Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

CRC- hey! Im back in frigid Minneapolis! Holy moly its cold. When I left NY they were having an ice storm. Its madness everywhere.

Anywho, no, ive never temped. It scares me and I think i'd be more crazy if I did. Yes my cycle got longer but ovulation is not confirmed but suspected when I feel the pains. I am excited im going to go test in a second. I didnt at all in NY so have no clue if im fading in at all or not. Pray that the awesome baby making sex that we had while on vaca works!! How are you feeling/doing?
Hey ladies! Can we keep this thread on topic, pretty please! :flower:
CRC your temps need to stay elevated for at least three days in order to confirm ov. Try using - takes the guesswork out of it! x

Hi Magicw, thanks - I use Fertility Friend and have been charting for a while there, I'll keep trying the temperature thing. Today it was down again (but not as low as the first few days) so I'm still confused but I'll keep trying and charting! Thank you
CRC- hey! Im back in frigid Minneapolis! Holy moly its cold. When I left NY they were having an ice storm. Its madness everywhere.

Anywho, no, ive never temped. It scares me and I think i'd be more crazy if I did. Yes my cycle got longer but ovulation is not confirmed but suspected when I feel the pains. I am excited im going to go test in a second. I didnt at all in NY so have no clue if im fading in at all or not. Pray that the awesome baby making sex that we had while on vaca works!! How are you feeling/doing?

Hi nypage1981 and welcome back! How did the test go? What day are you on now? I also have never temped - I've put it off for over a year as it also scares me too but with two months of no positive ovulation test I thought I should try (plus we have a hospital visit in a few weeks and I know that's the first thing they ask you...). Today I'm feeling ovulation symptons (which I hadn't noticed for a few months!) so I'm hoping I'm back on track... today is day 15. I usually get a positive test on day 16 but I started testing a couple of days ago just to be sure I don't miss it. Nothing yet but will keep trying. Haven't even bothered starting to have sex yet which is probably a bit stupid of us but oh well...You and I are in the same situation I think - the B6 has lengthened our cycle which has hopefully lengthened our luteal phase, but we can't tell cause we haven't had a positive o test for a few months... I think its the vits just getting into our system. I have a good feeling for us this month! Keep me posted... x
Ok im confused as to what vit B is doing for me....or against me. What are the possible effects of it again? I need a reminder.

I am CD18 and tested OPK yesterday and was stark I cant rule out that I ovulated already but didnt feel it at all and I always do. SO, either im not ovulating....or ovulating way too late to make a baby now. Is this vit B??? Before the vitamins I was getting positive OPK around CD16-CD18 so im pretty annoyed...
CRC- ovulation pains are awesome...I love them. Well, you know what I mean. Least I know then. I havent had them this month...last month I did but it's past that time now. Who knows but im on like month 3 of B vits so dont get it.
Hi Nypage1981, that's great you got a positive OPK! Is that the first one you've had in a few months (since you started the vits?). Since you started the vits has your cycle got longer? What day do you usually get your period?

The B vits need to extend your luteal phase - the bit between ovulation and period - it doesn't matter if it does this by making you ovulate sooner (which if you google online is very uncommon) or lenthening your cycle. So probably, you will still ovulate when you did before you started taking it, but your period will come later than it used to - therefore the amount of days between O and P is more than before the B6.

I am no doctor or expert, I've just picked this up online and from my own experiences - I think you and I have the same thing going on, the B6 took a few months to get into our blood stream which isn't uncommon and we didn't O or didn't have O signs for a few months - but its made our cycles longer so it seems to be working, we hope.

I'm on day 16 so later today I'll do an OPK test but I definately feel very hormonal and have bad skin, pains and grumpy so I'm hoping this is good signs (although it feels more like PMT)!

I hope this helps?

Does anyone else in the forum have any tips/suggestions?

Thanks! x
Ok im confused as to what vit B is doing for me....or against me. What are the possible effects of it again? I need a reminder.

I am CD18 and tested OPK yesterday and was stark I cant rule out that I ovulated already but didnt feel it at all and I always do. SO, either im not ovulating....or ovulating way too late to make a baby now. Is this vit B??? Before the vitamins I was getting positive OPK around CD16-CD18 so im pretty annoyed...
CRC- ovulation pains are awesome...I love them. Well, you know what I mean. Least I know then. I havent had them this month...last month I did but it's past that time now. Who knows but im on like month 3 of B vits so dont get it.

Sorry I just re-read your post and realized you said you DIDN'T get a positive OPK test - did you change your brand? Maybe then if its been 3 months you perhaps do need to stop the vitamins. If you look online its quite unlikely it can make you not ovulate but who knows - after all we are all self-medicating on this post so it might be good to speak to a doctor or stop?
Lol- CRC- I was confused with your answer on the first post! I was like "ooooh, I had a positive OPK?!?:)" No, its not been positive. I guess I totally get the part of it lengthening my whole cycle....thats cool, but dosent that make chances of getting BFP just that much further apart? Seems like more torture!

I did change brands 2 cycles ago because I ordered more that werent the maybe? least last month they were dark and almost positive! This month nothing. So strange.
Heres my cycle break down. Lets compare.

before vits- 29 days.
CD16 ovulation (or at least dark lines, but i dont temp) and ovulation pains that day or day later.

since vits- 31/32 days
CD 16-17 got my darker line but not positive. Pains CD18.
So to me, it seems that my ovulation is later also....not sure because im just going off of the dark line on OPK but this last one wasnt truely positive.
Also, when i begain B vits, I had been on EPO for one cycle so honestly dont know which one to blame ya know? I am going to quit EPO the next cycle tho cuz just heard that baby aspirin with EPO can thin blood TOO much. Also, EPO hasnt really shown me that wonderful EWCM so I hope that its actually the EPO screwing with me. We shall see. Process of elimination should do it.

I am switching back to blue cross insurance so do not have it until FEB 1st so cant ask a doc anything yet....

I take it you havent done your OPK yet...For me, it is the middle of the night so its funny that you say later today. Must be mornin for you. Let me know what you come up with.
I have cramping today but doesnt really feel like the ovary ovulation pain but who knows any more!

Does vit B help anyone out with their AF pain and emotions? I read somewhere that it can and just wondering....
Hi nypage1981, I've just got home from work (I live in Amsterdam by the way so we are about 6/7 hours ahead of you) and done an O test and its negative again and now I'm totally stressing out that I've completely messed up my body with vit b6 and the herbs... this is the 3rd month in a row with no positive ovulation test. Today is day 16 and for the last year I've had a positive O test every month (apart from the last 3) on or before day 16 - so either its going to happen tomorrow or I've just messed myself up well and good and its making me really upset and anxious, which isn't good, especially if I am ovulating!

My story is similar to yours

Before B6:
Cycle length around 25/26 days, positive O test every month day 16 (so assume I ovulate day 17-18)

After B6:
Cycle length around 29-30 days - no positive O tests - but this month at least some symptons (last two months no symptons either)

I guess I'll hold out and test again tomorrow but I don't hold out much hope, I think I just should just stop all the vits - if they are stopping me ovulate then what's the point? Like you say - I don't just want a longer cycle, I need to ovulate too.

What kind of ovulation tests do you use? I really recommend the Clear Blue digital ones - they are the ones that show a smiley face if you are ovulating - they are more expensive but I've found them the best - the other ones I find too confusing, its not always clear to me if the line is dark or not! Which sounds a bit like what's been happening to you - or before the B6 was the line always very clear to you when it was positive?

We have a hospital appointment on Feb 4th to start having fertility tests as I'm 36 and we've been trying for 16 months so we need to find out what's going on - I'm a bit worried they might tell me off for self-diagnosing and taking the B6 and then the red rasbperry and agnus castus so I think perhaps I should stop before I go but I really don't know - I've read so many other positive stories but perhaps it is best to get the advice from a doctor, I don't know - I'm very confused!! x

Can anyone else help us? Has anyone else experienced no ovulating, or no positive tests after taking B6? Are we messing up our bodies or should we keep going?

Any advice welcome!!

I have a question that has been occupying my mind for long now. I usually have dry cycles. This means that I rarely see EWCM or other mucous. Does this mean that it will make it even harder for me to conceive? B6 vitamins never helped.

Does anyone experience this same think? Would really appreciate if you share your thoughts with me.

Thanks XXX

I have a question that has been occupying my mind for long now. I usually have dry cycles. This means that I rarely see EWCM or other mucous. Does this mean that it will make it even harder for me to conceive? B6 vitamins never helped.

Does anyone experience this same think? Would really appreciate if you share your thoughts with me.

Thanks XXX

Grapefruit juice worked for me :thumbup:
CRC - For me, on B6 my ov was 4 days earlier and I got the best +OPK i have seen in a long time.

I have read (can't remember where tho) that B6 stimulates progesterone but also inhibits estrogen. For a lot of us with low progesterone that is a good thing - but may be in your case you actually have low estrogen already and that's why you're seeing this effect? It's a total guess hun - no idea if it's right. :hugs:
hello ladies!!!

started taking 2 - B50 vits along with prenatals and baby aspirin in November after I stopped spotting from my m/c. that first month, AF came on schedule. dont think I Od between m/c and first official AF. this month however, I started taking Vitex and Red raspberry leaf tea along with the other vits and aspirin and I think it did something to my cycle b/c I Od really really late...

AF = Dec13
Od = Jan8
AF = Jan20 - should be here any minute now as I am having AF cramps..

I stopped taking Vitex or Red Raspberry tea and will not be taking it anymore and will just go back to just Vit B50, (1 pill as I think 2 was more than what I needed) as well as still taking my prenatals and the baby aspirin. Soooooooo from taking my temp, I found out that my LP is 12days.... YaY!!!! woohoo :happydance: :happydance: plenty of time for my bean to stick... :happydance:

wanted to share with you my story on B50 Complex vits.....


hi i have a lp defect and also o,late .when i was ttc my last baby itook ac and b50 complex and it moved my o, from cd23 to cd17 and it increased my lp from 9 days to aroun 11-12 days and i fell pregnant on the second month on them,im ttc again and im on my 2nd month again and 1st month i o, cd 15 instead of cd26 and my lp was 9 instead of 8 days and this month ive o, cd17 and im 5dpo at the moment , but it has really helped me in the past,ive upped it to 100mg bcomplex this month to try and lengthen my lp a bit more i will keep you updated on it if anyones
Heyllo CRC- That so sucks about our OPKS. I surely know how you are feeling. I use the IC's and have used pink and green. The pink ones always had 2 lines, but I could clearly tell the positive ones. These green ones are stark stark white and last month i had 2 dark lines for 2 days but other days they are stark. So they are easy to read but easy to miss also. I know this isnt the maca thread, but im thinking of keeping vit B next month and starting maca. I am wondering if my EPO didnt do all this? I will try quitting that first cuz I started it first. This should be interesting because if the vit B is lengthening my cycle, MACA is supposed to shorten the cycle. Lol. I could be a walking contradiction soon we shall see. Least i'll be horny all the time. Haha. sorry, too far!

Are those clear blues very sensitive or not? And how often a day are you testing? I do know that its easy to miss the surge for women with a shorter surge. Which i've heard to be common on vitamin B. that they are short, strong surges so can be missed. IDK. I hope thats the case.

Also- as for going to the docs. I'd keep the vit B and actually ask them about it. Tell them you originally started them because they boasted to help with PMS symptoms and give energy and lessen stress. but ask if they are messing things up. And then let me know. Lol. Im 29 but OH is 34 so im getting scared but not interested in medical intervention yet. Sigh.
Wow, great success stories ladies. Makes me think i should stick with it...but like magic says....we may actually be estrogen defficient instead...what would be the signs of that? anyone?

I was just thinking progesterone difficient because my last MC over a year ago I saw the sac and the corpus luteum on US but my corpus Luteum began to dissolve itself way too early and thats usually low progesterone. My doc didnt test though or seem concerned so this is all self diagnosing.
Oh and Isabel- (posting as I read here)- I also have EWCM problems. I never get it. I tried EPO for a few months but may quit that cuz see nothing helping. Ive tried green tea and grapefruit juice but to no avail. Maybe try preseed if nothing helps for you. Good luck.
hi i have a lp defect and also o,late .when i was ttc my last baby itook ac and b50 complex and it moved my o, from cd23 to cd17 and it increased my lp from 9 days to aroun 11-12 days and i fell pregnant on the second month on them,im ttc again and im on my 2nd month again and 1st month i o, cd 15 instead of cd26 and my lp was 9 instead of 8 days and this month ive o, cd17 and im 5dpo at the moment , but it has really helped me in the past,ive upped it to 100mg bcomplex this month to try and lengthen my lp a bit more i will keep you updated on it if anyones

:hi: quail:
what days during your cycle did you take AC/Vitex? and how much did you take? I took this herb b/c I heard success stories but I think it gave me the opposite effect and made me O much later but hey Im willing to give it another try... LOL
hi i have a lp defect and also o,late .when i was ttc my last baby itook ac and b50 complex and it moved my o, from cd23 to cd17 and it increased my lp from 9 days to aroun 11-12 days and i fell pregnant on the second month on them,im ttc again and im on my 2nd month again and 1st month i o, cd 15 instead of cd26 and my lp was 9 instead of 8 days and this month ive o, cd17 and im 5dpo at the moment , but it has really helped me in the past,ive upped it to 100mg bcomplex this month to try and lengthen my lp a bit more i will keep you updated on it if anyones

:hi: quail:
what days during your cycle did you take AC/Vitex? and how much did you take? I took this herb b/c I heard success stories but I think it gave me the opposite effect and made me O much later but hey Im willing to give it another try... LOL

:hi: i take ac up until o,and i take 2 tablets i think they are 500mg but i will check 2moz for you,its really helped move my o, forward and it supposed to be really good for regulating your cycle.xx

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