VBAC info/support

Yeah I'm pretty sure I was just sent home with paracetamols too. If it's not working though, let them know!
Congratulations Tannembaum

Just wanted to let you all know that I was induced for my VBAC and had ARM. Both of which where ok, I used only gas and air, baby was 8lb 13oz at 40+12. I didn't want constant monitoring as I felt it would slow me down so I agreed to it at intervals and if any stage their was concern then things would change. I laboured very slow to 4cm looked likely that I'd have another EMCS due to FTP this time and all of a sudden in a very short time I dilate to 10cm and 11 minutes later my daughter was born.
I'm currently due on the 11th Jan this time, trying for a vaginal birth again, for this baby number 3 I'd love to go into labour as I didn't manage it with the other 2.

First section was for FTP and fetal distress, despite it being detected in pregnancy that I had a bradycardic baby! I was induced at 40+10, laboured for 30 something hours and was then rushed in. Baby only weight 6lb 13oz.
Hey there missus, well done you you worked hard!

Why were you induced with AROM for your VBAC may I ask? Was it just being edd +12? Or were there other factors?
Mind if I add you to the front page Irishmammy?
Congrats Tannebaum! I would call the on call MW and get some rectal diclofenac suppositories...those things were AWESOME post section for me.
Chuck, can I ask, why was your first LO's birth via 'unecesearan'? Do you have a birth story?
Hey there missus, well done you you worked hard!

Why were you induced with AROM for your VBAC may I ask? Was it just being edd +12? Or were there other factors?

Was induced with gels for being post dates with no dilation or effacement (refused section til they couldnt book one, was 17th dec 2008) and when I got dilated enough they ruptured my membranes. With 1st the couldn't rupture them not sure why cause they were able to apply a monitor to his head and I've never really realised that to now.
They have said they would try another induction this time if I go over but they are hoping to be able to do a sweep.
Feel free to add me, I think people should know there are options and I know the most positive thing for me when trying for a VBAC was knowing that my aunt achieved it 32 yrs ago and from that reading others
I have never written a full birth story for either birth ... I've never gotten to a place where I feel I can put it all down in a conherent way. I want the birth stories to be the completion of my birth journey and I dont feel there quite. although all the details are here on BnB in a few places.

DS1 basically was...
2 days of prelabour (EDD 17th Dec 2009) starting on xmas eve.
Xmas night went to birth centre
Laboured throughout the night using GnA in a bath and the pool
By morning had made 1 maybe 2cm progress - baby is OP
Given pethadine and sent 20 miles away to hospital
Ignored for hours
Left for a couple more hours
No food given 'just in case'
Synto started
Epi requested
Monitoring started
Poor trace so clip on babies head now
few minor decels with synto so reduced
More waiting
Synto increased
Still slow progress - no wonder as I'm flat on my back being told off for moving
Get 8cm by late evening
Threatened with theatre
Given another hour
Prepped for theatre at 11pm ish
Epi broken in process - cue AGONY
OB tells me to do another hour and turns up synto
I get to 9.5cm - anterior cervical lip is all thats left
Sent to theatre just after midnight after being shouted at by the anaesthetist and told to shut up and have a spinal
Husband wont come with me
In theatre alone and no one tells me or shows me my baby until I hear crying on the otherside of the room and have to ask if its my baby.
45 mins together at max then sent to ward unable to care for my baby properly its the middle of the night and I'm expected to sleep.

,,,Yeah not necessary.

Baby never in distress, no ones life was saved.

It took me months to come to terms with the fact the baby I was given was the baby I had carried for nearly 10 months, longer to learn to love him.

There was never any question for me that next time I would plan a homebirth, there were many other details and experiences that added to the overall negative outcomes.

Had I been supported properly and given time to labour naturally the outcome could have been very different.
That sounds so awful and it's not even the whole story! I hope you made some complaints!!
I had some of my show this morning. This will be sod's law for me saying I'll try for VBAC if things start naturally before my section date, which is two weeks today lol.

It's stopped now and nothing else has happened so I don't think anything is imminent but can anyone tell me how quickly you need to get to hospital if things do start? I vaguely recall my midwife saying at booking in that you need to go in more quickly if you've had a previous section. I didn't really pay attention because I always had elcs in my mind.

I will read the info on here more carefully later but I've had a shit morning and need a cuppa and a nice bath for now.
Wow Chuck what a terrible time you had :( in fact...we had very similar experiences :( :hugs:
Snuffy, recommendations are that you go in sooner rather then later for monitoring

BUT I would suggest not rushing at first twinge to ensure you are really in good labour before getting hounded for monitoring and cannulas and those silly recommendations that hinder a good labour.
Sorry you had such a bad experience chuck :hugs:

Mine was similar as well....Alia was posterior...however I was allowed to labour naturally for as long as I wanted (could only take 13 hours of that horrible back labour)...and since baby was always doing fine, never in distress, they let me labour for another 13 hours before suggesting c-section. I agreed because at that point I was absolutely exhausted and I had been sitting at 5cm dilated for 16 hours.
The worst part about the c-section was the bonding and breastfeeding IMO. I only got to hold her for a few minutes before DH took her while I was stapled up. And then it took forever for my milk to come in so BFing was difficult in the beginning. Those are a couple of my main reasons for wanting a VBAC.

I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow. I'm hoping he's optimistic about me having a VBAC. He's been supportive so far but I'm afraid an ultrasound might show a giant in my belly. His wife has had two VBACs though and he's done hundreds over the years....he even told me that he is the best doctor to have in the area for a VBAC, so that gives me confidence. I think I'm going to push to hold off on a ELCS till I am at least one week overdue.
Book an ELCS for 2 weeks over if you have to book one at all LOL

Mrs Raggle whats your EDD missus can I pop you on the front page too please?
Have just stumbled across this thread, I look forward to reading as this is what im hoping for next time!
Ooh I've just come across this thread, hi! :D

I'm Shannon, 20 and I have a 13 month old named Victoria (Tori)! To summarize my birth story, induced at 40+1 for hidden preeclampsia. Basically LO was stuck in my pelvis. "Insufficient pelvic space", they said. They brought up c-section. I begged them to let me try to labor. 5 minutes later LO's heart rate dropped to almost 0. Emergency c-section. :(

(You can read my full birth story here.)

I'm dying for a VBAC but I don't know how it'll happen. :cry:
Ooh I've just come across this thread, hi! :D

I'm Shannon, 20 and I have a 13 month old named Victoria (Tori)! To summarize my birth story, induced at 40+1 for hidden preeclampsia. Basically LO was stuck in my pelvis. "Insufficient pelvic space", they said. They brought up c-section. I begged them to let me try to labor. 5 tminutes later LO's heart rate dropped to almost 0. Emergency c-section. :(

(You can read my full birth story here.)

I'm dying for a VBAC but I don't know how it'll happen. :cry:
This sounds similar to me - last time I was induced due to PE but Amy was a big girl and that plus dilation stopping dead at 8cm meant she was never coming out on her own, so when my kidneys started shutting down due to the PE I was whisked off for an EMCS.

Despite my history my consultant has said there is no reason why I couldn't try for a vaginal birth like any first time mum this time.

I can see benefits in both options but I have gone for a ELCS but have said if things start off naturally before then (which is starting to feel likely) that I will try for a VBAC.

My main fear and the reason I opted for the ELCS is the chance of it not working and ending up with another EMCS. I have already told them that I will not consent to being induced again.
Ooh I've just come across this thread, hi! :D

I'm Shannon, 20 and I have a 13 month old named Victoria (Tori)! To summarize my birth story, induced at 40+1 for hidden preeclampsia. Basically LO was stuck in my pelvis. "Insufficient pelvic space", they said. They brought up c-section. I begged them to let me try to labor. 5 tminutes later LO's heart rate dropped to almost 0. Emergency c-section. :(

(You can read my full birth story here.)

I'm dying for a VBAC but I don't know how it'll happen. :cry:
This sounds similar to me - last time I was induced due to PE but Amy was a big girl and that plus dilation stopping dead at 8cm meant she was never coming out on her own, so when my kidneys started shutting down due to the PE I was whisked off for an EMCS.

Despite my history my consultant has said there is no reason why I couldn't try for a vaginal birth like any first time mum this time.

I can see benefits in both options but I have gone for a ELCS but have said if things start off naturally before then (which is starting to feel likely) that I will try for a VBAC.

My main fear and the reason I opted for the ELCS is the chance of it not working and ending up with another EMCS. I have already told them that I will not consent to being induced again.

My LO was small. 6lbs at 40+2. But I am petite. My OB/GYN warned me my stature might result in a c-section but I forgot about it. I'm hoping now that because of pregnancy my hips and pelvis will be a little wider and I might have the slightest chance of a VBAC. I don't want to be induced either. I know if I have to have another c-section though, I'll be okay with it because it's not an EMCS.

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