VBAC info/support

It's all researched scientific facts though, it's not biased! Just point him to this thread ;)

I echo your feelings exactly. And have great faith in my body now. I didn't before. And just because you have had big babies before doesn't mean you always will :shrug:

You can only do your best at the end of the day, and if your baby is too big for your pelvis (which they rarely are) then at least you know you have given it your best shot!!

And hopefully, you can show your hubby my birth story of a VBA3C in June :thumbup:
Just had another sweep and my MW is really shocked I'm not already in labour! So hopefully I'll go naturally today lol....going for a walk in a min and maybe a curry :haha:

I don't even care if the curry makes me poo in labour just as long as this baby comes like its supposed to!

ooohhh good stuff TB...*poke poke poke* I'll get busy with the labour baton!

I'm back home with baby again. He isn't doing brilliantly with feeding as he is very weak and tired so I'm having to top up. But he is fully recovered from whatever was making him poorly. The doctors think it was a virus that he was just so little he found it hard to fight it as all his investigations came back negative.

Glad you're home Celesse...try not to worry about teh BF'ing...easier said than done I know I still beat myself up about it, any BM you can get intolo is for the best whether you manage to get back to fully BF'ing is something you can take day by day.

Hiya I'm new here and I don't really know where to post.

My aim for next year is to lose 3 stone by sept/oct and then have my rod taken out of my arm then TTC.

I have had two fairly larged sized babes my first a boy 10lbs 10.5oz 57cm long @42+1 ERM CS. :dohh:
and my girl was an 'elective' section at 38w she weighed 9lbs1oz 58cm long (I was in slow labour the day before 2cm and 70% effaced, emotionally I was not strong due to my dad being in a coma and both my grandparents dieing so I just went with the "safe" option, im gutted about it now I've healed metally.. :cry:

alot happened with both and I would like to be able to explain but I dont think im in the right place for it.

Anywhoo I have decided I don't want another c section, much to my husbands terror after what we went through the first time, but I dont care I want a normal birth and do not see why I shouldn't have one. I live in south wales and dont even know if there is a midwife who will support me over here. hmmpphh... BUT I'm determined to have my normal birth :happydance:

Am I being selfish or crazy??? I am happy to share both my experiences but as I said before im unsure if I am in the right place? Thanks guys :) x x x

Not selfish at all missus...you are making the choices you know are best by you....I just read a lovely story on birthwithoutfear about a mama who birthed a 12lber who was breech at41 weeks but turned last minute...you can get a biggun out!
Hi Ladies! :hi:

Just wondering if I can join in the thread :flower:

I had a c-section with my daughter, Alia at 41 weeks. I was induced with cervadil when I was 5 days past my due date and went into labour from that. My waters were broken by the doctor and I was in intense labour for 26 hours before having the c/s. I failed to dilate past 5cm. Turns out that Alia was facing the wrong way (she was posterior) and was most likely the reason she got "stuck". She was never in distress, however. The c/s went very smoothly and my recovery was fantastic.

I really want to have a VBAC this time around..... the main reason is that hubby and I would like to have 4 children, and the thought of 4 c/s just makes me very unsettled. But also I would love to have the experience of giving birth vaginally.... plus I did have some trouble with BFing as it took me 5 days for my milk to come in. In the end I was able to BF for 7 months.

I think I'm a pretty good candidate for VBAC.... I'm tall (5'8), relatively young (27), my c/s healed very well and quickly, and the reason for c/s was most likely due to posterior position. The only thing that worries me is that the baby will be big. Alia was 8lbs12oz, and I am bigger this time around.

So glad to find this thread, a lot of good information here!!!

One question I have for those who have had a VBAC: What did the contractions feel like at your scar sight? Were you aware of your scar or was it similar to your first labour?? I'm just wondering if I go into labour and start getting pain at the scar site if it's a sign of potential U/R or if it's totally normal.
Morning Melissa...you sound like an ideal VBAC candidate.

I can honestly say that I wasn't aware of my scar at all in labour 2nd time around,
there was no extra pain or sensation there at all.

Can I put you on the front page hun?
teehee i was just counting that out LOL!!!

Not long now missus!
So I have an elcs booked for tomorrow :cry:
Not what I wanted at all BUT I'm happier having an elcs than being induced so I'm feeling slightly more in control.
Had another(!!!!) sweep today to find my cervix, while still favourable is still exactly the same as last Thursday despite constant tightenings and 3 sweeps so its not looking likely baby would come by itself.
Best of luck for a through-the-night labour tannembaum, or alternatively, a complication-free op, and a speedy recovery :)
Thanks ladies lmao at my comment "bias" I did mean biased, I see you picked up on that though... thanks :D

I do believe I can do it and I feel I was very misinformed the first time and after a 30 second measurement with the consultant given an elc's quicker than I could ask..... hmm.

I want to at least try and have a natural (gas and air) active labour, all the odds were against me I was never going to have my first naturally, there was so much interference and I did not believe in my self or trust my body, I was very scared and distressed as I hate hosps and the midwifes were horrible to me, treated me like I was 14 and accidently got "knocked up" errghh! horrible women they were! :growlmad:

Any way it's no more negative thoughts for me anymore! It's just PMA all the way! :rain:

I'm certainly not giving in and having a "safer" section this time. Safer my arse! ](*,)

Thank you ladies for being so lovely on here :hugs: x x x x
[QUOTE\]And hopefully, you can show your hubby my birth story of a VBA3C in June :thumbup:[/QUOTE] (sorry I cant quote yet :dohh:)

I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hope so, good luck !!!!!!!! :flower:
theres a button to quote a post at the bottom of each person post box "reply with quote
Good Luck Tannembaum. :hugs:
I have a feeling that I'm going to go overdue as well....makes things a lot more complicated, doesn't it?
So I have an elcs booked for tomorrow :cry:
Not what I wanted at all BUT I'm happier having an elcs than being induced so I'm feeling slightly more in control.
Had another(!!!!) sweep today to find my cervix, while still favourable is still exactly the same as last Thursday despite constant tightenings and 3 sweeps so its not looking likely baby would come by itself.

All the best for tomorrow tannembaum x
Hi Ladies,

I have a question and figured this is the best place to ask it.........

Have any of you had, or know anyone who has actually had, a UR whilst in labour?? :shrug:

I'm asking as I'm thinking that if you attempt a VBAC - then providing you don't have an epidural (or other drugs that would totally stop you feeling pain) then would you have warning pains before the rupture? Or would it just be a quick and sudden thing!?? :shrug:

Not a nice thing to think about but I've been thinking about it and can't get it out of my head for some reason. :nope:
Thinking of you Tannenbaum...hope all goes well today. make that CS yours hun you can make it a good one!

Hi Ladies,

I have a question and figured this is the best place to ask it.........

Have any of you had, or know anyone who has actually had, a UR whilst in labour?? :shrug:

I'm asking as I'm thinking that if you attempt a VBAC - then providing you don't have an epidural (or other drugs that would totally stop you feeling pain) then would you have warning pains before the rupture? Or would it just be a quick and sudden thing!?? :shrug:

Not a nice thing to think about but I've been thinking about it and can't get it out of my head for some reason. :nope:

I dont know anyone that has had a UR but having read a bunch about them most of what are termed as UR are more a stretching or dehesion of the scar rather than it literally tearing open.

The conversations I had with my MW and from what I have read describe warning signs as being pain in the scar between contractions that is different to the contraction pain and changes in the maternal blood pressure.

I guess sometimes there will be warning and others it'll be fairly sudden and catastrophic...but the thing to remember is the UR rate is very very low no matter what less than 1% and those stats have been made including details of EVERY UR recorded, no matter what the severity and ioutcome and those in unscarred uterii and those that didnt occur in labour (i.e. in a car crash).

I'll see if I can find some accounts of UR to add to give the whole picture.
These are the sign of a UR

Excessive vaginal bleeding
Extreme pain between contractions ((may or may not be felt through epidural, though it usually is because of it’s severity)
Contractions that slow down or become less intense
Abdominal pain or tenderness
Baby’s head moves back up birth canal
Bulge in the abdomen or under the pubic bone (where the baby may be coming through the tear in the uterus)
Sharp onset of pain at the site of previous scar
Uterus becomes soft
Shoulder pain
Heart decels in baby



Here we are just a few stories with different outcomes for mama and baby.



Here we are just a few stories with different outcomes for mama and baby.

These stories have just scared the life out of me.... I was so confident but now I am reconsidering my choice of a VBAC.... if anything happened to my baby I would be completely distraught, and would (quite rightly) consider it all my fault...

Are there any ways to minimise the risks of a UR, or ways of ensuring a swift delivery if UR occurs? I know these are rare cases but -- what if?? :cry:
Oh Nicky that wasnt my intention...sorry.

The ways if reducing UR are simple, do not induce! Induction using synto/pit increased the rates of UR a lot.

You need to have a good labour, so one where you are relaxed and confident and able to listen to your body...these women had warning signs.

If you want to feel safe be in a hospital under OB care...however all to often OB care in a hospital in counter-productive to a good labour. For instance they will want you to have constant fetal monitoring which has not been proved to improve outcome and in facet increases the lieklihood of needing a EMCS because it does not allow you freedom to move and relax.

The risk of UR is tiny, its around the same risk as shoulder dystocia in ANY pregnancy - doing soe reading about that is enough to scare the pants of anyone!

No birth is without its risks, but there are many benefits to different modes of birth .
and delivery .

You have to weigh up those risks against the benefits to you and baby.

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