Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

I got my Vitamin B-6 yesterday finally! yay! But I grabbed one without reading this thread first and I got a 100 MG B-6 and a B-Complex that has pretty small amounts. I think it had 2MG of B-6. My Prenatal only has about 2MG of B-6 also. But then now I'm getting over 100 MG of B-6. Is that okay?

Also, my B-Complex has 400 mcg of folic acid, but I'm already taking 800 mcg of folic acid in my prental. Will 1200mcg of folic acid be way too much?

I've heard talk of "side effects" of too much B-6 and cutting back, what are those side effects?

My cycles have been messed up from the Mirena IUD I had in and had removed in September. My O day used to be around day 15 with about a 12-13 day leutal phase. But now I've been O'ing around day 22 with a 10 day leutal phase. :(

I've been drinking Raspberry Leaf tea for the last couple weeks also. I started the B-6 today...should I expect to see some sort of change with this cycle I'm on already? I'm on CD 8 today.


I'm a former Mirena user too... fyi! :) Couldn't really find proof that mirena messed anything up for me though, just figure it must have masked some changes that would have happened anyway. :shrug:

I asked my pharmacist the question about taking B-6 100mg(mcg?) plus the 2 in my prenatal vit.... she laughed at me and said it would be fine (I can't imagine than another 2 from your B-complex would suddenly change it from laughable to dangerous... just my opinion though). I believe some of the issues with too much B6 can be vision problems and headaches? Maybe someone else can speak up to that... a few months ago we had someone react strongly to a mild amount of B-6 and stopping the vitamins made the issues go away.

As for the folic acid... they say not to take more than 1000mcg without a doctor's ok. But many women DO take 2000mcg under a doctor's directions. I don't know that there is much risk to going over the recommendation by 200mcg, but just be aware of what the official recommendations are.
B vits are supposed to mainly excrete the extras in your pee (be prepared... its neon yellow! :rofl:) so most people don't worry too much about large doses.

Thanks for all the info! I'm convinced its from the Mirena. I've had the Mirena twice now, and both times it royally messed up my cycle for a few months. The first time I had the Mirena, I finally got PG on the 4th cycle but then m/c'ed and then got PG immediately on cycle after that.
I have a pretty good cycle history over the past few years, and when I'm not following the Mirena removal I generally O around CD 15 or 16 and the have about a 12-13 (or in some cases 14) day leutal phase.
But after Mirena it's always a late ovulation followed by a short leutal phase. :(
Hello CRC-

Thanks for the response! No offense, but its nice to hear a similar story, although im sure you do not want it happening to you! Well, to top off the weirdness, my period came, week late and was HEAVY which im used to spotting being my entire period. So, either yay! Cuz it cleaned out nicely, or Boo! Cuz its messing me up. Who knows but I dont give up easily so I am continuing the vit B and EPO this month to see what happens now and if its screwy with no positive OPKS and late period again, im done with them. I dont need a longer cycle thats not my intention! I may try Maca root, sounds interesting and may regulate things....keep me updated CRC. What cycle day are you now? I have not been testing yet im only CD 10 now since AF was so late.

Hi Nypage1981, I am currently on day 8 in the cycle so we are quite close - I'm not going to test until around day 12 at the earliest otherwise its just a waste of money on the sticks I think. I'll let you know how I get on but I feel the same as you - so far all the vits and herbs have done is lengthen my cycle and apparently make me not ovulate so I agree with you - I'm not quite ready to give up but this will be my final month if I don't get a positive OPK again. Have you tried Red Rasbperry Leaf or Agnus Castus (Vitex) they are both meant to help (not heard of Maca Root?) - I'm taking all of them! We have also been referred by our GP to the hospital so we have our first appointment in a few weeks. Anyway keep me posted - its good to compare notes. Good luck x
Hi ,everyone i took ac and b50-complex 1and a half years ago to conceive my baby and it only took me 2 months on the vits it also increased my lp from 9days to 11-12 days im on them again now on the second month again ttc baby no,11.xx
CRC- I have not tried AC or vitex yet.....I am just b complex, EPO, baby aspirin, and a prenatal each day. And green tea. Nothing seems to be doing much though. My body is stubborn or something because Ive noticed no good changes due to all of that....Maca is natural and supposed to help balance out hormones without putting anything un natural in. I am thinking of doing that now instead of the b vitamins because these seem to just be worthless and I think they give me headache. I blamed EPO at first but now realize it makes more sense to be the vitamins. sucks that they didnt work for me!
nypage - are you taking B6 as well as B complex? I took B complex and saw no effect, but B6 has worked like magic, with only a 50mg dose as well. xxx
hi nypage,
you sound like me, the only difference is that I took vitex instead of EPO. I get enough EWCM during O that I don't need EPO. and I also drank a tea but it was Red Raspberry Tea. I had mc in Oct and once i stopped spotting I started taking my prenatals, 2 vit b 50 complex a day, and baby aspirin. my first cycle after mc was clockwork, right on time, :thumbup: but this cycle (2nd), I started the vitex and tea and have not gotten AF yet. Tested twice and both were :bfn:. I was also charting my temps but stopped on Jan 2 bcuz it was stressing me out but started up again yesterday. the hpt tests are right. according to my temps, I am not PG. I just think it was the vitex that messed up my cycle but not really sure so don't quote me. I've also read on one of these threads that vitex can help bring AF so I may start it again and then stop when she arrives.. I would also like to try something new but not sure what...I was actually thinking of Soy.
No i didnt know to do a separate b6.....the complex has 50 of b6 in it as this not enough?
Lisa- does your vit b complex have folic acid and C in it? I wanted to take higher dose but cant take 2 of mine cuz it has those things in it and cant find one that doesnt have c and folic acid. I had a MC in october of 09 so over a year ago and no positive HPT since:( Funny that you live in NY cuz im coming there from MN this weekend. Following my OH there while he works because he would be gone over my supposed fertile time and didnt want to miss it. How lame is that. lol.
Lisa- does your vit b complex have folic acid and C in it? I wanted to take higher dose but cant take 2 of mine cuz it has those things in it and cant find one that doesnt have c and folic acid. I had a MC in october of 09 so over a year ago and no positive HPT since:( Funny that you live in NY cuz im coming there from MN this weekend. Following my OH there while he works because he would be gone over my supposed fertile time and didnt want to miss it. How lame is that. lol.

so sorry about your loss. oh how nice, we're not expecting snow this weekend so you should be good. :thumbup: I think we've had enough snow for the rest of the winter LOL :winkwink: and no you're not lame... :hugs:
yes, my vit b has all the bvits. I was taking 2 pills a day but this cycle I am only taking 1, so Im only taking prenatals, baby aspirin, and bvit 50 complex. do you chart your temps?
No i didnt know to do a separate b6.....the complex has 50 of b6 in it as this not enough?

Ah, I guess they are all different. My complex only has 4mg of B6 in it, so I take B6 as well separately. x
Magic yes they are all different. Mine is 50 mg of all the b vits so I wouldnt think i'd need extra b6. altho i may have to take 100 mg to make it work for me since this isnt doing anything.....
Lisa- I do not chart. Seems liek something that wouldnt work for me because I dont have a normal work, life, or sleep schedule so its about all i can muster to even to the OPKs! I wish I could temp though because as of now, I dont have any real proof that I even am ovulating....I do have the ovulation pains most months so hope that is indicative enough?...I was thinking of soy also but am afraid to take that with all that im on now.....Maca is a natural thing so im thinking of trying that one. It regulates hormones without adding any and it is supposed to help with EWCM, sex drive, progesterone and estrogen balance, regulate after birth control or MC, and help with the craziness of PMS also. Seems perfect!
Nypage - I'm curious what the different amounts are in your B complex then - do you have the break down? My complex are 50mg but with only 4mg of B, so the others are in larger quantities. If you have a 50mg pill then how much of that is actually B6? I need to translate the packet to see what the others are in mine - will do that tomorrow as it's getting late here! x
Maca, really? have to look into that one then isntead of Soy... can I find this at like a Vitamin Shoppe or a GNC store?
I think so lisa- just went to walgreens and didnt have it. They did have Horny Goat Weed with maca lol. I did not get that.

Magic-i do have a break down. They are balanced b complex with:
500 mg C
50 mg thiamin(B1)
50 mg riboflavin(B2)
50 mg Niacin
50 mg B6
50 mg b12
50 mg biotin
50 mg pantothetic acid
and 400 mg folate.
They stink and taste horrible but i've survived. Without the folate and vit C in them i'd be able to take 2 a day to up my dose to 100 but cant with these ones and cannot seem to find a better one. Walgreens didnt even have any complex without those two its frustrating!
hahaha thats so funny!!! :haha:

thx! will try one of those stores then, theres a bunch of those in the city. lol
CRC- I have not tried AC or vitex yet.....I am just b complex, EPO, baby aspirin, and a prenatal each day. And green tea. Nothing seems to be doing much though. My body is stubborn or something because Ive noticed no good changes due to all of that....Maca is natural and supposed to help balance out hormones without putting anything un natural in. I am thinking of doing that now instead of the b vitamins because these seem to just be worthless and I think they give me headache. I blamed EPO at first but now realize it makes more sense to be the vitamins. sucks that they didnt work for me!

Hi Nypage1981, have a good time in NYC! I used to live there years ago. The Agnus Castus/Vitex are the same thing, that and Red Rasbperry are all natural herbs - you can get them from any health food shop - they are not vitamins like B6 and should not have any side affects. Lots of other girls on this thread are taking them for luteal phase defects. I'm trying them as well although so far all I've had is the same thing as you - a longer cycle and no positive OPK's for a few months so I'm not a good advertisement for them but if you are looking to try something else you might want to do them, instead of upping your B6. I've spoken to quite a few women that got pregnant after taking Agnus Castus - apparently its been used for helping fertility for years. Anyway just some suggestions. Let me know if you manage to get a positive OPK this month and I'll update you too next week! Good luck x ps: the headaches could just be the stress of it all...
I think so lisa- just went to walgreens and didnt have it. They did have Horny Goat Weed with maca lol. I did not get that.

Magic-i do have a break down. They are balanced b complex with:
500 mg C
50 mg thiamin(B1)
50 mg riboflavin(B2)
50 mg Niacin
50 mg B6
50 mg b12
50 mg biotin
50 mg pantothetic acid
and 400 mg folate.
They stink and taste horrible but i've survived. Without the folate and vit C in them i'd be able to take 2 a day to up my dose to 100 but cant with these ones and cannot seem to find a better one. Walgreens didnt even have any complex without those two its frustrating!

OMG that's tonnes compared to mine!! My B complex is:

Thiamin 5mg
Riboflavin 1mg
B6 4mg
Niacin 50mg

and that's all! lol!

Plus I take 50mg B6 on its own. It has reduced my 4-5 days of spotting to almost zero and I got an extra day on my LP (12 last month). My pills are tiny and not very smelly and don't alter my wee. xxx
I spoke to my gynae by email today and she said that she is thinking that my problem is not only with the low progesterone. She thinks there is something wrong with my egg. I m making an appointment to speak about this because she really put me down and I absolutely feel depressed.

My gynae is not happy with me having a dry cycle. She said that it is important to have an amount of cervical mucus so the sperm can live in it and makes it easier to conceive. She wants both my estrogen and progesterone to get higher because having these two hormones low means that I am not ovulating well.

I don’t know what to do now. I absolutely feel that I am going out of my mind. I was feeling ok but now I feel soooooooo depressed. My gynae doesn’t want me to think about TTC but how can I do that? Its impossible not to think…. Everytime I approach ovulation, I make sure that I BD with my hubby so I don’t loose the chance.. everytime my AF is due, I make a pregnancy test to see it I got the egg….

But nothing is happening. Is anyone going through the same situation and wants to share emotions with me? I absolutely feel lonely and a failure. I don’t know what to do to help myself. I cant find the energy to exercise. All I want to do is sleep…

BTW, yesterday I noticed some bleeding in my mouth. I am 1 day past ovulation. Could this be a sign of something?

Please help me ladies. I know you can support me! Sorry for being too long!!!

Baby dust to all of you XXX
I spoke to my gynae by email today and she said that she is thinking that my problem is not only with the low progesterone. She thinks there is something wrong with my egg. I m making an appointment to speak about this because she really put me down and I absolutely feel depressed.

My gynae is not happy with me having a dry cycle. She said that it is important to have an amount of cervical mucus so the sperm can live in it and makes it easier to conceive. She wants both my estrogen and progesterone to get higher because having these two hormones low means that I am not ovulating well.

I don’t know what to do now. I absolutely feel that I am going out of my mind. I was feeling ok but now I feel soooooooo depressed. My gynae doesn’t want me to think about TTC but how can I do that? Its impossible not to think…. Everytime I approach ovulation, I make sure that I BD with my hubby so I don’t loose the chance.. everytime my AF is due, I make a pregnancy test to see it I got the egg….

But nothing is happening. Is anyone going through the same situation and wants to share emotions with me? I absolutely feel lonely and a failure. I don’t know what to do to help myself. I cant find the energy to exercise. All I want to do is sleep…

BTW, yesterday I noticed some bleeding in my mouth. I am 1 day past ovulation. Could this be a sign of something?

Please help me ladies. I know you can support me! Sorry for being too long!!!

Baby dust to all of you XXX

Oh hun, I think we all have those feelings sometimes. When I was first told I might not be ovulating I felt like such a failure.
The thing is, clomid is a very cheap easy option to try and give you a stronger ovulation (bigger eggs, better luteal phase too). It is known to dry out CM in some women, but I think it would be worth a shot.

I needed clomid to help me get pregnant, and am so grateful for it. It also fixed my low progesterone once I got to the right dose.
I'm here if you have any questions about it.
And yes, its impossible to not think about TTC, but you do have to find a way to relieve the stress of it (acupuncture was my savior for stress).
CRC- did you have positive OPKs before starting the vitex and raspberry tea? Are you also on b vits?

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