up and give her the biggest cuddle and I don't want to have to fight to have a VBA2C, though I damn well will if I have too!
You so havent got long now kcbmama...any signs?...did you go to the appointment this morning? I know what you mean about the OH, we were very upset and scared at our last vbac and mine is the same, obviously going with what i want to decide but prefering i do the section instead! I totally see why he feels like this, i think im settled on vba2c.

Ive been reading hypnobirthing to help me decide and there is a whole chapter on FTP and fear etc so am learning relaxation techniques in case that might help, not that i have a fear or anything but anythign that might help im up for ;) I postponed another appointment for after i hear from the vbac midwife (wednesday) at the hospital and speak to my midwife (today). Though im 99% going vbac again now have a few million more questions first.

I know what you mean, its hard going against medical advice when its ya baby...may be leaving it to fate of baby deciding to come before section or not is a good idea, be great for you to assess progress yourself to be able to make that decision instead :) I think you are doing the right thing and only you know what is best for you and your baby :) Either way its not long for you now! Hope you are ok today and if you went to app that it went well...crossing my fingers baby gets a wriggle on xxx

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