VENT THREAD! Things you WISH you could say..

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Dear ex boyfriend,

We haven't dated in over four years....STOP STALKING ME. You've been harassing my family and friends trying to get information about me and OH for ages and I don't understand what the obsession is- its not MY fault that your entire family was horrible to me and I couldn't take it anymore so I ended it with you...and it REALLY isn't my fault you slept with that skank w/o protection and caught HIV, ok? LEAVE ME ALONE...LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE....LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE! They all think you're weird and I'm tired of hearing them complain about you asking about me.

One other thing...what makes you THINK that after what you said about my son I'd EVER want you anywhere NEAR me or my child EVER? I politely told you that it wouldn't be a good idea to be at my baby shower because new and old fiancee's/boyfriends don't you say, "Well, I hope that thing gets a club foot like the one you have." ASSHOLE! How DARE you even IMAGINE that I'd want anything to do with you! Its really sad that I've had to block you on my FB just so you'd stop super stalking my family's pages for posts that I've tagged them in so you can comment on them.

And shame on YOU- MOM- for re-friending him AFTER he said such a horrible thing! UGH!!

I feel better :blush:

I'm sure I'll be back with a new rant soon lol!
Dear Extended Family: I don't like you at all. You are all selfish pricks looking for a handout. No I will not be announcing the birth of my child because whether you know or not by getting a formal card in the mail is none of my concern. The reason behind this is because when I announced my wedding NO ONE, not one single person sent a card back congratulating me. Yeah, I wasn't actually inviting you to a wedding but rather informing you that I had been married in a private ceremony, but the way I see it is, I saved you plane tickets and the cost of a hotel and you probably wouldn't have come down for it anyway, so why couldn't you even send a form of congratulations? I didn't expect money, or gifts, but a card would have been nice. Especially from the aunt's and uncles. My parents sent your trashy children gifts when they announced their weddings, and never received a thank you card in response. When I got married you couldn't send me anything! So why should it be any different when I have my baby?!
To DH,

You've had it pretty easy this pregnancy. I've been the one dealing with the nausea, the tiredness, the sore belly, hips and back. Don't freakin' try and guilt me because I really want a certain type of ice cream and I'm upset that the ones you did bring home were not the type I wanted. I've only been talking about that specific flavor for three days. In fact, this is the first time I've had a craving this bad so, suck it up buttercup and get me the damn ice cream.
dear fob stop texting me at 2am drunk then the next day pretending you texted the wrong number also stop texting me completely you cannot even spell and im sick to death of trying to decipher what your saying grrr!!! also your 31 you should know the difference between our and are please stop saying are baby its driving me fucking crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear mil (again),
You have now made it clear 3 times that you intend to be our live in nanny after the baby is here. I think I've made it clear 3 times that won't be happening. Stop trying to push the issue. Also, telling a pregnant woman that you can identify the gender because she's gaining weight all over does nothing to help her self esteem. Should I comment on how you've gained weight too? At least I have a good reason! Oh, and never mind that I actually lost 11 lbs before putting 2 of them back on.
Dear friends,

YES - we're going to have 2 under 18 months if this one is healthy - YES - we know it's going to be hard - YES - we know it's easier to wait 2-3 years between kids - YES - we get it!

a "congratulations" would be sufficient instead of offering your shock and opinions on child spacing
Dear Ex Boyfriend,
I am so sorry you're gone. We may not have had the best relationship out there, but 3 years is a long time. I loved and cared about you, I wish you hadn't done what you had to me, and all of your other girlfriends, but I don't hold it against you anymore. When I heard what happened, my heart sank into my stomach. I'm so sorry for making excuses not to see you just last week when it would have been the last time I would have ever seen you. I was glad I atleast got to see you drive by creeping on me haha. Such a you thing to do. I wish I had just let you come over and say good-bye like you had wanted to before going back home.

Our last conversation was about us talking forever and always, and being friends. You said you'd see me next year when you come back to visit. Those were your last texts I have from you...just days before. Little did I know what was going to happen. I'm sorry I had said that HORRIBLE thing to my mom about you just hours after/before you had gone. I wish I was still close enough to your family to ask what the exact date was. In news reports its one day, but yesterday they said the day before. I am so unsure and I need to know the specific date - for myself.

The past two days have been the hardest thing I've ever had to do. My heart completely broke. All those pictures up there on the boards, some of which I took years looked great. I can't imagine how your family is feeling. I want to go see your mom, but I know it's not a good time. Yesterday, when they walked heart was crushed into a million pieces. The sound of hearing her cry, it was painful. You were her baby and she shouldn't have had to do that. Your family loved you more than anything in this entire world. I'm so sorry for your girlfriends loss, even if we weren't on the same page. Seeing her cry, made me cry.

I still have so many memories of you. I still have some pictures of us together, and some thing that you left in my room. I found your sock yesterday haha ... weird as it sounds. I'll be keeping it. You were my biggest protecter for so long, and I really do apprecaite it.

I hope it happened fast. I hope you weren't in any pain. I can't help but constantly think about how it happened, why it happened, and what was thought and felt. It makes my stomach sick to think about. Anyways, I'll remember you forever, love you for always, and care about you for an enternity. You had the best smile I've ever seen, your laugh was great and your bright blue eyes were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. We may not have been that close anymore, but I'm glad we started talking again after you moved away.

Thinking of you always,
P.S. I'm pregnant. I wish I had told you that before. I hope you know now, where you are, and I hope you'll always protect this little boy. Please watch over him.

To Ex's Family,
I am so unbelievably sorry for your loss and heartache. I can't fathom what you're going through, and how painful it must be for you. You were a great mother and he really loved you, even if he was a pain sometimes haha. You were a great brother to him, he really started to look up to you even if you hadn't gotten along in the past. We were talking about you only 2 weeks ago about how now that you had moved across the country together, and were living together, you were super close, like best friends, and he loved it. As for being his dad, I'm sure you tried, and he loved you. I feel for your loss.

Dear Family,
I feel like this is an appropriate time to tell you how thankful I am for you, and your support. Mom, You've been the best support of all. I don't know what I'd do without you. I am so sorry I hadn't told you about the baby before, but I'm glad it finally came out. I don't know how to express my apprecaition anymore than saying thank you. You've always been my biggest supporter so I don't know why I ever doubted it. You're one of the biggest people in this world I look up to, and you mean the absolute world to me. Thanks for always being there no matter WHAT. Sister, Thank you so much for your support. I know I couldn't feel as content with everything if I didn't have you here for me either. I'm once again, sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I knew you'd be disappointed in me. I know you love his baby boy already - so much. I love that the 3 of us, are going to have the worlds closest relationship to this baby. As for you dad, you shocked me with your support. I appreciate it more than I can say, and I definately wasn't expecting it at all. I miss having you in my life, and feeling like I'm actually wanted in your life. But that's ok. I hope you decide to have somewhat of a relationship with me when this baby comes, because I want him to know who his Grandpa is, and whatever your wife wants to be called. I'm sad you choose to go away over the winter.. you're not even going to see him until he's like 7 months old. But that's your choice.

Dear OH,
I love you. I can't express it enough. I appreciate everything you do and hope that we can make our plans come true. You mean the world to me and this baby. I love you I love you I love you.
Dear Sister: You have no children, and yes you may work in a field with children but you are not an expert. Stop telling me what I'm doing wrong in this pregnancy and stop stressing me out. Yes I know that my situation is complicated right now, but my DH is doing the best he can. He will be home as soon as his job offshore is finished. He calls me every night to check up on me, he buys me anything I need, he supports me as best he can while he is away. I know that as soon as he comes home, he will be a strong support system for me and our child. And yes I know I have not bought a single thing for the baby yet and I'm 24 weeks along but that's because I wanted to wait till I found out the gender before buying things so please stop saying I'm not prepared to have this baby.

Dear Mother,
You begged me to go to the ultrasound appointment and you were rude, and said things that really upset me so from now on you are not allowed to attend any other appointments. For the last time, stop bugging me about drinking milk. I am lactose intolerant so I get my calcium from other sources so stop yelling at me about milk. Also I am tired sometimes, why should I clean your house and water your plants when I'm the one on vacation visiting you! I should be relaxing, instead I'm being stressed out because you are yelling all the time at me for being "lazy". This stressful environment is why I want to have my baby in my own state, even though it's 2500 miles away from my family.
Dear Mom, I'm pregnant. Gaining weight is inevitable. Stop poking my belly and telling me I'm fat. Also, I know you believe my son is the miracle child, and I agree God did have a hand in his survival due to his extreme prematurity, but it's obvious to everyone he is the favourite grandchild because of it. And you've spoiled him rotten. My brother and his family are resentful of this and things are strained between all of us because of this attitude. It also didn't help matters that when I told you I was pregnant you hugged my son and said "it doesn't matter what else you have, no one will be better than him." And you certainly haven't been loving towards the baby, but have been so kind to say my dad has been anxious and praying this baby will be healthy.

DH - Thank you for being helpful in cleaning and cooking while I'm on bed rest. But yelling at our son for when he asks repeatedly to play with you or saying "you're nuts" when you say no shows you carry more of your step father in you than you care to admit. Our son is 4, not 14. Don't expect him to help fix your junk corvette and then yell at him when he acts 4. He's perfectly fine until you get home and then acts out as soon as you walk through the door. No, I don't agree that he's "a brazen little fuck." I think he just knows that nothing he does is good enough for you and so he acts just like you - obstinate and bitter. I hope you realize this before he hates you as much as you hate your stepdad. You are a good dad and he's a great kid when you give him what he wants - your love and attention.
This sounds remarkably like my husband!! My war cry is 'he is 3!!' we had tears yesterday coz my DS and his dad were drawing together and I knew it would end in tears coz hubby kept telling him what to draw then telling him off ciz he wasn't doing it or doing it wrong! I was like 'he is 3!!! Stop telling him what to draw and let him do it!' hubby was saying but he scribbling?! I was like 'so what!!! He is 3! He'll never learn on his own if you don't let him
I know! My DS couldn't give a fig about drawing and shuts down and won't try once the pressure is on to do something he just doesn't want to do. It doesn't help matters that when we talk about his development with his therapists at the hospital and how he really couldn't care about drawing "Mat Man" it was an automatic appointment with the psychology department to assess what's wrong with him.... NOTHING. HE'S 4!!! He rather build a race track and smash cars and run over play dough than sit quietly and colour. Just chaulk it up to he's a boy who knows what he likes to do.

As another rant: Dear Occupational Therapist. No, I do NOT want to spend the extra time and money to take our DS to the hospital so he can learn how to use scissors. He cuts up enough papers at home for me to have enough confetti for New Years 2013. Yes he has cerebral palsy, yes there are risks to his development, and I am very appreciative for all the support we have had since his birth and the leaps and bounds he has made. But his last assessment showed he was normal, healthy, and though he lacks strength in his left hand, he will adapt. The fact he rather not do something that requires two hands is not an intelligence thing, it's a laziness thing. He get's that from his Dad.
You sold your soul Diana Gabaldon. I hope Hollywood does as shitty of a job making Outlander into a TV series as they did with The Hunger Games.
Dear friend!

Pregnancy IS NOT a competition!!! Yes we ALL know you are expecting twins and wonderful news however, if I say 'I'm hot, this heat is killing me' I do not need to hear from you 'well think how I feel, I have 2!!' you may have 2 but I am 10 weeks ahead of you and approaching 30 weeks now in the third trimester! I am therefore hot and bothered! I'm not 'glowing' more smouldering at the minute!

Actually that rant can go to rest of work colleagues who whenever I have any kind complaint of hot, tired, indigestion etc I'm met with think how XXXX must be feeling carrying 2
so annoyed i need to vent so my youngest daughters dad lives about 2 hours away by train an as he can only afford to come and see her once a month even though he works full time and i am not working at the moment i offered to bring her up to see him so i took my three kids on a packed hot train to go up there the kids played up like mad and drove me nuts so by the time we got there i was exhausted and the kids were all ratty then he springs on me were going to his mums which was ok but while we were there and im melting from heat and the kids were moaning n tired at this point he springs on me that his dad and gf are coming which i didnt know about and no it was not ok ive never met them before an my kids dont take well to strangers especially my son who is mildly autistic and i was just not in the fucking mood for it i was so tired by then i just wanted to go home which i was dreading as it was another two hour journey with kids i stayed three hours and had spent a fortune by that point so i said we were gonna have to make a move an get the kids home then on the way home he starts texting me telling me im out of order and was rude to his mother by just leaving and she had spent alot of money on a bbq blah blah excuse the fuck out of me! but how dare he have a go at me his mother drives i dont yet has never once come to see her grandaughter its always me spendin money i dont have to go there so they can see her but im the out of order one for putting his mummy out and leaving before they wanted im heavily pregnant with 3 kids who were miserable from the heat and long journey i didnt have to go up there at all why couldnt he focus on the fact he got to spend some time with his daughter rather than worrying that i might have offended his precious mummy im never going up there again! he didnt even say thanks for bringing her the dick!!!!!
dear packers please stop trying to flat pack my handmade hard wood furniture. it may not be expensive here, but trust me it will be considered so back home and anyway I love it and I do not want to unpack my container to find it ruined and in bits!

dear baby: I know today has been exciting and a little stressful. You know I love you kicking me, but now everyone has gone and the house is quiet, can you just have a little sleep please, so that I can have time to relax a little and not be kicked constantly? thank you
Some of the ladies on BnB being completely outspoken and bitchy towards others.... Get a Grip. If you dont like certain opinions you dont have to react to them.. Get Fucked!
Hey WalMart health clinic,

If you're going to be closed for lunch maybe you should have a damn sign up on the door as to what your friggin' hours are! Swear to God, if I go in there and find out that you're NOT accepting patients after having to spend an hour walking around the store dealing with people who have no idea how to act in public, while waiting for you to open, I'm going to snap.
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