VBAC info/support

You can add me if you like :) edd 22/06/12

Ps Celesse wow!! I've had an OP labour and it HURT!! Well done x
So I'm still pregnant :(
Thursday (induction day) is drawing nearer and I have to say my terror is returning full force. I've spent the past two days crying!!

Did anyone here have an induction that went wrong and ended in an emcs go onto have another induction that worked?

I'm praying they call on Thursday and tell me L&D are too busy to admit me otherwise I think I might have to cancel and opt for monitoring as I don't think I can do it!!

It's got to the stage where I am questioning why I ever thought it was a good idea to have another baby.

I was so confident before all this overdue/inducing business happened!
you are allowed to not go for induction hun.

if you dont want it call and cancel!!
I think I might have to as I'm in a complete state about it.

I'm gonna ask to go to DAU on Thursday instead to be monitored and have my bloods taken to check my uric acid isn't going up. If all is well with my blood and baby I'm gonna wait to go naturally, if not I'll have to make my mind up then about what to do.

The problem I'm having is I would much rather have a elcs than being induced BUT OH is only off of work till the 3rd so I'll have no help and support at home with looking after DD unless MIL comes over everyday which I DO NOT want.

Do you know how long it would take for me to be able to lift DD and take care of her if I was to have an elcs? She's only a dinky 20lbs so she isn't an average 18 month old size.
I'm so glad I came across this thread. From the day I found out that I was pregnant, I have been doing research on VBAC. I really am hoping for a VBAC this time around. My story is actually quite silly!

I was induced at 40+1 (doc said so and I just followed thinking that this is the way it is done???). Gel was given at 9am. I definitely wasn't ready for labour and neither was my LG. At 12pm my waters were broken (3cm) and at 12:30pm I was given the epidural. I just sat in bed from then until around 6:30pm when the doc came in and said it doesn't look good and that I was not dilating fast enough. I was still 3cm at that time. And then she said that baby is getting tired, her heartbeat is slowing down and that she was moving back up so its best to do a C-Sec. When we decided it was less than 5 min and I was laying on the table ready to be cut!

I just feel so cheated with the entire experience and only now that I am pregnant again have I started questioning the events on that day? When they took bubs out, I didn't even get to hold her and before I knew it I passed out. I woke up feeling very cold and alone. I had so many problems with breastfeeding and bonding with her in the beginning. I suffered depression that lasted over a year. I really hated being a mother at some point because of all these issues. My recovery was slow and painful. I could not walk properly for at least 4 weeks post op.

This time around I am going to try my best and am planning a natural birth! At a birthing center run by midwives with backup OB's on site. I am already prepping myself. I even started drinking raspberry leaf tea now. I would rather have the pain of labour and birth for even 48 hours then the pain that I had post cesarean. It was awful :(
Aw tannembaum only one more day, you poor thing being so upset. I know that when i had sections i couldnt of picked up a 20lb baby for quite some time and prob not advised to for quite some weeks because of your scar, could you not ask them for an elective instead that be in a few days giving you a chance to start naturally? Might be worth asking about?

Hey iced queen :) have they told you you can go to the birthing centre?...Might be different where you are, where i am i was told i had to go to a hospital for a vbac and wasnt aloud at the birthing centre! What a nightmare your first birth became, sounds completely unprofesional! Why did you pass out?! how scary for you. Sounds like the people looking after you had no idea what they were doing why induce you at 40+1! Hope you are ok now and getting lots of proper well informed support this time xx
Hey iced queen :) have they told you you can go to the birthing centre?...Might be different where you are, where i am i was told i had to go to a hospital for a vbac and wasnt aloud at the birthing centre! What a nightmare your first birth became, sounds completely unprofesional! Why did you pass out?! how scary for you. Sounds like the people looking after you had no idea what they were doing why induce you at 40+1! Hope you are ok now and getting lots of proper well informed support this time xx

My situation is slightly complicated right now. I live in Dubai where there is no midwife led care available here. I really don't want to or rather don't trust going to another hospital here after my first experience. I am from South Africa and I have found a wonderful active birth center which is a 10 minute drive away from my mom's place. They have private rooms each with a private garden and equipped with bathtubs etc so I can try for a water birth at least :D. They do have a an operating room for emergencies and resident OB's. I am in touch with one of the OB's and he is already keen. Am just waiting for the midwife to respond to my email... festive season so response will be a little slow.

I don't know what happened after my DD was born. I was awake one second and the next thing I remember waking up in recovery? Yes I am so angry that the doctor induced me. I did not even question it and thought this is the normal procedure! Silly me :nope:
TB....I would decline the induction,...you now what is needed for a positive labour and thinking about the induction is causing you a lot of distress. There is NO harm in waiting if you are both healthy.

I reckon it'd be a couple weeks before you could pick up DD confidently, but you would manage, after all you are a mum and we are super, you could always get MIL around little an often to help if it came to it.

WELCOME IQ...always good to see more VBACers here..can I add you to the front page of VBAC hopefuls?

Hard isnt it, you do your reading and think you know whats what with pregnancy and birth and then the MW/Dr suggests something and we agree and then well we're all in this thread arent we? LOL

Second time around we know what we want and we know how to get it!
A week on from my Vbac and I'm feeling pretty well physically. Foof still a little sore, but doesnt compare with scar pain.

Unfortunately baby has been really poorly and we got admitted to children's ward on day 3. They thought he had menengitis, but he has been given the all clear. He was very very sick at one point but is on the mend now and hopefully home tomorrow. I'm very tired from it all and not been able to take my iron tablets as it upset my tummy.
Celesse - Gosh I'm sorry to hear about LO, hope he gets better soon!!!
And I hope your iron levels increase for you too!! :hugs:

Thanks everyone. I'm still pretty emotional, everytime I try and think about things I burst into tears. The problem I'm having is I'm kinda on a tight schedule, FIL passed away 2 years go on the 2nd Jan so this baby just cant be born in Jan for OH and the babys sake as it will just be too much of an unhappy time, its not fair on anyone.
Awww sorry to hear things have been difficult Celesse, try and get hold of some Spatone for the iron, must be easier on your tummy that nasty tablets!
Tannenbaum...don't push yourself to have this baby by a certain time, it may be a sad time and will always have a place in peoples hearts as a sad time but a babies birthday in Jan might be just what's needed to remind people that things arent always sad!
WELCOME IQ...always good to see more VBACers here..can I add you to the front page of VBAC hopefuls?

Hard isnt it, you do your reading and think you know whats what with pregnancy and birth and then the MW/Dr suggests something and we agree and then well we're all in this thread arent we? LOL

Second time around we know what we want and we know how to get it!

Thanks please add me. I am so determined this time around. I am just arming myself with as much information as possible. I sometimes feel like calling my previous OB up and asking her why the induction without trying anything else! It makes me so mad to think about it now. I suffered for so long after the op. I could feel that stuff wasn't right in my body. Now I have horrible hyperhidrosis. I was the one that used to have icey cold feet throughout the year. Now I am hot and flushed most of the time. I have the AC on full blast all day on 22 degrees celsius or else I break out into a sweat. No fun! My poor family suffers and feel cold all the time.

Sorry to read about your situation Celesse. Hope the little one is ok.
Just had another sweep and my MW is really shocked I'm not already in labour! So hopefully I'll go naturally today lol....going for a walk in a min and maybe a curry :haha:

I don't even care if the curry makes me poo in labour just as long as this baby comes like its supposed to!
Good luck Tannembaum. Can't believe your still pregnant. I've heard that sex following a sweep helps seals the deal. I wouldn't worry too much about pooing, I found I did most of my pooing right at the start of labour.

I'm back home with baby again. He isn't doing brilliantly with feeding as he is very weak and tired so I'm having to top up. But he is fully recovered from whatever was making him poorly. The doctors think it was a virus that he was just so little he found it hard to fight it as all his investigations came back negative.
Hiya I'm new here and I don't really know where to post.

My aim for next year is to lose 3 stone by sept/oct and then have my rod taken out of my arm then TTC.

I have had two fairly larged sized babes my first a boy 10lbs 10.5oz 57cm long @42+1 ERM CS. :dohh:
and my girl was an 'elective' section at 38w she weighed 9lbs1oz 58cm long (I was in slow labour the day before 2cm and 70% effaced, emotionally I was not strong due to my dad being in a coma and both my grandparents dieing so I just went with the "safe" option, im gutted about it now I've healed metally.. :cry:

alot happened with both and I would like to be able to explain but I dont think im in the right place for it.

Anywhoo I have decided I don't want another c section, much to my husbands terror after what we went through the first time, but I dont care I want a normal birth and do not see why I shouldn't have one. I live in south wales and dont even know if there is a midwife who will support me over here. hmmpphh... BUT I'm determined to have my normal birth :happydance:

Am I being selfish or crazy??? I am happy to share both my experiences but as I said before im unsure if I am in the right place? Thanks guys :) x x x
Hey opalfruits.

Firstly, :hi: and welcome :)

As you will see from my signature, I'm attempting a VBA3C. The links on the first page are excellent and you may not know this but your midwife will support you whatever you decided. They may not be happy about your choice but it is your choice. Likewise the consultant you will be referred to, no one can make you do something you don't want to.

Gather lots of info and present it to your hubby. Mines was behind me
100% once he was aware of the facts. And be prepared to fight for your choice, and this thread is excellent for advice and support.

Thank you so much!!! wow vba3c! I couldn't find anything on vba2c let alone three, well done you! I'm worried because we tend to make big babies but thats where the worry ends tbh the risks f them cutting my organs again are higher than a uterine rupture, and so are many more.
To be completely honest my Hubby wont care what I say to him because he knows it's what I want and I am very convincing so he will see my view as bias, if I can get a midwife on board only then will he be happy.
He gives me the impression its foolish but he will go along with it because he knows I will have my own way.
I have told him that I will be getting my pelvis examined ect becuase some lady in the OR said "oh look at the moulding on your babies head you'd be lucky to give birth to a six pounder" hmmm:dohh:

I just want my body to do its job and not have drastic surgery to give birth! is that so wrong?:wacko:

The info on here is great thank you :happydance:


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