VBAC info/support

Oh Nicky that wasnt my intention...sorry.

The ways if reducing UR are simple, do not induce! Induction using synto/pit increased the rates of UR a lot.

You need to have a good labour, so one where you are relaxed and confident and able to listen to your body...these women had warning signs.

If you want to feel safe be in a hospital under OB care...however all to often OB care in a hospital in counter-productive to a good labour. For instance they will want you to have constant fetal monitoring which has not been proved to improve outcome and in facet increases the lieklihood of needing a EMCS because it does not allow you freedom to move and relax.

The risk of UR is tiny, its around the same risk as shoulder dystocia in ANY pregnancy - doing soe reading about that is enough to scare the pants of anyone!

No birth is without its risks, but there are many benefits to different modes of birth .
and delivery .

You have to weigh up those risks against the benefits to you and baby.

Oh no, it;s my own stupid emotional fault for reading them!! I've just explained to my hubby (why I was crying!) and told him the reasons for my conflict.....I know that the "safest" option in a VBAC is hospital led care., with continuous fetal monitoring, but I also know in my heart that if I am forced to lay in a hospital bed, being monitored, I wont progress properly, I want to be able to move about and get in the pool.... I'm happy for them to insert a needle in my hand for them to be able to knock me out immediately if the need arises, obviously I would like to watch my baby being born but if it came down to a life-or-death situation I would prefer to be asleep than risk anything.....

Here's my thoughts.... is there anything else I need to be thinking of? I have an appointment with the consultant on 13th Feb so I will be going through everything, but I dont want to be frightened into meekly accepting a ELCS!

I intend to have no inductions or synthetic hormones - I have long cycles of around 30-35 days, so it makes sense to assume I will be overdue....also I have never went into spontaneous labour (DD1 - induction at 41+2 & born at 41+4. DD2 ELCS @ 39+4 and DD3 ELCS @ 39w) so I assume I cook longer than 40 weeks :shrug:

I intend to have no medical pain relief as I want to be fully aware of any niggles or warning signs my body is giving me, and have a clear head to deal with these.

I intend to allow them to monitor the baby at regular intervals, and perform any checks they feel they need to, whilst I am in labour, happy to get out the pool for this if needs be.

Don't agree to ARM, continuous FM, bed bound labouring, or "time-limits" on my labour....
I'm not going to read those stories hehe. I'm liking my odds for a safe labour and delivery...
That sounds great Nicky, just ensure you and hubby are 100% about what you want and need so you can both ensure you get it.

Once you're labouring hard it is difficult to argue your point or fight for something.

I planned HBAC and ended up going into hospital and in stirrups pushing with a managed 3rd stage that I didnt want at all all because I had no ability to argue or fight as I was already working so hard and hubby was worse than useless LOL
Hi, I wont be ttcing no2 for at least 2 years but am hoping if I have no2 I have a VBAC and heck....possibly a HBAC! I'll be keeping an eye on this thread with interest :)
Hi, I wont be ttcing no2 for at least 2 years but am hoping if I have no2 I have a VBAC and heck....possibly a HBAC! I'll be keeping an eye on this thread with interest :)

Good stuff MrsPOP, planning my HBAC was the best thing I ever did...didnt quite get my homebirth but it was worth it!
That sounds great Nicky, just ensure you and hubby are 100% about what you want and need so you can both ensure you get it.

Once you're labouring hard it is difficult to argue your point or fight for something.

I planned HBAC and ended up going into hospital and in stirrups pushing with a managed 3rd stage that I didnt want at all all because I had no ability to argue or fight as I was already working so hard and hubby was worse than useless LOL

I've no fears about that, he is absolutely behind me - in fact I think he understands why I need to do it, better than I do!!

He's very opinionated, and a big lad at 6ft5 so not easily intimidated. To be honest, although he is a wonderful husband and father, when the mood strikes him he is probably the most stubborn and arrogant person in the world! Arrogant in that he will decide we are right and stubbornly refuse to budge one centimetre lol. So I'm bot worried
About being bullied in labour, he simply won't allow it.

After chatting and calming myself down, I'm back to my confident self. I've been reading the birthing stories in Ina Mays Guide to Childbirth and I am feeling alot more positive.

Just a hormonal wobbly earlier I think!! Thanks for support chuck, you really are a gem :) :hugs:



Here we are just a few stories with different outcomes for mama and baby.

These stories have just scared the life out of me.... I was so confident but now I am reconsidering my choice of a VBAC.... if anything happened to my baby I would be completely distraught, and would (quite rightly) consider it all my fault...

Are there any ways to minimise the risks of a UR, or ways of ensuring a swift delivery if UR occurs? I know these are rare cases but -- what if?? :cry:

oooooh! I agree! Scary stuff!! :cry:

I really don't know what I want to do second time round now. :nope::shrug:

I know UR is a small risk but reading these stories it shows it maybe a small risk but it's also a very real risk - like Nicky - I don't think I could ever forgive myself if I attempted a VBAC and anything happened to the baby :nope:

Although I do not want another section! .,...........it's got to come out somehow?!?!! :shrug:
I would highly recommend Ina may Gaskin's guide to childbirth. It's normalised the birth process again for me. And talk it over with your husband, mines told me that yes, the risk is a real risk. But something could go wrong with the c section. You could crash your car and have a UR. he said that all ways of births carry risks. So that help me get a better perspective.

But you must always weigh up your own risks like chuck said, and go with the best option for you.
I think its a good thing to read the UR stories, we have to be aware of all the risks, we cant kid ourselves they aren't there.

But by the same token you can risk awful things in any birth, CS or vaginal.

After all its probably more common to get a 4th degree tear or be torn that bad by forceps and need reconstructive surgery, or to have to have your babies bones broken because of dystocia, of haemorrhage so badly you need transfusions during surgery .... etc etc all probably more common but somewhat ignored.

We are an unusual position of having a known additional risk we can educate ourselves about.

Many women dont look at any risks of any mode of birth so when something happens its scary as hell on every level.
Havent heard anything, hoping she's busy with her little one!
Olive Josephine Shepherd born at 41+1 by elcs on the 30th December 2011 at 11:02am weighing 7lbs 12oz!!!!!!!!! (DD1 was only 5lbs 10.5oz!)

I'll write everything up when I have the time but I'll post a quick summary now :)

It was SCARY!! I cried so much whlist they were getting me preped as all the memories from last time came flooding back BUT overall it was so much better than my emcs, they lowered the screen so we saw her being born <3 she cried right away which made me cry my eyes out :blush: (DD1 didn't cry and noone would tell is if she was okay!) I got to hold her for a bit while they stiched me up as I wasn't numb upto my shoulders this time :)

We were discharged today (compaired to a week with DD1) BUT I'm in SO MUCH PAIN :cry: It was not this bad last time and for some reason they haven't given me any pain meds so :cry:'m gonna have to ask for some tomorrow.

Thanks everyone for the help and support throughout my pregnancy. :thumbup:
What a lovely birth picture! :flower: Congratulations!

No pain meds?!?! :shrug: that's strange - can't you call the on call midwife hun? You shouldn't have to struggle with the pain through the night! :nope:




Here we are just a few stories with different outcomes for mama and baby.

AAAAAAANNND now I'm terrified!!!!! :dohh:

BUT we must see all sides of the picture before making a truly informed decision, Thanks x x x
Congratulations tannenbaum!! Olive is a gorgeous name, I have it on my girls list but I'm not sure DH will agree.
Huge4 congrats sweetie! She looks gorgeous! Wonderful to see you both smiling there.

I wasnt given any pain meds to go home with either, I was told I would only have gotten paracetamol and maybe diclofenac anyway and we had that in the cupboard.

If you know that wont touch the sides then request something else.

Take things easy you know the score!!
Congrats Tannembaum!!! I didn't get pain meds with my c-section either. I just alternated Tylenol and Advil and that made it manageable.

I'd rather not read any horror stories about u/r.... I understand it's a risk, and I like knowing the warning signs, but I don't think reading the worst case scenarios will make me more prepared for my labour. :shrug: Just like I don't want to read about miscarriages when I'm in the first trimester! :flower:
Congratulations tannembaum!

I am mostly a lurker on this thread. I have now been booked in for my elcs on 16 January but I have agreed that I will give VBAC a go if I go into labour naturally before then, so I though it might be a good idea to revisit this thread just in case!
Congrats tannenbaum :) no meds?...jeeez, i would def go and sort that out tomorrow even to just take the edge off with diplofenic and paraceptomol better than nothing at all you poor thing!!! Awwww that is a great weight, glad it all went well and you two are home n well xxx

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